Arguments and Agreements

Pinky Promise

The shifts in setting (Seunghyun and Yoona) will be indicated by color!  Blue=Seunghyun and Purple=Yoona.

"What do you mean you guys slept together?!" Sooyoung asked loudly.

Yoona grew embarrassed at her friend's sudden outburst.  They were at a diner and fortunately, the diner was already loud and chaotic.  No one heard Sooyoung's cry of surprise.  Yoona sat on a booth table with Seohyun, Sooyoung, and Yuri.  Yoona called them early in the morning to meet her up for some breakfast.  She needed to talk to them because she hadn't seen them in so long.  Seohyun was drinking her coffee, and she spit it out after Yoona told them the news.  Yoona felt ashamed as she tried to hide her face with her hands.

"Wow, I can't believe you guys did...IT!" Yuri giggled as Yoona hit her shoulder, "How did it happen?  Did he make the first move or did you?"

"I did not make the first move!" Seunghyun yelled at his friends.

Jaejoong made an assumption, "Yoona has too much pride to give in first.  She's as fierce as...your mother.  She wouldn't make the first move."

Seunghyun was at a bar with Jaejoong and Hyun Joong.  They returned from Los Angeles and the three friends were reunited for the first time in about a year.  After Jaejoong and Hyun Joong reunited with Taeyeon and Tiffany, they went straight to Seunghyun to catch up with him.  Of course, Seunghyun told them about the news.  Hyun Joong had kept track of Yoona and Seunghyun's drama through the media.  Seunghyun filled him in on the things that the media didn't know.  The media laid it out as a love story with inspiration from Seunghyun's bribes.  They wrote that Seunghyun and Yoona were college lovers, but he had to go to China, so they broke it off.  While he was in China, he got into an accident and he ended up having amnesia.  Hyuna then got into the picture and pretended to be the woman he was in love with.  He regained his memory and remembered Yoona.  The public thought they lived happily ever after, but they were wrong.  They still didn't know about Yoogeun, and they didn't know about how much the newly engaged couple argued.  

Hyun Joong rested his hand on the top of Seunghyun's shoulder.  He gave him a confident smile as he flashed his pearly white teeth.

"Was it good?" Hyun Joong questioned.

"Aigoo, that question is so complicated!" Yoona complained as she slapped Sooyoung's thigh.

Sooyoung rolled her eyes at how dramatic she was, "It's a simple question!  Did you enjoy it or not?"

Yoona didn't say one single word.  Instead, she took the maknae's coffee and began to drink it.  Seohyun pouted as she pursed out her lips.  Yuri and Sooyoung burst into laughter at how uncomfortable she looked when Sooyoung asked her about the experience.  Yuri's eyebrows curved as she gave Yoona a desperate look.  She tugged on her arm and kept Yoona from drinking the rest of the coffee.  Yoona shrugged her hand away with irritation.  She didn't want to go in depth with how last night went.  

"Was he at least the best you had?" Sooyoung asked.

Seohyun defended Yoona, "Unnie, we should stop bugging her.  Yoona unnie is probably very confused at the moment.  The man that despises her made love to her last night.  Wouldn't that confuse you, too?"

Yuri threw a blueberry from her pancake to Seohyun's face.  She was trying to ruin all the fun.  Seohyun laughed as she saw the stain the blueberry left on her cheek.  Seohyun took a tissue and wiped it off her face.  Yuri gave her a sarcastic, but apologetic smile. Seohyun playfully rolled her eyes.

Yuri and Seohyun jumped up as they heard Sooyoung clap her hands loudly, "Yoona ah, isn't Seunghyun the only man that you have been with?"

"I'm sure that she slept with other men during those three years!" Seunghyun tried fooling himself.

Hyun Joong laughed at his lie.  Both of Hyun Joong and Jaejoong knew that Seunghyun was lying to himself.  They knew Seunghyun well enough to know Seunghyun's real thoughts.  He really thought that he was the only man that Yoona had been with, and it was true.  She never had that kind of experience with another man.  Plus, she already had a son and she honestly didn't have the time to flirt with other men.

"I doubt it.  She's too responsible to be herself around like she's in a parade," Jaejoong gave his opinion.

"Well, I wouldn't even care," Seunghyun crossed his arms.

Jaejoong and Hyun Joong eyeballed each other.  They knew that their friend was acting extremely stubborn.  He had so much pride right now that he didn't want to admit what was wrong or right.  It was as if there was no way Seunghyun could be satisfied.  If Yoona was with other men during their separation, he would freak out and call her a .  If she wasn't, he would still ignore the facts and act as if she wasn't innocent.

Hyun Joong sipped his drink, "Seunghyun, we all know that you still love her.  She is the mother of your child.  If you didn't love her, you wouldn't be trying so hard to make her get married to you.  Let's face it!  You're kind of forced her to marry you!  If you didn't threaten her that you would take away her baby, she probably wouldn't have gotten engaged to you."

Seunghyun knew that they were trying to make him feel guilty.  He rolled his eyes and ignored their nagging.  He already had a mother and he swore that his two friends resembled her so much.  

"Are you two still in love?" Jaejoong finally asked.

"We are not in love!  He hates my guts and our past feelings will never return again!" Yoona claimed.

Sooyoung laughed at how defensive she was.  She seemed so worked up over Seohyun's question whether if the couple were in love.  Yoona glanced over at her watch and looked up at her friends.  Even if they , she knew that they were there to support her.  It was just kind of awkward because Seohyun, Sooyoung, and Yuri were either married or dating one of Seunghyun's brothers.  She stood up and put down some money on the table.

"I need to get going.  I have someone I need to meet in a few minutes," Yoona informed them.

"Oh, okay," Yuri smiled, "Drive safely!"

Yoona got out of the car with her purse on her shoulder.  She clutched onto her jacket and walked out of the car.  It was already past noon and honestly, she was just driving around since she left the diner.  When she drove by herself, she had time to think and contemplate about whatever she was worrying about.  She also didn't want to go home later.  When she woke up in the morning, she got up first and left the mansion before he woke up.  She didn't want to face him after what had happened.  She walked through the iron gates and soon reached the porch of a familiar home.  She knocked on the door gently and it was answered.  When the door opened, she felt a pair of arms embrace her firmly.  She squeaked at the sudden impact.  She expected him to stop hugging her, but he didn't.  He just continued to hug her.

"Yoona, you actually came!" Jiyong cried out.

Yoona smiled, "Of course!  You are my best friend."

He gave a frail smile at her statement that she only came because he was her best friend.  He always wanted to cross that friendship boundary, and when he had the chance, it was stripped away.  He pulled Yoona into the mansion and she took off her jacket.  She set it on top of the couch and sat on the sofa.  Jiyong's laptop was on top of the coffee table.

"I wasn't surprised that you came.  I knew that you wouldn't blow me off.  I'm just surprised that Seunghyun let you out of the house.  I heard that you two are getting married soon," Jiyong stated.

Yoona nodded, "Yeah, I am getting married to him.  He found about Yoogeun, remember?"

Jiyong didn't say a word. He was still shocked that Yoogeun was Seunghyun's baby.  Since that rivalry, he would rather have anyone in the world father Yoogeun except for Seunghyun.  Because of Yoogeun, Seunghyun had Yoona on a leash, and Jiyong honestly didn't like that.  He looked at Yoona and observed her.  She looked...different.  He didn't know what it was, but he felt as if something happened to her.  He saw a silver band around Yoona's ring finger.  He assumed that it was her engagement ring.

"I thought he would at least buy you an engagement ring with a diamond on it," Jiyong pointed at her finger.

Yoona looked down at her hand and grew embarrassed.  What was wrong with having a simple ring?  Yoona snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at Jiyong.  He was staring at her ring as he waited for her answer.  She gave a faint smile and hid her ring with her other hand.  

"Do you want the truth?" Yoona asked.

"Of course I do," he replied.

Yoona explained, "Well, you see...three years ago, he gave me this ring before he turned into a jerk.  And I had it all along.  He remembered me because he found the ring after I lost it in the fashion show.  He was going to buy me an engagement ring, but I insisted that I just have this as an engagement ring.  I don't want to trouble him with the burden of a new, expensive ring."

Jiyong knew that it wasn't the full truth.  She made it seem as if keeping the ring for three whole years wasn't a big deal.  It was because if she threw it away, it would symbolize the disappearance of Seunghyun in Yoona's heart.  The fact that she kept it made him question whether she still cared for him or not.  Another part of him made a guess that the only reason why she kept the ring was because it was the only thing she had left of him.  They were gone for three years and because she knew that he was the father, she had an attachment towards him.  It that she had an attachment to him just because he was the father of her child.  It didn't give Jiyong a fair fight.

"I'm still surprised that he let you out," Jiyong repeated.

"Well, we're not technically married yet," Yoona reminded him, "And I have the right to go out and see my friends."

"Yeah, he gives you the right to see your friends, but if he knew that it was me, he wouldn't let you," Jiyong guessed.

Yoona scoffed, "Who cares?  He doesn't have me on a leash.  I have him on a leash!"

Jiyong laughed at her.  She was still the same old Yoona.  He heard the kettle whistle loudly signaling that the water that he boiled earlier was ready.  Jiyong beckoned for her to wait and jogged to the kitchen to make some tea.  When she was left alone in the living room, her phone vibrated in her purse.  She looked at the screen and Seunghyun's name was displayed on the caller ID.  She pressed the red button that ignored his incoming call.  She knew that he was going to give her hell when she went home, but she didn't care at the moment.  She turned off her phone and put it back in her purse.

Jiyong returned to the living room with two cups of hot green tea.  Yoona bowed her head as he handed her one of the cups.  She sipped a little bit of it and then she set it on the coffee table.  She crossed her legs.

"Why did you want to talk to me?  I was surprised when you gave me that note during your engagement party," Yoona asked.

Jiyong answered, "Actually, I wanted to ask you for some advice.  I don't know what to do about the situation that I'm in."

Jiyong opened his laptop and Yoona immediately gasped at the pictures that were displayed.  Yoona kneeled next to the laptop and scrolled down with the trackpad for the laptop.  All of the pictures looked real.  She was assured that none of it was photoshopped or anything.

"What the hell is wrong with her!" Yoona exclaimed.

Jiyong had his head down as he grabbed his hair with his hands.  He seemed angry and disappointed.  Yoona went to his side and patted his shoulder.  He leaned his head on her shoulder as he fought back the tears.  Yoona closed the laptop screen to avoid seeing those images again.  

"She was always gone and her excuses were bizarre, so I hired a private investigator to follow her.  She had been having an affair with that guy for eight months!  They're still seeing each other," Jiyong told her.

"What if the baby isn't yours?  There's an upside to that.  Maybe you won't even have to marry her," Yoona tried to be optimistic.

Jiyong felt weak as he listened to Yoona.  Even though Gyuri made him angry for being the cause of his separation with Yoona, he still loved her.  His relationship with both Yoona and Gyuri was similar to that of Yoona's with Jiyong and Seunghyun.  He loved both of them, but unfortunately, he was hurt by the both of them.  Yoona was marrying another man and Gyuri had cheated on him.

"I have all the information on him.  He's a computer engineer here in Seoul.  He's 25 years old, and according to his medical records, he's sterile, so that means that it's impossible for him to be the father of Gyuri's baby.  The private investigator told me that he discovered Gyuri's plans," Jiyong said.

Yoona took the handkerchief in her purse and began to wipe away his tears.  She couldn't stand seeing him like this.  He looked and felt vulnerable as his voice grew shaky and squeaky.  His eyes were red while a few tears managed to escape his eyes.

"What are her plans?" Yoona asked.

He shook his head.  He regretted adding in that last part.  

Yoona shook his shoulders, "Jiyong, tell me now!  What are her plans?"

"She planned on getting pregnant on purpose and then divorce me after we get married so that half of my money could go to her!  She doesn't even love me!  She played me.  The only reason why she stuck with me was because she wanted money for herself and her boyfriend.  I can't believe I actually fell for her," he burst out crying.

Yoona hugged him tightly as he cried louder.  Part of Yoona wanted to beat Gyuri up.  She didn't like the fact that someone had taken advantage of one of her friends.  

"Don't marry her.  Don't let her win," Yoona instructed him.

"Yoona...I need to marry her.  I don't want my future child to be called a bastard," he said with an unstable voice.

"There has to be a way around this.  This isn't right," Yoona cried out, "I swear she's going to get it the next time I see her!" 

Jiyong held her arm and shook his head quickly.  

"No, you can't tell her!" Jiyong blurted out, "She doesn't know that I know!"

It was already nine o'clock at night.  Yoona had called Daesung to check up on Yoogeun and he was fine.  Yoona left Jiyong's house after about two hours of comforting him.  She also had a deep talk with him.  After she went to Jiyong's house, she visited her father's house because she needed to see her family once again.  She missed them too much.  Yoona was in front of the mansion she had to call her home.  She took out her key from her purse and fished it in the lock.  Before she could even twist the key, the door was opened by another person from inside the mansion.  Yoona was alert to see Seunghyun staring her down.  She guessed that Yoogeun was out with his uncles and grandmother again.

She walked inside and took off her jacket.  She took off her shoes as a maid took her jacket.  She avoided any eye contact with Seunghyun as she briskly walked to the bedroom.  She rolled her eyes as she heard Seunghyun's footsteps following her.  He had his hands on his hips as he shouted at her.  It was as if every step she took, he was right behind her.

"What do you think you're doing?  How dare you return home just now?  If you didn't know, you're a mother and you can't strut around as if you're a single woman again!" he nagged her her.

Yoona went to the mirror in their bathroom and began to take off her earrings.  She didn't say a word to him as he continued to yell at her for going out without his acknowledgement.  Yoona rolled her eyes again as she exited the bathroom and went back to the bedroom.  He continued to follow her as his nagging became more annoying to her.

"I called you over and over again!  You turned off your phone after I called you!  I know you did!" he ranted.

He argued with her more.  She didn't seem to listen so he grabbed her wrist.

"Don't touch me!" Yoona yelped.

"I can if I want!  I'm your fiance!" he yelled back.

Yoona gave him a glare, "You act as if I'm your property just because I'm getting married to you."

"You will be tied down to me once you say 'I do'," he informed her.

"And so will you!" Yoona pointed at him.

He held both of her wrist as she tried to slip away from his grip.  His strength still surpassed hers greatly.  She grunted at him as he looked at her with those eyes that made her fall for him long ago.  She looked down.

"Where were you?" he asked with a strict tone.

His temper frightened her, but she decided to ignore her fear.  She didn't want to be afraid of him again.  She reminded herself over and over again that he was still the same man that she managed to control three years ago.

"I was with my friends and then I went to see my family," she said.

Seunghyun accused her, "You're lying!  You're being too vague on purpose!  I know you were with Jiyong!"

"I never said that I wasn't with him!  Last time I checked, he one of my friends!" Yoona shouted, "And how did you know that I was with him?  Did you follow me?"

"No, I hired someone to watch over you," he said.

Yoona hit his chest with her little fists.  She groaned at the impact.  No matter how much she told herself to stop hitting him because of the pain inflicted on herself, she still managed to forget and hit him anyways.  She grew so angry at him that tears began to form at the rims of her eyes.  She hated it that she felt prone to crying because of him.  She had to guess that he was the only one that made her cry.

"I hate you!  Why did you have to follow me as if I was a child?" Yoona screamed at him.

He laughed at her mockingly, "I've had my guards follow you since the day I found out you were my son's mother."

"Does my tears satisfy you?  I never thought that my cries would ever entertain you.  You really did change.  I can't believe I ever thought you were the man of my dreams," Yoona bawled.

She couldn't control what she was saying.  She felt so emotional because he thought of her as a joke.  The man she was once in love with thought of her as nothing but a joke.  It hurt her.

"I thought Jiyong was the man of your dreams," he confessed.

"Just shut up!" Yoona bellowed, "I hate you for changing!  I hate you for being a jerk!  You're not even the same Seunghyun that I have loved.  All you want to do is hurt me!"

"That's what you get for hiding my son!  You're selfish for trying to hide him away from me.  For three whole years, I suffered because I didn't know who I was.  My family didn't help me remember who I was.  Do you know how it was to wake up in the morning wondering what happened to me in the past?  When I read those letters that I wrote...I just confused myself more," he admitted.

"You wrote letters?  What letters?" Yoona interrogated.

"It's stupid, but I wrote letters to you that I never mailed.  I was in China for a month before my accident, and during that one month, I managed to write over a forty letters.  I never mailed it to you, though.  I always wrote the letters staring with either 'Dear Choding' or 'Dear Darling'.  It's stupid," he repeated.

"Where are the letters?" Yoona asked.

Yoona was hoping that he would say the right answer.  If he did, she would give him a chance.  She was hoping that he would give her a good answer. She secretly wanted this to work.  She didn't want Yoogeun to grow up with parents that pretend to get along.  She wanted to give him the family that he deserved.  She looked at his lips and watched them slowly move.  She just wished that he would say the right thing.  

"I burned them after I discovered that you were the one that they were for," he admitted, "I was really hoping that it was someone better."

Yoona's jaw dropped.  She was not going to give him that chance again!  He just blew his chances of being accepted by her again.  She shot him a dirty glare and gave him an infuriated look. Her eyebrows creased to show her anger towards him.  She was heated by his presence.  He was never a smooth talker, but he was never this cruel with his words.  She honestly wanted to take his words and shove it down his throat for being so insensitive.

"And I was hoping that Yoogeun's father was someone better!" Yoona retorted.

"Take that back!" he yelled.

"No!" Yoona shook her head, "I wish that you weren't Yoogeun's father!  If you weren't his father, I would be on the first plane away from you!  You know what?  I can't even stand being in the same country as you.  If you weren't his father, I wouldn't have run away to Jeju Island.  I would have run away to the deepest jungles of Africa so that I would never have to see you again!"

"You're lying!  If you didn't want me to be Yoogeun's father, you wouldn't have returned to Seoul in the first place!" 

"I didn't go back to Seoul to see you!" Yoona fired, "I went back to Seoul to see my father!"

"Whatever," he shrugged.

There was a moment of silence.  They were both shooting threats to each other through their eyes.  Seunghyun approached her and his hand cupped her chin.  He lifted up her head so that her eyes were looking directly into his.  She looked to the side and looked back into his eyes. he looked so serious.  He tilted his head to the side and gave her lips a kiss.  An evil smirk appeared on his face as she broke apart from the kiss.

"Did Jiyong kiss you like that today?" he asked her.

"What are you talking about?" Yoona questioned.

Seunghyun's hands surrounded her jawline firmly as he brought her head closer to his face.  Their noses were almost touching.  That smirk was still on his face and Yoona wanted to wipe it away.  She didn't move a single inch.

"Don't tell me that all you did with Jiyong was sip tea the whole time.  You two are fully grown adults.  I know that something had to happen," he whispered hoarsely.

It was ironic that he was thinking that.  As dumb and unrealistic as it sounded, that's what they during Yoona's visit:  sip tea.

"Well, nothing happened," Yoona stated.

"Don't lie to me!" he yelled.

Another argument was born as the two started to shout at each other.  It seemed as if arguing became an everyday thing for them.  They argued over both little and big things.  It was a good thing that Yoogeun didn't see them.  

They were into their argument so much that they didn't hear the front door opening.  It was Seunghyun's brothers, mother, and their son.  Taeyang was startled as he heard something breaking against the wall.  He presumed that they were arguing again.  

Yoona threw a vase at him, but fortunately he dodged it.  It shattered into a million pieces as it impacted against the wall.  Yoona threw the vase at him after he said hurtful words that damaged her self-respect as a woman.  Yoona went directly into the closet and took out her luggage.  She needed to get away from him.  She couldn't stand him.  He followed her to the closet and tried to pull the luggage away from her.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

She snapped, "What do you think I'm doing?  I'm packing!  I'm getting away from you!  You're just so evil that I can't stand you."

"What about Yoogeun?" Seunghyun questioned with panic.

Yoona shook her head.  She honestly didn't know what to do.  She wanted to stay for Yoogeun, but she couldn't stand his father.  Her father was the root to her suffering.  He was the reason to her tears.  

"I don't know, but I don't want to see you right now," Yoona stated.

The two got into the argument even more as the noise level rose.  What they didn't see was Yoogeun quietly watching them near the entrance to their bedroom.  He witnessed his father taking away the luggage from his mother.  He knew that his father didn't want her to leave.  His mother was persistent and all she wanted was him to leave her presence.  He saw the tension between the two.  He saw the broken love that he never thought existed.  

"How dare you call me a tramp?  You don't even know what I've been through," she was starting to cry.

"You know that you're going to have to go back here if you want to see your son again," he ignored her.

"Whatever," Yoona sniffed, "All you did was hurt me.  I don't think this engagement will ever work out."

She took off her ring and threw it at him.  He caught it after fumbling a bit.  After that, Yoogeun's breathing got heavy.  Yoona heard a familiar sound that she dreaded to hear.  She heard her baby gasping for air like a fish out of water.  She looked at Yoogeun and realized that he heard part of their argument.  He fell to his knees and he panted for air.  Yoona's face filled with heavy tears as she tried to look for his inhaler.  Seunghyun stared as he held his son.  He didn't know what to do.  Seungri ran to the room after hearing Yoona scream.  She was looking through Yoogeun's pockets, but she couldn't find his inhaler.  Her cries became loud.

"His inhaler!" Yoona shouted out loud, "Where's his inhaler?"

"Oh no, he must have left it in the park!" Seungri exclaimed worriedly.

Yoona instructed strictly, "Call the ambulance!  He's having an asthma attack!" 

Seungri ran to his room and called the ambulance quickly.  Yoona's heart felt as if it was going to explode out of her chest.  She saw Seunghyun crying for the first time.  She took Yoogeun into her arms and as soon as they reached the front yard, Seunghyun hugged the both of them.  They were lucky because the hospital was only four miles away from their home.  The ambulance reached the mansion in time before any more damage could be done to Yoogeun's lungs.  As soon as the ambulance reached their home, they raced him to the hospital with Yoona and Seunghyun by his side.  Yoona held Yoogeun's hands as she looked at them. She kissed them over and over again.  She knew that he was stabilized, but she just couldn't stand the thought that he was in pain earlier. She felt Seunghyun put his arms around her shoulders.  He pulled her into his chest.  He was just as scared as she was.  

"We need to stop arguing for our son," he whispered into her ear.

Yoona nodded, "We should just stop."

Yoona couldn't believe that she was admitting that he was right.  For once, they agreed on something.

A/N:  Sorry for the delay.  I just got back and I start school tomorrow.  How sad...I'm going to be bombarded with homework and projects again.  I'm sad... :(

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TheFourMaiden #1
Chapter 6: my aunt told me about your beautiful stories and i love it
Skyscraper1202 #2
Chapter 34: I really love it.
Skyscraper1202 #3
Chapter 34: Thank you for this story authornim
yoongie_exo #4
Chapter 34: I love it ♡
steiyoon #5
Chapter 34: I love your stories....specially if it's TopYoon! I have a great & fun time time reading this over & over again. When are you going to make another TopYoon story again Sunshine94? Please make one for us again...
Anzasims #6
Chapter 34: Love it to the max~
ggy_erd #7
Chapter 34: love it :)
ggy_erd #8
Chapter 19: i love this sooo much...
lvyoon #10
Chapter 34: Wow... your story is so great and awesome! I cried for 1 hours because of the problems that yoona gone through. I just love how strong yoona was. You did a great job authornim!! Please write more of TOPYoon fanfics.. thumbs up! :)