Our Promises

Pinky Promise

Yoona squeezed her hands together as Jessica's car came to a sudden halt.  Before the car came to a complete stop, Jessica parked it on the side of the road.  Yoona grew worried as her eyebrows furrowed together to show her desperation.  The five women quickly got out of the car as Jessica kicked the wheel to her own car.  She gave the bride an apologetic look as Jessica grunted in disappointment.  Yoona patted her shoulder indicating that it was fine.

"I'm sorry, Yoona.  My laziness has finally led to a consequence.  I was too lazy to fill up the tank with gas, and it's all my fault," Jessica apologized.

Yoona nodded slowly, "It's okay, unnie.  You were just trying to help."

Cars blazed by while most of them slowed down to see what the four women in formal dresses and a woman in a wedding gown were doing.  Yoona felt like tears were about to escape from her eyes as each second ticked by.  She didn't know if she could reach Seunghyun in time.  She didn't want him to go to New York.  She didn't want him to leave her.  She tried to act brave as she swallowed her saliva.  Her eyes were getting red while Seohyun and Hyoyeon tried getting ahold of someone who could drive Yoona to the airport.

Yoona stared out at the road as everyone else looked back at her.  It was a little weird to see a woman in a wedding dress on the side of the freeway.  She looked like a bride that was left at the altar.  She looked down at the floor and tried to compose her self.  The sunlight lightly covered her milky skin as she looked directly at her heels.  She jumped a bit as she saw a car park on the side.  She tilted her head to see a familiar face emerge from the driver's seat.

"Well, are we going to catch up with him or not?" he asked.

Yoona was puzzled and she couldn't bring herself to move a single inch.  He smiled at her and gently put his hands on her shoulders.  He shook her shoulders with hopes of keeping her up from zoning out.  Yoona blinked twice as she was snapped back into reality.  Yuri put her hand to to cover up the fact that her jaw dropped.  Jessica gave a defensive look and approached the both of them.

"What are you doing here, Jiyong?" Jessica fired at him.

"I'm here to help Yoona get to the airport.  I knew that you would be able to screw this up somehow, so I thought that I should be kind and help Yoona out.  She is my best friend," Jiyong said as he put his shades on as Jessica gave a glare.

Jessica's eyes darted at him, "How do we know that you'll bring her to the airport?  You're the only one that doesn't want her to get married."

"I never said that I never wanted her getting married.  I just made it clear that I wanted her to get married to the right guy," Jiyong corrected Jessica.

He turned to Yoona, "Let's go now, Yoong?"

Since the car was only a two seater, Yoona was the only one that would be able to fit.  Seohyun helped her tuck in her gown into the small sports car without ripping any of it.  As soon as Yoona shut the door and put her seat belt on, she took a deep breath.  She had a few minutes until Seunghyun's plane took off.  Jiyong the ignition and drove off.  He zoomed though so many cars that Yoona grew startled while cars honked at the sports car.  It surprised Yoona that he had the time to talk even if he was driving at such a fast speed.

"So, what's on your mind right now?" Jiyong asked.

Yoona turned to him and gave an intrigued smile, "Well if it wasn't obvious, I'm worried that I won't be able to catch up to Seunghyun's plane.  I just can't believe that he left this morning.  I can't believe he's doing this to me on our wedding day.  He really wants to embarrass me, huh?  I bet he's doing this because he's still not over the fact that I hid Yoogeun from him for a few years.  I just don't know what's up with him."

"If he's doing this to embarrass you, are you going to leave him?" Jiyong asked.

"Nope," Yoona answered in a heartbeat, "I think I love that idiot.  He may push me away, but I'll keep pulling him in.  I'm not giving up.  I just realized that he was the one for me.  My father raised me with hope in religion.  He told me that God doesn't let unfinished business go unattended.  I didn't believe that until I was brought back to Seoul.  I thought I was going back for my father and for my career, but Seunghyun was planned along with it.  I believe that he's the man that's for me."

"That's what I wanted to hear," Jiyong smirked as he accelerated the speed.

Yoona clutched onto the sides of the seat of the car as she gasped in surprise.  Jiyong had a determined look on his face as he zipped through the cars.

"Are you crazy?!" Yoona cried out.

"Nope, I'm just trying to help my best friend get to her runaway groom," Jiyong flashed a smile.

Yoona was confused, "I'm puzzled.  You're okay with me and Seunghyun now?"

"I never planned on confessing this to you because I thought that you would have figured it out yourself," Jiyong admitted.

Yoona watched the scenery out the window flash by in front of her eyes.  She looked into Jiyong's eyes and saw true happiness in his eyes.  He had a genuine smile.  She was confused.  She didn't want to sound too confident over herself, but she wondered why he was so happy that she was in love with another man.  He proclaimed his love for her many times, but he was helping them get back together.  It just didn't make sense.

Jiyong explained, "You told me that the only reason why I wanted you was because I couldn't have you anymore.  You were moving on, and I have to admit that it's partly true.  I'm just a stupid man because it took me too long to realize that I actually loved you, but I'm setting you free now.  I want you to have the best, and it's clear that I'm not the best for you."

Yoona hit his shoulder, "Then why did you kiss me?!  Why did you always in when Seunghyun and I tried to get back together?"

"I wanted to make sure that he was the best for you.  I wanted to make sure that he wasn't trying to play with you.  I wanted to make sure that he wasn't getting revenge on you, and he passed the test with flying colors," Jiyong added.

"What test?" Yoona interrogated.

"As you know, I'm the master of manipulation.  I'm better at manipulating people than Seunghyun.  I convinced him that you were only marrying him so that you could give Yoogeun the family that he always wanted.  I convinced him that you didn't really love him and that you really loved me.  I convinced him that you were only getting married because you felt forced.  He declared his love for you over and over again to me.  I knew he was sincere, but it wasn't enough for me.  I figured that the ultimate gesture of love in your guys' situation was for him to let you go and let you decide.  If he didn't let you go, then I would figure that he's selfish and would let you marry him even if you were unhappy, but I didn't expect his definition of letting go as going away to a different country," Jiyong said.

Yoona was in disbelief, "So what would you do if Seunghyun had not let me go?"

"I think I would have interrupted the wedding.  I'm not lying; I would do it just for you.  I want you to have the best after all the that I have put you through.  I'm sorry, Yoona.  I hope that you know that I only did this because I love you.  I know that you can never love me in such a way, so I will only love you as a sister," Jiyong apologized.

Yoona tried to smile, "I don't know if I should beat you up or thank you."

"You'll thank me in time.  I know you two will last the whole marriage without any major problems, and you can thank me for that confirmation," Jiyong joked.

Yoona looked at her best friend.  She had been through so much with him.  She knew that he was kind of the villain in her love story with Seunghyun, but he turned out to be like her "fairy godmother".  He helped her grow so much that it was unbelievable.  He was her first love, but unfortunately, he wasn't her true love.  Seunghyun was her true love, but Yoona knew that Jiyong had been carved into her heart for life.  The car came to a sudden halt as Jiyong gave her a smile.

"It's time for you to go now," he whispered.

Yoona looked at his eyes.  She knew he wanted to cry.  His eyes were teary.  He hid them though his luminous smile.  Yoona quickly hugged him and she surprisingly kissed his cheek.  She couldn't thank him enough.  Although he came off to be a playboy, Yoona knew that he was a committed man deep down in his heart.  If he really loved a girl, he would be the type that would stick to her forever.  Yoona opened the door and ran into the airport.  She turned back one final time and waved at Jiyong.  Jiyong waved back and as soon as she ran inside the airport, a frown replaced the smile on his face.  

He watched her run into the airport with a grand wedding dress.  She looked ridiculous in a wedding dress as she ran in an airport, but she still looked beautiful.  Jiyong watched the woman that made him realize his priorities in life.  He learned through her to quit his bad habits of breaking hearts and to finally cherish a woman's heart.  When Jiyong finally meets the right woman for him, he made a mental note to thank Yoona for his transformation.  He was surprised as he found a smile on his face again.  He knew his next move.

Yoona looked around the airport and found it to be a craze in there.  There were so many people that it confused Yoona.  She tried looking for Seunghyun, but she remembered that he owned a private section of the airport.  She wouldn't be able to find him in the public section.  She tried to find the private section, but she just couldn't.  It didn't help that so many people were bumping into her either.  Then something caught her eye.

She saw a tall European man with dark shades.  He had a big bowl of red bean jelly in his hand with no intend of eating it.  She knew that he looked familiar and she guessed that he was one of Seunghyun's bodyguards.  She figured that the red bean jelly was for a demanding Seunghyun.  She picked up her dress and began to run after the bodyguard.  She then pulled on his sleeve as the guard grew alert.  At first the guard was startled to see Yoona there.

"Miss Yoona, what are you doing here?!" he asked.

"I'm here to retrieve my groom!" Yoona yelled, "Listen, you're name is Drew, right?"

"Yes, ma'am," he answered.

"Take me to Seunghyun.  I am the mother to his child, and I will grant you a promotion once I get married to him," Yoona ordered.

Drew was startled, but figured that it wouldn't hurt if Yoona talked to Seunghyun.  He didn't know much, but he did know that Yoona and Seunghyun were supposed to get married.  He gently nodded and beckoned for her to follow him.  As soon as he began to walk, Yoona took the red bean jelly that he was holding and claimed that she was going to give it to Seunghyun personally.  They walked for about four minutes, and when they finally got there, Yoona stopped.  She dismissed the tall bodyguard.

She saw Seunghyun sitting down in a waiting room chair as he stared down at the floor.  His eyes were covered with sunglasses to shield his reddened eyes.  He folded his hands together and kept his head down.  Yoona walked so diligently that Seunghyun couldn't even hear her silver heels clack through the gray tiles of the airport floor.  As soon as she was about ten feet away from him, she stopped walking.  She grabbed the bowl full of red bean jelly and threw it at him.

Seunghyun was bewildered as he felt a squishy substance bounce off of his head of hair.  He looked towards Yoona's direction and he immediately saw her.  His eyes bulged out as Yoona began to take off her heels.  She took off the shoe on her left foot and threw it at him.  Seunghyun managed to dodge the silver shoe, but unfortunately, Yoona threw her other shoe at him while he was occupied dodging the other.  The shoe that managed to hit him smashed against his face, but luckily there was no visible damage:  there was only the pain.  

Seunghyun groaned as he rubbed his face.  Yoona picked up her dress and bit her lip while she ran towards him.  Surprisingly, she tackled him down to the floor and she was directly above him.  His bodyguards were about to rip them apart from each other, but Yoona gave a menacing glare that caused them to leave the room without hesitation.  Instinctively, Yoona began to hit him as tears began to swell up in her eyes.

"How dare you!  How could you do this to me?" Yoona cried out as she pounded her fists on his chest.

Seunghyun tried getting up, but he couldn't because Yoona kept on hitting him.  Her anger was finally showing.  He couldn't help but stare at her.  She looked so beautiful even if she was mad.  Her dress suited her.  The dress hugged her body as if it was meant for her.  Seunghyun looked at her face.  She had light makeup and even if tears were escaping from her eyes, she still looked gorgeous.  Her hair was up in a loose, elegant bun.

"Answer me!" Yoona snapped him out of his thoughts as she slapped him.

Seunghyun was shaken out of his thoughts and managed to sit up.  As soon as he sat up, Yoona stood up.  After she beckoned for him to stand up, he obliged and looked at her face to face.  He felt ashamed to be the cause to her tears.

"I'm sorry," he finally answered.

"Sorry?  Is that the best you can do?  You're leaving me at the altar right now!  Do you still hate me that much that you want to embarrass me in front of all of my friends and family?  Did you want to be so cruel that you'd raise my hopes and then leave me like this?  Did you forget that we have a son together?  If he found out that you tried leaving me, he would hate you forever.  Do you really want that?" Yoona exploded.

Seunghyun shook his head, "No, I don't want that.  I actually want us three to be together, but things are so complicated."

"You're not making any sense!" Yoona fired at him.

"Listen...my plane is going to leave soon," Seunghyun's deep voice turned squeaky as he tried to hold in any tears.

"Is that all you can think of?  Why do you want to leave so much?  Jiyong told me that you want to leave because you think that I'm not happy with you.  Do you really have to leave to make sure that I'm happy or not?  What happened to our promises together?  I know it sounds childish to bring up those pinky promises that we made, but please remember them!  You promised me that you would never leave me and that you'd stay by my side forever.  You left me three years ago!  You left me and went to China.  I already forgave you, so please don't lose my trust again by breaking that promise one more time.  I don't give third chances," Yoona bawled out.

Seunghyun's eyes gave out as one tear drop escaped from his eyes.  He breathed in and tried to think over everything.  He hated seeing her cry.  Even when he was trying to be mean to her, he still would hate himself for making her cry.  He nervously swallowed and looked into Yoona's eyes.

"Try to persuade me that you really love me.  Convince me that you came here because you love me and not because you want Yoogeun to have a unified family.  Make me believe that you'll truly be happy to have me as your husband in your life.  Just prove to me that I'm actually worthy of you," Seunghyun begged quietly.

Yoona looked directly at his eyes and saw the damage that her love has done to him.  By looking at his eyes, she imagined life in his shoes.  He had his first love taken away by death and when he finally moved on and moved to Korea, he fell in love with a woman that was in love with someone else.  He was the one that was stuck in friend zone as Yoona talked constantly about Jiyong.  Seunghyun was the man that had to move to China and lie to the woman he loved after she finally gave him a chance because he needed to save his family's legacy.  He was the one that got into a plane accident on his way back to Korea after he found out that Yoona ran away.  He was the one who was hit with amnesia.  Seunghyun was the one that was lied to by Hyuna and Yoona, and then discovered that he was a father that wasn't there for the first three years of his own son's life.  

Seunghyun never intentionally tried to hurt her.  If he did hurt her, it was because he was either confused or he was doing it for her own good.  Yoona sighed and realized her mistakes.  She shouldn't have never hid their son from him.  She would probably react the same to him if Seunghyun was the one that was hiding Yoogeun from her.  Yoona then realized all the sacrifices that he made for her.  Yoona was reminded of how much Seunghyun loved her.  He practically knew everything about her.  He knew her favorite book, color, band, food, and just about everything else.

It was time for Yoona to make a sacrifice for him.  He was still confused and all he wanted was verification that Yoona would genuinely be happy spending the rest of her life with him.

Yoona stood up tall and got closer to Seunghyun.  She took his hands and held it tightly.  She felt his hands shaking with anxiety while she breathed in.

"I'm here to inform you that you can leave if you want.  If you really want to leave, then go ahead," Yoona said.

Seunghyun was shocked and just nodded slowly with disappointment.  If she was truly going to be happy without him, then he would accept it like a true man.  Seunghyun was about let go of Yoona's hands, but Yoona didn't allow him to.  She squeezed his hands tighter and gave him a stern look.

"You can go to New York, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Beijing, Manila, Taiwan, or wherever you want, but I'm going to let you know that I'll follow you wherever you go.  I can't stop you from leaving me, but you can't stop me from following you.  I'll bring Yoogeun with me if I have to.  I'll neglect my business if I have to.  You will never escape me.  I made up my mind, and you're the one that I'm going to marry.  There's no turning back for me and you," Yoona gave a weak smile.

"Huh?" Seunghyun was baffled.

Yoona finally gave a confident grin, "I'm giving you a choice.  You can leave now and go to New York.  Of course, Yoogeun and I will be there as soon as we get a flight, and we'll follow you wherever you go.  You can either do that or you can get back home, put your tuxedo on, get your to the church, and marry me.  Then we live happily ever after...of course with some casual fights and arguments, but that's how married couples are, right?  Now you have to decide.  Do you want to do this the hard way or the easy way?"

Yoona sat on a large bed with her back leaning on the headboard of the bed.  She took the phone on the bedside when it suddenly rang.  Her father was on the other side of the line.  She was just about to call him, so it was pretty convenient.  She pressed the talk button and pressed her iPhone against her left ear.  She cleared as she heard her father's voice.

"Yoona ah, how are you holding up?" Daniel asked.

"I'm fine, appa.  I just got off the plane, so I'm pretty tired.  How's Yoogeun?" Yoona answered.

Daniel informed her, "Oh, he just went to sleep.  Jessica visited him before she left for Tokyo.  I think she's having her final concert there.  I heard that it was sold out in less than a minute.  By the way, Yoogeun wanted me to tell you to take care and come back with a lot of toys for him."

"Is he still mad at me that I didn't let him come with me?  I would bring him, but he has school, and Jieun told me that it's better off if he finishes the last three weeks of this school year instead of skipping it by going out of the country," Yoona worried.

"Don't worry, sweetheart.  Yoogeun is still a child and he will get over it.  Children have great resilience and they can never stay angry for more than a few hours.  Just take care of yourself there, okay?  Come back home soon," Daniel said.

"I don't think I'm coming back soon," Yoona laughed, "I'm going to be here for two to three weeks."

"I can't believe it's possible for two people to have a child and still be in the honeymoon phase!" Daniel chuckled.

"Appa, we are in the honeymoon phase because we just got married!" Yoona laughed.

Daniel agreed, "You're right.  You're lucky that you caught him just in time.  I really believe that he loves you.  Well, enough of my blabbering and I'll let you go now.  I hope your honeymoon is unforgettable.  I love you, Yoong."

"I love you too, daddy," Yoona said and then she hung up.

Yoona then got a picture message and received one of her wedding pictures during the reception.  Jonghyun volunteered to be the photographer for their wedding and he made sure that he edited the best picture so that he could send it to Yoona as soon as possible.  Yoona stared at the picture.  It was unbelievably beautiful and breathtaking.

(credit to Nomadzs)

Yoona giggled as she heard Seunghyun twisting the doorknob.  He emerged from the bathroom looking as fresh and clean as ever.  His hair was damp from taking a shower, but he still looked handsome.  He gave a smirk as he joined Yoona on the bed.  He immediately rested his head on Yoona's chest as he heard her heartbeat.  He gave a satisfied smile and kissed her cheek lovingly.  Yoona smiled at him as he hugged her waist.  Yoona fiddled with his dampened hair.  She kissed his forehead slowly.

As they both rested on the bed while they embraced each other, Seunghyun decided to bring up a subject that they had never talked about.

"It's almost Christmas, and I asked Yoogeun what he wanted.  He told me that he has everything that he wants.  He finally has his parents together, he lives in a nice house, and he gets just about everything he wants.  He told me that one thing is missing," Seunghyun grinned.

"And what's that?" Yoona questioned.

"He want's a sibling.  We should fulfill his wish," Seunghyun whispered in a sticky tone.

Yoona laughed as he began to kiss her neck, "Choi Seunghyun ah!"

A/N:  This is the last chapter to the plot.  I'm still thinking whether or not I should do an epilogue.  If I was to do an epilogue, I thought that I should do a wrap up of the main characters and the important minor characters' lives (ex:  Yoona, Seunghyun, Jiyong, Key, Jessica, Onew, etc.).  Do you think I should do an epilogue or should I just let it end here?

BTW, I'm posting the first chapter to "Runaway Groom" with its main couple as JiSica (G-Dragon and Jessica) featuring TopYoon (TOP and Yoona) as the supporting couple.  If you'd like to read it, please click here!

Thank you for all your support.  I will try to have a new TopYoon story up soon.

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TheFourMaiden #1
Chapter 6: my aunt told me about your beautiful stories and i love it
Skyscraper1202 #2
Chapter 34: I really love it.
Skyscraper1202 #3
Chapter 34: Thank you for this story authornim
yoongie_exo #4
Chapter 34: I love it ♡
steiyoon #5
Chapter 34: I love your stories....specially if it's TopYoon! I have a great & fun time time reading this over & over again. When are you going to make another TopYoon story again Sunshine94? Please make one for us again...
Anzasims #6
Chapter 34: Love it to the max~
ggy_erd #7
Chapter 34: love it :)
ggy_erd #8
Chapter 19: i love this sooo much...
lvyoon #10
Chapter 34: Wow... your story is so great and awesome! I cried for 1 hours because of the problems that yoona gone through. I just love how strong yoona was. You did a great job authornim!! Please write more of TOPYoon fanfics.. thumbs up! :)