The Future

Everybody Loves Sehuna

Chapter One: The Future

Word Count: 2400+


"Mom. I could just get homeschooled, you could teach me since you're home all day, please?" Sehuna pleaded. 

"No, this is my final decision, and I've told you this ten times already, Sehuna!" Her mother scolded. Sehuna rolled her eyes backwards and groaned, what did she ever do to deserve this life? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Mrs.Oh smiled sympathically. "Sweetheart, look on the bright side, Jonginna will be there."

"But I barely know this, Jonginna! And what is Jonginna anyway? I'm pretty sure it's not a real girl name."

"Well, me and your aunt aren't the best name makers," Mrs.Oh laughed awkwardly before clearing . "I-I mean, don't interupt me when I'm speaking! As I was saying, you will have a great time at SM High. It's an excellent boarding school, and it's faraway from your previous classmates and Donghae, you can start over from fresh there."

"But I don't want to start over fresh!" Sehuna whined. "How many times do I have to tell you I am over, Donghae?"

"Quiet down now, we're almost there and it's to late to turn around." Mrs.Oh rolled her eyes and Sehuna's dramatic behavior.

Sehuna decided to give up and quiet arguing with her mother. Her mom is very stubborn, when she has decided something she's not backing down, she's unstoppable. Sehuna leaned her head against the car window and examined the beautiful view. If her school lies in this area it must have ocean view, maybe her dorm house is close to the beach? Not that she's particulary fond of beaches, but they can be fun at sometimes.

The silence continued the whole fifteen minutes left of the ride until Sehuna and Mrs.Oh finally arrived. Sehuna was right, her dorm house was close to the beach, she wondered if her roommate likes the beach. Mrs.Oh parked infront of the house and got out of the car. Sehuna unclapsed her seatbelt and followed her mother to the back where her she had her bags.

"Isn't this so exciting?" Her mother beamed and pulled out Sehuna's two bags.

Sehuna ignored her mother's question and swinged the ligther bag over her shoulder, meanwhile she grabbed the handle on her light pink suitcase. "I guess this is goodbye," Sehuna murmured. Mrs.Oh nodded, for a second she hesitated if this is a good idea or not. She's going to miss her only daughter so much! "I'll call you before I go to sleep."

"Alright... I will miss you, Sehuna. You do realize I'm only doing this because I care about you, right?" Mrs.Oh asked.

Sehuna nodded in response. "Even if you display your affection in odd ways, I know you mean nothing bad, mom." Sehuna weakly smiled. "I love you!" She hugged her mom quickly. She wanted to hold on longer but she was afraid she wouldn't be able to let go. "Bye," she waved at her mother and walked up to the door of her dorm house.

Mrs.Oh waved back at her daughter, before she went back inside her car and started driving back to her own home. Sehuna made sure that her mother couldn't see her anymore before knocking on the door. This will be my new home for two years, if things don't go wrong that is. Sehuna secretly had a feeling that this place is were she's going to fit in just fine, but the feelings scares her a little.

Sehuna's thoughts were interupted by a petite blonde opening the door she had knocked on seconds ago. The golden blonde had eyes big as a doe's, and Sehuna guessed the girl was around 166 cm tall, herself being 170 cm. The petite girl smiled warmly and waved with her tiny hands, okay maybe she wasn't that little but compared to Sehuna she was pretty damn short, okay?

"Hello, I'm Xi Lulu.. I guess you're name is, Sehuna? Jonginna told me you would be coming today, you're a little early though." The girl yawned and stretched out her hand. "I'm your new roommate, nice to meet you."

Sehuna smiled geniunely and shook Lulu's hand. "Nice to meet you too, Lulu." Lulu returned the smile.

"Let me show you around," Lulu offered and let Sehuna step inside. "You can put down your bags here." Sehuna nodded and put down her bags before taking off her shoes and following Lulu. "So, we're twelve girls in this dorm including you. Jonginna was supposed to go shopping with you today, but she went shopping with Sookyung and Chen instead."

"Chen? Her boyfriend?" Sehuna asked.

"I know, confusing isn't it? Chen is a female. I don't really know why she has a male name but she's not the only one! Both Tao and Kris are boys name as well, but both of them are females. I guess their parents really wanted a boy," Lulu shrugged. Lulu and Sehuna walked upstairs where all the dorm rooms were. "So, excluding you we're eleven girls in this dorm. Me, Tao, Layla, Jonginna, Kris, Sookyung, Baekhyuna, Channie, Chen, Minnie and Suhonna."

Sehuna had to bite her underlip not to laugh at the ridicolous names, they're all as awful as her own! Except for Lulu, it's quite cute actually. Sehuna envies Lulu a little, the girl looks like a freaking supermodel, it's not even funny. She probably has a boyfriend. Blech. Lucky girl who was blessed with supernatural beauty. Lulu snapped her fingers and Sehuna woke up from her daze.

"Ahem," Lulu cleared her throath. "Are you staring at my s?"

"W-what?" Sehuna shoked. "Why would I stare at yours when I have my own?" Lulu shrugged and giggled.

"I was just joking to gain your attention, ahaha. I think we aready seem to get along great, Sehuna! I think we'll become bestfriends," Lulu flashed a honest smile. Sehuna cocked an eyebrow. I've never had a bestfriend before... "You don't mind right, us being besties? By the way, you should call me unnie! Since I'm older than you." Lulu winked and grabbed Sehuna's hand.

"Okay, unnie.." Sehuna beamed. Lulu dragged Sehuna to their room, and Sehuna was surprised to see how messy it was. "Doesn't anyone ever tidy up here? I thought girls were living here, not boys." Sehuna crossed her arms. Lulu blushed, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, it can get quite messy around here.. I was supposed to clean, and I really planned on doing it! But as I mentioned earlier, you came earlier than I expected and I didn't have time to tidy." Lulu apologized. 

Sehuna shrugged and laughed. "Nah, it's alright! I'm quite messy myself as well, so I don't really mind."

"Great! Anyway, let me tell you about the rest of the girls at the dorm..."

Kim Jonginna.

Jonginna has incredible dance skills, and she's very well-known for them at SM High. She always wins all contests and no one dares challenge her in a dance duel, since she always win. The only one who's better than her is Taemin, a junior, at SM High. Jonginna is best friends with Sookyung, and they also share rooms. They're inseperable even though they have very different personalities. She doesn't have any weird es or habits– except that she's really awkward around boys, she's super popular with males, but has never had a boyfriend or her first kiss. Some say Sookyung and Jonginna are a thing, but rumors at SM High are pretty much never true.

Do Sookyung/Kyungsoo

Her real name is Kyungsoo, her dad was drunk while writing her name on the birth certificate and he ended up misplacing the letters. Still, she pretends her name is Sookyung and everyone calls her Sookyung. When someone calls her Kyungsoo, she freaks out. Otherwise, she's an overall nice girl who acts like everyones umma and really cares for Jonginna. Sookyung's a senior, and she's as clever and witty as her cooking skills. Sookyung also has really really big eyes, like enormous eyes and when she's shocked they look so big they could pop out any second. She's obssessed with keeping things clean, neat and organized, so her and Jonginna's room is never messy. Sookyung has a really beautiful singing voice, but she's very quiet and rarely sing in public.

Park Channie

The ones who are friends of Channie have incredible luck, she's the dorm's happy virus and always makes everyone smile. She's loud and sometimes a little annoying, but she has talent. Channie is extremely tall, 176 cm actually. The only one taller than her is Kris, at 180 Cm. Channie's best friends with Baekhyuna, and they share dorm room as well. Both of them constantly bicker, and they've known eachother since childhood. Baekhyuna and Channie might love to tease and make fun of eachtother, but deep inside they really care for eachother and everyone knows that they would never fight to the point were their friendship is broken.

Byun Baekhyuna

Baekhyuna is really pretty, she has a short bob haircut, and her hair colour is chestnut brown with a shed of red-brown. She's might seem rude at first glance, she's a little bit of a diva but deep inside she's really funny, sweet and sociable. Baekhyuna has many admirers, but just like Jonginna she's never had a boyfriend– she's less awkward around boys though. Baekhyuna is a gossiper, your secrets are never safe with her. She doesn't mean to be un loyal, it's just a habit she has. And a tip, never mess with her hair or eyeliner, she'll go crazy and she freaking knows aikido and it hurts! Really really badly. Both Baekhyuna and Channie are seniors.

Huang Tao

Tao's not very feminine, she's quite the opposite. She's a complete tomboy. She has red pixie-bob hair, and her black roots are visible. No one has ever seen her in a dress or a skirt, she always wears pants, and on rare occasions she wears shorts. Tao might look very intimidating and scary at first glance, but she's really nice and easily gets embarrassed, she blushes all the time. Tao loves martial arts, and yoga. She shares dorm rooms with Kris, and they're really close. She's obssessed with gucci, so don't ever touch her gucci or she'll go wushu on you. Tao's a junior while Kris is senior.

Kris Wu

Kris is supermodel tall, around 180 cm. She has long blonde hair, and always dresses fashionable. Just like Tao she can look very intimidating- she's quite full of herself- but she's not a bad person. Kris also says that Kris is a popular uni name in Canada, but no one believes her. She uses Canada as an excuse for everything, she grew up there before she came to SM High so that's the reason why. One time she cheated when we were playing Monopoly, and guess what her excuse was? "That's how we play in Canada." If that's how they really play in Canada no one at this dorm probably wants to travel there except for Kris herself. Also, Kris is a little of a player so never ever let her come close to your boyfriend, you will regret it.

Kim Suhonna

She's sort of the leader of the dorm who keeps everything in a stable state. Suhonna shares room with Layla, and they're close friends. Basically, roommates are always bestfriends. Suhonna and Layla are both seniors, and she's already focused on college and has been is planning on studying like crazy this year. She and Layla are not only close friends, but they're also a couple. Suhonna is very protective over all of her friends and especially Layla. She really ever gets mad, and has this calm aura that makes everyone like her. Before, Chen and Layla shared rooms but Suhonna suggested that Layla would change with Minnie.

Zhang Layla

Layla's Chinese just like Kris, Lulu (me) and Tao! Her korean is excellent though, thanks to Suhonna helping her out with it alot. Layla's very quiet and doesn't speak much, she's very feminine, except for her sharp jaw features that make her look like a man- don't tell her I said that, though! Layla often visits the host club where her twin-brother, Yixing works. They look very much alike, especially their jaw's, but I guess it runs in the family. When Sookyung isn't cooking, Layla's the one who's in charge. Also, remember that she's very forgetfull, so telling her your secrets is never a problem.

Kim Chen

Chen's the biggest troll you can ever meet, she pulls pranks on everyone and makes lame jokes. However, when she's not trolling people around she's studying. She's nice and all, and very smart, but most of the time she's a troll. Chen can be really gentle when she wants too, and when you need someone to talk to she's a great person to have around when you need comfort. But when you don't, I repeat, Chen is a TROLL. But if you look past that, Chen is very musically talented, she plays the piano and sings as well. She says she's a dancing machine too, but hey! She can't be good at everything. Minnie and Chen are roommates and trolling partners.

Kim Minnie

Minnie and Chen are not related or married, we just have a lot of Kim's at this dorm. They're trolling partners, roommates, and bffs. Chen used to be closer to Layla, and Minnie used to be closer to Suho. But when Suho and Layla started building a friendship of their own, Chen and Minnie were left with eachother. At first, they didn't get along at all but after awhile they realized they had lots incommon. Just like Sookyung she's an organized neat freak, but worse. When things aren't clean she can't stand them. Also, we call her baozi, it's her nickname because she has really chubby cheeks. Minnie's the oldest at the dorm, but she's very playful and also the shortest.

When Lulu was done with talking about every single one of the people at the dorm, the clock was already around dinner time. "Oh! It's dinner time, I bet Sookyung or Layla are already cooking!" Lulu beamed.

Sehuna hesitated. "No.. Actually I think I'm going to sleep, I ate on my way here and I'm exhausted. Can I meet them tomorrow instead?" It's a lie. She's starving, and she's not tired at all but she's so anxious about meeting these people. They don't sound bad when Lulu told her about them, but as mentioned earlier, she's sort of cursed.

"Okay, if you say so! But don't wake me in the middle of night and say you're hungry!" Lulu warned.





Teehee~ So what did you guys think? ^^ 

PS. Haha, couldn't come up with girl names for all of them... ;_;

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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 33: Take your time but pleas don't forget to update
I was searching for a crack ff and I found this one xD this is my first time reading a fic where exo are girls xD and yay! Everybody loves me . Not xD (my username)
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh, you are finally back
I love this story and am so glad you will continue it...
Even if it will be rewritten, i will read it all over again
I never realized how long it has been... but now im soo excited and cant wait
You are one of my favourite authors and this story is sooo addicting and interesting
So waiting patiently, I and im sure others Welcome you back ^^
**showers you with love**
Chapter 33: Just to make things clear, I won’t be deleting any of the old comments! They’re my fuel, haha. No but seriously, I’m stoked to be back! I just hope you don’t hate me (too much).
noddy1 #5
Chapter 32: Please update author-nim
samffeine #6
Chapter 32: channie all the way~! sorry I just think her love towards baek it's just too cute!!
Chapter 32: Part of me wants Channie while another part really wants Hyun Woo.. And a realllllllly small part wants Jonghyun, or at least he in the end likes her but don't end up together... Ughhhhhhhhh such a difficult question
This is nice. I like it!
Chapter 32: Duhh~Isn't it obvious enough?I vote for Channie!^O^ Although I don't mind some dramas with Hyun Woo first..>O<
Auww,poor Sehunna..Insecurities is so not cool!=,= And my Minnie!*frown even more* Jeez,speechless..Just try to cheer up okay all of you?Including Sookyung!
A duel?Gosh Lulu,your idiocity is just so limitless,huh?*facepalm*Let's just wait and see then..=_="
Chapter 32: I want more dohun !