Forget the past.

~[Amber's POV]
“So did you like it?” Jongdae asked me from his seat beside me.
I smiled and nodded at him, “I'm glad I came. Guangzhou is really pretty. I can't wait to get to the Pearl River, I read over how pretty it is at night.”
“Saved the best for last.” Minseok said across from us, with Baek leaning on his shoulder. 
This week had been one of the most calm since ever starting college. Baekhyun had made me turn off my phone and told me to just take my camera so I could focus on having fun than on other stuff. I met Minseok's grandparents, who are the most lovely people I have ever met in my life. They're so nice that they even welcomed Baekhyun into their family with open arms, or kisses by Minseok's grandmother. I took a picture with my camera of the moment.
The next day was actually, supposed to be, Sohee's 20th birthday. That day all us went with Minseok and his grandparents to visit where she had been buried. As they started speaking to her grave I had to excuse myself before I started sobbing and embarrassed myself. Jongdae walked up to me as I reached the car and held me as I cried onto his shoulder. I didn't know how Minseok's family could be so strong to withstand the pain they must have from losing such a young family member. I cried as if she had been my sister but she wasn't. From all I heard she must've been an angel and loved her family a lot. How could such an angel be driven to do this? I guess some signs are invisible.
Afterwards we spent the day at Minseok's grandparents house. I apologized for the way I had acted on that day and they told me that it was understandable. His grandfather had told me that crying was good to let all the bad out. That night as I sat on the stairs of their back porch staring up at the stars I cried silently and prayed for Sohee to rest peacefully with no more worries since her family was okay. Jongdae had later on sat beside me and offered me a small smile that I returned. The next morning I woke up on the bed meant for Jongdae as he slept on the floor and Minseok and Baekhyun on the other sleeping together. I guess neither I and Baek slept where we were supposed to be.
The next two days we spent going to markets and shopping and visiting the zoo. The one place that I will always remember is when we went to the South China Botanical Garden. I had been enjoying it and walking in front of everyone of the guys. After I while I turned around to only see Jongdae behind me with his camera raised and then I heard the click. 
“That's going to be a nice one.” He smiled up at me and walked past me.
I shook my head to clear my mind and jogged up to reach him. 
We reached the part where the bridge was that I had seen on a website I went to read about this place and took a picture of the scenery in front of me as I gently leaned on the railing. I looked down to see I had taken a perfect picture. Jongdae stood beside me looking down at his phone and I took the chance to take a quick picture and when I saw what I took I squealed with glee. He looked up with wide eyes as I pushed my camera' screen in his face. He pulled it back slightly to get a better look.
“Ew. I'm ugly.” He said scrunching up his nose.
I scoffed, “No you aren't. You're handsome. I bet you I look uglier in that picture you took of me.” 
He chuckled, “You never look ugly Amber.” After he said it his eyes widened slightly before he cleared his throat and started walking away, “We need to meet up with Minseok and Baekhyun.”
I stared after him for a while before starting to walk behind him. I kept repeating the words he said and tried to not let the stupid smile appear on my face at his small compliment. Baekhyun had told me of this weird thought he had that he thinks Jongdae has a crush on me and I just laughed at him and called him crazy. Jongdae was a really good friend but I don't know if I would actually ever date him. It's not that he isn't boyfriend material but I see him more like an older brother, like how I see Kris as my older brother. Though Jongdae is a little more fun and Kris is all serious most of the time. 
I still can't get over how he's with Zitao, that panda is the most demanding, cutest, prettiest, and kick kid I've ever met.
Well and that leads to where we are today. Our last day here, I know I said a week but more like five days is what I should've said.
I sighed as I looked over across the river at the pretty city lights. “It's so pretty here.”
“Isn't it?” Baekhyun wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Minseok asked me to be his boyfriend here. Only a week of knowing each other.”
“You still kissed me and yelled yes, scaring the old lady standing beside us.” Minseok said as Baek slapped his arm. “It's true.”
“I hate you.” Baek muttered as hiding his head behind my shoulder.
“You love me.” He replied back, kissing his cheek.
I felt a vibrating in my pocket and pulled out my phone as Baek glared at me and I smiled sheepishly. “I said no phones.” He said, still glaring.
“I needed to see who called and I also have to call my sister and parents you know.” I sighed.
I looked down at the phone to see I had a missed call from an unknown number. I called it back and after three rings heard a familiar voice flow through.
“Amber. You finally answered your phone!”
I laughed, “Hi. Did you change your number?”
“Yep! Since I'm back I had to change it.”
I froze, “You're back?”
“Oh. Crap. I forgot. Well yeah I am. It's been a day since I came back. Surprise?”
I felt a smile break out onto my face and then I let out a very girly squeal. “Oh my gosh! I thought you weren't suppose to come back until you finished some things.”
“Well... My dad promised to take care of it and told me to go ahead. So yeah, here I am.”
“I can't wait to see you. Do you know how much everyone missed you?”
I heard him laugh, “I can see. Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Kris, Sehun, Jinki, Kibum, and Luhan almost suffocated me in the huge group hug they created in the middle of the airport.”
“What was Luhan doing there?”
“Moved here. Hana auditioned for SM Entertainment and got in. He's going to be her support since her parents were against the idea. She kind of dropped out of college.”
“Ooooh. A lot happens whenever I'm not around.” I laughed.
“I guess they do.”
~{next day}
Baekhyun and I boarded the plane as Jongdae and Minseok said their farewells to his grandparents. I was lucky enough to get the window seat as Baekhyun sat beside me.
“Can't wait?” Baekhyun smiled over at me.
I smiled back, “Can't wait.”
~[Junmyeon's POV]
“Do you plan on telling her?” Kyungsoo asked me.
I pulled on my beanie and sighed as I looked at him from the mirror. “I do but not today.”
“Explain to me why you haven't told her? I think she's going to hate more of the fact that you lied to her.” 
“I know. Kris is mad that I never told him either. And Chanyeol too, from what you told me.” 
“Seriously. You think wearing that beanie all the time won't make people suspicious of what's going on.”
“I don't want to see the pity in people's eyes. It's worse than what I have. I hate having to hear I'm so sorry from people when I tell them I'm sick. I hate it, Kyungsoo.” 
I heard him sigh, “Okay, I understand. But why did you come back?”
“I was being treated in America but I told my parents if something... happens then I wanted to be in my country. My Father is still starting up his business there so I decided to come by myself. My Mother wanted to come but I told her that she needs to stay with my Father. He needs a little support from all the stress that comes with running a company.” I turned around and leaned on the dresser. “I'm going to continue it here. The doctor said it would only be a few months more. I'm hoping he's right.” 
Kyungsoo stood up and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, “You will get better. You, Kim Junmyeon, are the strongest person I know. You will fight this.”
I smiled, “Thank you.” Deep down I knew it might be too late but I still held on to the hope his words had. Hope seemed to be the only thing I could feel these days. Hope I could get well. Hope that I one day my Mother wouldn't have to cry anymore in silence. Hope that my friends would understand why I didn't tell them what is going on. Hope that Amber would understand. Hope that I could stay alive for a few more years.
“When do you start school here?” 
“Next week.” I replied to his question.
“Do you think you'll have time for both school and your appointments?” He asked.
I nodded. “Yeah I do.”
I thought of my mother at that moment and the day when she had taken me to the doctor and they had done tests to see what was wrong. When she looked at me and told me as she cried that I was sick, I was shocked. I didn't want to see any doctor for months. Only six months of being in America made me change my mind. I wish I would've done it sooner. I had treatments for five months before the operation and then a week after I had to do more and here I was. I was supposed to only have three months of treatment but they extended it after seeing that it came back I was put back so the pain was bearable. Now I only had to go once a month and I was feeling good but I knew deep down that this was how it started. One day I would feel okay and then the next I will start feeling worse.
“You never told me the whole story.” Kyungsoo said and I was snapped out of my thoughts.
I looked up at him, “I waited too long.”
He frowned, “What?”
“I didn't see a doctor until six months after moving to America.”
He slowly backed away from me, “Why?”
I felt the guilt seeping in, “I didn't want to get well. I felt like my world was ending. It took seeing my Father holding my crying Mother and hearing her say that she didn't want to see me die in front of her.” I took a deep breath. “I'm lucky it didn't spread far. I didn't tell you because I thought you would hate me. I was stupid, selfish, and an idiot.”
“You were but... somehow I get it.” I looked up at him in surprise. “You didn't want to worry me.” He continued. “It's really stupid of you though and don't ever think of lying to me again.” He gave me a stern look.
I nodded. “Okay. Promise you'll tell me why you didn't tell me Chanyeol and you have a thing going on.”
His eyes widened and he sputtered, “W-what? M-me and-? No. Nothing's going on. Stop looking at me like that!”
“I saw you face yesterday when you went to lead him out of your dorm dude. Never knew you were so strong. I thought you were going to his lips off with those lips of yours.”
~[Amber's POV]
Jongdae and I waited for Baek and Minseokie to retrieve their luggage when I was hugged from behind and on instinct I elbowed the person and heard a pained groan that sounded familiar. I turned around and saw a hunched over Zitao.
“Oh my. Panda I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you. I'm so sorry!”
I saw his shoulders shaking and then heard his laughter as he looked up at me with a smile on his face, “Good to see you too Amber. I see you still have your strength after all this time.”
I smiled and then looked to see Jongdae standing awkwardly beside and remembered he never met Zitao. “Have you met Jongdae, Panda?” I gestured to the awkward man beside me.
He looked at Jongdae with a small smile, “Nope but Baekhyun has told me about him but more of his new boytoy.”
“Ah. Well, this is Jongdae.” I poked Zitao on his nose, “And Jongdae, this is Zitao but we call him Panda.”
“Panda. Got it. Nice to meet you Panda.” He held out his hand towards Zitao.
Zitao glared at me as he shook hands with the new addition to best friend list. 
“Where's Kris?” I asked him.
Zitao shrugged, “He said something about hanging out with Luhan ge for today. But I don't know. Kyungsoo said I should come since he couldn't make it. Probably spending the whole day face with Chanyeol hyung or whatever.”
I laughed at the last part. “Be quiet. Kyungsoo has nice lips and so does Chanyeol. Who wouldn't want to kiss them?”
He srunched up his nose in disgust, “Ew, Amber. Just ew.”
I scoffed, “Like Kris is the best kisser in the whole world.”
He perked up, “Of course. Kris ge is not only good with his mouth for kissing, if you know what I mean.”
“Oh! Ew! Ewewewew! Panda! I do not want to know about your life. I already hear enough about Minseokie and Baek's.”
A few hours later and I was back at my dorm and Sunyoung was nowhere to be seen and Zitao had taken to lay on his stomach on my bed with his feet dangling off the end of the bed. I took out the bag of gifts I had gotten for everyone and held out the bracelet with a small Panda charm out to him.
He grabbed and rolled his eyes at seeing the small panda charm. “I think you have a panda problem.”
“Shut up. I got a different animal for everyone.” 
I started to show him all the different charms I had gotten and who each belonged too and why. As I finished his phone started to ring and he answered it.
“Right now? I'm with Amber though.”
“Bring her over? Let me ask.” He placed his hand over the mouth piece and turned towards me. “Kris said that Luhan is asking if you want to go visit him. Also he told me to mention that Hana is going to be there.” 
I nodded. 
“She said yes.” He said after taking his hand off the phone.
“Okay. Bye. Love you.” He put his phone in his pocket before standing up. “Lets go. Before Luhan has a seizure from how excited he is.”
“AMBER!” I heard the two screams before I even closed the door to Zitao's car and then was crushed in a hug. I saw Hana's now blonde hair and Luhan's brown hair and realized I was being picked up by the two as they swung me around.
“I. Can't. Breathe. Guys.” I said.
They let me down gently and then Hana grabbed my hand and dragged me into their building running up the stairs to what I believed must be Luhan's apartment. When we reached the living room she turned around and I could see her bouncing.
“I missed you sooooooo much! How are you? How are things with Yixing? Where is he by the way? Can you believe I got in SM by just one audition?” 
I froze when she asked about Yixing and felt like the wound was opening up again. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Kris as he stared at Hana.
“Don't, Hana. Please don't ask about him.”
Hana frowned, confused. “Why?” I felt her eyes on me as I avoided looking up at her. “What happened?”
“Honey, it's not our problem.” Luhan had stepped in.
“No!” She screamed. “Tell me what happened. What did he do?”
“Are you sure you want to know?” I said looking up at Hana. 
“Yes! Now tell me! Please?” 
“Yixing left as you might know. He ended things two days before he left.”
Hana's eyes grew wide and flew open, “He... Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa!” She flailed her arms around before she pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, “You're telling me that Yixing basically lied to us.”
I looked at her confused and looked over at Luhan who tried putting a comforting hand on Hana's shoulder, only to have it shrugged off. “Lied? What has he told you?”
“Whenever we asked about you, he would change topics or he would just say you were fine. He never mentioned you either which was pretty suspicious but we ignored it to him missing you or something. I guess we were wrong though.” Luhan spoke up since Hana was breathing harshly through her nose and her face was turning red.
“I'M GOING TO KILL HIM. IF I EVER SEE HIM... OH! ZHANG YIXING IS FREAKING DEAD I TELL YOU!” Hana started pacing and kept clenching her hands into fists then unclenching them. 
“Don't do anything please. He only did it to protect me.” 
Hana stopped in mid-step and turned to me, “Amber I-”
“Hana”, I interrupted her. “He didn't think he could handle being in a long distance relationship. It may be a year but he didn't want to leave with the guilt of leaving me alone here. I'm perfectly fine. It may hurt a little still but I want to move on.” I walked closer and hugged her. “I'm glad everyone cares for my well being but I'm a big girl. My trip with my friends to Guangzhou City helped clear my mind. I'm not going to let a break up pull me down.” I pulled back to see her wide eyes staring back at me. “I've forgiven him. All of you should too. He'll find someone new and so will I.”
“You're too nice, Amber.” Hana said as she laughed and pulled me into another crushing hug. “As long as you're okay then I won't kill him.”
I smiled and could see Zitao with a slight frown on his face, “I am, Hana. I am.”
“I met Jessica from Girls Generation yesterday. She was so nice! So pretty too. She came into our dance class to give some advice. I was so happy. I've always looked up to her and all the Girls Generation members.” Hana was talking to all of us about her first week as a SM trainee. 
I smiled along and as she started to talk about the new friends she made that were Chinese too, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and opened the new text message and smiled while I read it.
‘Hey! I told Chanyeol to pick you up but he said you weren't at your dorm. Where are you, woman?’ Kyungsoo texted.
I replied, ‘I'm at Luhan's place with the Panda-Dragon couple.’
Not two minutes passed and I got a reply, ‘I'm kidnapping you.’
I chuckled and looked up to pay attention to Hana's new story about her first meet with Lee Soo Man and how she fangirled inside.
~[Baekhyun's POV]
I knocked at Junmyeon's door and then pushed it open and walked to where I could hear voices. I didn't bother knocking and was going to yell at them my greeting when my eyes landed on two guys sitting on a bed. Kyungsoo was adjusting a beanie on Junmyeon's head but what surprised me was that he had no hair under that beanie. Kyungsoo was just putting it on when I barged in and the cloth fell out of his hands in surprise.
“Baekhyun?” I could hear Junmyeon call out to me but I was already walking out of his apartment before I had a mental breakdown.
There's no way Junmyeon would shave his head for anything. There's only one explanation for Junmyeon's hairless head, he's sick. No wonder he didn't ever video chat with anyone or tell anyone of his college experiences. He doesn't get those chances when he's trying to get better. 
Did Kyungsoo know the whole time? 


Hello again. 

So Baekhyun has discovered what's been going on, well kind of. 

Anyway as always please leave your thoughts and opinions on the chapter. And thank you for the subscribing and commenting and up voting. I really appreciate every single one of them. It means a lot to me. 

I'm sorry that I haven't updated in the longest time. I have another friend who helped me proofread this chapter and she gave me the thumbs up to post and here it is. 

Also this story is sadly coming to an end. Only about five more chapters I believe. Maybe more. 

I've started another story on the side and it will be another Exober. Mainly Hanber and Hunber and maybe a little Xiuber. 

Anyway I'm typing too much.

Thank you for reading!

See you in the next chapter! ^_^ 


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Last chapter... Please read the A/N's at the top and bottom. Top = before reading. Bottom = after reading.


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adelliaar #1
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending ㅇㅡㅇ seriously.....
Chapter 26: No SUHO WHY?!? Well I feel happy for jongdae even tho he didn't get much story light. I really enjoyed this story it was a roller coaster ride of feels. At first I definitely thought Amber was gonna end up with D.O but nope. A total plot twist. And omg it was so hard to choose which ship to root for but it the end it turned out well. Except for one that I will now cry for ;( anyways I loved ur story. It was RLLY awesome. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 26: How about doing Jongdae's/Chen's POV..
ftmhratna #4
Nice fanfics, saya membaca dengan membuka kamus lol bahada inggris saya kurang bagus jadi beberapa kata yang sulit harus saya cari di kamus. Loveit! Keep shipping anyber! O/
MissLuhan #5
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending. I almost cry. ='(
mm0923 #6
Chapter 26: thanks for the story i kinda expected that jongdae would have amber since suho was so sick way before and jongdae did leave without a closure
Chapter 26: *cries ocean*
Chapter 26: Woaaahhh... Jongdae is the lucky one who could own the butterfly for himself!!!
Atleast there is hyunki as their Joonmyun-Amber belongs to!
So,finally suho is death n jongdae or chen is the one who have a chance to be with amber! How? I thought he already go away??? Hhhmmm..
ShidaM #9
Chapter 26: I understand why you ended it like this but WHYYYYYYYYY!?!
Chapter 26: what a weeper... but i like it :)