Move on.



~[Amber's POV]
It's been two weeks since he left. I've been trying to distract myself by going to my classes and we have a week before I get a two week break before the start of the next semester. I got so many calls from everyone. Kyungsoo had gotten a call from Baekhyun and rushed over to my dorm the next day and I cried in his arms for an hour telling him everything and how much it hurt. Baekhyun didn't tell anyone of what happened when he went to see Yixing. Zitao did and I still can't believe he punched his cousin. Chanyeol decided to give him a visit of his own also and had come back with a weird expression that looked like sympathy. I had told my family of it after a week since I finally felt like I was able to talk about it without breaking down. To be honest it still hurts a lot but I figured that since he said I should move on, then I'm going to do just that.
I'm actually on my way to the same cafe as always meeting up with Kibum and Jinki after not seeing them in a long time. They found out too and decided to use the one day they don't have classes, or rehearsals on Jinki's part, to come hang out with me.
“Wow. I wish he was still here so I can kill him.” Kibum growled out and Jinki wrapped an arm around him to calm him down.
I looked at them and felt a pang in my chest at the memories it brought back and didn't realize I was crying until Jinki was reaching over to wipe at my face with his thumb. When he settle back in his seat I started to rub at my eyes to stop the tears. “I'm sorry.” I laughed humorlessly. “I thought I was done crying but I guess I'm not.”
“You need a vacation, Amber. Away from here for a while.” Kibum said placing a hand on top of my hands clasped on top of the table.
“Where would I go?” I asked quietly.
“Hmmm... Ah!” Jinki snapped his fingers as he got a look on his face. “Isn't Baekhyun going to China with Minseok in a week? Ask him to invite you.”
Kibum's face lit up, “That's perfect. Sweetie you're the best!” He started to pepper kisses all over his face as I stared at them, silently contemplating if I should ask Baek.
I quickly pulled out my phone and texted him. Not a minute later and I got a response.
Pack your bags girl! I'm taking you to China!’
I smiled up at the couple, “You guys are geniuses. I guess I'm going to China with Baekhyun.”
Jinki smiled wide as he leaned over to hug me. It was a bit awkward since he was almost on top of the table. Kibum laughed at his bunny of a lover. It was the first time in two weeks that I had an actual genuine smile on my face.
I waved goodbye to the two as I walked the opposite way to the school campus but found myself walking towards a park that I was familiar with, especially after passing the fountain. The flashbacks hit me like a freight train and left a pain in my chest as the tears threatened to spill. I crossed my arms across my chest and stared down at the ground and let one tear fall before reaching up my hand to not let anymore fall over and pressed up the palms of my hands against my eyes.
I remember that week before their graduation when he asked me to come here. The dance, the first kiss, the warmth. He was there whenever girls would say that there was no way he could like me and he would tell them in front of me of how perfect I was to him. All those times he invited me to dinner so his parents could have a good relationship with me. When we would mess around with Zitao together and run away from him after he got angry. All the coffee dates we had. Those silent conversations we would have where we would only look into each others eyes and smile like idiots at one another. His dimpled smile as he smiled as I did something embarrassing but he would  convince that it looked cute to him. The concert... That concert was one of the most precious memories I have. I remember what the rapper of EXO-M had said to us that day, ‘We wish you two many years more together.’
Many more years. Too bad it ended sooner that that. I tried looking back at anything that could have caused this to happen but I couldn't come up with anything. We were perfectly fine. We didn't argue. I only remember that I had sent him a text message telling him about Junmyeon returning and he never responded...
That's when it clicked.
Could he have been scared? Or jealous? Does he think I would run back to Junmyeon? I did tell him of my past with him but Yixing had seemed okay and said he was happy I had chosen him in the end. Is it Junmyeon's return that caused this? But he's going to Japan so that can't be it.
I sighed. This is all too confusing. I should just let it go already. Move on Amber.
I walked away from the fountain and kept walking back to the campus before Sunyoung would start nagging me about leaving her alone for a long time.
“You're going to China for your break?”
I shrugged, “Why not? It'll help with clearing my mind of everything that's happened.”
She didn't look convinced, “Are you sure?”
“I'm sure. Baekhyun, Minseokie oppa, and Chen will be there. I'm sure they can find stuff to keep me busy.”
Sunyoung perked up at the mention of Baekhyun. I think she still likes him even though he is very open about what team he plays on. “Oh! Then you better go! And make sure to say good things about me!”
I laughed, “I told you Baekhyun i-”
“Yeah, yeah I know!” She interrupted me. “A girl can dream. It's always the most handsome ones. It's not fair.” She pouted.
I laughed and poked her puffed up cheek, “So grumpy.” I suddenly remembered something then, “Wait! I know someone you'd like!”
She perked up again, “Whowhowhowho!?”
“Hmmm... His name is Lee Chanhee, he's majoring in Vocals, he has a really nice smile, very sweet and funny, cute, and told me he's had his eye on you but is too afraid to approach you.”
“Lee Chanhee? I've never seen him in my classes.”
“He's more of a night student since he works at a family bakery with his parents in the day.” I explained. “I met him one day at the library after I he asked me where the Music section was. We started talking.”
“Hm. Introduce me.” She said.
I shrugged, “Sure. Let me just get my phone and I'll invite him to the cafe on campus.”
I was sitting in the middle of the cafe with Sunyoung as she kept looking around and her leg was bouncing until I placed a hand over hers on the table. She looked up at me surprised and stilled her leg.
“Calm down.”
She sighed, “Sorry. I just get nervous when meeting new people sometimes. Especially after you showed me the selva of you two and I realized how handsome he is. You weren't kidding. Are you sure he's older than us?”
I nodded. “He's 23.”
She let out a shaky breath, “Oh. What should I do?”
“Be yourself.” I looked behind her as the door opened. “He's here. Stay calm. Act natural.” I waved over at him and he smiled as he saw us and walked over.
I stood up as he gave me a friendly hug, “Little sister!” He said in accented English.
“Oppa!” I responded.
We laughed as we pulled away and we sat down, him beside me. I then gestured over at where Sunyoung was sitting and smiled at him, “This is Sunyoung. She's my roommate.” Then I gestured to Chanhee and directed my smile to Sunyoung, “Sunyoungie, this is Chanhee oppa.”
She smiled and extended her hand towards him and they shook hands but didn't let go and just kept staring at each other. I silently cheered inside my brain after realizing they had the dazed look you get when you realize you are attracted to someone.
Sunyoungie is finally gonna get some! Woot!
~{six days later}
I zipped up the suitcase I was bringing with me and Sunyoung handed me my carry-on with a sad look. I sighed. “I'm going to be back, mom. I'll call you when I get the chance.” I reassured her.
“You better. I want to hear about everything.” She said and hugged me.
I hugged back and then let go as my phone started ringing. It was Baekhyun. “I have to go. See you in a week.”
She smiled and I walked out the door with my things and started going down the stairs but saw Jongdae coming up the steps and he grabbed my suitcase ignoring my protesting and quickly started to put the suitcase in the trunk of Minseok's car.
“Ready to go?” Baekhyun turned around from the front and smiled at me as I returned with my own.
“Ready as I'll ever be.”
“Next stop, airport! Then-” Minseok started before Baekhyun cut in.
“CHINA! WOOOO!” Baek shouted.
All of us were surprised to see Sehun, Jongin, Chanyeol, and Kyungsoo there. I walked up to them and they all hugged me, Sehun was last to let go.
“You can't just leave without saying goodbye, noona.” Sehun pouted.
“Well all of you are so busy that I didn't want to be a bother to you.”
Kyungsoo scoffed, “Be quiet. We hope you have a safe flight. Make sure you call us and take lots of pictures.” 
“And make sure Baekhyun doesn't spend all his time face with Minseok hyung.” Jongin added in and Baek glared at him as Minseok laughed.
“I'll make sure.” I said with a wink.
They all hugged me as I waved at them before boarding the plane.
~[Kyungsoo's POV]{two days later.}
“Have you heard from Amber yet? She doesn't answer my calls.” The person on the other end of the phone line asked.
“Um... Well she's not really here right now. She went with some friends on a small vacation before the new semester.”
“Oh? Well I wanted to tell her first but I'll tell you instead.”
“I'm coming back tomorrow.”
“Why so soon?”
“Kyungsoo... I don't have much time left.”
For some reason those words scared me more than anything else in the world.


Okay enough with my silliness.

Hello! So I think you can guess who makes a comeback in the next chapter, right? 

And I also introduced another character. I hope you can guess who he is. 

And thank you to all the silent readers, new subscribers, and commenters. I will do my best to make these last chapters good. 

See you in the next chapter! 




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Last chapter... Please read the A/N's at the top and bottom. Top = before reading. Bottom = after reading.


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adelliaar #1
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending ㅇㅡㅇ seriously.....
Chapter 26: No SUHO WHY?!? Well I feel happy for jongdae even tho he didn't get much story light. I really enjoyed this story it was a roller coaster ride of feels. At first I definitely thought Amber was gonna end up with D.O but nope. A total plot twist. And omg it was so hard to choose which ship to root for but it the end it turned out well. Except for one that I will now cry for ;( anyways I loved ur story. It was RLLY awesome. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 26: How about doing Jongdae's/Chen's POV..
ftmhratna #4
Nice fanfics, saya membaca dengan membuka kamus lol bahada inggris saya kurang bagus jadi beberapa kata yang sulit harus saya cari di kamus. Loveit! Keep shipping anyber! O/
MissLuhan #5
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending. I almost cry. ='(
mm0923 #6
Chapter 26: thanks for the story i kinda expected that jongdae would have amber since suho was so sick way before and jongdae did leave without a closure
Chapter 26: *cries ocean*
Chapter 26: Woaaahhh... Jongdae is the lucky one who could own the butterfly for himself!!!
Atleast there is hyunki as their Joonmyun-Amber belongs to!
So,finally suho is death n jongdae or chen is the one who have a chance to be with amber! How? I thought he already go away??? Hhhmmm..
ShidaM #9
Chapter 26: I understand why you ended it like this but WHYYYYYYYYY!?!
Chapter 26: what a weeper... but i like it :)