


“So you're going on a date with my cousin this weekend.” I looked up from my desk to see Xitao with a stupid smirk on his face. “Guess my cousin isn't a wimp after all.” He said.
I looked at him confused, “What?” I felt a tap on my shoulder and Kyungsoo was looking confused too. I forgot I didn't tell him about the whole Yixing date thing.
Zitao looked at Kyungsoo and back at me, “He doesn't know.”
I looked back at him, “No you big mouth.”
He laughed, “Oops.” He didn't look sorry. “Don't hurt him though.” He suddenly got all serious.
“I'm just accompanying him to a wedding. We aren't dating.” 
“Still. Don't say the wrong thing.”
“Stop being weird.” He gave me a pointed look. “Okay.” I said.
The bell rang and he went back to his seat as Kyungsoo passed me a note, ‘Why are you going on a date with Yixing?’
I wrote back, ‘Is it bad? I just couldn't say no. His dimples hypnotized me!’
I saw him sigh and he started writing again then gave the paper to me, ‘I thought... never mind. Why didn't you tell me sooner?’
‘It just happened today during lunch after you left with Channie.’ I explained.
He wrote back, ‘Oh. Anyway, I have a question. Think you can come over to the music room after school to help me with Junmyeon. He's nervous about his upcoming performance at this wedding.’
I nodded at him.
It was a little after seven when Kyungsoo and I arrived at the music room since our class ended a little later because of the pop quiz we were given. Junmyeon was already there and I guess he didn't expect me since he seemed surprised to see me.
“You're here.” He said and hugged me. I hugged back but didn't get why I was hugged in the first place.
“Kyungsoo said he needs my help so you can stop driving him insane with your talk of that you're not ready. You will do great at this wedding!” I grabbed his shoulders and made him look at me, “This couple chose you for a reason. You were chosen out of many Junmyeon. You can do it! Fighting!” I patted his shoulders and pushed the fake microphone at him. “Now practice.”
Kyungsoo flashed me a smile and a thumbs up. They started with their warm ups to prepare to practice the song assigned to him by the couple of the wedding. Junmyeon was one of the three chosen out of 100 hundred that tried out, Baekhyun was another chosen but the other chosen goes to another school. They were told to learn the song Sky by Super Junior K.R.Y. before the wedding. The wedding is this Sunday and today is Wednesday. So you can see how little time he has to perfect the song but I know he can do it. He is Kim Junmyeon after all and he doesn't give up easily. 
Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out to see a text message from Kibum. I opened it and it read, ‘Me and Baekhyun are helping you for this weekend.’
How would they know of that? I pretended I didn't know what they meant, ‘What do you mean?’
The response was fast, ‘Baek told me everything, so don't act dumb with me.’
Crap! News sure travels fast, I bet it was Zitao. ‘And who told him?’
My phone vibrated again as the other two in the room with me where finishing up the warm ups and starting on learning the lyrics. ‘That's not important! Meet me and Baek after school at the school gate, Saturday. Don't be late or I will hunt you down!’
Geesh. So pushy. Who knows what these divas have planned? 
Chanyeol arrived just as Junmyeon finished his practice and left again with Kyungsoo to do something they won't tell me about. Junmyeon didn't know what was going on either from the surprised look on his face as he saw Kyungsoo walking closely behind Chanyeol.
“I didn't know they were so close.” He said which made me laugh out loud. Really? How can he not see they're like best friends? They both planned his birthday together!
I shrugged, “Maybe you're just blind?”
He playfully shoved me, “Yah!” Then he smiled at me.
I swear my heart stopped for a few seconds. I shook my head to clear it from those thoughts. “Who's wedding is this by the way?” I decided to change the subject.
“They didn't really tell us. This is actually a surprise for the bride from her parents. All of this was arranged without her knowing. They can't afford to get the real Super Junior K.R.Y. so the settled for having three boys sing her favorite song for their first dance.” He looked at me and laughed. “I'm probably boring you with all this explaining.”
I shook my head, “No, no, no. It's a cute idea.”
“By the way I saw you and Yixing today on my way to meet up with Baekhyun.” He nudged me and raised an eyebrow. “Do I sense a romance forming?”
I laughed, “No. He's just my friend. He asked me to accompany him somewhere.”
His eyes widened a little, “Really now? So you're going on a date?”
I suddenly frowned a little, “Is it surprising? I'm feeling like no one likes the idea of me having said yes to him.”
“It's not that no one likes it. We just didn't think Yixing would ask someone out. He's a bit shy around girls. The whole year that I've known him he never dated at all. And plus... Uh... Never mind.” He scratched the back of his neck and looked down at the ground.
“Plus what?”
He shook his head and laughed nervously, “Not my place to say. Just don't hurt him in the future.”
I frowned again. “Not you too! Zitao told me the same. What does it even mean?”
“You'll know why we're saying it soon.”
I sighed, “Fine. Anyway I need to be home by now.”
He stood up and held his hand out to me, “I'll walk you home.”
I looked at his hand and hesitantly grabbed it and there it was the tingling again.
I got home fine without tripping or getting caught staring at Junmyeon. My Mom was really happy to see him when she opened the door for me and tried to invite him in but he had to go home before his mother started to worry. Mom was a bit disappointed but told him that he should come over soon. He agreed and we shook hands awkwardly instead of a friendly hug like usual since my parents were right in front of us. 
I slept well that night, dreaming about unicorns, talking bunnies, and a cotton candy world. 
The next morning was noisy. I was woken up by my hyper sister and her friend standing beside my bed laughing at the miserable look in my face as I was dragged off my bed. 
After I showered, changed into my school uniform, and packed my backpack, I went down the stairs to be greeted with a jump scare, courtesy of Jackie Liu. She jumped out of nowhere and I fell on my and Jackie was scolded by my Mom. 
I was glad when I got to school early and started to work on studying for if the teacher decided to give us another pop quiz. The first bell rang and the class started filling up. I didn't look up from my notes until I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw a note being passed to me. It was Zitao, I grabbed hesitantly and was confused when it wasn't his writing.
It read, ‘Hi! Sorry I can't give you this in person or tell you this in person. I'm pretty busy with you know us third year preparing for exit exams and graduation and stuff. Well anyway, I just want to tell you that the wedding is this Sunday. If you can give Zitao your address so my friend and I can pick you up. Again, sorry I have to say this all I this note since we're having a busy week. I hope I can see in the hallway or something. Thank you. Have a good day. 
Sincerely, Zhang Yixing’
I smiled a little but then it fell when I realized it said the wedding was on Sunday. The same day as Junmyeon is singing at a wedding. Chances are that it might not be the same wedding but I'm thinking it might be. I started thinking of what he would think if he saw me there. I never told him that I accepted to be Yxing's date to a wedding. Why do I even care if he sees me with another guy? He's my best friend, only a friend. 
“So can you write it down so I can give it to him?” I looked up as Zitao spoke to me.
I nodded and wrote it down on a separate slip of paper and gave it to Zitao. 
He looked down at it and nodded once at me, “Alright. I'll make sure he gets your number.”
I sprang up from my seat, “How do you even have my number?”
He turned around and raised an eyebrow at me, “You do know Baekhyun is a good friend of mines, right?”
My mouth fell open, “You little...! You big mouth!”
He laughed and walked back to his seat. 
I huffed as I sat back down on and crossed my arms in front of me. I glared holes into the back of Zitao's stupid head. I knew he told Baekhyun who probably told Kibum and resulted in me being dragged into letting two guys give me a makeover. I don't do well with makeovers. They hurt. I should know my Mom and sister loved doing that for me for special occasions.
Kyungsoo arrived right on time as the late bell rang and in walked the teacher announcing another pop quiz for us to prepare us for the long hours we will be spending in school next week to studying for grade exams. The quiz wasn't so hard to me but I could notice Kyungsoo struggling a bit with the frown he had plastered on his face and the sighs and how he kept biting down on the cap of his pen. Then he deflated and sulked when the teacher announced time was up. He noticed me looking at him and smiled at me, giving me a thumbs up. I smiled a little back. I slipped him the note I had written. ‘Was it difficult for you?’
He replied fast, ‘Kind of, but I got through it. Just need to study more.’
I've been needing a study buddy for a while. I wrote, ‘Want to be study buddies?’
The smile he gave me was a really bright one.
Kyungsoo and I decided to spend lunch studying for a subject I really didn't like, math. He was really good in that area. I was chewing on my apple when I looked up from my book to see Kyungsoo staring at me. I grew a little self-conscious of the way I was chewing and started to wipe at my mouth and apologized. He only shook his head at me and held up a finger in sign to tell me to wait as he started to write on a clean sheet of paper. 
He held it up and it read, ‘Is it weird if I say you look cute while eating?’
I gave him a confused look, “Me? Cute? What?” I started touching his forehead. “Are you okay?”
He silently laughed and gently pushed my hand away and wrote on the paper before holding it up. ‘You look like a little kid.’
I laughed and playfully pushed him, “Oh stop it you.”
The bell suddenly rang and we both sprang up from seats and walked back to class talking about the plans for the next week.
School ended a little earlier than expected but I still decided to go home instead of going with Chanyeol and Kris to who knows where. Kris thinks we should talk more since things have been a bit awkward between us. Sehun is really the only one who can make us talk to each other. The problem is that I can't really talk to him because it would be weird to talk to an ex-crush about my current crush and other personal things. I don't know, it's just the way I feel about the situation.
Chanyeol gets that I can't really talk to them about it. I've only told my sister's friend about my crush on my best friend. I told her about my date and she was confused about why I said yes and I'm confused too. Yixing is a really nice guy and I don't think I could ever live with the guilt of hurting him. I guess I understand why Zitao and Junmyeon are telling me to not hurt him. So I'm going to try and forget about my feelings for a certain other to keep focus on Yixing and make my first ever date with a guy memorable.
Yes, that's what I shall do.
“Free weekend!” Chanyeol sing-songed beside me and threw an arm around my shoulders.
I laughed at his dork moment and pushed his arm off my shoulder, “Use that weekend to study you dork.”
He turned to me, “I'm going to a wedding this weekend with Kris.”
“Is everyone going to a wedding this weekend?”
He shrugged, “I'm only going because it's mine and Kris's friend's cousin wedding. I don't know if you know him. His name is Luhan, know him?”
I shook my head, “Nope. That's kind of ironic though. Yixing's friend also has the name Luhan.”
He suddenly widened his eyes, “You don't think...?”
“We're going to see each other at this wedding.”
His eyes widened even more, if they even could, “I'm going to see you in a dress?”
I smacked his arm, “You've seen me in a skirt before.”
He looked at me, “For a week and then you changed to shorts after asking the principal and getting your Dad to get him, the principal, to say yes.”
“Still.” I grumbled out.
“So I will be seeing you in a dress?” I glared at him and he just kept smiling, “I need to know so I can bring my camera!” He ran off as I started to chase after him.
After a while of chasing Chanyeol, who I couldn't reach, my phone started to ring. I stopped and pulled my phone out my pocket and saw a new text from Kyungsoo.
It read, ‘Hey! Sorry I wasn't at school. Had a doctor's appointment. Meet me at the music room in five minutes. Want to show you something.’

A/N: Hello! Thank you for reading the chapter. I'm so sorry it took so long to post. Again, school and life is taking over. Trying to graduate before I turn 19. Anyway... Please leave your thoughts on the chapter and what you think I should put in the next chapter. Who knows, I might just use your idea. Again thank you. It's you commenters and subscribers who help me continue on this story. 감사합니다~ ^_^


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Last chapter... Please read the A/N's at the top and bottom. Top = before reading. Bottom = after reading.


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adelliaar #1
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending ㅇㅡㅇ seriously.....
Chapter 26: No SUHO WHY?!? Well I feel happy for jongdae even tho he didn't get much story light. I really enjoyed this story it was a roller coaster ride of feels. At first I definitely thought Amber was gonna end up with D.O but nope. A total plot twist. And omg it was so hard to choose which ship to root for but it the end it turned out well. Except for one that I will now cry for ;( anyways I loved ur story. It was RLLY awesome. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 26: How about doing Jongdae's/Chen's POV..
ftmhratna #4
Nice fanfics, saya membaca dengan membuka kamus lol bahada inggris saya kurang bagus jadi beberapa kata yang sulit harus saya cari di kamus. Loveit! Keep shipping anyber! O/
MissLuhan #5
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending. I almost cry. ='(
mm0923 #6
Chapter 26: thanks for the story i kinda expected that jongdae would have amber since suho was so sick way before and jongdae did leave without a closure
Chapter 26: *cries ocean*
Chapter 26: Woaaahhh... Jongdae is the lucky one who could own the butterfly for himself!!!
Atleast there is hyunki as their Joonmyun-Amber belongs to!
So,finally suho is death n jongdae or chen is the one who have a chance to be with amber! How? I thought he already go away??? Hhhmmm..
ShidaM #9
Chapter 26: I understand why you ended it like this but WHYYYYYYYYY!?!
Chapter 26: what a weeper... but i like it :)