With Good Intentions

Pinky Promise

"I want my son back!" Yoona cried out.

Yoona was sobbing on the couch like a little child as she was handed tissues.  Daniel and Hyori had returned from their extended trip to Busan.  Daniel could not believe how things have gotten out of hand.  Hyori on the other hand could not believe that Seunghyun was that cruel to Yoona to take away her son from her.  Seunghyun just had Yoogeun for about three days, and Yoona felt as if she was already going crazy.  Hyori wiped away her tears with tissues as her father embraced her to give her some support.

"I wish I could do something about this," Daniel admitted, "but his family is richer than ours.  They're capable of doing anything."

"I should have never allowed him in my life!" Yoona wept.

Hyori shook her head, "If he wasn't a part of your life, then Yoogeun would have never been in your life either."

Yoona realized that it was true and began to cry even more.  Daniel and Hyori knew that Seunghyun was Yoogeun's father, but because Yoona never wanted to talk about it, the subject was avoided.  Yoona looked like a complete mess.  Her hair was in tangles, her nose was pink from excessive crying, and her eyes were swollen from the river of tears.

Seunghyun was enjoying his time with Yoogeun, but he never knew how much trouble he was.  He knew that Yoogeun was attached to Yoona, but he didn't know that he was that attached.  Yoogeun always kept on questioning where Yoona was.  He always asked his father when his mother would return to pick him up.  There were even times when Yoogeun would cry because he missed his mother.

"Why are you crying again?" Seunghyun asked.

They were having dinner, and when Yoogeun saw his meat, he started to cry.  Seunghyun didn't know how to control him or how to ease him.  Seunghyun sighed loudly as Yoogeun tried to hold back his tears.  After drinking from his cup of water, Seunghyun put down his fork.  Seungri, Misun, Daesung, and Taeyang were watching Yoogeun cry.  They also didn't know what to do.

"Yoogeun, why are you crying?  Don't you like spending time with your appa?" Seunghyun asked him gently.

Yoogeun nodded as he tried wiping his tears away, "I like being here, appa, but I miss my umma.  She used to always cut my meat for me.  I miss my umma.  Do you know where my umma is?  I think she might be looking for me."

Seunghyun could not understand the bond that Yoogeun and Yoona had.  Yoogeun was crying over the absence of his mother and Seunghyun was sure that Yoona was sobbing over Yoogeun's absence.

"Dear, please stop crying," Misun requested, "You'll see your umma soon enough."

Yoogeun forced himself to stop crying.  Everyone didn't know that he was that obedient.  Seunghyun and Misun thought that he would be spoiled and bratty like his mother, but he was the opposite.  It seemed as if Yoona did a good job in raising him.  Yoogeun started to eat again as Taeyang reached over to his plate and began to cut his meat for him.

After dinner, Misun and Seunghyun were having a chat in the library.  Yoogeun was already sleeping and Taeyang, Seungri, and Daesung were in their rooms.  

"Son, I know that you're after the destruction of Yoona, but you need to understand something," Misun claimed.

"Mom, I know.  I know that you're going to lecture me about being nice to her.  You're going to say that as a gentleman, I shouldn't be harsh and rude to her," Seunghyun guessed.

Misun stared down at her son.  He changed so much from the past few days.  It was as if he evolved into a demonic version of himself.  

"No, I wasn't going to say that," Misun corrected, "I know that if I told you to be nice to her, you still wouldn't oblige to my request.  I know you have an evil plan up your sleeve.  I don't know what it is, but I'm pretty sure that it's going towards your hopes of making Yoona suffer.  I know that what she did was wrong.  She should have never hidden the child from you, but keep in mind that no matter how many times you put her down, she's still the mother of your child.  Even if you make her suffer the worst experience in the world, she'll still be a part of your life because she's Yoogeun's mother.  If you're planning on shunning her away from Yoogeun, I suggest that you change your tactic.  Yoogeun is going to be looking for his mother every single day she's absent.  For goodness sakes, just let her in your heart again."

"I can't do that," Seunghyun shook his head.

"I know you're hurt that she hid the child, but what you're doing is too much!  I can't tell you what to do anymore because you're a grown man, but please take my words into consideration!" Misun tried to help Yoona's side of the story.

Seunghyun stared at the wall, "I'm not only hurt because she hid my child from me.  I'm also hurt because from those three years that she was gone, she didn't bother to call me or contact me.  She wiped me away from her life as if I was a stupid stain.  It's like she didn't care if I was in her life or not.  She doesn't need me in her life."

Yoona walked into the retirement home.  A flood of memories invaded her mind as she walked in through those glass doors.  She remembered the first time Seunghyun had dragged her into the building.  She managed to pull off a smile.  There was only twenty minutes left for the visiting hours, but Yoona needed to have a talk with someone.  She walked into the desired room and opened the door slowly.  She saw the old woman she used to visit every week as a college student.

The woman turned around and saw Yoona.  Yoona was in shock to see that the old woman was in tears to see her familiar face again.  Yoona ran up to her and hugged her tightly.  The elderly woman embraced the younger woman as cries of happiness escaped from her lips.

"Sophia, I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long!" Yoona was almost in tears, "I'm a terrible friend."

"Ah, it's okay!" Sophia confirmed, "I'm just glad that you thought of me once again."

The obvious changes were noticeable in the old woman.  Her hair was now grayer and her wrinkles had furrowed deeper into her skin.  She still had the same uplifting smile, but her body had grown frail and weak.  She was now in a wheelchair.  Yoona touched her hair and tied it back in a ponytail.  Sophia smiled at her.

"Yoona ah, I saw you on the news.  I see that you're a fashion designer now.  Oh my, you looked so beautiful!  The last time I saw you, you were just a caterpillar, but now, you transformed into a beautiful butterfly.  You had grown so mature!" Sophia praised.

"Thank you," Yoona bowed her head.

"Ah, you already know how our relationship is!  I'm not that old!" Sophia joked, "You don't need to bow to me.  We are friends and age is not a factor.  I want us to interact like how we did three years ago.  I don't want formalities!"

Yoona nodded as the tears began to swell up in her eyes.  She was rejoiced to see a familiar face again.  Yoona laughed to herself as she remembered that she was sitting in the same exact chair from the last time she had visited the retirement home with Seunghyun.  She felt that it was like deja vu.  She looked at the door that led to the hallway.  She remembered that three years ago, she saw Seunghyun helping an elderly man eat his meal.  Now, she just saw an empty room.  Yoona stood up quickly.

"Where's Hyuk Jin?" Yoona asked, "Why is his room empty?"

Yoona's eyes darted to Sophia, and she just sat still.  Her hands were folded as she stared at the empty room with Yoona.  The man that Sophia was in love with was not in there.  No one was in there.  

"He's gone.  He passed away last year," Sophia informed her gently.

Yoona's eyes grew wide.  She could not believe that he was dead!  Yoona's heart was thumping as goosebumps emerged on her skin.  She was still in surprise that he was no longer there.  Yoona felt sympathy for her friend and patted her back in support.  She expected Sophia to start crying, but she just sat there with a reminiscent smile on her face.

"Aren't you sad?" Yoona questioned.

Sophia shook her head, "No, I'm not sad.  He was sick with a terminal illness and no one knew about it.  When everyone found out that he was dying, I visited his room many times in hopes that he would remember me.  For six months, two weeks, and four days, he didn't even know my name due to his brain's poor condition.  I was saddened by the fact that he no longer remembered me.  The last day he was alive, I was by his side, and he told me before he took his last breath, 'Sophia, I love you.'  He died remembering me."

Yoona couldn't help but sob during her story.  She sobbed for the lost of her true love.  She cried because Sophia and she had a similar story.  Sophia gave her a smile and patted her hand.

"I know that you're crying because of a hardship you went through.  Just tell me about it," Sophia suggested.

Yoona didn't know how she was going to say it.  So many words wanted to escape , but her brain wanted to process what was going to be said.  She cleared and then she coughed.

"Your story is just like mine, but I think that you went through more than I did.  I just wish that I was as strong as you," Yoona bawled.

Sophia gave her a tissue.

Yoona continued, "Seunghyun left me to go to China three years ago.  He lied to me and told me that he was leaving because he was in love with another girl.  I was just so furious and my feelings just erupted all together.  I ran away without thinking after another important guy left me.  What hurt me the most was that when Seunghyun told me that he was in love with someone else, I began to doubt myself.   I didn't think that I was good enough anymore.  I gave him everything.  Before he told me that he was in love with someone else, we had a date...and then after we had that date, we...we laid in the same bed."

Yoona was very shy, so she decided to be very vague and ambiguous.

"He started acting like a jerk right after I lost my ity to him, and I felt as if he just took advantage of me," Yoona confessed, "After all this time, I met him again and he didn't remember me because he had amnesia from a plane crash.  I was put in your shoes and tried to act strong.  I just...I just know what to do anymore.  He remembered me again and he knows about our child together."

Sophia's eyes bulged out as she heard that Yoona had a child with Seunghyun.

"Unlike Hyuk Jin, he was mean to me when he remembered everything.  Now I just don't know what to do.  I only avoided telling him about our son because I didn't want to mess up his perfect life that excluded me," Yoona admitted.

"Oh my, your situation is all twisted up!" Sophia exclaimed.

"I know!" Yoona nodded, "Now he wants me to marry him."

Sophia held Yoona's hands, "Then why won't you?  I know that you love him!"

"I'm only in love with the Seunghyun that I knew from three years ago!" Yoona yelped, "Now, he's a different man.  He's out to destroy me."

"Aish, this girl," Sophia said, "I need to tell you something.  From the time I fell in love with Hyuk Jin up until now, I can say that I was in love with him every second.  I didn't fall out of love even if I was married to someone else, had children with my deadbeat husband, or even when he didn't remember me.  Seunghyun is still Seunghyun.  People always change, but you only fall in love with someone's true self."

"What?" Yoona was confused.

Sophia lectured, "He may be different now, but that's not his true self.  It's just hidden under all the lies that he had been told.  He changed because of everything that happened.  All you need to do is change him back so that he could live life with happiness and the woman he loves, which is you."

Yoona walked on the sidewalk as she dug her hands deep into the pockets of her coat.  She had to leave the retirement home because the visiting hours were over.  She felt stupid for taking a taxi to the retirement home.  Because she couldn't find a taxi and because she left her phone at home, she had to walk home.  She kicked a rock with the tip of her boots.  Cars drove past her quickly.  She would occasionally look to check if there was a taxi, but she wasn't very lucky.  Tears began to build up.  She kept on thinking about her son.  She missed him so much that she felt herself going crazy.  She tried to visit him, but Seunghyun had taken him to an amusement park.  From that moment on, Yoona thought that they were trying to hide him from her.  She sensed a car come to a halt.  She turned around with hopes that it was a taxi.

"Do you need a ride?" a voice called out.

Yoona looked down and a smile was seen on her flawless face.  She nodded at the person as the person got out of the large luxury car.  He opened the door for her and she went inside to sit on the passenger seat.

"Thank you for giving me a ride," Yoona thanked him.

He smiled, "Well, you are a new friend.  I can't believe that we met again!"

Wooyoung was at the wheel as Yoona kept silent.  Wooyoung noticed her odd behavior.  It was as if something was bothering her.

"What's wrong?  You look troubled," he observed.

Yoona was about to say something, but she was interrupted by him.  He suddenly pressed on the breaks causing Yoona's upper body to lunge forward.  If it wasn't for the seatbelt, she would have probably had her face smashed onto the windshield.  Wooyoung clapped his hands once after he had a sudden epiphany.

"Let's go out to drink!  When I'm down, I go to the bar to drink!  Something's troubling me, too, and you could be my drinking buddy," Wooyoung suggested.

"Oppa, let me warn you that I'm not a woman that can handle her alcohol well," Yoona informed him.

"Yah, give me another round!" Yoona yelled at the waiter.

Her body had a sudden change.  She already had two shots, but she didn't feel the slightest bit dizzy.  She sat on the table with Wooyoung.  Wooyoung had three drinks and he was already starting to numb down.  The waiter came back with another round of shots.  Wooyoung drank it and felt as if he was going to pass out already.  Yoona drank it in one gulp as she smiled happily.

"Don't worry, Wooyoung! The woman you love will return to you one day!" she was acting like a drunk.

Wooyoung tried to smile as his head rested on the table.

"Y-yeah!" he stuttered, "And your...your baby's daddy will straighten up!  He'll...he'll stop acting like a b-big !"

Wooyoung was so dizzy that his head fell on the table.   It looked like he had enough.  He was already sleeping and it was confirmed after Yoona heard his soft snores.  Yoona shook her head at him shamefully.  Even she handled her liquor better than him!  She rested her head on her palms as her elbows were laid on the tabletop.  She sighed as she looked at the empty glasses.  No matter how much she drank, she still ended up missing her baby.

Yoona stood up as she saw a sight that intrigued her.  About two tables away, she saw a man with about two friends.  The two friends were foreigners.  Yoona guessed that the two friends were maybe Americans.  She approached them as she started to feel the alcohol's impact.  She shook her head.  She was still sober enough to realize what was happening.

"Jiyong, what are you doing here?" Yoona asked, "Why are you drinking?  Don't you have a girlfriend that you should be worrying about?"

His friends looked confused as Jiyong looked down at his drink.  His friends started to laugh as they teased Jiyong.

"Don't tell me you're cheating!" the first one said.

Yoona felt insulted that they would think that she was a girl on the side.  She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

Jiyong stood up, "Matt and Brandon, this is my best friend, Yoona."

The two men were tall and blonde.  The one named Matt had a tall built figure.  His eyes were blue, and it had been so long since Yoona seen a man with colored eyes.  

"I give you my apologies," he said in English.

"It's okay," Yoona nodded.

Matt laughed, "Jiyong's just out because he's here to celebrate his last few days of freedom.  Aren't you excited for his wedding?"

Yoona was puzzled.  She felt the alcohol about to kick in, but she still was aware about her surroundings.

"He's getting married?" Yoona interrogated.

"Yeah, he is!  I thought he was your best friend!" Matt told her.

Yoona's eyes shifted to Jiyong.  She gave him a glare and he felt chills running through his back.  He avoided her eye contact.  Jiyong walked up to his two American friends.  

"I need to have a talk with Yoona," Jiyong informed them.

Yoona was surprised when Jiyong grabbed her hand and led her to an empty table.  Yoona glanced over her shoulder and saw Wooyoung on their original table.  He was still passed out.  She could also see Jiyong's friends occasionally looking over them.  Jiyong's friends soon left and went to get more drinks at the bar.  Jiyong looked very drunk, but Yoona ignored it.  He didn't look well.  He had heavy eye bags and his lips looked as if they hadn't smiled in so long.  He took Yoona's hand into his as he cried on her shoulder.  Yoona was startled at first, but she knew that if he was going to cry to her in public, it meant that he was deeply troubled or worried about something.  

"Now please tell me what's wrong," Yoona pleaded softly, "I'm here for you.  You're my best friend."

Jiyong looked up and saw that there was a little wet stain on Yoona's sleeve because of his tears.  Jiyong sniffled while he wiped tears with the end of his sleeves.

"Yoona, I'm so sorry," he apologized, "I'm getting married.  I have to get married to Gyuri.  I got her pregnant."

Those words took Yoona by shock.  He hugged Yoona tightly as her eyes stayed as wide as ever.  She immediately felt pity for him.  Gyuri and Jiyong's whole relationship was based on one big lie.  Yoona was in Gyuri's way, so she got rid of her by sending that threat letter.  Jiyong felt tricked and cheated out of his chance with Yoona.

"Everything will be fine," Yoona promised him.

Jiyong shook his head, "No, it's not going to be okay because she's not the woman I love.  I have to marry her though because it's my fault.  I made her pregnant."

Yoona tried to lighten up the mood.  She felt his pain.  His situation was similar to hers.  

"You have to marry her, then," Yoona reluctantly told him, "I hate to say it, but you have to."

"I know," Jiyong grew silent, "It's my responsibility.  I made her pregnant and I need to take the consequences like a real man.  It just hurts that my heart knows that she's not the one that I truly love.  You're the woman I really love, Yoona!"

"Shh!" Yoona hushed him, "From now on, your nothing but a friend to me.  Put away all those memories of us in the past.  Just please take responsibility of that child.  Being a single mother, I know that it hurts for a child to have his father ripped away."

Jiyong stopped crying.  He looked at Yoona and realized that it may be over.  He didn't want to give her up.  She was the source to his happiness.  Yoona tried to smile as tears glazed over her eyes.  She let go of his hand despite his efforts to keep holding on.

"If it hurts for a child to have his father torn away, why don't you let Yoogeun know his father?" he asked her solemnly.

Yoona was nervous, "Yoogeun already knows that Seunghyun is his father.  Seunghyun regained his memory back.  He's changed."

Jiyong's eyes widened as he gasped in for some air.

"He knows about the past?  Oh no...this cannot be happening," Jiyong worried.

Yoona was confused, "Why would you be worrying?" 

"Nothing," he assured her, "I need to go."

Without a proper goodbye, he left with his two Caucasian friends.  Yoona was astonished that his mood switched from gloomy and depressing to alert and worried.  Yoona was truly concerned about her best friend.  She was sure that he wasn't healthy at the moment.  He smelled as if he took on smoking, and it seemed as if he didn't eat much anymore.

Yoona walked back to her table to see Wooyoung in the same position.  His head was against the table as he slept soundly.  Yoona sat back down on the table and took a sip at Wooyoung's abandoned drink.  Her eyes grazed towards the glass of whiskey.  She couldn't believe how complicated life had gotten.  She felt someone's footsteps approach her.  She looked up and saw a woman with a little smile.

Yoona quickly stood up and bowed.  The woman bowed back to her and signaled her to sit back down.  Yoona nodded with agreement as she offered the woman a seat across from her.  The woman sat down and crossed her legs.

"Hi, Yoona sshi.  I've been waiting to meet you," she greeted.

"Oh, thank you, Bom sshi.  I've heard good things about you.  It's an honor to meet you," Yoona replied.

Bom sat on the table with a skirt and a blouse.  Her heels clicked as she tapped her foot up and down against the tiles.  She rested her elbows on the granite countertop.  The two women ignored the sleeping Wooyoung at the side of the table.  Bom then took a good look at Yoona as Yoona studied her.  Both women thought the woman sitting across from her was beautiful.  They were both simply breathtaking.

"Seunghyun filed a court order against you for your son's custody," Bom stated.

Yoona nodded, "I know."

"I just wanted to talk you out of it.  I think you should back out and get married to him," Bom confessed.

Why would a stranger want to talk her out of the case?  If she backed out, Bom wouldn't get paid for the case.  Yoona was bewildered as she tried to understand her.  Bom came with good intentions, and Yoona knew it.  She didn't look like a y woman, and in fact, Yoona read from an article that she donated one third of her salary to funds specializing in getting children out of the streets.

Yoona shrugged, "Why would you do that?"

"I want to talk you out of going through with the case because Seunghyun will rip you to shreds even if you're not married to him!" Bom exclaimed, "You don't know that I grew up with them.  That's why we're so close.  My mother was a maid at their home and when she died, they put me on a full ride scholarship to law school.  I promised them that from then on, I would do everything in my power to help them when they needed me.  To add on to that, I was in love with Seunghyun since we were children."

"If you were in love with him then why are you trying to get us back together?" Yoona was curious.

Bom grew frustrated, "I want you two to get back together so he can be happy!"

Yoona was blown away by that statement.  She was the greatest example of a selfless woman.  She was different from other women like Hyuna and Gyuri.  She didn't think about herself.  Yoona had to admit that Seunghyun was an irresistible man, but she didn't know that someone like Bom would love him.  Bom loved him so much that if excluding herself out and bringing his old flame back to the picture led to his happiness, she would go through with it.  Yoona had respect for her.

"I always told myself that I would respect the woman that he'd fall head over heels for.  I always thought that the woman he'd fall in love with would be so great and wise.  He was really picky on which woman he loved.  He even denied me once," Bom said silently, "And I don't want to go against a woman I respect.  I don't want to sound arrogant, but I know that I'll win the case.  I don't want Seunghyun to turn into an even bigger monster.  I don't want Yoogeun to live life with a broken family.  I want Seunghyun's happiness to be returned to him."

"I don't know," Yoona tried to think.

"Yoona sshi!" Bom yelled, "Please take your son into consideration!  Do you want him to live without a mother?  I know that when Seunghyun gains custody without you agreeing to marry him, he wouldn't allow Yoogeun to see you ever again!  And please stop acting like you don't care about Seunghyun anymore.  The man freaking loves you, and I know that you love him, too.  I would kill to be in your position!  Just please marry the man so that he'll stop transforming into a bigger monster!  He's a monster, not because you hid his son from him, but because you were absent from him when he needed you the most.  You act as if you don't care about him, but I know you do.  Even if he gets on your nerves or makes you angry, you'll still love him at the end of the day."

Yoona's lips were shaking at her powerful words.  The magazines didn't exaggerate Bom's good-willed heart.  Her heart was that kind and it was undeniable.  

Yoona thought about it.  If Yoogeun was taken away from her, she knew that she would consider suicide.  That's how painful it was for Yoona to be separated from her son.  She swallowed the rest of the whiskey that she held in her hand.  A tear drop escaped her eye while she cleared .

"I'll marry him for my son," Yoona finally agreed while lowering her head.

A smile appeared on Bom's face.  She hugged Yoona and secured the embrace with a tight grip that confirmed the newly born friendship between the two beautiful ladies.  The smile on her face was soon replaced by a deep frown.

"Yoona ah, when you two get married, he'll be harsh to you.  He'll try to hurt you and make you cry because he thinks that you should suffer for abandoning him.  He tells me that he wants you to suffer because you hid his son from him, but I know that he's lying and the truth is that he's hurt that you abandoned him for three whole years with a big secret that you two have a child," Bom warned, "but you must push on and get over the obstacles he lays out for you.  I'll be here to help you whenever you need me.  Just please try to kill the monster that's growing inside of him.  Change him back into the real man that we all know.  I'm helping you because you're the only person that could do it successfully."

Yoona nodded.  She knew that from that point on, she was going to have a hard time.  She didn't know if she would ever truly be happy again, but all that mattered was that her son lived a joyful life.

A/N:  Sorry for not updating for a long time.  People keep on giving me things to do. ><

I'm sorry to say that there's a high chance that I'll only get to update 1-3 times a week.  I'm sorry! :'(


If you like the SoshiBang couples that I like, please read the collection of scenarios/one-shots that I have written! :)


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TheFourMaiden #1
Chapter 6: my aunt told me about your beautiful stories and i love it
Skyscraper1202 #2
Chapter 34: I really love it.
Skyscraper1202 #3
Chapter 34: Thank you for this story authornim
yoongie_exo #4
Chapter 34: I love it ♡
steiyoon #5
Chapter 34: I love your stories....specially if it's TopYoon! I have a great & fun time time reading this over & over again. When are you going to make another TopYoon story again Sunshine94? Please make one for us again...
Anzasims #6
Chapter 34: Love it to the max~
ggy_erd #7
Chapter 34: love it :)
ggy_erd #8
Chapter 19: i love this sooo much...
lvyoon #10
Chapter 34: Wow... your story is so great and awesome! I cried for 1 hours because of the problems that yoona gone through. I just love how strong yoona was. You did a great job authornim!! Please write more of TOPYoon fanfics.. thumbs up! :)