Personal Message

I'm kinda a terrible wirter since i update sproatically and my wiritng style kinda . Sorry not sorry because i'm trying hard not to make my fics SO detailed that i feel like i'm writng a college paper. Sometimes I wish i could write as well as I can create dialogue for myself in my head or write as well how my thoughts are formatted. I also am very attracted to the not-so-popular ships. I love talking to people so shoot me a message. Lets fangirl/fanboy together. 

About Me

Hey guys,

Writer (a kinda terrible one), ARMY, MeU, f(Amber) fan, EXO-L, iGot7, Starlight. I'm pretty multifandomed, i like more groups than the # of fandoms i stated above.

I Love Coffee

I'm a College Student

I Watch Runningman

Favorite Ships:

YoonSeok (Sobi) (Sope)




EXOxTao (minus Kris)
