Date Night

Pinky Promise

She trudged on with her friends while dragging her heels on the floor.  She was sleepy and she couldn't believe that Yuri and Sooyoung agreed to a date so late at night.  Why couldn't they be normal and have a date when it was daytime?  Yoona yawned sleepily and felt her eyes getting droopy.  She didn't bother to make an effort to look good.  She was wearing jeans, a thick sweater, and a cap.  She didn't bother to fix her hair except for combing it a few times.  Yuri and Sooyoung, on the other hand, got dressed up for Taeyang and Daesung.  Sooyoung wore a fashionable long sleeve, casual jeans, and heels while Yuri wore a dress with heels.  Yoona found there no reason for them to get so dressed up if they were just going to a park for a late night picnic.

Yoona was snacking on a sub sandwich as the three girls got out of the car to walk to the picnic area Daesung and Taeyang selected.  Yoona looked around the park and found no one there.  There was a blanket and a picnic basket, so the girls figured it was the spot.  Yoona finished the rest of her sandwich in one big bite.  Yuri laughed while Sooyoung pointed out the mayo on the corner of her lips.  Yoona wiped it with her hand.

"I can't believe you're eating before a date," Yuri giggled, "We're already going to eat on this date, but you still planed on eating before."

Yoona complained, "You guys should be thankful!  If I didn't eat before the date, I would have eaten all the food and there wouldn't be enough for everyone.  At least this was a good snack."

Sooyoung cracked up in laughter, "That six inch sub sandwich is a snack for you?!"

Yoona nodded and threw the napkin she used to hold the sandwich away in a trash can.  She wasn't joking.  That really felt like a snack for her.  If she didn't have genes that made her naturally skinny, she would have been overweight already. She sat on the picnic blanket and slumped down.  Sooyoung gently hit her back indicating her to bring her posture up.  Yoona reluctantly agreed.  She looked at the distance and saw Seunghyun walking shyly with Daesung and Taeyang.  He still looked embarrassed from the argument they had, and he was still pretty awkward about going to the date with her.  The only reason why he went was because he knew how much Daesung and Taeyang liked Sooyoung and Yuri.  His two brothers would not leave him alone in the mansion, so they forced him to come along.  Daesung smoothly pushed Seunghyun close to Yoona.  Yoona didn't make any eye contact with him as he was seated beside her.  Daesung sat by Sooyoung while Taeyang took a spot next to Yuri.  It was pretty silent for the first few minutes.  They still haven't broke the ice.

Yoona went into the picnic basket without shame and fished through it.  She was astounded to see that there was pork cutlet in there.  She loved eating pork cutlet and it was one of her favorite foods.  She took it out and began to eat it selfishly.  Daesung and Taeyang laughed because they have never seen a girl eat so diligently.  Yoona stuck her tongue out at them playfully and grinned.

"Why is it so quiet in here?  It's so perplexing!" Yoona argued.

"Sorry, it's just our first times going on a group date," Daesung answered.

Taeyang agreed, "And it took a miracle for this night to happen."

"Yeah it did," Yuri nodded.

The conversations began to start, but Seunghyun remained silent.  He kept himself composed and quiet.  Yoona felt her phone vibrating and took out her phone.  She hid the screen from her group of friends.  It was a message from Jiyong and she giggled to herself at the fact that he would always text her when he was sad, bored, or lonely.

Jiyong:  Yoona ah~ I'm so bored. -___-

Yoona:  And what am I supposed to do about that?

Jiyong:  Come to my house later!  I got a new puppy! :)  His name is Gaho.  I'll pick you up.  Just text me whenever.

Yoona:  I'll go when I'm done w/ this horrible date. 

Jiyong:  You're on date?

Yoona:  Yeah, I'll talk to you later.  The unnies are giving me dirty looks for texting during a date.

Yuri smacked Yoona's arm while Sooyoung pinched her leg.  Yoona flinched and put her phone away.  

Seunghyun looked at his best friend and noticed that she had just finished texting.  Who was she texting?  Seunghyun felt uneasy at the assumption that it was Jiyong.  She was smiling and grinning while texting him and she looked happy about something.  Seunghyun decided to ignore her if she was going to ignore him.  They both crossed their arms causing the other four to roll their eyes at their actions.  

"I'm going to point it out already.  I know everyone wants to say this," Daesung said gently, "I want the both of you to get back to how it used to be. We all get it.  You two are fighting because of someone that Yoona hates, but please just put all that behind you guys!  I honestly find it stupid.  You two should brighten up.  Seunghyun even prepared that pork cutlet for Yoona because he knew she loved eating it."

Yoona glared at Seunghyun which caused him a scare for a few seconds.  Seunghyun recovered and remained with his calm composure. Yoona used her finger and pointed at him.

"Why did you have to tell other people?!" Yoona shouted.

"They're my brothers!  I bet you told your friends!" Seunghyun defended.

"What if I did?" Yoona folded her arms, "They're like my sisters."

"And my brothers are my actual brothers," Seunghyun added.

"Yeah, but sadly there's a double standard for that.  Girls tell everything to their friends, but boys are supposed to keep to themselves," Yoona chimed.

Seunghyun threw his hands up in the air, "Guys tell their friends and brothers things!"

"Yeah, they only tell their friends things about certain subjects!  For example, guys talk about who they 'hit', but they don't talk about their best friends and her enemies!" Yoona fired.

Daesung and Taeyang were trying to calm Yoona down as Yuri and Sooyoung put their head down.  Sooyoung and Yuri knew that there was no calming her down when she was all fired up.  She was like a volcano that had magma building up inside for such a long time.  Yoona became irritated and stood up to walk away.

"Yoona, where are you going?" Yuri asked.

Yoona looked at her and moved her head side to side.  Yuri and Sooyoung understood that she needed some air.  

"Daesung oppa and Taeyang oppa, please ignore what I'm about to do and enjoy your dates with Yuri unnie and Sooyoung unnie.  Don't ruin it for them, please.  They were really looking forward to this all week," Yoona said while the two men nodded.

She turned around and began to walk away.  She texted Jiyong to pick her up in the park.  Seunghyun stood up and began to chase after her.  Yoona sensed that someone was following her and saw Seunghyun jogging behind her.  Yoona began to sprint away from him, but his long legs was an advantage and he was catching up to her.  She grunted at frustration.

"What do you want?" Yoona harshly asked.

"I want to get everything off my chest!" Seunghyun told her.

He grabbed her and turned her around.  His hands were on her shoulders.  He hated to have to stop her physically, but she wouldn't listen to him if he didn't.  She sighed and swallowed.  She nodded in agreement that she would listen to him.  Seunghyun was raising an eyebrow as he tried to study her.  He wasn't sure if she was going to keep her end of the deal.  What if he let go of her and she decides to run off?

"I'm not going anywhere!  Let me go, and I'll listen to you," Yoona assured him.

Seunghyun let go of her and he was surprised to see that she just stood there and waited for him to talk.  Seunghyun sat down on a bench and beckoned for Yoona to join him.  She followed his order.  A street light provided them a source of light.  Yoona played with her fingers.  She was hoping that Jiyong would arrive faster, but she knew that there was still a fifteen minute drive ahead of him.  Yoona sighed and looked at Seunghyun.  Seunghyun looked nervous and his face was starting to get red.  Yoona observed him and she had never seen him this nervous.  He was surprised to have Yoona feel his forehead.

"Are you sick?  Do you have a fever?" Yoona questioned.

Seunghyun found her to be unbelievable.  How can she be angry at him, but be so concerned at the same time.  Seunghyun remained speechless as he looked at her eyes.

Yoona scoffed, "Just because I hate you at the moment doesn't mean that I'm not going to care about you."

He didn't utter one single word.

"I just don't want you getting sick," she continued.

Seunghyun's heart softened and his eyes relaxed.  He felt himself melting at just the presence of her.  He hasn't felt his heart beat this quick for years and it was beating faster than it was a few years ago.  He wasn't sure how he was going to tell her this.  He wanted to be completely honest with her.  He wanted to spill everything.  They had been friends for a long time, and he knew she was one of a kind.  She patiently waited for him to start talking.

"Yoona, do you remember the first time I met you?" he asked her.

Yoona nodded, "Yes, I do.  I made you sit in the back of the classroom."

"I'm going to be honest with you.  I didn't think that I would befriend you the first time I met you.  I didn't think that we would ever be this close.  I thought you were a brat.  I honestly thought you were the iest girl in all of Seoul," Seunghyun bluntly stated.

"That's nice to know!" Yoona said sarcastically.

"Well, I have a point to this!  I'm not telling you this to hurt your feelings!" he assured her.

"Then get to the point!" Yoona demanded.

"Yoona, I'm graduating after this school year.  I'm three years your senior, and I'm happy that I decided to take one more additional year to enhance my education.  Not only did I become more fluent in English, but I also met you.  I met a true friend," he said.

Yoona finally smiled, "Yes, I am happy that I met you, too.  Even if you're on my nerves right now, I can admit that you made life more enjoyable."

Seunghyun sighed and tried to remain calm.  She was driving him crazy.  The way she looked at him made him want to go insane.  The way she smiled made him want to keep on grinning.  

"I just don't want you to get mad at me anymore," he took her hand, "I really have a good reason."

"What is it then?" Yoona asked.

"I have to be vague with you.  I can't tell you the actual reason, but I'm going to have to tell you that we were seen together because she was troubled by something.  If I didn't help her, she would have done something that would have made you look bad.  Your reputation would have sunk, and I blew you off to stop her.  She actually took advantage of the situation and saw you looking at us, so she kissed me.  If it makes you feel better, I didn't enjoy the kiss at all," Seunghyun told her.

Yoona was still confused at what Hyuna tried to do, but it kind of eased her mind to know that it was Hyuna who tried kissing him and that he didn't try to make a move on her.  She grinned happily and gave a chuckle signaling her relief.  She looked at Seunghyun and he wasn't smiling.  He was serious and he looked sincere about something.

He was staring at her face while admiring every single part of her.  His eyes were locked on Yoona's eyes and Yoona couldn't escape his gaze.  She never noticed how beautiful his eyes were.  It was getting harder for the both of them to breath and their breaths became short.  They were both silent, but nothing was needed to be said.  

He cupped her chin with his right hand.  His face was getting closer to hers and he was secretly happy that she wasn't pulling away.  She wanted this, and he wanted this.  Their eyes didn't lose contact with each other until Yoona closed her eyes.  He slowly closed his eyes and finally felt the soft touch of her lips on his.  Yoona felt her heart about to explode the very first second his lips kissed hers.  His face felt hot and they were both blushing.  

"Oppa," Yoona pulled away.

She heard a car pulling up in the entrance of the park.  She knew Jiyong was coming and she didn't want him seeing what they just did.  Yoona fidgeted while getting up and tried to remove the wrinkles on her sweater.  She was alert and so was he.  Jiyong parked at the side and waited for her to enter the car.  Yoona turned around and faced Seunghyun.  She gave him a quick hug and smiled awkwardly at him.

"Bingu, I'll see you tomorrow.  I need to go," Yoona said.

Seunghyun nodded and waved at Jiyong.  Jiyong raised his hand up to return the wave.  Yoona entered the car as they drove away.  Yoona didn't say one word. She sat on the passenger's seat as Jiyong kept his focus on his driving.  Yoona slowly touched her lips with the tips of her fingers.  She couldn't believe that she lost her first kiss to her best guy friend.  It did sound unrealistic for such a pretty girl to never have been kissed at the age of nineteen, but Yoona was just so picky with the guys she hung out with.

Once they reached Jiyong's house, Yoona was welcomed by a little tan puppy.  Yoona got on her knees as the puppy attacked her with his .  Yoona giggled to herself and petted his head.  The dog was a Chinese Shar Pei.  Yoona took the puppy into her hands and rested it on her lap as she sat on the couch.

"Did you get so lonely that you needed a dog?" Yoona laughed.

Jiyong smiled, "Yes, this house is so empty!  The only people I can really talk to is the servants."

"You need to get Gaho house trained.  You also need to select a good dog food brand and you need to get all his shots.  Make sure he's up to date in vaccinations so that he's strong and healthy," Yoona advised.

Yoona knew about the whole procedure of getting a new dog because Seunghyun and Taeyang recently adopted new puppies a few months ago.  Seunghyun named his dog Charlie while Taeyang called his dog Boss.  Yoona smiled as Gaho her face.  Yoona laughed.  The sound of her laughter was like music to Jiyong's ears.  He haven't heard her laughter for such a long time that it almost sounded foreign.  The puppy jumped off her lap and ran to his bed.

"Good, dog,"  Jiyong grinned.

Gaho found a comfortable spot on his dog bed and started to sleep.  Jiyong was hoping that he would get some time with Yoona, but the dog was objecting to it.  With the puppy out of the way, Jiyong finally had time to talk to her.  He grinned and remembered that he wanted to show her a photo album filled with many pictures that piled up over the years he stayed in America.  He took it out of a drawer and handed it to Yoona.

Yoona opened the album and laughed to see pictures of the old Jiyong.  There were pictures of him when he just arrived at the airport from Korea.  His hair was still long and he was going through his boy band phase.  He even had a streak of blonde hair at the side.  Jiyong was quietly embarrassed and finally understood why his mother got angry at him for bleaching part of his hair.  Yoona skimmed through the pictures while Jiyong drank a cup of water.  He would only stop and explain the picture when Yoona asked him what was with the photo.  Yoona's eyes floated to a picture that she wished she didn't see.  Yoona saw a picture of Jiyong and an American actress.  In the background, Seunghyun had his arm around a woman's waist.  The woman was beautiful.  She looked Japanese and her figure was to die for.  Her straight long, black hair was fine and her face was white.  He looked really happy.  Yoona swallowed and asked Jiyong who the woman was.

Jiyong became serious as he looked at the woman's face.  His eyes fell to the floor as he tried to compile what he was going to say.  He cleared his throat and his eyes became sincere.  

"She's the woman Seunghyun fell head over heels for," Jiyong said.

"She's so beautiful.  Where is she now?" Yoona questioned.

Jiyong answered, "She's in heaven now."

Yoona became shocked at the fact that she had died.  So many questions were running through her mind.  How can she be dead?

"Can you explain everything to me?" Yoona pleaded.

Jiyong nodded, "Well, Seunghyun was in love with her, but if you knew Seunghyun a few years ago, you would know that he was a big playboy.  He never dated a girl for more than four days.  Girls fell for him, but he never did feel the same.  Her name is Sara.  He fell for her because she didn't like him.  She wasn't afraid of him.  They both ended up dating.  They dated for three months, and I could tell that Seunghyun was mad about her.  All he did was talk about her and all he did was think about her.  At my birthday party, she ran out after she saw him kissing another girl.  That other girl was his ex and she took advantage of the situation of him being drunk.  She was so upset she started to drink even when she didn't drink before.  She drank and drove.  She ended up crashing her car in a light post because she was so drunk.  Seunghyun blamed himself because she would have never drank if the other girl never kissed him."

"Whoa," Yoona mumbled.

"Yeah, talk about the most tragic love story ever," Jiyong added.

Yoona swallowed, "He never told me anything about her."

Jiyong excused himself as he answered his phone.  Yoona couldn't help but listen to what he was saying.  She had to because they were in the same room.  Jiyong sounded apologetic.  She knew he was talking to his girlfriend.  He told her sorry a few times and it sounded as if she hung up on him.  Jiyong put his phone away.

"I think your girlfriend might get angry that I'm here at your house so late at night," Yoona confessed, "Maybe I should get going."

Jiyong cleared his throat, "We broke up two nights ago.  I guess I just don't do long distance."

Yoona nodded with understanding.  She looked at him and went up to get her shoes.  She really needed to go now.  It was already one in the morning and she was pretty sure Yuri, Sooyoung, Jessica, and Seohyun were home already.  She bumped into Jiyong and she fell on the couch with him on top of her.  Their faces were just inches apart.  Yoona expected him to pull away and laugh it off, but he didn't.  His eyes were locked onto hers and she gulped.  He kissed her softly and Yoona had to pull away.  It was just too much for her to handle.  Seunghyun kissed her, he kissed her, and she found out about Seunghyun's past all in one day.  

"Oppa, please drop me off home," Yoona requested as she walked towards the door.

Jiyong nodded and wondered what was wrong with her.  Wasn't this what she wanted?  He even left his girlfriend for this opportunity.  Yoona beckoned for him to hurry up and he obliged.


A/N:  I hope you guys like this chapter.  A little bit of TopYoon and a little bit of G-Yoon.  

I know that I have been updating a little faster, but if I ever update slowly, please don't be angry!  I might be busy, tired, or I might not have internet connection.  

Thank you for reading and subscribing! ^^

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TheFourMaiden #1
Chapter 6: my aunt told me about your beautiful stories and i love it
Skyscraper1202 #2
Chapter 34: I really love it.
Skyscraper1202 #3
Chapter 34: Thank you for this story authornim
yoongie_exo #4
Chapter 34: I love it ♡
steiyoon #5
Chapter 34: I love your stories....specially if it's TopYoon! I have a great & fun time time reading this over & over again. When are you going to make another TopYoon story again Sunshine94? Please make one for us again...
Anzasims #6
Chapter 34: Love it to the max~
ggy_erd #7
Chapter 34: love it :)
ggy_erd #8
Chapter 19: i love this sooo much...
lvyoon #10
Chapter 34: Wow... your story is so great and awesome! I cried for 1 hours because of the problems that yoona gone through. I just love how strong yoona was. You did a great job authornim!! Please write more of TOPYoon fanfics.. thumbs up! :)