Krystal The Spy

Everybody Loves Sehuna

Chapter Seventeen: Krystal The Spy

Word Count: 1900+   


"S-Sookyung?" Sehuna stuttered, the moment that Sookyung ripped her lips away from Sehuna's. "I, erhm, why did you kiss me?"

"Oh my god! Sorry! I accidentally tripped over my own feet while running towards you and wow." Sookyung looked as if she was ready to die out of embarassment. This had never happened to her before, why did she become so clumsy all out of sudden!?

Sehuna nodded, understanding, grabbed Kris hand and slipped inside the library. The minute she had left, the whole corridor began whistling and cheering. A few of them chanting; SooHun! SooHun! Sookyung would have melted down right on the spot. But someone came right in and saved her. That someone is no other than Xi Lulu.

"Shut up people."

Lulu who had witnessed the whole scene from a far together with Minnie, slung an arm around Sookyung's shoulder. In Lulu's arms, and with Minnie right beside her, Sookyung felt much safer. Lulu was angry at her though, judging the grim expression on her face.

People did shut their mouths and turn their eyes away from the scene. Almost everyone except for a few freshman boys who didn't know that when Xi Lulu tells you to shut up, you shut up. "Ohohohoh, so you're a lesbian too?" A random freshman asked.

"So what if i am?" Lulu challenged. "Are you going to call the police and tell them that I have some sort of disease? Cause as far as I know, being a lesbian might be looked down on, but it's not illegal in modern day society."

The boy shut his mouth and his friends began teasing him since he had been beaten by a girl. "Let's go, Sookyung." Lulu commanded.

The three girls left the chaotic hallway and headed outside. Minnie and Sookyung sat down on a bench where they could speak alone and gestured for Lulu to sit down too, but she didn't. Instead she stood up, her angry facial expression still plastered on her face.

"How could you do that to her? You're supposed to be mature! She looked as if she was about to faint and die out of embarrassment! She's still new and it's not good for her to be involved in scandals. I, ugh, I can't believe you just did that, Sookyung." Lulu shook her head in dismay. She's really disappointed in Sookyung.

"I'm sorry, I've already told you that I made a mistake! How many times do I have to apologize?" Sookyung apologized again.

"Lulu, calm down! Sookyung had already apologized to Sehuna, why does she have to do it to you, huh? It's none of your business."

"It is very much my business. The one who shouldn't be getting involved is you, Baozi." The red-head pulled a hand through her hair. "I think you enjoyed the kiss, Sookyung. Accident or not, you don't regret the kiss, do you? Because you don't care which gender you're dating. Boy or girl, both of them work for you, don't they?" Lulu spoke as if she was accusing Sookyung for committing a crime.

Minnie gasped. She's not surprised or digusted by the fact that Sookyung is just as attracted to boys that she's attracted to girls. She's just shocked that Lulu knew about this, and Minnie hadn't even recieved a hint about it.

"It's not a lie." Sookyung's cheeks flushed as she clarified the matter. "However, I really don't like Sehuna in specific."

"Boom. You dropped the bomb, and oh please, don't you think that you can talk yourself out of this. I have no problem with whatever gender you're interested in, but I would reccomend you to stay away from Sehuna. And to make sure you do, I will be watching you."

"And who are you to warn me to stay away from Sehuna? We live in the same house, it's almost im possible!" Sookyung reasoned.

"Then make it possible. I'm not telling you to cut of your friendship with her. I'm telling you to be more cautious with your actions around Sehuna. I'm her best friend, and therefore, I automatically know what's best for her." Lulu continued.

"You don't own her, no matter how much you wish that you did. You cannot control her."

"As a matter of fact, I do own her, and I can control her just as much as I'd like."


Krystal had been mind debating for a long time if she should tell Jonghyun about Baekhyuna and Lulu's plan, but after a long time of considering the matter and seeing some random guy and Jonginna together; she had decided that it's the right thing to do. It's her duty.

"Jonghyun Oppa!" Krystal cooed.

Krystal, and her loyal followers, Victoria, Sulli, Amber and Luna sat down at SHINee's table. Before, Victoria used to be the leader of (f)x. That was when only Amber, Luna and Victoria were members. When Krystal and Sulli came along, Krystal had immediately made sure to take over the queen of the queens spot.

"Is she just going to act like we dont exist, again?" Taemin whispered to his Hyung, Onew.

"She's one of a kind alright," Onew said.

"Oppa, I have some terrible news to share with you— Baekhyuna and Lulu are plotting a revenge on you." Krystal revealed.

Jonghyun didn't exactly react like Krystal had suspected him to react. "That's ridicolous. Baekhyuna's my girlfriend. I know she's friends with my worst enemy and all, but I am a hundre procent sure that Lulu's influence on her is non-existent. I mean, Baekhyuna's a leader, not a follower." Jonghyun stated.

"How do you know she's not lying?" Luna asked. She did make a point, but then again, her words were also a disadvantage for them.

"Baekhyuna's not that kind of girl. How do we know that you aren't the ones who are lying?" Taemin countered.

"Nor are we, Taemin-ah. You can always trust us, we are your number 1 source! I also have something to tell you, Taemin-ah. Jonginna, has a boyfriend. He graduated last year, a college student, and I—" Jonghyun cut her off.

"—Nonsense. I believe that there may be something odd going on. Jonginna, she doesn't have a boyfriend though so don't come saying that she does because that isn't true at all. Back to the main topic, I'm not going to act until I have proof." Jonghyun made his decision.

Krystal snorted. Isn't hearing them in the bathroom enough? Ugh. She's definitely sure that those two voices talking in the bathroom a few weeks ago were Lulu and Baekhyuna. If she would have had he phone with her, she could have recorded their conversation. But now, she needs to focus on getting some other kind of proof.

Jonghyun felt assured that Baekhyuna wouldn't hurt him like that. Taemin felt less assured. Does Jonginna really have a boyfriend? Then the courage he's been building up to ask her out is going to be thrown away in one day.

"Jonghyun Oppa, she's just another girl. Why not dump her and find someone else?" Sulli asked. Jonghyun's a heartbreaker afterall.

"She's very different, and interesting. I really like her."

Krystal clenched her fists. What does Byun Baek-ugly-hyuna possibly have that she doesn't? She will show Jonghyun Oppa the truth and expose Baekhyuna and Lulu's cruel plan. After that, Jonghyun will only like her.


Sookyung stared into the bathroom mirror. Her cheeks were still red and she can't hide the color. She had splashed water over her face several times, and all in vain. She touched her lips. Sehuna's touch were sill lingering on them.

Yes, she's just as interested in girls as boys. Only a few like Jonginna, and obvioulsy Lulu, know about her secret. She's not ashamed, she's just afraid that people will judge her. However, she's not interested in Sehuna, their kiss was really an accident!

An accident she doesn't regret. She hasn't seen Sehuna in this kind of way before, but after the brief kiss they shared, which was also Sookyung's first kiss, she's super sure that Sehuna and her share a special bond that cannot be broken easily.

Their lips were like made for eachother, and she will never forget Sehuna's taste. Yes, Sehuna must truly be the one for her.

Sookyung closed her eyes and pictured Sehuna in the bikni she had worn at the beach. Her mily white skin had been on display for everyone to see, and her smile had been shining through the whole day. Sookyung opened her eyes again. She should have taken a picture. Sehuna's really the one.

I'm not going to confess my feelings for her though. Sookyung thinks it's safer if Sehuna makes the first move. But for Sehuna to do that, Sookyung must seduce the ultra shy female. Otherwise, her plan will most likely back-fire pretty badly.


Saturday has come faster than the wind. Jonginna had still yet not told Sehuna. She knows it's the right thing to do though and therefore she will tell her. Jonginna sighed and knocked on the door. She's going to focus on her cousin's well-being for once.

Sehuna opened the door, looking a little shocked as she spotted Jonginna. She slipped out the door. Lulu's still sleeping and Sehuna knows the consequenses that come with waking up Lulu.

"Why are you dolled up?" Jonginna wondered.

She scanned Sehuna's outfit. A flower patterned cute dress, with a matching hairbow. Her eyes were framed by black eyeliner, her lips had make-up on them too, and her rainbow hair had been assembled in a braid that hung over her shoulder. Jonginna doesn't remember anything special happening today, which means, that Sehuna must be...

"Are you going on a date?" She gasped.

"What? No! Is there something wrong with fixing my apperance just to look a little nicer than usual?" Sehuna denied. 

"Oh, come on! I won't tell anyone, who's the lucky guy? You can trust me! We're family afterall."

Those words stung Jonginna's heart as soon as they had escaped the prisoner; . She's been a pretty bad cousin, and here she is, gushing over Sehuna's clothes and pretending that everything's alright. Wait. Can it be that Sehuna's going out with Donghae? Oh no.

"He's nobody special, and it's not a date. We're only meeting up as friends."

"You're not going out with Donghae, are you?" Jonginna asked.

Sehuna shook her head. "No? Why would I?" She asked. Jonginna nervously laughed and shrugged. Donghae wasn't kidding when he said that he'd wait with talking to her until the exams are finished.

Jonginna brushed past the other girl, their shoulders bumping into eachother. She didn't turn around, even once, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Sehuna's most likely standing there, watching her walk away. Jonginna closed the door with a loud thud.

"You're back?"

"I'm back," Jonginna confirmed. 

She laid down on her bed and tried to solve this masterpiece puzzle. She feels like she's a color on a rubix cube without a match.

Sookyung and Jonginna's friendship is unbreakable. It did get damaged badly, and neither have apologized yet. Nevertheless, Jonginna can feel that their friendship is slowly healing. What they share is a bond that doesn't get ruined so easily.

Their friendship isn't as close and fail-proof as it used to be, yet, they manage to live on friendly terms and have begun talking with eachother again. It's difficult for them to completely ignore eachother since they share living space.

That's when Jonginna remembered a super silly rumour that has been going around lately. "Hey, I heard the most stupid thing from Luna earlier. She said that Sulli and Amber had seen you and Sehuna kissing in the hallway? I don't trust their words though."

"That's odd." Sookyung laughed. Jonginna didn't hear the nervousness in her voice.

"Hah! I knew it wasn't true! I mean, Sehuna's def not your type, and she's straight, and she already has a special someone! They're going out on a date today!"

"Sehuna is doing what with who!?"




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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 33: Take your time but pleas don't forget to update
I was searching for a crack ff and I found this one xD this is my first time reading a fic where exo are girls xD and yay! Everybody loves me . Not xD (my username)
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh, you are finally back
I love this story and am so glad you will continue it...
Even if it will be rewritten, i will read it all over again
I never realized how long it has been... but now im soo excited and cant wait
You are one of my favourite authors and this story is sooo addicting and interesting
So waiting patiently, I and im sure others Welcome you back ^^
**showers you with love**
Chapter 33: Just to make things clear, I won’t be deleting any of the old comments! They’re my fuel, haha. No but seriously, I’m stoked to be back! I just hope you don’t hate me (too much).
noddy1 #5
Chapter 32: Please update author-nim
samffeine #6
Chapter 32: channie all the way~! sorry I just think her love towards baek it's just too cute!!
Chapter 32: Part of me wants Channie while another part really wants Hyun Woo.. And a realllllllly small part wants Jonghyun, or at least he in the end likes her but don't end up together... Ughhhhhhhhh such a difficult question
This is nice. I like it!
Chapter 32: Duhh~Isn't it obvious enough?I vote for Channie!^O^ Although I don't mind some dramas with Hyun Woo first..>O<
Auww,poor Sehunna..Insecurities is so not cool!=,= And my Minnie!*frown even more* Jeez,speechless..Just try to cheer up okay all of you?Including Sookyung!
A duel?Gosh Lulu,your idiocity is just so limitless,huh?*facepalm*Let's just wait and see then..=_="
Chapter 32: I want more dohun !