The Competition

The Foreigner/ Starstruck


Clarissa could only stare at her closet, wondering what she should actually wear to the hangout/date. Hold on. What is it exactly? Is it a hangout? Is it a date? Is it none of the above?  Clarissa thought about it. He's a guy. I'm a girl. We're going together. So that means it's a date. She stopped going through her clothes and sat down on her bed. But he said there'd be other people tagging along. So that's purely a hangout between friends.

Clarissa stood up again. "Why are you overthinking it? So what if he asked you out? He's probably bored so he asked."

Who was she kidding? Hangout or not, this is a big deal. When was the last time she went on a date of any sort? That stupid jerk of an ex-boyfriend took so much from her. I don't even know how to have fun anymore.

She jumped when she saw the time. "Crap. It's two and I haven't even showered!" She quickly grabbed a pair of denim shorts, gray Chucks, and a loose white top. This will have to do. (A/N: Just imagine gray Converse sneakers. I do not own this picture lol) She was out of the shower in record time, quickly blow-drying her hair before giving up. It’ll just have to air dry.

Clarissa was berating herself as she ran to the bus stop. She wasn’t all that familiar with the transit system yet, and even though she double-checked the route yesterday, she still wasn’t too sure. Clarissa, I swear, I don’t even know why you said no to getting picked up! You don’t even know how to get there. But even as she thought about it, she got into the bus just fine. She sat down on the back row, thinking of why she said no: it’ll seem like a real date, then.

“문자왔숑~!” She snapped herself out of her thoughts.

[2:45pm]: Hey, tell me when you get there, okay? ^^

Clarissa smiled. Jongin was thoughtful in ways she couldn’t even have imagined.

[2:46pm]: I will. :D

She put away her own phone, looking out at the city. I wouldn’t mind living here.


Background Music (A/N: I'm just trying this out. Tell me how you like these new touches)

[3:10pm]: Okay, I’ve been trying to look for the coffee shop for a while now, but I don’t know where it is.

Almost instantly, she heard her phone ring.

“So where exactly are you?” She heard his voice, teasing and playful.

“Uh, I’m outside an Italian restaurant right now.”

“Okay. You’re close. What direction are you facing? Never mind. Just walk in the direction where you see that 떡볶이(Ddeokbokki) stand, then turn left on that tiny alley. It’s going to lead to the coffee shop.”

“Alright.” Clarissa made a 180 turn with her phone still on her ear, remembering the stand.

“How long have you been looking? Sorry, the place is a bit difficult to find,” Kai suddenly said on the phone.

“Oh. You’re still there,” Clarissa chuckled. “Hm. About ten minutes?”

“I see.” Why does it feel like his voice was getting closer, for some reason? Clarissa creased her brow but kept walking. “You look pretty today.”

“What?” Clarissa felt her face heat up instantly, turning her head in different directions. Turning around, she saw a lanky guy waving his hand in tiny side to side motions. He was wearing a baseball hat that covered his eyes, looking for all intents and purposes like a normal denizen.

“You heard me,” he chuckled on his phone, walking closer and closer to her as she stayed rooted to her spot. She took that back. He shone with confidence; he looked y, yes, y, wearing a simple shirt and skinny jeans. He wasn’t normal. Not at all. Clarissa felt her face grow even hotter, seeing that smirk on his lips.

For a few seconds, they only looked at each other, phones still on their ears, a few feet apart. Is he blushing? How can he turn from y to cute in the span of three seconds?

Clarissa couldn’t help the fangirling even if she wanted to. She’s come to know Jongin through their frequent text messaging, but all she sees when he’s in front of her was Kai, the lady killer.

She started enumerating the things she loved (as a fangirl) about him: his y lips, his button nose, his warm chocolaty eyes, his soft-looking hair—hold on. What the freak happened to his hair? Before Clarissa could stop her hands, she reached out to shift his hat. A shock of blonde hair made its way out, and immediately, all thoughts of his iness was out the window.

“What happened to you?” Clarissa gaped at him.

“Um…what do you mean?” Kai was confused.

“You’re... you’re blonde,” Clarissa was dismayed. How can they be so thoughtless, changing his hair like that?

“Oh. This.” Kai chuckled as he removed his cap, ruffled his hair, and put it on again. “Aren’t you a fangirl? There are tons of pictures of me online. You should’ve seen one by now.” Kai was back to being playful, all traces of the cute blush gone.

When they started texting each other regularly, Clarissa stopped stalking him online. She tried to do as she’s always done but couldn’t keep going. It felt somehow wrong now that she knew him personally.

“My life doesn’t revolve around you, Mister,” was all Clarissa said, just as cheeky as he was.

Kai pouted, “I thought it did.”

“Stop being a kid. Come on,” Clarissa laughed, bumping him on the side as they started walking side by side. “I thought you had company?”

“Oh, yeah! Totally forgot about them. They’re actually waiting in the coffee shop.”

Clarissa laughed again. “Mind telling me who they are? They’re the members, huh?”

“It was supposed to be a surprise,” Kai pretended to sulk.

“Oh my gosh, Jongin! You are seriously the best! It isn’t even my birthday!” Clarissa was smiling from ear to ear at the thought of the members.

Kai wasn’t pretending anymore. He was the date. “Why are you so happy all of a sudden?”

Clarissa didn’t seem to hear him. “If I’d known I would’ve actually fixed my hair! I probably look like a mess!”

“What do you care what they think?! I already said you were pretty,” Kai didn’t like where this was going.

“But they’re Exo. I’m hanging out with Exo!” Clarissa was in complete fangirl mode, stuck in her own planet.

“But I’m part of Exo. Why aren’t you fangirling over me?”

They were about to go into the coffee shop when Clarissa grabbed his arm. “Hold on. How’s my hair?”

“It’s fine. Let’s just go,” Kai was turning sour. Why does she have to be a fangirl? Now the competition is with eleven other guys. He opened the door to see his hyungs waving at them. I hate them so much right now.


Poll time! I want feedback~

Hi, my lovelies~ As promised, here's the update! Don't be weirded out if you see that this is still Chapter 13. I just truncated two of the chapters into one. I'm sorry if you guys were expecting the date to happen on this chapter. I can't help myself! As you guys have probably noticed, my fics are very dialogue-driven, so it drags along more than I want it to. Argghhh *pulls at hair in frustration.*

But now that that's out of the way, OMG the drama MV~~~~~~~~~ <3 Seriously, I have no words. Luhan just wrecked my bias list. Omg lol but I cannot be the only one thinking those flips were unnecessary when a mob's chasing after him, no? Lol I just want him to run, devil, run! /Spazzing Over. 

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Can y'all answer the poll on Chapter 13, please? Thank you thank you!


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Chapter 10: aiiyah~ so cute
silentreader22 #2
Chapter 31: i'll definitely miss reading ths one. I love this
silentreader22 #3
Chapter 20: Ohh yes author-nim, I have to agree with you XD aren't there any boys like this for sale anywhere??? Gosh they're so sweet, I'm getting cavities ahahhahha
silentreader22 #4
Chapter 19: OH GOSH KILL ME >.< my stomach is threatening to kill me if I don't feed it but I'm still here giggling like a mad woman in front of my pc XD Kai!! Why are you so freaking sweet and adorable!!
silentreader22 #5
Chapter 15: I can hardly contain my fangirl squeals~~!!! ahahahha. Too much sweetness!!
Mary_EXOtic #6
Chapter 31: Wait... it's over? the fanfic is over?! OMG i loved it so much and i don't want it to end like this
hunhanisreal_ot12 #7
Chapter 31: I. Just. Finished. Reading. It. Huhuhu loved the ending so much so fluffy and all <3 <3 it made e realize sooooo many things about having a relationship and having an idol as a boyfriend. If i could just type non stop, i would've typed "i loved this story <3" nore than a billion times :) i hope you can do a master piece like this again. Till next story?? Lol :D
p.S sorry if i just finished this today. I just didn't know that this was finished already..... :( lol
hunhanisreal_ot12 #8
Chapter 29: Omg this chapter.... THIS IS LOVE <3 <3 <3
Chapter 31: Aw, you lied authornim!! I did LOVE your ending!!! I told you!!! Haha you scared me when you said I might not like the ending. >.<
Chapter 31: i finished this today morning and really it's been a while since i've read such a well-written, creative, and cute story!
thank you for making it realistic! the flow of the events was great and the characters struggle was shown in great language. i loved the way you described everything and made the secondary characters get into the story without ruining it.
i actually felt every moment! i giggled and blushed at the funny moments and i couldn't help but scream at the characters as if i were living it in reality!
i'll be anticipating more from you!
thank you for writing this <3