
Everybody Loves Sehuna

Chapter Sixteen: Kiss

Word Count: 1400+   



Lulu scanned through her notes after their class had ended while walking together with Minnie to their lockers. They stuffed their things inside the lockers, interlocked hands, and headed to lunch where everyone else is. But then Lulu remembered something, she forgot her phone in her locker. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"I forgot something in my locker! You go before me!" Lulu instructed and ran to her locker, only to collide with someone on the way. "I am the one at fault, sorry. I should reall stop running," she apologized.

"Oh, is Xi Lulu actually apologizing to me!?" The voice beamed.

She opened her eyes, and that's when she saw who this person is. "Donghae Oppa? Not you again! Hey, you owe me money since you ditched me yesterday which was super rude!" She scolded.

"Sorry, I really am. I'll pay you back somehow, but right now, I need to go," he tried to pass by her, but she grabbed onto his arm. "Ah, please let go Lulu! I really need to hurry!"

"How do I know you're not going to runaway and we will never see eachother again?" Lulu asked.

He sighed and looked into her eyes. "I would never ditch you like that, okay?" He pushed her against the locker, his eyes were still intently looking into hers. "I promise you, over my dead father's grave, that we two will meet again soon."

Lulu could see the sincerity in his eyes. Whenever he talks about his dad, he's serious, and she knows that. She loosened the grip around his arm, and let him go. He bowed and ran off. I hope he's not lying. I wish to meet him again as soon as possible..



Jonginna's been skipping lunch lately. She didn't want her former friends to see that she's lonely and has nobody to sit with. Therefore, she had made herself a sandwich this morning and devoured it on the school yard. Her clothes might get a little dirty from the grass. Not that she bothers.
"You're my special girl."
Jonginna's still a little shaken up by Taemin's confession, and that's why she still hasn't told Sehuna about the Donghae incident. Jonginna hasn't seen Donghae around though, and she sincerly hopes that he gave up. She thought about Taemin again; is she supposed to confess her feelings now, or should she wait for his next move?
She'd hate for Taemin to feel like he's always the one who has to make the next move. On the other hand, if she's the one who confesses first (although he has technically already confessed but doesn't know about it) she might scare him off by being to forward and he'll find her un attractive.
Love is really hard, especially when you have other things to worry about too; getting accepted into the dance team; the upcoming beginnning-of-the-year exams, fighting with her friends, fighting with her cousin, and her cousin's stupid ex-boyfriend. 
"Hey, what's up?" Someone familiar sat down right next to Jonginna.
She stared at the person, shyly. She hadn't expected for him to pop out of nowhere. But then she remembered, that she's angry at this person! "Hey, you, so you really came, huh? Look, I made a mistake. Sehuna doesn't want you here, so leave."
"I can't leave until I've completed my mission." Donghae said. "I won't tell her that you gave me her adress, so no worries."
Jonginna nodded. Then her problem has been solved, hasn't it? "Are you going to talk with her today?"
"Nah, I heard you have an exam and I didn't want to shock her and ruin things. I'll be waiting until your exam is over." He said.
"How nice of you." Jonginna was sarcastic of course.
The two sat there, occasionally exchanging a few words, unaware that someone was once again spying on them.


"Excuse me, unnie, but could you please repeat your previous sentence?"

Sehuna's affirmed that she must have officially gone crazy— did Kris just ask her for help? With studying? If she remembered Lulu's words correctly, Kris hates studying and describes it as an un necessary task. The only subject Kris does good in is english, and she doesn't even do that good in the subject, she's just better than everyone else.

"I asked you for my help with studying, didn't I make that clear enough? History, Korean and Religion should be enough," Kris repeated herself. "And don't you dare ask me to say it a third time! It was hard enough the first time. It's not my thing, asking for people's help, you know."

"Well, since you're asking so politely, I would love to assist you! We can be study buddies!" Sehuna beamed. She's never had a study buddy before. She tries really hard to study together with Lulu, but Lulu always ends up texting or playing games on her phone. "Shall we go to the library then?"

"What about lunch?"

"You can have lunch afterwards, and by the way, aren't you on a strict diet? The cafeteria food has a lot of calories in it even though it's healthier than the lunch that most school's have to offer."

Kris didn't really hang onto Sehuna's advanced korean, but she nodded her head and smiled, pretending that she did understand.

"You didn't understand what I just said, did you?" Sehuna guessed.

"Nope, not at all," Kris confirmed, shamelessly.

Sehuna's palm collided with her forehead and she groaned at the same time. "I'll explain in english then; the cafeteria food is healthy. But not very good if you're on a diet."

"Oh, hey! You're english is almost better than mine!" Kris praised, but stopped herself. Actually, Sehuna's english is better than hers, but she's not going to let Sehuna have the satisfaction of knowing that. "Did you study internationally?" She asked.

Sehuna shrugged. "Nah. My parents got me extra lessons in english, that payed off very well since I'm a fast learner and good at memorizing. My parents think it's very important that I at least have basic knowledge in as many languages as possible so that I can go wherever I want and speak the language decently."

"Wait, so how many languages do you know?" Kris wondered.

"I only speak korean fluently. I'm pretty good in english and chinese, and I have basic knowledge in italian, french and japaense." Sehuna spoked as if it's no big deal meanwhile Kris stared at her in awe. "What?"

"You've got to be kidding me. How did you learn so much? Tell me your secret!"

"I had a lot of spare time, and I'm a fast learner."

Kris narrowed her eyes at an unbeliveable length. She's a little jealous now. She's never heard of such a genius as Sehuna. Sehuna could be anything she wants with this kind of talent.

"No wonder why Jonginna doesn't like you," Kris murmured.


"You're almost perfect."

You're almost perfect, Sehuna. Her mother would always tell her that. You're tall, you're beautiful, you're intelligent, you're athletic, you have good manners and you have an un limited amount of money. Apparantely, that's what you need to be perfect. But Sehuna disagrees. She was far away from perfect.

She didn't have any friends, nobody liked her. Her boyfriend got mad because she wasn't ually interested in him, and her parents expected, and still do, expect her to study for a career she hates. Her past isn't perfect, nor is her prresent, and that her future will be perfect is only a hopeless dream.

"Jonginna's obviously jealous of you. You're like the perfect sibling and she's stuck in the shadow of your spotlight," Kris continued. "I mean, it's like competing in a talent show and hearing that Beyoncé's performing before you. Whatever she does, everyone will compare you with eachother and conclude that you're better." 

"What do you think?" Sehuna asked in a whisper-voice.

"Personally? I think I'm a thousand times better than you and her are together, no offence, you're cool and all, but I'm Kris wu afterall." She bragged.

Sehuna grinned. "Yeah, you're one of a kind. Shall we go now, Unnie?" She proposed.

The two girls walked to the library with their hands linked. Sehuna explained the basics of Christianity, which would be important for the religion thingy, with the best of her capabilities on their way. It's not Kris' thing, still, Sehuna's way of explaining is quite interesting and so, she payed a decent amount of attention.

They stopped in front of the library entrance and were just about to enter when a voice stopped them:


She turned around, and felt how someone threw their arms around her neck and collided their lips with her.

! ! !

Sehuna muttered something, but her words did not come out as the other mouth on top of hers muffled her words. She's not sure what to do in this moment. Her cheeks were flaming red as everyone else around them were staring, and pointing. The other person looked equeally as shocked, her eyes were wide-open, even more than usual.




Most of you probably don't remember since it happened a while ago; when Baekhyuna and Lulu were discussing their plans about Jonghyun in the bathroom, someone was spying on them. That same person is spying on Donghae and Jonginna. ^^

And also, Sookyung and Sehuna kissed? 




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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 33: Take your time but pleas don't forget to update
I was searching for a crack ff and I found this one xD this is my first time reading a fic where exo are girls xD and yay! Everybody loves me . Not xD (my username)
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh, you are finally back
I love this story and am so glad you will continue it...
Even if it will be rewritten, i will read it all over again
I never realized how long it has been... but now im soo excited and cant wait
You are one of my favourite authors and this story is sooo addicting and interesting
So waiting patiently, I and im sure others Welcome you back ^^
**showers you with love**
Chapter 33: Just to make things clear, I won’t be deleting any of the old comments! They’re my fuel, haha. No but seriously, I’m stoked to be back! I just hope you don’t hate me (too much).
noddy1 #5
Chapter 32: Please update author-nim
samffeine #6
Chapter 32: channie all the way~! sorry I just think her love towards baek it's just too cute!!
Chapter 32: Part of me wants Channie while another part really wants Hyun Woo.. And a realllllllly small part wants Jonghyun, or at least he in the end likes her but don't end up together... Ughhhhhhhhh such a difficult question
This is nice. I like it!
Chapter 32: Duhh~Isn't it obvious enough?I vote for Channie!^O^ Although I don't mind some dramas with Hyun Woo first..>O<
Auww,poor Sehunna..Insecurities is so not cool!=,= And my Minnie!*frown even more* Jeez,speechless..Just try to cheer up okay all of you?Including Sookyung!
A duel?Gosh Lulu,your idiocity is just so limitless,huh?*facepalm*Let's just wait and see then..=_="
Chapter 32: I want more dohun !