Revealing a Secret

Pinky Promise

Sunshine94's Note: Because I love my readers, I fulfilled my promise of giving you two chapters in one day.  :)


"Wait, you're working with Kwon Jiyong?" Yoona asked.


Seunghyun nodded as he uncrossed his legs casually.  He took the white tea cup at the edge of his desk and sipped on the freshly brewed tea.  Yoona couldn't help but stare in shock that the two were working together.  Yoona knew that they were friends before Seunghyun met Yoona, but when the love triangle developed, it seemed as if Seunghyun and Jiyong hated each other with a passion.  Yoona cleared as she dropped her pencil.  She was in the middle of sketching out a design for him to wear on his debut stage.  Yoona bent down to pick it up at the same time as Seunghyun.  They bumped their heads together and Yoona winced in the pain.  Seunghyun apologized.


"Oh, I'm sorry for bumping into you," he said.


"No, it's my fault," Yoona laughed nervously.


Yoona seemed tensed and she knew that she was starting to make it obvious that she was uncomfortable.  She tried to relax, but it didn't show much.  She crossed her thin legs together and saw that Seunghyun was staring out the window.


"Do you believe in destiny?" he asked as he faced the window with a smile on his face.


Yoona rolled her eyes.   He always looked at life with romanticism.  He never liked looking at life with negative things.  He was the type that knew about the downside to life, but refused to look at it straight in the eye.  Yoona cleared roughly and reached for her bottled water.  She drank it quickly.


"No, I actually don't," Yoona answered.


He shifted his body towards her.  He gave her an observant stare as she looked at him with a sarcastic smile.


"From all the girls in the world, I never thought you would be the type that wouldn't believe in destiny and fate.  I personally believe that it is real.  Destiny brings people together and fate keeps them together," Seunghyun lectured.


Yoona didn't believe in that nonsense.  She had to admit that as a girl, she always dreamed of finishing college, meeting the man of her dreams, having children, and then live happily ever after.  Here she was:  a college dropout that is a single mother.  


"Well, I don't believe in that," Yoona mumbled, "I don't think life is all about happiness and good memories.  What makes you believe in that?  You suffered through a lot.  Didn't you experience a plane crash a few years ago?"


When Yoona first heard about the plane crash, she thought that it was the plane he took that was going to China.  She was worried of course, but she never had the guts to ask her friends if he was okay.  She wanted it to seem as if she was unaffected.


"How did you know about that?" he asked.


Yoona lied, "I saw it on the news."


"Oh," he voiced out, "Well, I think I should tell you the full story to it."


"Go ahead," Yoona offered.


She was still sketching out her drawing as he began to talk to her.  She was focused on the design, but she would look up at him indicating that she was listening to his story.  Yoona found it weird that as a boss to an employee, he was opening up to her, but knowing him, Yoona wasn't surprised.  He was always the friendly type.


"Well, from time to time, I get flashbacks of what happened in the past.  Up until now, I get flashbacks about a girl.  She's very pretty and I think she was the one that I was in love with," he smiled.


Yoona's hand froze and she felt paralyzed.  She stopped drawing as her eyes locked onto the white sketchpad.  She refused to make any eye contact.  She swallowed her saliva, but she felt as if she was swallowing a lump of black coal instead.  


"I don't know why I'm saying that she's pretty," he chuckled, "In my flashbacks, I never end up seeing her face, but I can tell that she's beautiful.  When my memories come back to me, I remember that I was really happy just being in her presence."


"Really?  You were that in love with her?" Yoona asked shakily.


"Yes," he clarified, "I was that in love with her.  So far, I remember that she would always call me Bingu.  And I remember that I had to leave her."


Yoona was reminded of the painful departure he had.  The last words that he had given her hurt so bad that Yoona's eyes began to water.  She needed to stop her tears because when she cried, her voice got shaky and squeaky.


"I had to leave because my family's company was failing miserably.  I came up with a plan that included me staying in China for five years for a few merges.  That was supposed to save the company, but then I had to leave the woman I loved.  She was hurt that I left and I didn't tell her the real reason why I left.  I didn't want her to wait miserably for me for five years," he declared, "It's kind of ironic because after my accident, my mother managed to merge with one big company.  I wasn't needed in China anymore, so I stayed here.  My mother told me that I could do whatever I want for now.  I chose to act and pursue a career in music.  Once I hit the age of twenty-eight, she told me that I have to stop and go back to my business career so that she can retire.  What's weird is that...I remember the plan that I had.  I remember planning that I was going to lie to her.  I remember that I pretended to be interested in other women, but I still can't seem to remember her."


Yoona felt her heart breaking.  She thought that he left because he was in love with someone from China.  Yoona felt all her pride getting flushed down her body as she continued to listen to him.  It was ironic because he was talking about her and he didn't even know it.  Yoona tried getting back to her drawing but she was too distracted.


"I bet that lie hurts her even to this day," Yoona revealed.


"No," he shook his head, "She forgave me already."


Yoona stood up in surprise.  She didn't forgive him for leaving her.  She never forgave him for lying to her.  Her fists were white because she balled them up.  She had her jaw clenched and he stared at her in wonder.  He didn't know why she was so worked up.


"What makes you think that she forgave you?!" Yoona cried out.


"Yoona sshi, is there a problem?" he asked.


Yoona shook her head slowly as she went back to her seat.  She felt absurd.


"She forgave me because she told me herself.  I'm getting married to her next month," he indicated.


Yoona was in a blur.  She didn't know what to do or what to say.  She looked at her left hand and saw her bare fingers.  She reminded herself that she was not the woman that was wearing his engagement ring.  No matter what she did, she was not the woman that he was going to marry.  It didn't make sense for her to know that she was the woman in his past, but wasn't the woman he was going to marry.  The woman from his past was supposed to engaged to him according to his story.


"Who…who's your fiance, Seunghyun sshi?" Yoona looked down.


"My fiance is Kim Hyuna.  She's the woman from my past," Seunghyun insisted.


"Oh," Yoona squeaked in disbelief, "Really?"


Seunghyun cupped his chin, "It's really weird, though.  It doesn't feel…exact.  When I have a memory that I remember, she doesn't even know what I'm talking about half of the time.  I don't know.  Maybe it's just me.  And I always wondered why my brothers and mother would be silent when I tried to talk to them about her.  It's like they don't like her."


So many questions were racing through her mind.  For one thing, the hate that she had for Hyuna multiplied by a thousand.  She couldn't believe that she was going to get married to Seunghyun.  She knew that Yoona and he had a past together.  Yoona's train of thought was interrupted when someone opened the door.  A smile appeared on Seunghyun's face.


"Speak of the devil; my fiance is here," Seunghyun announced.


Yoona turned around and Hyuna looked as if she had seen a ghost.  Her face turned white.  She looked scared and she froze into place.  Yoona looked at her up and down.  She gave a smug smirk.  Yoona noticed the transformation that she had gone through.  She was sure that with his money, she transformed into a beautiful butterfly.  She was wearing name branded items all over her body.  Her hair was long from her extensions and her designer sunglasses covered her eyes.  was wide open from seeing Yoona.


"You said it.  She is the devil," Yoona mumbled inaudibly.


"What was that, Yoona sshi?" Seunghyun questioned without real knowledge of what she really said.


"Nothing.  I was talking about the design on the paper," Yoona lied.


Seunghyun's phone beeped loudly and he checked it.  He read the message and put the phone back into his pocket.


"Listen ladies, my secretary told me that I have something to take care of.  I'll be back in no time," Seunghyun said.


He kissed Hyuna on the cheek and waved goodbye to Yoona.  Yoona waved back at him as Hyuna's horrid expression remained on her face.  Yoona put the sketchpad and pencil away.  Hyuna took three steps back.  It was only the two of them in his office because he already left.


"My, my…Miss Kim Hyuna!  It's a shocker to see you here," Yoona noted.


Hyuna looked confused and frightened.


"What do you know?" she asked straightforwardly.


Yoona's eyes were filling with tears, "I know everything!  How can you pretend to be me?!  How can you?  How can you tell him that you're the woman from his past!  I'm the woman from his past!  You stole my identity and you stole the love that he had for me.  You're selfish."


Hyuna's eyes darted towards her.


"I saw an opportunity, and I took it!  I'm in love with him, and our life is perfect!  Just leave," Hyuna insisted.



Two people bursted throughout the door and took the two women into shock.  Yoona saw Jonghyun with Yoogeun.  Yoogeun was crying and in tears as Jonghyun tried to quiet him down.  Yoona held her premature tears in and walked over to her son.


"Sorry, noona.  He just really missed you and he wanted to see you at the moment," Jonghyun sighed.


"It's okay," Yoona nodded as she took him into her arms.


Yoogeun leaned on her shoulder, "Auntie Luna took me to see my hyungs for lunch today. Umma, Jonghyun and Key hyung were teasing me that you were never going to come back from work!  They told me you left me forever!  Taemin hyung told me that Key is my new umma!  I don't want to replace you!"


Yoona petted his back in an effort to soothe him.  Key, Jonghyun, and Taemin were in for it when she returned home.  Yoona couldn't help but crack a smile at the joke of Key becoming his new mother.  Yoona ended up laughing silently.


"He's not going to be your new umma!" Yoona assured Yoogeun, "I promise I won't ever abandon you."


Yoogeun looked at her and held out his pinky, "You pinky promise, umma?"


"Of course!" Yoona grinned as she wrapped her pinky around his.


Yoona and Yoogeun had been pinky promising since he turned two.  Yoona never taught him how to pinky promise, but he already knew how on his own.  Yoona thought that one of the boys taught him how, but she was never sure.  


Hyuna stared at Yoona and her son the whole time.  Their relationship with each other was very loving.  Hyuna suddenly felt guilty for what she had done.  She didn't know that Yoona was a mother.  Yoona sensed her awkward behavior.


"Jonghyun, can you take Yoogeun to the shop across the street?  I think the toy he wanted for the past week is sold there," Yoona told Jonghyun.


Yoogeun tightened his grip on Yoona.  He didn't want to let her go at all.


"Umma, I don't want to go," he complained.


Yoona laughed, "Baby, just go with your hyung.  I'll come down to meet you in a few minutes."


Yoogeun nodded in agreement as Yoona handed Yoogeun over to Jonghyun.  Yoogeun was carried out of the room in Jonghyun's arms.  As soon as the door closed, Yoona crossed her arms.  She looked down at the floor as Hyuna stared at her with wide open.  


"I'm guessing you have some questions," Yoona commented.


Hyuna nodded, "I can't believe you hid this baby from him!"


Since Hyuna knew Seunghyun at a personal level, she knew how he acted.  She noticed how similar Seunghyun and Yoogeun acted.  She also saw similarities in their features.  Hyuna took into knowledge that Seunghyun was the only man that Yoona was with three years ago.  She never revealed it to anyone, but she followed Seunghyun and Yoona when they had their final date.  Hyuna started to fall for Seunghyun once he talked her out of committing suicide.


"Well, it doesn't matter.  He will never know because he doesn't even remember that one night," Yoona snapped.


"Please don't tell him that I pretended to be the girl from his past," Hyuna pleaded.


Yoona scoffed as she continued her conversation with Hyuna.  She couldn't believe her.  For a minute, she thought that she was concerned over Yoogeun's being.  She thought that Hyuna would be concerned that Yoogeun grew up without his father, but she wasn't worried about that.  She was worried about herself.  She wanted to stay with Seunghyun and that was the only thing that she was concerned about.  Yoona shook her head giving Hyuna some shame.


"I can't believe that all you can think about is yourself," Yoona uttered.


Hyuna looked down at the floor as she folded her fingers together.  Yoona took her purse and put her sketchpad in there. She slung the black purse on her shoulder and put her sunglasses on.


"Tell Seunghyun that I'll see him tomorrow," Yoona spat.


Hyuna grabbed her wrist with desperation and gave her a wretched look.  Yoona looked dangerous.  She shook her hand off of her wrist roughly and gave her a dirty scowl.  Hyuna's hands were quivering with fear at the threat that Yoona posed as.


"You…you won't tell him about the past, right?" Hyuna's voice rattled.


Yoona looked at her up and down, "I can tell you this.  I won't tell him anything, but if one day he remembers the past, there will be nothing I can do.  He'll know that Yoogeun is his.  He'll also know that I hid Yoogeun from him.  Most of all, he'll know that this little relationship that you two have is one big lie.  You just based yourself off of me.  You're nothing but a low rated copy of me."


Yoona's words were like poison to Hyuna.  She was affected and she had to admit that it was true.  Hyuna forced herself to act and think like Yoona.  Although she hated Yoona, she had to do it so that she could make Seunghyun like her.  She felt weak as she realized that Seunghyun didn't love her for herself.  He only liked her because of the persona that Hyuna had created.  She began to sob as Yoona rolled her eyes.  Yoona threw her a tissue.


"Please get yourself cleaned up before Seunghyun comes here," Yoona growled.


Yoona exited the office and made her way to the shop to meet up with Jonghyun and Yoogeun.



Yoona went to Seohyun's townhouse after she got a text inviting her and Jessica for a quick movie night.  Yoona accepted because she wanted to have a talk with them all.  She knew that Seunghyun's brothers were going to be there and she needed to talk to them all.  Once she entered Seohyun's home, she was in awe to see a picture of Seungri and Seohyun in the living room.  The living room was adorned with many abstract paintings and sculptures.  The portrait of the couple looked adorable.  Seungri had his arm around Seohyun's waist as Seohyun smiled brightly.  


Yoona walked into the room and the men were immediately astonished at her presence.  Yoona saw Taeyang, Daesung, and Seungri sitting on the floor as Yuri, Sooyoung, Seohyun, Jessica, and Hyoyeon sat on the couch.  It seemed as if Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Sunny were missing.  They were probably busy again.  Yoona stood before them as she beckoned for the boys to follow her.


"May I have a word with you guys?" she asked.


The men were obviously speechless and didn't do anything but oblige to her orders.  Yoona saw that Yuri, Sooyoung, and Seohyun looked concerned over the fact that Yoona wanted to speak with them alone.


"Don't worry!" Yoona guaranteed them, "I'm not going to murder them!  We'll be back in about five minutes."


They stepped out to the night sky.  They were in Seohyun's backyard and it didn't surprise Yoona that Seohyun's backyard was organized.  There was a section for a garden, a swing set, a patio area, and a pond.  The garden was decorated with assorted colors while frogs croaked at the side of the pond.   Yoona sat on a hammock as the three men sat on a bench that was on the opposite side of the hammock.  Yoona folded her arms.


"I know that Hyuna's pretending to me in the past.  I know she's claiming that she's the girl that called him Bingu.  She's claiming to be the girl that he was in love with," Yoona spoke softly.



Daesung was the first one to speak up.   


"Listen, we didn't want to go along with it," he said, "but he had no choice.  Once he met her, he was starting to remember things.  Seungri tried telling him that she wasn't the one he loved, but the doctor forbade it.  He told us that he should remember it on his own.  The doctor also warned us that if we bombarded him with information that could surprise or shock him, stress would be put on his brain.  Since his brain was the main thing that was affected in the accident, we don't want to harm it in any way.  I'm scared that something might happen if we ever tell him the truth."


"I actually wanted to tell him the truth," Taeyang raised his hand slowly, "I don't think it's fair that he's going to get married to a girl that he doesn't truly love.  I tried, but my mother restricted me.  She told me that if destiny allows them to get married, then so be it."


"I'm sorry, Yoona," Seungri apologized, "I know that you're the one that will always be in his heart.  It's just that his brain thinks that it's Hyuna.  She did play it off well."


Yoona was angry at them for hiding it from him, but she realized that it was what she was doing.  She was being hypocritical for a moment.  She exhaled as she tried to soak up all the information that was being thrown to her.  


"Everything is getting so complicated," Yoona whimpered, "I think I'm going to go back to Jeju Island once the seven months with Seunghyun are over."


Yoona heard a stick breaking.  She looked to her right to find Seohyun, Yuri, and Sooyoung spying on them.  Yoona got up and put her hands on her waist.  She thought they were unbelievable!


"What are you three doing here?!" Yoona asked.


Seohyun ignored her and ran to them.  She was close to tears.


"You can't go back to Jeju Island!  We all just got reunited!" she screamed.


Yuri started to weep, "Yoona ah, you can't do that to Yoogeun either.  Seunghyun needs to find out he's a father."


Yuri covered right away.  The three men looked at her with bewilderment.  Yoona did a face palm as Sooyoung and Seohyun's jaws dropped in shock that Yuri had blurted out the secret.  Yoona wanted to duct tape Yuri's mouth after that.  Taeyang went by his fiance's side and put his hand on her shoulder.


"Babe, what do you mean?  Hyung is a father?  We have a nephew?" he asked Yuri.


Yuri was speechless as she looked at Yoona with regret.


"Look, don't stress her out.  It's true," Yoona notified them, "Yoogeun's father is your brother.  Congratulations, you three are uncles."


Seungri gasped as Daesung leaned on Taeyang for support.  They couldn't believe what they had just heard.  Yoona wanted to hide it from them, but Yuri had already spilled the beans.  Their hearts felt as if they were dropping.  Seungri was breathing heavily.


"Look, I'm going to tell hyung!  It has gone far enough!" Seungri yelled.


"No, please don't!" Yoona pleaded.


Seungri was confused, "Why not?  He has a right to know that he has a son!"


Taeyang butted in, "I don't want to offend you, but I want to make sure that he really is Seunghyun hyung's child.  Was hyung the only man that you were with?"


Yoona nodded and she meant it.  He was the only man that she ever been with.  Daesung gasped loudly as he tried to regain his balance.


"You can't tell him.  You said it yourself.  If you told him, it will put too much stress on him," Yoona said, "And I don't want him personally knowing about Yoogeun."


Yoona was ashamed to say that she wanted to hide her child from his father.  She knew that she sounded selfish and inconsiderate, but the fear that Yoogeun might face rejection from his own father scared her.  She also didn't want to change a single thing.  She was happy and she was content with life.  She didn't want any big changes at all.


"Why not?  Don't you love hyung?" Daesung interrogated, "Don't tell me you're still in love with Jiyong!"


Yoona was in all the tears.  She looked at the floor and swallowed nervously.


"I know that I sounded stupid, but I don't want any drastic changes in my life.  It was really hard for me to raise Yoogeun on my own and I know I can do it on my own," Yoona yelped, "And about the question about Seunghyun…I want you guys to know that I really do love him.  I love JIyong, too.  I love them both!  It's just that it's complicated now.  I don't want to be with any of them at the moment.  Seunghyun's engaged to Hyuna and he looks happy.  Jiyong's with Gyuri and they both look blissful together.  I don't want to change a single thing.  I know that I sound like a child right now.  I know that I should let him know!"


"Yeah, and don't blame her!" Sooyoung glared at the men, "She had it rough!  She had to raise a baby on her own and take this into consideration:  all of us had time to mature after college, but Yoona was forced to because she became a mother.  Please be more sensitive towards her!"


"Yoona, let me be honest with you," Taeyang interjected, "This is something that we can't hide.  All three of us will act as if we don't know, but know that we are only doing that because we don't want to cause any pressure or tension on hyung.  We'll visit Yoogeun because he is our nephew.  I just wanted you to know that no matter how well you hide him for hyung, he'll find out one day.  I don't know how he'll react.  He might be angry, happy, or heartbroken, but just keep in your mind that the truth always comes out.  It doesn't matter if it takes a few weeks or even several years.  He will find out.  His amnesia is only temporary.  He gets flashbacks from the past and he will remember everything."


"I know," Yoona nodded her head, "And when that moment comes, I'll be ready to explain everything to him."


A/N:'s revealed! :D


Okay, I'm just going to say that I dedicated this whole fic to my best friend Jessica.  (and you can guess why Yuri and Jessica (the one from SNSD lol) are Yoona's closest friends here.  They're her biases after Yoona lol.)  Jessica suggested that sometimes, I tend to surprise her.  So I'll cut to the chase...she suggested that I should try to be unexpected and surprise you guys.  Since a lot of you guys are thinking that the father is someone else other than GD&TOP (like Taec, Khun, etc), she wanted the father to be TOP.  So it's like this...since you guys expected the unexpected, I TRIED to be unexpected by making Yoogeun's father expected.  


Sorry for confusing you guys.  I think I confused myself, too.

Thanks for the support and please comment/subscribe! :D

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TheFourMaiden #1
Chapter 6: my aunt told me about your beautiful stories and i love it
Skyscraper1202 #2
Chapter 34: I really love it.
Skyscraper1202 #3
Chapter 34: Thank you for this story authornim
yoongie_exo #4
Chapter 34: I love it ♡
steiyoon #5
Chapter 34: I love your stories....specially if it's TopYoon! I have a great & fun time time reading this over & over again. When are you going to make another TopYoon story again Sunshine94? Please make one for us again...
Anzasims #6
Chapter 34: Love it to the max~
ggy_erd #7
Chapter 34: love it :)
ggy_erd #8
Chapter 19: i love this sooo much...
lvyoon #10
Chapter 34: Wow... your story is so great and awesome! I cried for 1 hours because of the problems that yoona gone through. I just love how strong yoona was. You did a great job authornim!! Please write more of TOPYoon fanfics.. thumbs up! :)