First Day Of SM High I

Everybody Loves Sehuna

Chapter Two: First Day Of SM High

Word Count: 2340+


Jonginna and Sookyung's room

Sookyung had never been good with video games, but this Cooking Mama game on Wii is incredible! Jonginna and Sookyung always play games, but Sookyun always dislikes the game and loses, however this time Jonginna bought a cooking game so Sookyung could have some fun as well. Sadly, Cooking Mama isn't really Jonginna's strength. 

"This is not fair! I demand a re-match, Sookyung!" Jonginna announced, and Sookyung shook her head. "I hate this ing game!"

"Don't be a sore loser, we had fun, right? I mean, it's only fair that I get to win since you're always the one who wins," Sookyung smiled proudly. "And besides I have always wanted to say.." Sookyung made a dramatic pause.

"IN YOUR FACE I WON! WOOOHOOOO! Don't you wish you were as awesome as me?" Sookyung started dancing her winner dance and Jonginna just stared at her with bulging eyes.

"What, can't handle my swag?" 

"Actually, I was just admiring your moronic dance moves, and I taught all that time I spent giving you dance lessons paid off."

"I'm still working on it!" Sookyung defended herself.

"I can see that," the younger female rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag. "Today after school we are playing a Wii sports marathon, and I'm going to beat you so bad!" Sookyung stared at Jonginna with her big orbs that were even bigger than usual. "I mean, we'll have lots of fun, unnie! Haha.." Jonginna laughed and ran out the room.

Sookyung rolled her eyes and grabbed her own bag, and that's when she remembered something very important.


The new girl.

The one Lulu had told her about, the one with the pretty almond eyes and long brown hair. Yes, her. Jonginna is supposed to take care of her and the latter had totally forgotten! Sookyung ran out the room. "Jonginna, wait!" she shouted, but she knew she was to late.

Jonginna had already left. Sookyung sighed and knew that it's her responsibility to take care of the new girl now. She groaned, how come she always ends up having to care for new students? Right, cause she's too nice to say no. But what happens if she accidentally forgets as well? Sookyung smiled devilshly and started walking down the stairs.

But for every step she took she felt more and more guilty, what if the new girl gets lost? SM High is a big and dangerous place...

"Aish! Damn it I am too nice!" Sookyung ran up the stairs.

Tao and Kris' room

"Tao, put Ace down and no one has to get hurt," Kris demanded, but Tao was furious already.

Kris might accidentally have dropped caramel on Tao's new gucci bag, that Kris bought by the way, and then tried cleaning it up with some of her facial products but accidentally made it worse and hid it under her bed. And then Tao might have found it and threatned to kill Kris for ruining her new bag- that Kris bought with HER OWN money.

"No! You have ruined my precious gucci bag!" Tao whimpered. "And now you must pay, you will feel the pain of losing something dear to you."

"Tao, be fair. You have like twenty gucci bags, and I have one Ace, so give him back." Kris wanted to rip her baby away from her evil roommate, but if she took only as much as one step closer, Tao would throw Ace out the window.

"To you it might just have been another gucci bag, but to me that bag meant everyhing." Tao put her free hand over her heart. "And that is why I, Huang Zitao, will now kill Ace like you killed my gucci bag." 

Kris bent down on her bare knees and gave up all of her pride. "Please no! I beg you, not my BABY! Throw Layla out the window instead, I beg you!" Kris cried.

But Tao ignored her and threw Ace out the window, right into the garbage cans outside their dormitory house. 

Kris ran to the window and let out a ear-piercing scream. "My baby," she cried in agony and glared at Tao. "How can you be so cruel? Ace is just a baby!" Kris scolded. She shook her head at Tao and saw how the garbage truck came and picked up their trash. Poor Ace was now surronded by dirty trash.

"What happened in here?" Layla came bursting into the room.

"Kris ruined my gucci!"

"A garbage truck ate Ace!"

Layla regretted that she had choosen to interfere with the two girls bickering, wherever, whenever, she always regrets joining their arguments and trying to fix things. The Canadian blonde and Gucci loving chinese are just too damn stubborn, they never agree on anything!

"Okay, well I have some advice," Layla announced. "Tao, snap out of it and get over that damn Gucci bag you have like five hundred others and Kris, I'm sorry for your loss but I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as stuffed-animal eating garbage trucks."

"THEY EXIST IN CANADA!" Kris scoffed.

"Then go back to Canada, miss Vancouver!" Tao stuck out her tongue.

"Yah, think about it from the positive side! Now Ace can discover the world, he can have his own TV show! Ace's Adventures," Layla suggested.

Tao burst out laughing, but Kris did not find this amusing. "I am not going to school, I am to upset," Kris wiped away her tears and plopped down on her bed.

"Not my problem," Tao grabbed her other gucci bag and strutted out of the room.

"Hey, you can always buy a new Alpaca toy?" Layla suggested.

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up, but no one can replace Ace." Kris frowned and buried her face into her pillow.


Sehuna and Lulu's room

"Sehuna, wake up," Lulu shook the younger girl who was still refusing to wake up for school. "Come on, rise and shine!"

Sehuna yawned and half-opened her eyes, she found herself staring right into Lulu's beautiful bright dark orbs. Lulu laughed awkwardly noticing the position they were in, herself practically hanging over Sehun and leaned backwards. She smiled, and her eyes crinkled. Lulu's eyes twinkled when she smiled, at it look beautiful along with her long dark eyelashes.

"Goodmorning," Lulu greeted, but Sehuna just stared. "Errhm, are you staring at my s again?"

"What the-- no!?" Sehuna's eyes became as big as a owl's. Lulu giggled and shook her head.

"I'm just teasing you again." She sighed. "Jonginna was supposed to come by and pick you up, but I guess she forgot again so I'll follow you to your class, okay?" Lulu offered.

Sehuna was about to respond when they heard a horrid scream. Sehuna was shocked, but Lulu just laughed. "Aish, don't mind that noise. It's just Kris and Tao arguing again, you should get used to it cause you're going to be hearing it a lot more in the future," Lulu clucked her tongue.

"O-okay?" Sehuna laughed nervously and got out of bed. "Well, I'll get dressed now."

"Yeah, hurry up," Lulu nodded.

Sehuna shifted un comfortably. "Can you leave?" Sehuna asked.

"Are you shy?" Lulu giggled. "Both of us are girls! There's nothing to be ashamed of!"

"I know, but I'm really un comfortable changing around people, it's an aversion," Sehuna explained. "Being in front of others really creeps me out."

"I understand," Lulu nodded. "I really loathe sharing the same bed with others, so don't be ashamed of yourself! Everyone has their fears!" She smiled leaving the room and closed the door behind her. "I'll go make breakfast for us!"

Sehuna didn't answer and just got put on her school uniform. A short blue plaid skirt, a white blouse and a matching jacket. She brushed her brown hair and lazily applied some mascara and ignored wearing any other make-up. She grabbed the school bag her mother had bought for her as a gift and left her bedroom, bumping right into someone.

"Ouch," Sehuna fell down to the ground. She rubbed her head and glanced at the person who had knocked her over.

"Oh god!" The owl-eyed girl bent down onto her knees and grabbed Sehuna's hand. "Are you alright? I'm so clumsy!" The girl scolded herself.

"I'm alright, and it was my fault," Sehuna apologized. She rose from her seat and bowed. "Sorry, sunbaenim."

"I can't believe it, are you actually apologizing and blaming yourself for something you didn't do? You're very different from the other girls here," the girl bit her underlip. Sehuna cocked an eyebrow and the girl erupted a soft chuckle.

"I'm Sookyung, nice meeting you!" She stretched out her hand and Sehuna shook it.

"Oh, Sookyung-ssi? Lulu wasn't kidding when she mentioned your big eyes." Sehuna gushed, fascintated. She has a weird for eyes.

Sookyung blushed and played with her slender fingers. "Well, Lulu is something special— don't let her corrupt your mind!" Sookyung warned. Sehuna nodded and made a mental note about it. "Anyway, Jonginna sent me here to take care of you on your first day!"

"Really?" Sehuna narrowed a brow. "Cause Lulu unnie told me that Jonginna forgot."

Sookyung laughed nervously. "Whaaaat? Jonginna would never forget about her own beloved cousin!" Sookyung snorted, but she couldn't fool Sehuna. "Okay she forgot, are you satisified?" She narrowed her eyes, un-amused.

"I don't really mind, Lulu is going to show me around anyway." Sehuna shrugged.

Sookyung clenched her fists. "Damn! I came back for nothing, I really am too nice!" She scolded herself.

Sehuna stared at Sookyung with bulging eyes, and Sookyung noticed that she was arguing with herself again.

"Ahahaha, okay, so have a nice first day!" Sookyung backed away slowly. "Fighting!" She encouraged and turned around to run away.


They only had fifteen minutes left until their first lesson begins, and sadly they're not in the same class, so they'll have to seperate. Lulu gave Sehuna a short tour of their highschool, showing her around the different clubs and classrooms.

SM High school was established back in 1995 by its founder, Lee Soo Man, most of their students are very talented in arts, but sports as well. Apperantely the school has a big reputation for having multi-talented students– and they usually win all the big competitions they compete in against JYP High and YG High, their biggest ribals.

"Well, now you know a little about the school's history," Lulu stopped in front of a door. "This is your classroom, good luck, okay?"

"Yes, thanks unnie."

Lulu opened her arms and Sehuna gave her an awkward hug. A pair of boys that passed by whistled.

"You girls wanna come by tonight?" One of them asked.

"Go die in a hole you erts," Lulu stuck out her tongue.

"What? Don't be shy!" The boy teased. "We three together could make magic."

"I don't believe in magic, so no thanks." Lulu narrowed her eyes and faked a smile at the same time.

The guy still didn't seem to wanna back off. "Come on Lu, you wouldn't have said no a couple of months ago," he smirked. Lulu's angry expression suddenly turned sad, the guy seemed to have hit her weak spot. "You gonna cry now?" The guy asked.

"Leave us alone you moron, if you're so fascinated with magic then why don't you go Santa's di--"

"Woah! Watch that tongue of yours, unnie," Sehuna covered Lulu's mouth with the palms of her hands and erupted an awkward laugh. "We don't want to cause any trouble," she warned and glanced at a male teacher glaring at them from afar.

"Whatever," the guy rolled his eyes. "See you around, new girl." He winked and ran off with his friends.

Lulu pushed away Sehuna's hands. "Ugh, stupid ex-boyfriends!" She groaned and kicked the wall. 

"He was your ex-boyfriend?" Sehuna asked.

Lulu nodded. "And the biggest mistake I ever made! His name is Jonghyun, he's the worst playboy ever and that moron actually succeded with fooling me that he has changed. I trusted him, and I will regret it in all eternity. His ego is worse than Kris'," she scoffed. "I mean, Kris is at least a decent person. I don't think Jonghyun even deserves to be called human."

"What did he do?" Sehuna tilted her head.

Lulu sighed. "You're so innocent... Fine. I will tell you. It all began on--"

"Miss. Xi, I believe you have class to attend instead of bothering the new student with your scattered love life," their teacher interupted their conversation. Neither of the girls had noticed that all of the students in Sehuna's class had already went inside. 

"Of course, sorry seongsangnim!" Lulu bowed. "I'll be going to my own class now, see you at lunch, Sehuna?" Lulu ruffled Sehuna's hair before scurrying away to her own classroom.

Sehuna bowed. "Annyeonghaseyo, seongsangnim. I'm sorry for the disturbance, really sorry," she apologized profusely.

"No need to apologize, I am a very easy going teacher!" The man laughed. Sehuna found him very handsome and blushed at his humble words. "Besides, your new and Lulu usually corrupts new students with her endless blabbering, quite a handful, isn't she? My name is Changmin, but call me Mr.Shim during class," he smiled. "My guess is that you are Oh Sehuna, transfer student from Seoul Highschool?"

"Yes!" Sehuna nodded eagerly. "I mean, yes.." she toned down her voice a little.

Changmin stepped aside so she could enter the classroom. "Come in then," he said. Sehuna bowed again and stepped inside her classroom. All eyes were on her, some of the boys whistled and girls were gossiping. That's what happens everywhere she goes, but someone always finds out about her past.

"Students, this is your new classmate, Oh Sehuna." Changmin announced. "She's quite shy, and is a transfer student from faraway, so please take care of her!!"

"Annyeong," the class greeted in chorus.

"You can sit in the empty seat in the middle of Tao and Jonginna," Changmin offered. Sehuna bowed a third time and went towards the seat her teacher had given her.




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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 33: Take your time but pleas don't forget to update
I was searching for a crack ff and I found this one xD this is my first time reading a fic where exo are girls xD and yay! Everybody loves me . Not xD (my username)
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh, you are finally back
I love this story and am so glad you will continue it...
Even if it will be rewritten, i will read it all over again
I never realized how long it has been... but now im soo excited and cant wait
You are one of my favourite authors and this story is sooo addicting and interesting
So waiting patiently, I and im sure others Welcome you back ^^
**showers you with love**
Chapter 33: Just to make things clear, I won’t be deleting any of the old comments! They’re my fuel, haha. No but seriously, I’m stoked to be back! I just hope you don’t hate me (too much).
noddy1 #5
Chapter 32: Please update author-nim
samffeine #6
Chapter 32: channie all the way~! sorry I just think her love towards baek it's just too cute!!
Chapter 32: Part of me wants Channie while another part really wants Hyun Woo.. And a realllllllly small part wants Jonghyun, or at least he in the end likes her but don't end up together... Ughhhhhhhhh such a difficult question
This is nice. I like it!
Chapter 32: Duhh~Isn't it obvious enough?I vote for Channie!^O^ Although I don't mind some dramas with Hyun Woo first..>O<
Auww,poor Sehunna..Insecurities is so not cool!=,= And my Minnie!*frown even more* Jeez,speechless..Just try to cheer up okay all of you?Including Sookyung!
A duel?Gosh Lulu,your idiocity is just so limitless,huh?*facepalm*Let's just wait and see then..=_="
Chapter 32: I want more dohun !