
The Foreigner/ Starstruck


Kai felt all his tiredness dissipate with those words, her whispered "Yes" against his chest reverberating on his mind. Did she really say yes? He broke the hug to look her in the eyes, and what he saw was such unguarded happiness and affection. He realized it then—it was really happening. He slipped his hands on her waist and lifted her off the ground, hugging her as he turned them around and around, laughing hysterically.

"You said yes. You said yes!" Kai shouted, setting her on the ground but keeping his arms around her. He continued laughing, feeling her warmth envelop and complete him. He smiled onto her hair, taking in her scent, memorizing every detail of the hug and how wonderful it felt.

"Yeah, I did, you cute dummy," she laughed at him.

They stayed in each other's embrace for a while, an intertwining of limbs that conveyed unbridled longing, happiness, and bliss.

"I really, really missed you, Clumsy. I didn't know whether you were gonna say yes or no... but the waiting was worth it," he mumbled, tightening his hold on her.

She broke the hug, her hands remaining on his waist as she looked up to examine his beautiful warm eyes, his cutely shaped nose, his chiseled jaw. Her eyes unconsciously roamed their way to his lips and stayed there. Kai felt his heart start racing, suddenly acutely aware of how close they were. Her breath tickled his chin as she continued to stare at the same spot where his lips were.

He gulped, suddenly nervous at their proximity. Before he knew what he was doing, he was already leaning in, eyes on her lips, wanting to feel them on his. He was closing in, two inches, one inch, just a few centimeters as her eyes fluttered close—

“Oh my goodness, get a room, guys!” D.O and Xiumin suddenly popped out of nowhere, ruining the moment.

“How about you guys return to your rooms,” Kai growled as Clarissa jumped back to put some distance between them. His hyungs always managed to come in at just the right time.

Xiumin threw up his hands in surrender, laughing. “Sorry, bro. We just wanted to talk to sister-in-law for a bit.”

Clarissa, still blushing, turned to them and waved, suddenly shy. “Hi there, Minseok, Kyungsoo. How did you guys know I was here?”

“Jongin here was suddenly really awake, making some lame excuse about needing fresh air downstairs. He usually just passes out the moment we walk into the dorms, you know? So we knew it could only mean one thing—sister-in-law’s here to see him back,” D.O shrugged his shoulders.

Clarissa laughed, imagining Kai doing exactly that. Kai threw his best friend a glare.

“Anyway, we didn’t mean to our little bro here, although that was pretty fun.” Xiumin choked back his laughter as Kai threw him daggers with his eyes. “We wanted to talk to you, Clarissa. What I’m trying to say is, we’re really sorry about the last time.” Xiumin rubbed the back of his neck. “I didn’t know what else we could have done to detract their attention from you, so we had to do that.”

“Yeah,” D.O put in. “We really liked you from the beginning, and we didn’t want to involve you in a scandal of any sort, so… please forgive us?” His eyes turned into adorably round saucers, sincerity in them.

Clarissa smiled, grateful to have these people surrounding Kai. “Of course, I forgive you guys. I don’t know what could’ve happened if you guys weren’t there.”

“Great! So now that that’s taken care of, are you guys official now?” D.O’s eyes instantly turned mischievous.

“Um…” Clarissa started blushing again.

Kai took over. “Thank you for apologizing, both of you, but I really want to be alone with my girlfriend now.”

Clarissa blushed an even deeper shade of red as Xiumin and D.O started whooping loudly, teasing their little brother for finally getting a girl.

Kai pushed his laughing hyungs to the door, trying his best to not smack them upside the head. They are such pains in the . He sighed in relief as the two members entered the elevator. They sat down on the steps as Kai slowly swayed from side to side, bumping her shoulders playfully. He noticed Clarissa fanning herself, blowing her cheeks up then deflating them over and over. He couldn’t help but laugh as he watched her.

“You okay, there? They’re just really immature sometimes,” Kai said apologetically, still swaying.

Clarissa shook her head. “I’m okay,” she laughed nervously. “I’m just not used to anyone calling me their girlfriend—it’s been a while.”

Kai smiled. “I see. So my girlfriend really likes being identified as my girlfriend, huh, Girlfriend?”

Clarissa giggled. “Stop it! And don’t call me that. It sounds weird.” She continued giggling.

“What should I call you, then? Honey? My love? Sweetie?” Kai stopped swaying to look at her. He used to think it was cheesy, but he was suddenly doing the same exact cheesy things.

“Don’t. Those are overused,” Clarissa laughed, her heart about to burst from happiness. “I really like ‘Clumsy.’ It’s a name only you call me.”

“You’re right, huh?” Kai smiled. “I guess we’ll stick with Clumsy, then.”

“What do I call you, then, Mr. Kim Jongin?” Clarissa turned so she was fully facing him.

“Hm… you didn’t like ‘The Dancer,’ huh?” Kai teased.

“Nope. It just reminds me how clumsy I am.”

“But that’s what makes you you, Clumsy,” Kai laughed. “And I really, really like you.”

Clarissa felt her cheeks burning again. “You’re so cheesy.” She hit him playfully in the arm.

“Just for you,” Kai winked at her. He loved seeing her blush.

She giggled, her face radiating with joy. “Stop it.”

Kai watched her, a smile plastered to his face. “Alright. Wait,” he looked at her again. “That cardigan looks really good on you.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

Clarissa looked down on what she was wearing. “Oh! I completely forgot! I wanted to give it back to you.” She started removing the cardigan.

Kai held her hand in place. “No! Keep it. It’s getting cold.” There was genuine concern in his face. “Besides, I want it to remind you of me. It’ll hug you in the times I couldn’t,” Kai smirked.

“Oh my goodness, Jongin, I swear. You need to stop,” Clarissa couldn’t stop giggling.

They continued their banter, giggling and blushing, the time passing them by. Eventually, Kai looked at the time.

“I think you need to be getting home. It’s almost midnight,” Kai said. “You must have been really tired from work.”

Clarissa knew he was right. “Alright.” She stood up, and Kai followed suit. She hailed a cab before giving Kai a lingering hug. “I’ll see you soon, okay?” She wanted to stay that way, hugging him, feeling his warmth, feeling his strong arms around her, but she let go.

Kai was suddenly shy. He waved awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Clarissa laughed at his hesitation. Sometimes she forgot that this was his first relationship.

Standing on her tiptoes, she gently pressed her lips against his, feeling herself electrified by the contact. “Dream of me, okay?” She whispered before slipping into the cab and driving away.


SOOOOOOOOO cheesy..... hahaha

Okay. I need help, guys! Notice how I not so subtly avoided the topic of what Reese should call Jongin? Yeah... it's because I can't think of a freaking nickname for him. Please help me come up with a name. hahaha I can't even make a poll for it because I am seriously drawing a blank as to what the nickname could be. Show me how awesome you guys really are. Let your creative juices flow (mine's stuck in a sewer right now...) Thank you, my lovies :D

Oh, btw, I know it's a bit late now, since we're already on the honeymoon stage of their relationship, but this song reminded me of Kai's situation before he confessed. Take a listen. I hope you like it as much as I do. :D

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Can y'all answer the poll on Chapter 13, please? Thank you thank you!


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Chapter 10: aiiyah~ so cute
silentreader22 #2
Chapter 31: i'll definitely miss reading ths one. I love this
silentreader22 #3
Chapter 20: Ohh yes author-nim, I have to agree with you XD aren't there any boys like this for sale anywhere??? Gosh they're so sweet, I'm getting cavities ahahhahha
silentreader22 #4
Chapter 19: OH GOSH KILL ME >.< my stomach is threatening to kill me if I don't feed it but I'm still here giggling like a mad woman in front of my pc XD Kai!! Why are you so freaking sweet and adorable!!
silentreader22 #5
Chapter 15: I can hardly contain my fangirl squeals~~!!! ahahahha. Too much sweetness!!
Mary_EXOtic #6
Chapter 31: Wait... it's over? the fanfic is over?! OMG i loved it so much and i don't want it to end like this
hunhanisreal_ot12 #7
Chapter 31: I. Just. Finished. Reading. It. Huhuhu loved the ending so much so fluffy and all <3 <3 it made e realize sooooo many things about having a relationship and having an idol as a boyfriend. If i could just type non stop, i would've typed "i loved this story <3" nore than a billion times :) i hope you can do a master piece like this again. Till next story?? Lol :D
p.S sorry if i just finished this today. I just didn't know that this was finished already..... :( lol
hunhanisreal_ot12 #8
Chapter 29: Omg this chapter.... THIS IS LOVE <3 <3 <3
Chapter 31: Aw, you lied authornim!! I did LOVE your ending!!! I told you!!! Haha you scared me when you said I might not like the ending. >.<
Chapter 31: i finished this today morning and really it's been a while since i've read such a well-written, creative, and cute story!
thank you for making it realistic! the flow of the events was great and the characters struggle was shown in great language. i loved the way you described everything and made the secondary characters get into the story without ruining it.
i actually felt every moment! i giggled and blushed at the funny moments and i couldn't help but scream at the characters as if i were living it in reality!
i'll be anticipating more from you!
thank you for writing this <3