


Kyungsoo was looking to put his phone on charge after having spent an hour on the phone with Chanyeol, talking about his issues and stuff. 
Kyungsoo is really happy that Amber is going to give love another chance, but sad that he won't be the one to help her believe in love again. He wants to hate Yixing but he can't because he's still a really good match for Amber. Junmyeon had his million chances and never did anything and now he lost. Yixing was very brave, something Kyungsoo doesn't believe he is.
He had his reasons to not confess. Junmyeon had always told him about his small crush on her, Kyungsoo did too but he never told Junmyeon that it was Amber. Things had gotten a bit awkward after that and they stopped hanging out as much as before and then Chanyeol came along. 
Chanyeol was an escape from all the conflicting emotions in him and was also an amazing musician. He would find songs and play them and make me sing along to his playing. His bright smile and eyes always made Kyungsoo day just a little better whenever he was feeling sad. You could say he basically became his best friend. 
Junmyeon being part of the Student Council had little time to spend with Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo understood though since Graduation day is coming up. He would miss his first real friend and hoped he wouldn't forget him. 
Kyungsoo was just about to connect his phone to the charger when he heard four fast knocks at his door. With his phone in hand he walked to his door and opened it with his free hand and saw his Mother with the house phone clenched in her hands.
Kyungsoo looked into his mother's eyes, “What's wrong?”
She sighed, “It's Junmyeon.” She let her hands fall to her sides. “He's in the hospital. They say it could be bad.”
Kyungsoo felt all blood drain from his face and sick to his stomach. “No...” He started backing away from his door. “No... I need to see him.” He put on the nearest pair of shoes and ran past his mother. He didn't stop running and continued down the street on his way to the nearest hospital. 
Kyungsoo knew Junmyeon was lying to him when he said he was okay the other day he saw him clutching his stomach in pain. He should've insisted on taking him to the nurse. 
‘Please let hyung be okay.’
~[2 days later]{Amber's POV}
This morning has been very peaceful except for the part of getting detention for being one second late to class on an exam day. The exam was pretty short since it was on English and after everyone finished I still had to stay behind. Kyungsoo had been very distant and didn't even look at me the whole day. I didn't get what I did for him to be so cold towards me. I decided to grab his arm as he started to get up from his desk. 
“I'm sorry. I'm sorry for whatever I did. Can you stop being so cold with me? I don't like seeing you like this.” I said.
He slowly turned his head towards me and I felt my heart break at how sad he looked. “Don't be sorry. I just haven't been feeling well lately.” He smiled sadly at me, “I didn't want to worry you.”
“What happened?” I asked him. 
He looked down at the ground before looking up again at me. “It's not really something I can tell you.”
After that weird conversation with Kyungsoo I couldn't stop thinking about what could've happened to make him so sad. What if something happened to Chanyeol or Junmyeon? They are his closest friends. 
I looked up from my desk when I heard the class door opening. It was Yixing. I smiled wide at him. “What are you doing here? You're suppose to be at practice with Jongin.”
He closed the door and walked up to my desk, “I decided to skip it. Heard from Zitao that you had detention.”
I pouted, “Stupid alarm didn't go off.” I grumbled.
I could see his famous dimpled smile and he patted my head, “Cutie, cutie.”
I banged my head against the desk, “Stop it. Don't embarrass me.”
I could feel him get closer to my ear. “No one's here Amber.”
“Stoooooooop.” I whined as my cheeks grew red.
“Aigoo, such a cutie.” He said as he patted my head.
Yixing stayed with me until the teacher told me I could leave after turning in my papers of writing in to him. We both walked out together and I could see the suspicious look he gave us. Yixing grabbed onto my hand and the teachers eyes widened. I didn't know what he did next since we were already out of the classroom and in the hallway. Not once did he let go of my hand as we headed out of the building and I could see some of the dirty looks from school girls.
Don't blame them either. I would be envious of some boyish girl walk around with one of the pretty boys of the school. Yixing may be shy but girls were always drooling over him. Made me a little uncomfortable to be honest, thinking about what kind of things these girls think of about him.
If you didn't know already, I'm now Yixing's girlfriend. Yes, it happened. I believe he can make me forget all about Junmyeon and he's a really really great guy. I think I could fall in love with him, if I do what Kyungsoo told me. Open my heart. 
I didn't realize we had stopped until I felt the tug on my hand and looked up to see Yixing smiling wide at me. I felt a blush coming on and looked to the ground. 
“Why do keep doing that?” 
I looked up again, “Huh?”
He was still smiling and stood in front of me, still holding my hand, “You try to hide your blush. I like seeing you blush. Makes you even more pretty.” He used his free hand to caress my cheek as I avoided looking at him as my cheeks grew redder. 
“I'm far from pretty.” I sighed.
His hand feel from my face and hand then he grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. “Be quiet.” He eyes grew intense. “You're not far from pretty. You are pretty! Please don't say things like that around me. You are my girlfriend now so I will make sure you never feel like that.”
“Yixing-” I stared up at him and forgot what I was going to say so I instead wrapped my arms around him and held him close.
He didn't hesitate and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.
I could see a group of girls behind him and saw them giving me dirty looks and I gave one back. It actually feels a little good to see a pretty girl being jealous of the average girl for once. 
I went home after saying goodbye to Yixing as he headed to Jongin's house. I had a big smile plastered on my face the whole way to my house and bumped into someone who I didn't see coming. I fell on back on my .
“Ah! I'm so sorry! I didn't see y-. Amber?” 
I looked up, after getting up and dusting off my shorts, and saw Kibum. “Hi.”
“You're just heading home now?”
“Yeah. Had detention. Where ya headed?” I asked him.
“Yixing is headed there too.”
“Oh? I guess to talk with Jongin. Oh btw. Congrats.” He said and hugged me.
After he pulled away I asked, “What is the congrats for?”
He smacked me on my shoulder and laughed, “On your first boyfriend, silly.”
My eyes widened, “How the hell did you know about that!? I mean... Whaaaat?”
He poked my cheek, “Jongin told me everything. He's the one who pushed Yixing to confess anyway. Zitao's too busy following Baekhyun. Anyway, I told you that I find out things easily. And I knew you would say yes to kind, shy Zhang Yixing. Boy needed to get some anyway.”
“Yah! I'm not easy!” I said as I punched his shoulder lightly, knowing he would rip me a new one if I bruised his skin.
“Some love. I meant love! Geesh, dirty mind.”
I glared at him and started to ruffle up his hair.
~{Yixing's POV}
It's still feels like I'm dreaming but I'm not. Amber is now mine. Even though it feels as if she still likes Junmyeon but I know she'll forget him eventually. I mean she must want to forget him since she accepted to being with me. 
Jongin helped a bit though. 
“Hyung! Hyung!" Jongin shook my shoulder.
I turned my eyes on him. “Huh?”
“So are you really really together?” He asked.
To be honest, Jongin is really weird at times, like right now. “Didn't I already tell you this?”
Then the door of Jongin's room opened with a bang and we both turned to see Kibum, Jinki's lovely boyfriend with wide eyes on Yixing. “How dare you have a crush on my Ambie without me knowing of this boy!?” He pointed an accusing finger at me.
“Hyung! Get your girly lover out of my room!” Jongin yelled out.
Kibum immediately started to hit Jongin after that and the younger ran out of his room with an angry Kibum behind him. Yixing just looked after the two in amusement as he thought back to the afternoon he spent with his Amber.
~{no one's POV}
Kyungsoo had walked out of the classroom quickly after his quick conversation with Amber to only bump into Zitao in the hallway. His bag fell with his things falling out of it and Zitao helped him pick it up. 
“Did you hear?” Zitao asked him as he handed him all the things he picked up from the floor.
Kyungsoo just looked up at him in question.
“Amber is with Yixing. Everyone in second year is talking about it.” Zitao looked into Kyungsoo's eyes and could see the hurt the smaller tried to hide.
Kyungsoo kept quiet. He didn't want to believe she would instantly say yes but expected it since he had told her she should.
“I know you like her, Kyungsoo.” 
Kyungsoo looked up at the other with wide eyes. 
Zitao sighed, “Why did you give up?”
Kyungsoo didn't even respond and just ran away quickly before his emotions got the better of him and he ended up crying in front of someone. He went into the nearest bathroom and splashed water on his face and then felt the pain, the one he tried so hard to forget he could feel. It was true that he likes her but she would never be able to return the feelings especially now that she's with someone else.
Love is so difficult.

A/N: Hello. I'm so sorry for the late update. A lot of things have come up but I have not forgotten this story. I plan to finish this. 

I'm not sure if this chapter was any good but I hope it was. I'm sorry if it seems rushed but I wrote this in about two days. 

I listened to Infinite's 이보다 좋을 순 없다. and SHINee's Fire and UKISS's Remember (Acoustic Ver.). All these songs are beautiful. 

As always, thank you to all new subscribers and commenters and readers. Without you I wouldn't still be writing this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. <3


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Last chapter... Please read the A/N's at the top and bottom. Top = before reading. Bottom = after reading.


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adelliaar #1
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending ㅇㅡㅇ seriously.....
Chapter 26: No SUHO WHY?!? Well I feel happy for jongdae even tho he didn't get much story light. I really enjoyed this story it was a roller coaster ride of feels. At first I definitely thought Amber was gonna end up with D.O but nope. A total plot twist. And omg it was so hard to choose which ship to root for but it the end it turned out well. Except for one that I will now cry for ;( anyways I loved ur story. It was RLLY awesome. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 26: How about doing Jongdae's/Chen's POV..
ftmhratna #4
Nice fanfics, saya membaca dengan membuka kamus lol bahada inggris saya kurang bagus jadi beberapa kata yang sulit harus saya cari di kamus. Loveit! Keep shipping anyber! O/
MissLuhan #5
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending. I almost cry. ='(
mm0923 #6
Chapter 26: thanks for the story i kinda expected that jongdae would have amber since suho was so sick way before and jongdae did leave without a closure
Chapter 26: *cries ocean*
Chapter 26: Woaaahhh... Jongdae is the lucky one who could own the butterfly for himself!!!
Atleast there is hyunki as their Joonmyun-Amber belongs to!
So,finally suho is death n jongdae or chen is the one who have a chance to be with amber! How? I thought he already go away??? Hhhmmm..
ShidaM #9
Chapter 26: I understand why you ended it like this but WHYYYYYYYYY!?!
Chapter 26: what a weeper... but i like it :)