
Junmyeon was once again singing for another wedding and Kyungsoo and Baekhyun joined him this time as they sang a romantic ballad for the newly wedded couple.
An hour later found me sitting at the table as I watched all my friends dance with their respective partners. Junmyeon had gone to the restroom so I was left alone but the bride sat beside me.
I turned to her, “Congrats on your marriage. I hope you spend many pleasant years more together.”
She smiled back at me, “Thanks Amber.”
I nodded my head and looked back at the dance floor and saw Chanyeol picking up Kyungsoo and the smaller squealing as his feet left the floor. 
“Have you heard from Yixing?” 
I froze at her question, “Why?”
“Amber”, she sighed, “I know it's not my place but I just don't understand. I go to Japan and see him there and he wouldn't tell me what happened.”
I turned my gaze from the floor to her. “You were right. I was leading him on.”
“No. Listen to me.” I interrupted her. “He broke up with me because he said he couldn't handle a long distance relationship but I know that isn't the whole truth. He knew that despite how much I told him I loved him that I would always love Junmyeon more. I just never knew myself since I never saw Junmyeon but now I understand him. He left to protect himself more than me. He may have hurt me but I can't imagine the pain he went through those two years by me, knowing that I had secret hidden feelings for someone else. To be honest, I hate myself for it but we both moved on. I have talked to him and he tells me every call that he is sorry but I still don't get why he does when I'm the one who hurt him. Yixing is always the one to blame himself for everything. He's just that way. So you were right. It wasn't such a good idea to date him knowing I was in love with someone else. Please don't bring up Yixing anymore, Arexia. It hurts me enough knowing how much pain and suffering I put him through.”
Arexia had been quiet and could only nod and then grabbed my hand that was clenched into a fist at my side, “I'm glad you're happy again. And he didn't suffer. He did tell me one thing. That year and ten months he spent with you were the most happiest moments of his life. He's happy to have had you as his first love even though he wasn't your first love.” With that she patted my hand and got up from the table to go to her husband who was dancing with my sister like idiots.
She had said Yixing was happy to have had me as his first love even though he wasn't mine. Those words made me feel even more worse but happy at the same time. Yixing told me of a nice Japanese girl he met that was studying to be an actress and even spoke Korean too. He even sent me a picture of them two together. Her name is Fuji Mina. She's really beautiful and as pale as he is. Her eyes would crinkle as she smiled and was as pretty as the rest of her. She was about as tall as Yixing and from the way she had her hand on his chest in the picture and her other arm around him, they looked like they might already be together. Mina was the perfect match for Yixing. And if the smile he had in the picture wasn't enough to proof of how much they complement each other. 
I was shaken from my thoughts as I felt arms wrap around my shoulders and smiled when I felt a kiss on my cheek.
“Want to dance?” 
I nodded in response as I grabbed his hand and he lead me to the dance floor and we started dancing along with all of our crazy friends.
An hour and all us were sitting at the tables. We waited for the last three of our group to come back from the rest room and chatted with each other. Chanyeol had his arms around the waist of Kyungsoo on his lap and placed his chin on his lover's shoulder as the other patted his cheek and smiled lovingly at him. I smiled at the adorable sight and then looked to the couple beside them. Sehun was leaning his head on Jongin's shoulder as the other wrapped an arm around his shoulders and kissed the top of his head and made the younger smile wide. Next to them was Hana and Luhan who were talking to the Panda-Dragon couple. Hana was squeezing Luhan's thigh and Luhan had his arm around her waist. Kris had his arm on the back of Zitao's chair as the other then leaned on his lover and kissed his chin. Junmyeon was beside Kris and paying attention to the conversation they were having as he held onto my hand and when he felt like not interrupting the discussion Kris and Luhan started to have about if soccer was better than basketball, he would lean over and kiss me on my forehead as the Chansoo couple awed at us along with the Sejong couple.
A few moments later had Baekhyun and Minseok back at the table but without Jongdae. I frowned at them. 
“Where's Jongdae?” I asked.
Minseok and Baekhyun looked at each other and then Baekhyun turned to me, “He's leaving.”
“Leaving?” Junmyeon asked after a pause of silence.
“He's going back to China tonight. I thought he told you.” Zitao said.
I looked towards him and shook my head, “He never told me anything.” I started to get up and Junmyeon grabbed my wrist.
“Where are you going?”
I sighed, “I need to go see him. He can't just leave like this. And I have some questions to ask him.” I shook off his grip and walked out of the room and out into the cold night and thanked myself for wearing flats as I ran off in the direction to Minseok and Jongdae's apartment.
~[Jongdae's POV]
I finally made the decision to leave Korea for a second time as I started to pack all the necessary things I would need for my flight. I had called the night before to ask Minseok's grandparents if I could stay with them for a while as I earned enough to get my own place and they agreed immediately before I even finished. Minseok didn't like seeing me go but understood why I had to. He was such a good friend and I knew he can't leave with me like before because that would mean leaving the love of his life who he was proposing to soon. I needed time to clear my mind and forget about this love I held for a woman that doesn't belong to me. 
I couldn't face her. I had told almost everyone I had met including Baekhyun but not her or her boyfriend. Baekhyun had told Minseok in secret about Junmyeon's plans to propose soon to her. He didn't know I heard that and that's what made me decide to leave before I got even more hurt. Amber wasn't to blame for my hurt, I brought this upon myself when I had fallen for her when I saw her for the first time as Baekhyun introduced us. Amber had grown to the idea of calling me DaeDae and Jongie lately but every time I felt like I was digging myself an early grave as the hurt seeped in more and pierced my already aching heart.
I was already closing the door to the apartment and slipped the key under the door and grabbed my suitcase and froze when I saw her. She was in her dress, holding her knees and panting and I realized she must of ran the whole way.
“Amber.” Was all I could say as she looked up after catching her breath.
“Why are you leaving, DaeDae?” She asked with a sad look in her eyes.
I walked past her and started to walk close to the taxi waiting for me. I stopped in mid-step as I felt her small hand on my arm and tried to shake it off gently but it wouldn't budge.
“Amber.” I interrupted her. “Please. Please don't call me that.”
“Amber.” I interrupted her again. “I have to go. I don't think I'll be back.”
“Please. Jongdae, please.” She sounded like she was pleading.
I sighed once more, “I'm sorry. Just know that I love you, Amber. I'll send you a letter with Minseok.” I said before opening the door to the taxi, giving the driver the directions and putting my suitcase in the car and climbed in. I took a last glance behind me as the taxi drove me away from the one person who hurt me without knowing and also made me find real happiness for once in my life. 
“Your girlfriend?” The driver asked.
I shook my head. “Not now, not ever.” I muttered to myself.
~[Amber's POV]
I stood there on the sidewalk as I watched the taxi drive away until it wasn't visible anymore. The three words he said were stuck in my head. He had said those three words. Did he mean them as a friend or as something more? I couldn't understand why he would say that. I didn't get any answers and was left with even more questions now. 
I walked back to the Wedding party, which was a twenty minute walk. 
When I reached the place I could see everyone including the couple in a circle chatting and when Kyungsoo noticed me he ran to me and wrapped me in his arms. I felt a tear slip from my eye and buried my face in his shoulder. 
“He really left.” 
Kyungsoo had been one of the few to actually meet Jongdae and see how much of good friend he was and enjoyed having him though he could be a jokester at times. 
~{three months later.}
I sat beside Junmyeon in the movie theater as the movie came to an end and everyone clapped and we started to walk out the room. As we both walked out into the night then Junmyeon started dragging off to a different direction. 
“Where are you going?”
“I want to show you something.” 
Suddenly he stopped in front of a stage and when I looked up I could see most of my friends up there even my sister was there and Victoria also. I looked to Junmyeon with a confused look. He grabbed my hands and I looked at him, waiting for whatever he was going to say.
He finally looked and took a deep breath, “Amber, I've been thinking lately about our relationship and also of our memories we have together. I remember meeting you as a child and how you would try to make me understand what you wanted to do by hand signals since I didn't know a lot of English then. I never thought we would meet again but then my aunt calls my Mom and tells her about her friend coming from America and I instantly knew it must mean I get to see you again. That whole month I spent annoying Kyungsoo about how I couldn't wait to see how much you grew and if you were still the same weird tomboyish girl I met as a kid. Again I was wrong when I saw you and you had grown but especially in beauty. I have no idea what I expected but to be attracted to you the second time I met you was not what I had in mind. I started to like you more and more as we started to spend more time together and then the day I sang for you your favorite song that I used to get that wedding gig was the best.” He smiled at me and I could see all the memories playing in my mind like a movie. 
“Then that day you saw Soojung kiss me. That was the worst feeling seeing you run away and the look you had.” He continued. “That kiss meant nothing to me. I couldn't face you after that day. Then after a few days I hear a rumor going around that Yixing was dating a second year student. I wasn't in school but Chanyeol had been the one to confirm it for me. I was happy and sad. All I wanted was for you to be happy.”
I felt the tear fall from my eye as the guilt of how much I made Yixing go through hit me.
“When I was in America and called Yixing, I always made sure to tell him to protect you and keep you happy no matter what. He kind of kept his promise. I understand now why he left. He always told me of his plans to become a world known choreographer and he knows that to so that he needs to make sacrifices. To be honest if you two were still together than I wouldn't ever have a chance with you.” He scoffed. “Look at me. I'm not as handsome or cute or talented as him but somehow you still like me. You're different in your own way and nice and cute and just perfect that I feel like you deserve better than me. Not that I'm letting you go that easily anyway. Basically Amber, I brought you here in front of everyone we both know to ask you something.” 
I didn't understand until I saw him kneel and pull out something from his pocket and in his hand was a ring. I gasped and cupped a hand over my mouth.
“Amber Liu.” He started. “I know it may have been only five months but I'm sure that you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with and no one else. I promise to make your days brighter and to always support your decisions and never leave your side. It may be too soon but please...” He grabbed my hand with his free one that wasn't holding the ring and looked up into my eyes as I stared back, “Will you marry me?” 
I used my hand to muffle the sob that threatened to slip out my mouth and nodded eagerly and let out a soft, “Yes.” 
The smile on his face as he jumped up and slipped the ring on my finger on my left hand was the brightest one I saw on his face since the day he had asked me to be his girlfriend. Beside us all the people on the stage started cheering loudly and I could see Kyungsoo smiling down at us and he gave me a thumbs up which I responded to with a tears smile and then looked back at my new fiancée. Junmyeon cradled my face in his hands and leaned in to gently press our lips together as I tried to reel in my tears before I made a fool of myself.
Which actually seems like it's too late. 
I suddenly realized I was looking forward to my future with Junmyeon and hoped Yixing and Jongdae can become a part of it. 
This is only the beginning.


A/N: Hi.

As you can see this story is coming to an end. 

Yep. Next chapter will be the last one.

I'm so sad to see this end. It's been so long. I've dedicated so much to this story. I never thought anyone would read this and people actually read it.

You actually read this.

I can't express how much it means to me that you read this story.

And I can see from the previous A/N that people really want the HanBer/HunBer story. My friend is telling me to do OnKey, (since they are my OTP after all), but I'm not sure. I've started them both. But now that this story is ending I need to make a decision quick. Please help me.


Anyway, all comments and up votes and subscriptions are really special to me. I love you all. 

Thank you. 

See you in the next chapter.


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Last chapter... Please read the A/N's at the top and bottom. Top = before reading. Bottom = after reading.


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adelliaar #1
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending ㅇㅡㅇ seriously.....
Chapter 26: No SUHO WHY?!? Well I feel happy for jongdae even tho he didn't get much story light. I really enjoyed this story it was a roller coaster ride of feels. At first I definitely thought Amber was gonna end up with D.O but nope. A total plot twist. And omg it was so hard to choose which ship to root for but it the end it turned out well. Except for one that I will now cry for ;( anyways I loved ur story. It was RLLY awesome. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 26: How about doing Jongdae's/Chen's POV..
ftmhratna #4
Nice fanfics, saya membaca dengan membuka kamus lol bahada inggris saya kurang bagus jadi beberapa kata yang sulit harus saya cari di kamus. Loveit! Keep shipping anyber! O/
MissLuhan #5
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending. I almost cry. ='(
mm0923 #6
Chapter 26: thanks for the story i kinda expected that jongdae would have amber since suho was so sick way before and jongdae did leave without a closure
Chapter 26: *cries ocean*
Chapter 26: Woaaahhh... Jongdae is the lucky one who could own the butterfly for himself!!!
Atleast there is hyunki as their Joonmyun-Amber belongs to!
So,finally suho is death n jongdae or chen is the one who have a chance to be with amber! How? I thought he already go away??? Hhhmmm..
ShidaM #9
Chapter 26: I understand why you ended it like this but WHYYYYYYYYY!?!
Chapter 26: what a weeper... but i like it :)