Catching up...



A/N: I kind of skip over Amber's last year of high school in the story. So the is is like a catching up kind of chapter. Anyway, enjoy!


---(A year and nine months.)
Time sure flies by. It seems like just last week I was graduating but I'm entering college now and finally my life is starting.
It's actually been two days since I moved into my dorm and today my roommate is moving in though I haven't met her yet. All I know is that she's Kibum and Baekhyun's cousin, she went to a different school on the other side of town, very sweet from what Kibum told me earlier. 
Everyone was surprised when I told them I wanted to major in Music Therapy. I had never heard of such a thing until I was choosing a career choice and I always wanted to find something that will help people. Music always helped my problems go away so why not help others that same way. 
Kibum chose to major in Fashion Design, his sketches are really good. He told me of his plans to someday use all of his friends as models for the first line of clothes he releases. Jinki was doing Musical Theatre and is actually very good. I remember seeing his first musical that he had to perform for a grade and how good he was at it. Everyone knew Jinki had a beautiful voice but no one, except his family and Kibum, ever heard him sing and I don't get why. I almost could say he sounded exactly like the leader of the group SHINee, Onew. Jinki actually started to gain a lot of attention just because of his similarities to the Korean idol and gained fangirls who were heartbroken to find out he was actually taken and taken by a man. 
Taemin and Jongin started their last years in high school. Taemin became the president of the Dance Club after Yixing graduated, I didn't even know the club existed until they told me of it. Taemin even got himself a girlfriend too, her name is Gong Minji and she is the cutest little thing too. Though once the girl is dancing it is a whole other story, the innocence goes away and is replaced by a fierce and powerful dancer. Anyway, she's Taemin's perfect match. They make me envious of the relationship they have.
Jongin is still dancing too, sometimes I go see him when he's practicing when he invites me. He's gotten a lot better and still pushes himself to become better. Since Yixing is in school he had to start looking for another practice buddy and found one in Sehun, who is starting his first year in high school.
Sehun's actually grown a lot, he used to be shorter than me and one day I visited Chanyeol and the kid was already at my ear than after a few months he was as tall as me then this year when I saw him he was already 5' 9"! He's still has the child side of him since he uses his pout to get me to do anything for him. Chanyeol had teased me of how I was weak for his little brother's cuteness and I couldn't even deny it. Back to Jongin, after meeting up with Sehun a couple of times he suddenly told me of his secret crush on the young boy. I was really happy for him but someone else wasn't. Chanyeol had overheard and almost would've pounced on the boy if I hadn't held him back and slapped him to bring him back to his senses. The older warned Jongin to not make a move on his baby brother until the other was old enough. 
“You have got to be kidding me.” I scoffed. “Stop treating Sehun like he's a baby.”
Chanyeol looked down at me, “He's my baby brother Amber. And not even legal yet.”
“Age doesn't matter and who knows if Sehun even likes him back.” I turned to face Jongin for a second, “Sorry.”
“What if I do like him back?” All of us three turned our attention towards the door and saw Sehun leaning on the door way and looking straight at Jongin. Then he turned to his brother, “Hyung, I like Jongin hyung and nothing you say can make what I feel go away.”
Chanyeol huffed and avoided looking at his brother, “You're too young Sehun.”
Sehun scoffed, “I'm not a damn baby anymore! I know I may be young but even young kids get crushes!” 
I placed a comforting, at least I hope it was, on Sehun's shoulder and he turned to look at me, “You don't think I'm too young, right?” His eyes looked so full of hope.
I sighed, “You are young”, the hope in his eyes faded, “but you are also old enough to make these kinds of decisions. Your hyung should know that.”
Chanyeol walked out of the practice room, slamming the door behind him. I looked to see Sehun tearing up and I instantly wrapped him in my arms as he cried onto my shoulder and I kept whispering to him that everything would be alright. I really hoped it would be.
/end flashback/
The whole thing was a mess but Jongin and Sehun had gotten together though. They seemed perfectly fine except for the whole not being able to meet Sehun's parents since Chanyeol was still pretty pissed about the whole thing. I remember that I had gone over to his house and ran into his room and didn't care that Kyungsoo was there and slapped him. I'm normally not a violent person but Chanyeol's way of dealing with this was really irking me to no end. Kyungsoo had to hold me back from choking him when he yelled at me about what the hell I was doing. 
“You damn well know why I'm here!” I struggled to get out of Kyungsoo's hold. “Do you have any idea how Sehun is feeling!? He thinks his brother hates him! Do you have any idea how pissed off that makes me that you can't see how much you hurt your own blood!? Huh!?” I yelled at him still trying to get out Kyungsoo's arms. Chanyeol had stayed quiet, looking at the floor. “Answer me!”
Chanyeol looked up with a frown, “I don't hate him though.”
“Then what the hell is your problem!? Why are you avoiding him!?” 
Chanyeol looked at Kyungsoo and I felt the hold on me loosen and I quickly ran up to Chanyeol and pushed him. “Stop doing this to him. He just wants to be happy. How can he be truly happy if you hate his boyfriend!?” I didn't know I was crying until I felt it running down my cheeks.
“I don't hate Jongin.” He said quietly. “I'm just jealous.”
I froze and looked at him in confusion. “What?”
“He's not a coward.”
Then I understood everything.
/end flashback/
Chanyeol then was still having issues with stuff. Everything is fixed now though. 
Baekhyun had went to China for a small vacation before college. That was one excited phone call I got in the middle of the night.
“Ambie! Guess who's back?~” I heard the voice on the other end of the line say.
“Is there a reason you're calling in the middle of the night? I was sleeping you know.” I mumbled and yawned.
“Aren't you happy to have your friend back? And I have news!”
“This man is finally off the market. Well... almost.” 
I perked up, “Well, well, well, you finally find someone who can handle you huh?”
I heard the him scoff, “I'm not that bad! Anyway I met him in China. He's really cute and Korean too and he promised meet up with me when he comes to South Korea next week. He's so cute though, like a little hamster. I wanted to just squish him and kidnap him to bring him with me.”
“Didn't know your type is cute. I thought you liked manly men since the last year when you said you had a crush on Kris.”
“You promised not to talk about that! I can't believe I liked him!”
“He was taken anyway from what his sister told me. She likes to gossip about Kris's love life.”
“Oh. Did she say who?”
“Nope. He's been keeping it secret from her too.”
“Well guess we're going to have to get it out of him.”
“Come on Ambie!”
“Byun Baekhyun I said no.”
“Pretty pretty please.”
/end flashback/
I ended up agreeing with him that we would corner Kris whenever we had the chance or follow him around. Boy did we get the biggest shocker of our lives. We ended up spying on poor Kris as he met up with someone at a cafe. That person he met up with was none other than Panda Huang Zitao. Do you know how surprised we were? I couldn't even understand how it even happened or how we didn't see it coming. 
Long story short, ever since Junmyeon's birthday party that last time Kris and Zitao talked and exchanged numbers and hung out on weekends. The summer before our third year, they started going out. Kris told me that he never really liked men but Zitao was special and changed his mind on that. Zitao said that he didn't really want to tell anyone since he hasn't even come out to his family yet. Well once Baek and I caught them they didn't really have a choice but to tell their families. 
Kris was immediately accepted by his Dad, Stepmom, and Victoria. Zitao's family were a little hesitant and didn't contact him for a while but at least he had his Aunt and Uncle. The first to call was his Grandmother, she promised to stand by him no matter what. Then his parents kind of gave their blessing for his relationship with Kris. It was really touching when I saw Yixing hugging him as Zitao cried with the phone pressed to his ear as his Mother apologized, in Chinese, for not calling sooner and making him think they wouldn't accept him. 
Kyungsoo told me of his crush on someone but he won't tell me who. No matter how much I try to get it out of him, he won't tell me who it is. I asked if it was a girl and he gave me the weirdest expression that made me laugh so hard I didn't stop until almost a hour later. Turns out it isn't a girl so I narrowed it down to either the cute kid that works at the cafe we always go to or one of our single guy friends, which are Junmyeon, Chanyeol, Henry, and Minho. I know the last two names are not familiar, well we met them in our last year of high school through Jinki and Kibum. They both went to to study abroad in the USA.
Junmyeon is still in the US too. He talks to Kyungsoo but whenever I ask him through Skype to video chat he makes an excuse of why he can't. Something is going on and no one wants to tell me but it seems like only Kyungsoo knows out of all of us. I've decided to let it go and let them tell me when they're ready. On a positive note, Junmyeon told me that he plans to come back just in time for Jongin and Taemin's graduation.
And now it comes down to me. I've been doing very well these past years and have forgotten of my feelings for my best friend and fixed the beautiful friendship we had. I got into the college I wanted. I got to go to one of my favorite group's first solo concert as a present from my parents for graduating. Best part was I got to take ten of my best friends with me and my awesome boyfriend too who helped my parents in paying for it. They were front row tickets too.
There was also a special surprise that I got that day.
“How is everyone?” Suho yelled into the microphone as everyone responded with screams.
Kibum, Baekhyun, Zitao, and I yelled at the top of our lungs and kept jumping and waving our lightsticks trying to get their attention. 
“We actually would like to invite someone on stage that is a close friend of our Lay.” EXO's Chanyeol got close to our area and motioned to Yixing to climb on stage.
I looked over to him and he winked at me before walking up the stage and getting help from the security and the K-idol to climb on the stage. When he was on he walked up to Lay who hugged him, which created a lot of uproar in the whole building, and then pulled away from each other.
Lay raised the microphone to his lips, “Welcome Yixing everyone! My long lost twin!” He said with a smile that looked identical to my Yixing's dimpled smile. 
The fans screamed and Baekhyun nudged me and wiggled his eyebrows. I shoved him playfully and then turned back to the stage.
“Lay and Yixing will be do a special performance for Yixing's precious girlfriend who is a fan of ours and is here today.” Suho said and then Baekhyun nudged me again.
I looked at where he pointed and saw my face on one of the large screens on the stage and then Yixing and Lay on the other.
Suho handed his mic to Yixing who bowed as he took it and then raised it to his lips. “Liu Eunyoung. Amber. I hope you like my special present to you. Lay hyung promised to help me and we worked really hard together to make this happen. I don't know if this is too soon to say but I just want you to know that I love you.” He handed the mic back as the lights dimmed and then it was dark. 
A few minutes later and the lights came on again on the stage and you could see Lay and Yixing on one side sitting on chairs, then beside them walked in Chen and Luhan as their What is Love started. As soon as the beat started Lay and Yixing started to the dance and they moved exactly at the same time without missing a step. Lay didn't  break eye contact with the audience and Yixing seemed to be focused on me. I started to try and listen to the lyrics and knew why he chose the song. 
I was really touched and felt the tears starting to run down my face and didn't care that my face was on a big screen and everyone could see. They started to near the end of the song and I couldn't stop looking at how smoothly Yixing moved lost in the song but without breaking eye contact with me. The song ended as Lay and Yixing posed and then they bowed to the crowd. 
I ran up to the stage and Yixing ran up to where I leaned over and he had to get on the floors of the stage and I reached up grabbing his face to pull him into a kiss that took both of our breaths away. I could barely hear the cheers that erupted as I focused on Yixing and how much love I felt for this incredible man that was mine. When we pulled away the smiles on our faces were enough to describe the joy and how much I loved my present.
“Make some noise for the happy couple!” I could hear the EXO member, Kris, yell into his mic as he smiled towards us. “We wish you two many years more together.” He said.
/end flashback/
That day was a really good memory I had of my high school experience.
I know it must seem weird how we waited a year until we could say I love you to each other. Well, I wasn't ready then to love at the start of our relationship. My feelings for Yixing had started to become stronger to the point where I wanted to see him everyday and hold him close. I got scared as those feelings started to form. Yixing had wanted to say those three words numerous of times but I would cut him off or run  away before he could say it. I was so afraid that I could get hurt that I avoided the whole love conversations with anyone. 
That day, at that concert, I realized I had nothing to be afraid of anymore. I was sure Yixing would never hurt me since he never did in the whole year that we were together and he even kept his I-love-yous in until I was sure I was ready to be able to love him back. EXO-M's What Is Love, since that concert, became our couple song and it always reminded me of the day I realized that I love Yixing and want him to always remember it.
I just want to let you laugh like an innocent child. I just want to comfort you, support you like a friend. (...) Tell me, so, what is love?
                                                           -'What Is Love' by EXO-M



A/N: Hello again readers! I'm sorry that the chapters are not coming out soon enough but I don't have much freedoms anymore but I'm not going to give up on this story. Forgive me for the late update. And thank you for the comments. Please feel free to leave more. I love reading what you think of my story. And thank you to all new subscribers! I hope I can continue to write more good chapters for you in the future. 


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Last chapter... Please read the A/N's at the top and bottom. Top = before reading. Bottom = after reading.


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adelliaar #1
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending ㅇㅡㅇ seriously.....
Chapter 26: No SUHO WHY?!? Well I feel happy for jongdae even tho he didn't get much story light. I really enjoyed this story it was a roller coaster ride of feels. At first I definitely thought Amber was gonna end up with D.O but nope. A total plot twist. And omg it was so hard to choose which ship to root for but it the end it turned out well. Except for one that I will now cry for ;( anyways I loved ur story. It was RLLY awesome. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 26: How about doing Jongdae's/Chen's POV..
ftmhratna #4
Nice fanfics, saya membaca dengan membuka kamus lol bahada inggris saya kurang bagus jadi beberapa kata yang sulit harus saya cari di kamus. Loveit! Keep shipping anyber! O/
MissLuhan #5
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending. I almost cry. ='(
mm0923 #6
Chapter 26: thanks for the story i kinda expected that jongdae would have amber since suho was so sick way before and jongdae did leave without a closure
Chapter 26: *cries ocean*
Chapter 26: Woaaahhh... Jongdae is the lucky one who could own the butterfly for himself!!!
Atleast there is hyunki as their Joonmyun-Amber belongs to!
So,finally suho is death n jongdae or chen is the one who have a chance to be with amber! How? I thought he already go away??? Hhhmmm..
ShidaM #9
Chapter 26: I understand why you ended it like this but WHYYYYYYYYY!?!
Chapter 26: what a weeper... but i like it :)