Break Up

Pinky Promise

Seunghyun got down on his knees as he put his hands on Yoogeun's shoulders.  Yoona was as still as a statue.  She tried to move, but she couldn't.  She tried to talk, but would not move.  She didn't know if it was because she truly wanted them to officially meet or if she was just in a state of shock.  Seunghyun gave a friendly smile as Yoogeun stared at the man in front of him. His eyes looked at him warmly and Yoogeun concluded that he was a good man.  Even his smile was warm and welcoming.  Jiyong was surprised that Seunghyun looked so affectionate.  Minho went by his noona's side because it looked as if she was going to faint.  Minho held her arm so that she could have more balance.  Yoona felt really dizzy and she had to lean on Minho so that she wouldn't fall.

"What's your name?" Seunghyun questioned gently.

Yoogeun beamed, "My name is Im Yoogeun!  I'm turning three in a few weeks."

"Wow, you're a big boy!" Seunghyun laughed, "You're pretty tall for your age.  I can't believe that you're just going to turn three."

"Yeah," Yoogeun nodded, "My umma said that I'm just like my appa.  She told me that my appa is really tall!  She also told me that he's really handsome and I got my looks from him!"

Seunghyun's eyes shifted from Yoogeun to Minho.  He stood up and shook Minho's hand.  Yoona was still leaning on Minho's shoulder in support and Seunghyun just thought that the two were married or something.  He gave Minho a smile as Minho had a confused look on his face.  

"You're Yoogeun's father, right?" Seunghyun questioned, "It's an honor to meet you!  Your wife is really talented.  You're a lucky man to have a beautiful wife and a cute son."

Minho shrugged Yoona off of his shoulder because he felt disgusted after Seunghyun's assumption.  Yoona was about to lose her balance but Jiyong went to her side and helped her keep her balance.  Within a few seconds, she felt her head clearing up and got up on her own.  For the first time in a while, she smiled at Jiyong for his help.

"That's so nasty!" Minho scrunched up his face together in disgust, "I would never marry her!"

Seunghyun felt as if he had offended the both of them.  He felt rueful of his assumption.  He quickly thought that Minho and Yoona had Yoogeun under unfavorable circumstances.  He bowed in respect to the both of them.  Yoona seemed attentive and shook her head as she tried to smile.

"No, Seunghyun sshi!  You don't need to bow to us.  What Minho means is that he would never marry me because he's my cousin.  He's not my husband.  He's just my cousin, and he is not Yoogeun's father," Yoona explained, "I think that Yoogeun gets his looks from Minho, too because they're both related."

Minho scratched his head with a laugh, "Yeah, so that was one big misunderstanding.  Seunghyun sshi, why did you say that you and Yoogeun had similarities?"

Seunghyun smiled as he remembered something that he saw in a photo album.  He saw a picture of Daesung, Taeyang, Seungri, and him in front of a park.  In the picture, he was shown holding a small white inhaler in his left hand.  After he recovered from his accident, Seunghyun looked through all of the albums in hopes of remembering something.  He managed to remember most of his childhood.

"Just like Yoogeun, I have asthma.  My mother told me that I haven't had an attack since I was seven, but it still doesn't change the fact that I have asthma.  They say that it's genetic.  My father had it, too," Seunghyun explained.

Yoona sighed in relief.  She thought that he realized that he was his son.  She gave a satisfied smile and began to cool down a bit. 

"Maybe that's why Yoogeun has asthma," Minho whispered to Yoona's ear.

Yoona didn't know that Minho knew that Seunghyun was Yoogeun's father.  She gave a confused look as Minho observed Yoogeun and Seunghyun talk.

"How did you know that he's the one?" Yoona quietly asked so that only Minho heard.

Yoogeun, Jiyong, and Seunghyun were having their own little conversation.  It was as if Yoona and Minho were just on the side watching them talk.

"Taemin eavesdropped on your conversation with Jessica noona," Minho smirked.

Yoona punched his arm lightly and remained with a blank face.  It was in their character to eavesdrop when they felt like they should have known something.  Yoona gave herself a mental note to lecture Taemin on eavesdropping on other people's conversations.  Yoona understood that they felt left out because everyone knew except for them, but Yoona was planning on telling them who Yoogeun's father was one day.

Jiyong's phone rang and he read a text message.  He stared at his phone for quite a while then he put his phone away.

"I need to leave.  My manager is calling me in for something," Jiyong gave them his farewell.  

He hugged Minho, Yoogeun, and Seunghyun.  Then he hugged Yoona.  The hug that he gave her had to last more than fifteen seconds.  Yoona tried to pull away, but he refused to let go of her.  The atmosphere turned awkward as he pulled away from her.  She felt her hands trembling at his touch.  She gave a polite smile and waved goodbye to him.  As soon as he left, Minho stretched his arms out.

"I think it's time for my workout!" he grinned, "I'll be going now."

"Minho, there's a gym on the second floor!  And it's almost dinner," Yoona told him.

Minho plotted, "Oh, why don't you ask Seunghyun hyung to join us for dinner then?"

"Huh?" Yoona asked.

Minho turned to Seunghyun and gave him a smile, "Is it okay if I call you hyung?  It feels like your family already."

"Oh...yeah, you can call me hyung," Seunghyun breathed out.

"Great!  I'll see you in about an hour when dinner is served," Minho chimed.

Since Seunghyun wasn't close to a lot of people, not a lot of males called him hyung.  Only his brothers and a few friends called him that.  He felt as if Minho and he were going to get along.  He quickly assumed that Minho was friendly and that they were going to be close friends.

Minho nodded and made his way out of the studio.  Yoona's eyes kept on traveling around the room in hopes of avoiding him.  Yoogeun then walked up to Seunghyun and grabbed his hand.  He gave a smile to the tall man and led him out of the room.

"We need to play outside!  My grandfather bought me a big playground when we moved here!" Yoogeun showed off.

Seunghyun looked at Yoona, "Is it okay if I plan with him for a while?"

", yeah," Yoona muttered slowly, "You two can play.  I'll just make the dinner while you guys play."

Yoogeun pulled Seunghyun away from Yoona and they both ran down the stairs in excitement.  Yoona looked at the two and shut her eyes.  It pained her to see them so close already.  Her conscience was taking over and making her feel guilty for keeping the two apart.  They had just met each other and they were already acting close.  Yoona imagined how close they would have been if they both knew that they were a father-son pair.  Yoona shook away her thoughts and told herself to get ready to make dinner.

She stood in the kitchen as she started to cut an onion.  The window was right in front of her.  She could see Seunghyun and Yoogeun playing in the playground in the position she was in.  She cut the onions faster as she tried to keep herself from looking at the beautiful scene.  Her eyes betrayed her as she looked up to see the two of them again.  A smile formed on her face and it stayed there.  She wanted to tell him that he was his father.  At first, she didn't want to tell him because she was angry at him for leaving her for someone else, but now that she knew the real reason why he left, she didn't know what to do.  He looked so happy and she knew that he would do just fine without her in his life.  She thought about his career.  He was debuting in the music industry and she knew that he would be ripped into shreds if his fans found out that he had a son out of wedlock.  Her eyes were tearing as she looked down at the onions.  She wasn't sure if the onions were making her cry or if it was just her emotions that allowed her to cry.  She took a tissue and wiped them away carefully.

After she finished making the dinner, she set up the plates and food on the table.  Luckily, Minho, Onew, and Jonghyun came down to help her set up the table.  Taemin was in a dance workshop and Key was out with Nicole so that he could confess to her.  As soon as the food was set up, Yoona opened the door to the backyard and waved out at them.

"Dinner is ready!" Yoona announced.

Within a few minutes, the six of them were gathered around the table eating their delicious dinner.  Things would have been awkward if Minho, Onew, and Jonghyun weren't there.  Yoona had to admit that to herself.  She was just thankful that the three men were there to uplift the tensed atmosphere.

"Noona, you never like cooking!  What make you change your mind all of a sudden?" Jonghyun cracked.

Onew joked, "She's cooked because she wants to impress her boss!"

Seunghyun laughed at Onew's joke as Yoona kicked Onew under the table.  Onew winced at the pain as he rubbed the shin that Yoona had kicked.  Minho joined in with Seunghyun's laughter.  Yoona was surprised that Minho and Seunghyun weren't the ones that were related.  They were both tall and they both had the same personality.

"Hyung, did you go to the fashion show?" Minho asked Seunghyun.

Seunghyun shook his head, "No, I didn't go because I had to work that day, but I wish I could have gone!  I heard it was magnificent.  Many of my family's associates were talking about the breakthrough that Yoona sshi made!"

Yoona didn't know that people liked her designs that much.  She smiled as she picked up her fork and picked around her food.

Everyone finished their dinner and before Yoona could collect the dirty dishes, Minho, Jonghyun, and Onew began to grab everyone's plates.  Yoona was surprised to see them insist on cleaning all of the dishes.  Minho tried grabbing the two plates that Yoona had in her hands, but Yoona resisted.

"Noona, go and bid him farewell!" Minho whispered, "He's about to leave."

Seunghyun was putting his coat on as Yoogeun kissed his cheek.  Seunghyun was startled at first.  He felt so comfortable with Yoogeun and Yoona's family.  The only thing that bothered him was that Yoona was so cold towards him.  It was as if she was always trying to push him away.  Seunghyun was in amusement to see Minho trying to push Yoona away.  Yoona was trying to make her way to the sink to wash the dishes, but Minho was using his hip to push her away because his hands were full.  Since he was stronger than her, she got pushed and almost fell on the kitchen tiles.  She was practically flung across the kitchen.  She was about to land in Seunghyun's direction as her hands let go of the plates.  Yoona thought that Minho was reaching to her to prevent her from falling, but she guessed wrong.  Minho took the plates as her grip loosened and brought them to the sink with a smile on his face.  Seunghyun caught her by wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her from falling.  Her arm swung around his neck as she tried to keep her balance.

Yoogeun began to clap his hands together as Yoona blushed ferociously.  Yoona stood up and gave Minho a dirty scowl.  He smiled and turned around so that he could start washing the dishes with Onew.  Jonghyun took Yoogeun into his arms and patted Yoona's back.

"Noona, I'll make sure Yoogeun brushes his teeth," Jonghyun grinned, "You can say goodbye to our guest!"

Yoona felt as if they were all teaming up on her.  What she didn't know was that they did plan this whole thing.  They wanted to see how close the two were in the past and if there was a chance of getting the two back together.  They were secretly giving each other signals.  She didn't notice Minho signal Jonghyun to take Yoogeun upstairs to get his teeth brushed.  He knew that Yoona would use Yoogeun as an excuse to walking him to his car.  As a signal, Minho scratched his nose lightly.

"Oh, okay then," Yoona mumbled.

As soon as Yoona and Seunghyun exited the kitchen to go outside, the three high fived each other.  

Yoona and Seunghyun walked outside the mansion in silence.  All was heard was Yoona's heels clicking on the floor with every step she took.  The night air was fresh and crisp, but Yoona still felt awkward and uncomfortable.  She had her hands to her side as Seunghyun walked by her side.  He laughed at her behavior.  She was walking stiffly.

"Yoona sshi, are you going to be like this forever?" he chuckled, "Even your son and family members are comfortable around me.  It's like you don't want anything to do with me."

"Don't misunderstand.  It's just that...let's just say that we had a rough past," Yoona explained.

"Huh?  Did I do something that made you cry or mad?" he was confused.

Yoona looked at the man in front of her.  He did more than make her cry and mad.  He was the reason why her heart broke and why it still felt broken.  She looked down on the floor as they reached his car.  He had a different car now.  It was more sportier and now, it was red.  She kicked a rock and pursed her lips in confusion at what to say.

"No, we just never got along," Yoona lied.

"Oh," Seunghyun said, "I hope that changes."

"Yeah," Yoona agreed reluctantly.

Seunghyun looked as if he had something to say.  Because Yoona knew him well, she knew that he was hiding something.

"What do you want to say?" she asked.

He observed her, "How did you know that I wanted to say something?"

Yoona remembered that he blinked multiple times when he wanted to say something.  

"I can read body language exceptionally well," Yoona made an excuse.

Seunghyun's body shifted towards her as she looked up at him.  She couldn't believe how tall he had gotten.  She practically had to look up at him just to look up at his face.  She quickly looked back down on the floor.

"Uhm, I actually wanted to ask you something," he stated, "You see I'm getting married in less than a month.  I'm pretty nervous about it and I actually want it to be perfect.  As a matter of a fact, it's going to be in two to three weeks."

Yoona realized that it would be around the same time as Yoogeun's birthday.  Yoona nodded indicating that she understood what he said so far.

"And well you see, my fiance is Kim Hyuna.  She didn't come from a wealthy family and I want her to enjoy the wedding, but I don't feel that it's right that her second cousin's child is going to be the ring bearer.  Hyuna isn't even close to them.  I would like it if Yoogeun became the ring bearer.  I know that it's pretty quick and daring to ask since I have only known him for one day, but I feel very close to him already.  He's actually the only little boy that I'm close to.  I don't have any nephew that's his age," Seunghyun explained.

"Yeah, you don't have a nephew that's his age, but you have a son that's exactly his age," Yoona thought in her mind.

Yoona was hesitant, "Uhm, I don't know."

"Please, Yoona sshi! He would be the perfect ring bearer," Seunghyun pleaded.

Yoona crossed her arms.  It would be ironic for their son to be the ring bearer to his wedding with another woman.  She was planning on rejecting it, but Yoona remembered that he was her boss.  She couldn't exactly reject him.

She nodded, "Fine, he'll be your ring bearer."

Yoona scrunched up her face as she realized that if Yoogeun was going to be the ring bearer, she would have to attend the wedding ceremony.  She wanted to rewind time and reject his offer even if he was her boss.  Her heart wouldn't be able to take her seeing him getting married to her mortal enemy.  Yoona wanted to slap herself.

Seunghyun smiled as he bowed to Yoona.  He made his way to the driver's side to the car, but then halted as soon as he touched the car door handle.  He looked back up at Yoona and gave her a genuine smile.

"I forgot to tell you.  You need to go with me to Japan for a photo shoot.  You're my stylist and that means you go wherever I go," he informed her.

Yoona waved her hands up, "What?!  Why did you tell me on short notice?  Argh, I could have prepared in advanced!  You should have told me earlier!"

"Good luck!  You're going to have to get ready before 5 am.  We're leaving at 6 am with Jiyong and the rest of the staff," Seunghyun laughed, "Good night, Yoong."

Yoona's eyes widened as she heard him call her by her own nickname.  He hadn't called her that in over three years.  Yoona felt her heart pounding out her chest and she noticed that he stopped and froze after what he said.  It was as if it just rolled off of his tongue without control.  He didn't know why he said that, but it didn't feel wrong to him.  It was as if he didn't speak with his mind but with his heart.  He cupped his chin as he had the other hand on his waist.

"Yoona sshi, are you sure that we weren't friends in the past?  I've heard your cousins call you 'Yoong' but it feels as if I already knew that it was your nickname.  It just felt really...natural," Seunghyun confessed, "And I'm getting really confused."

Yoona shook her head, "Nope, we weren't even friends.  Good night, Seunghyun sshi.  Have a safe trip home and I'll be ready by 5 am tomorrow morning."


Jiyong left the mansion after he got a message from his manager.  He drove to the office so fast that he was surprised that he wasn't pulled over for speeding.  Jiyong walked into the building and took an elevator up to his manager's office.  He remembered the text message his manager had sent him.

Jiyong ah!  Answer your phone calls!  You have to handle your girlfriend.  She's a mess and I need to talk to you about her.  It's serious!

Lots of questions were running through his mind.  Why was Gyuri a mess?  She was known to be so elegant and poised.  He couldn't think of a reason for her breaking down like that.  He opened the door to the office and saw his manager daringly pointing his finger at Gyuri.  He shoved her head to the side lightly, but it still looked like it hurt.  She was covering her face as the tears streamed down her face.  Jiyong was in confusion as he ran to Gyuri's side and blocked her body from his manager by covering her up with his body.  Why in the world was his manager angry at her?  He knew that she was important to him!

"Hyung, stop hurting her!" Jiyong yelled.

His manager was furious, "It's all her fault why we had to go back to America early!  Do you remember when you had to go back to America three years ago because of a death threat towards Yoona sshi?  We went back to America even when the press had not cooled down on all your scandals!  Your career almost came to an end!"

"Who cares about the past?!" Jiyong defended, "I don't get why that's important!"

"It's all her fault!  I reviewed the letter again!  I scanned a copy before I ripped it into shreds and it's saved on my computer.  It's in her handwriting!  That's why I was always wondering why her handwriting looked so familiar all this time!  She admitted to me that it was her!  She's the one who sent you the death threat!" his manager shouted.

Jiyong couldn't believe his ears.  He looked over at Gyuri and saw her breaking down in tears.  She covered her face because she was in shame.  Jiyong's eyes fell to the floor as he looked down in discouragement.  He left the woman he loved because of that death threat.  He was scared that something bad might happen to her, so he left her.  When he left, he also left the chance of being with her.  A few tear drops managed to escape from his eyes.

"Hyung, can you give us some privacy?  I need to talk to her," Jiyong said with danger in his voice.

His manager obliged and exited the room quickly.  

Jiyong shut the door and roared out in frustration.  He ran up to Gyuri and his face was just inches away from hers.  She was already shaking in fear.  He was always so gentle that Gyuri was surprised by the sudden contrast.  Her tears started to stream down her perfect face.

"I only did it because I love you!" Gyuri screamed.

"How could have you loved me when I didn't even know you that much three years ago?!" Jiyong was frustrated, "You're just full of lies!  Our whole relationship is one big lie!"

"Let the past be the past!  All that matters is that we're together," Gyuri chided.

"No!" Jiyong roared, "We're over!  We are not going to continue on with this relationship!"

"Babe, no!  Please, we'll just work this out," Gyuri pleaded.

"I don't want to work it out!" Jiyong exploded, "You're the reason why I'm not with the woman I love!  You ruined everything!"

Gyuri was about to reach to hold him, but he shrugged her away.

"Get out of my face," Jiyong snapped, "I don't want to see you again."


A/N:  Okay, so my sister (SherylR, the woman that wrote fanfics before me, the one that wrote Perfect for You, the one that got me into SoshiBang, and the one who forced me to start writing) read this story!  I'm surprised that she did because she's really busy and she hardly has time.  She called me up last night (and we live like 200+ miles away now) and asked if I hated KARA. -.-

Just to make it clear, I do not hate KARA. I know that I made Hara the bad one in One Year and Gyuri's kind of bad in this story, but it does not mean that I hate Kara, lol!  I actually like them.  Of course I don't love them like I love Soshi, but I respect them as idols.  And if I didn't like them, I wouldn't even do anything to make them look bad because I'm personally against the idea of being an anti-fan.  My belief is that if you don't like a group or artist, you wouldn't even spend your time on them. :)

I chose Gyuri and Hyuna as the bad ones because I think they're pretty and their image matches the characters! :)


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TheFourMaiden #1
Chapter 6: my aunt told me about your beautiful stories and i love it
Skyscraper1202 #2
Chapter 34: I really love it.
Skyscraper1202 #3
Chapter 34: Thank you for this story authornim
yoongie_exo #4
Chapter 34: I love it ♡
steiyoon #5
Chapter 34: I love your stories....specially if it's TopYoon! I have a great & fun time time reading this over & over again. When are you going to make another TopYoon story again Sunshine94? Please make one for us again...
Anzasims #6
Chapter 34: Love it to the max~
ggy_erd #7
Chapter 34: love it :)
ggy_erd #8
Chapter 19: i love this sooo much...
lvyoon #10
Chapter 34: Wow... your story is so great and awesome! I cried for 1 hours because of the problems that yoona gone through. I just love how strong yoona was. You did a great job authornim!! Please write more of TOPYoon fanfics.. thumbs up! :)