Closure... Or not.



Before you read this. I want to apologize because some people might hate me after this. I'm sorry. 
Okay. Continue on...


~{Amber's POV}[Two days later]
I passed all my exams! Woot! I was so happy that I almost ran all the way to my house. When I arrived though I didn't find no one at my home. I looked around for my Mom but she wasn't there. I saved the living room for last and saw Jackie with her friend, Arexia. I didn't want to interrupt them but stopped when I heard my name.
“Do you really think Amber is doing the right thing? She's going to hurt that boy and you don't even try to convince her that she might not be making a good choice.” I heard Arexia.
I could hear Jackie sigh, “Amber isn't a little girl anymore. She can decide for herself and she chose Yixing. Let it be.”
Then I heard Arexia let out what sounded like a frustrated sigh, “Of course she chose him because she doesn't want to face the one she really likes. I feel like she's using Yixing and that's kind of selfish of her.”
I balled up my fists and resisted the urge of walking in there and then Jackie spoke again, “She's not like that! How dare you!? Ever stop to think that maybe she wanted to open her heart to Yixing and give love a chance. I haven't met the kid yet but I know that from the way my sister's eyes that she isn't using him! She really cares about this boy. Junmyeon screwed up and broke my little sister's heart! I think it's her choice who she chooses to help her heal the heart break. She chose Yixing and that's final.” Jackie sighed again. “This is her first boyfriend and I hope her only one too because I can't stand to see or even hear her crying over someone who doesn't deserve her tears. She needs to be happy and she will be.”
“I'm sorry.” Arexia apologized. “I shouldn't interfere in things that aren't of my concern. I just... I know what she went through when you two were in Canada and don't want her to hurt someone like she was hurt. I know she isn't little anymore but I was just being cautious.”
“This Amber we're talking about, she wouldn't even hurt a fly.”
I walked back up to my room and closed the door behind me and slid down to the floor as I felt tears run down my face with a smile on my lips. My phone ringed in my pocket and I pulled it out to see someone was calling me. I smiled even wider as I read the caller ID and answered immediately.
“Amber. Why didn't you wait for me? I wanted to see you.” 
“Sorry. Wanted to get home as soon as possible to show my Mom my grades but she isn't at home.”
“Ah. Well, I wanted to ask if you wanted to come to the dance studio to see me and Jongin dance after I help this teacher with his class? Or you can come for that class too?”
I thought about it for a second before answering. It is a chance to see him dance again. “Sure. Should I go now?”
“If you want. The class starts in half in hour though.”
“Coming.” I hung up and quickly ran down the stairs putting on my shoes and walking in the direction of the familiar dance studio.
It was about a fifteen minute walk to the place and I was a little surprised to see Sehun with Yixing there. And the smile the little had on his face as he saw me was so cute that I almost ran up to pinch his little cheeks but tried to calm down my emotions a little. I didn't have to run though since he did anyway and almost winded me.
“Amber noona! You're here.” Then he turned to Yixing, “Amber noona is here, hyung! Does she know about your girlfriend?”
I looked to Yixing and mouthed at him asking what did he tell him. Yixing just shook his head at me with that precious dimpled smile I liked and then said to Sehun without taking his eyes off mine, “She is my girlfriend.”
I looked down to see Sehun's reaction and he had this little pout on his face then let go and went over to Yixing to push him. “She's my noona. Why do you take my noona from me?”
I giggled at the sight of a small 12 year old pushing a 18 year old in jealousy. I walked over to Sehun and hugged him from behind, “Sehun-ah. Please don't push noona's boyfriend. I'm still yours as much as I am his.” I tried to sound a little cute but I must of sounded weird.
Sehun did stop and turned around to face me, “Promise?”
I held out my pinky, “Promise.” 
The boy smiled and linked his small pinky with mine then hugged me and I returned it.
“Why don't I get a hug like that?” I looked up at Yixing.
“Sehunnie is special to me.” I looked down at said boy, “Right?”
The boy smiled wide at me and nodded his head, “Yes.”
I sat at a far corner as I saw Yixing with the teacher demonstrating a dance that the small group of five boys would learn. This teacher probably had a thing for SM artists since the song he chose was, not surprisingly, SHINee's Sherlock. Since their last competition had been canceled due to not enough funds to make it happen then they tried for another official cover competition. This five were going to be the youngest in the competition though and that kind of made them a little nervous. The teacher, Lee Hyukjae is his name, was very thorough in his explaining of the key dance moves for the song that the kids got it easily. 
Yixing was helping out Sehun at the moment and I had my eyes on them as he helped demonstrate to the younger how he should move his feet for the key dance move since Sehun was given Taemin's part. It was very precious seeing the proud look he got as Sehun perfected the move and patted the boy's head. The practice was coming to an end and the teacher made the kids do the first minute and a half of the song that they learned. 
It was amazing what these kids could learn in an hour and a half. They looked like professionals, like a miniature SHINee in the works. The teacher dismissed after pointing out what they would be doing tomorrow and the rest of the week. The competition entry is in a week but the competition, if they get in, will be in four weeks.
Sehun had to leave as soon as class ended since his Mom was already waiting for him but he hugged me before leaving. 
Yixing and I were sitting as we waited for Jongin to show up for their daily practice. I got a little bored and decided to look through the music Yixing had on iPod. 
I looked up from the iPod. “H- mmph.” Is what came out my mouth as I felt lips touching mine. My eyes widened and I froze. His eyes were closed and they opened as soon as he pulled away. He gave me one his famous smile and I felt a blush rising up to my cheeks. 
I walked to school the next day with a smile on my face since we now only had one week left for school and then my friends and boyfriend's graduation. It was a really good month so far. I walked into the second year building and saw Kyungsoo. He was talking to someone and when I walked a little closer I saw who it was and turned away. I ran away from my class and accidentally bumped into someone. 
“I'm so sorry. I didn't se-. Baekhyun?” I had stood up and saw Baekhyun with his head in his hands and he looked up as I said his name.
He smiled and stood up, “Amber!”
I smiled back, “Haven't seen you around much. Where have you been?”
He shrugged, “Helping out Kibum and Jinki hyung with their graduation preps. Did you hear? Yixing is actually dating someone! Finally!”
I laughed at him, “Who told you?”
“Kibum. He won't tell me who he's with though.”
I pointed to myself, “It's me.”
His eyes went wide and then looked at the ground again and back at me. “Y-You're with-? How? Wh-? You never told me you liked him. Everyone thought you liked J-... Uh.”
“Well I do. I think it's been a week already.” I said.
“Wow... Well congrats.” He smiled, but it didn't really reach his eyes. “I have to go to class. See you later?” He walked away before I could answer him.
The teacher left for a few minutes after being called to the Principal's office and left the class president in charge of watching the us. As soon as he left Kyungsoo leaned over to talk to me.
“How was dance practice with Jongin and lover boy?” He asked with a playful smile on his face.
I flushed as I remembered what happened before Jongin had even arrived to the studio that day, “It was fine.” I avoided looking at Kyungsoo as I heard him trying to hide his laughter.
“Just fine?”
I glared at him, “He kissed me okay.” I felt my cheeks get even hotter as I said it out loud.
“Must of been some kind of kiss if you're blushing like that.” He said as I kept glaring at his smiling face.
“I hate you.”
“You love me.”
I pushed him and laughed. “You're an idiot.”
He smiled and laughed too, “But I'm your idiot.”
“True.” I said.
Kyungsoo and I were on our way to our bench outside with our lunches when we saw a red box on the bench. I handed my stuff to Kyungsoo as I picked up the shiny box and sat down to open it. I took off the lid of the rectangular box and placed beside me as Kyungsoo sat beside me. I smiled when I saw the single red rose with a note attached to it. I picked it up and read the note out loud to myself.
“Hi! I don't know if you like these kinds of things but I just wanted to give you this since I felt like it. I hope this makes you day better and keeps that beautiful smile on your pretty face. Can't wait to see you again. 
-Your Yixing.”
“What does it say?” Kyungsoo asked from beside me.
I translated to him what the note said.
“Aigoo. You two make me want to throw up. Too much cute.” He said and faked like he was barfing.
I laughed and slapped his arm playfully. “Stop it.”
He smiled up at me. “It's good seeing you smile like this. Junmyeon is an idiot.”
My smile disappeared and I looked down at my lap, “I saw you talking to him today.”
He noticed my sudden mood change, “Forget about him. He just told me that he might be leaving for America after school.”
I looked up at him, “He's leaving?”
Kyungsoo nodded. 
I looked back down at the rose in my hand and felt a sad smile appear on my face. The feelings for Junmyeon were still there but they're already fading away. Maybe I did make a good choice. This rose in my hand proves that Yixing is someone I could really see myself falling in love with.
~[seven days later]
Today is graduation day for my friends! 
A lot happened in this last week. Junmyeon and I were back to normal after I talked to him about his leaving. He, like everyone else, hoped Yixing I stayed together for long and that he would hurt him if Yixing hurts me in any way. I laughed and told him that wouldn't happen. Kyungsoo started to hang around at my house more with Yixing and I, my Mother and Father appreciated Soo's protectiveness. Baekhyun would hang out with us at lunch and sometimes we would join him in the cafeteria with all of his friends. Chanyeol would join too. Sehun's group got into the cover competition and were competing tomorrow, Yixing and I are going to be there to cheer him on.
“Hurry up! We have to be there at 3!” I heard Jackie yelling and I quickly put on my flats and ran out my room. 
“Here.” I said and we all walked out the door and headed towards our car.
The graduation was at the school since the auditorium was big enough to fit a lot of people. The ceremony had been awesome and very heartfelt. I had seen all of my friends in their uniform in school but they all looked very handsome on this special day as they received their diplomas.
Afterwards we all waited outside as we waited for the graduating class to walk out. Jinki and Kibum walked out with intertwined hands and smiling faces. I hugged them tightly and congratulated them as they thanked me and introduced themselves to my parents. My Dad had asked if they were siblings but when the two told him they were actually a couple my Dad only smiled and patted them both. He had whispered to Jinki, “You got a pretty one here.” My Mom had slapped him on his chest and apologized as we all laughed at Jinki's flushed face.
Chanyeol had come up from behind me and scared me as he yelled, “Boo!” I hit him as my sister laughed. Then Sehun appeared from behind him and tackled me in a hug. 
“Amber noona!” He said with a wide smile as I hugged back.
Then I felt someone else hugging me from behind and turned my face to see Yixing with a pout on his face.
“No fair. Everyone gets to hug my girlfriend before me.” He huffed.
I giggled, “You should've come here sooner then.” I said with a smile.
He smiled and kissed my cheek. I could here my family cooing and Chanyeol kept smiling and winked at me as I blushed. Sehun wasn't happy as he hit Yixing lightly on his arm. 
“Hyung! Don't just kiss noona like that in front of me!” He whined.
Yixing laughed and hugged the kid as he ruffled his hair. Sehun kept whining about how he wasn't a baby anymore since he's 13 already. 
“What about my hug?” I heard someone say and turned in the direction of the voice to see Taemin and Jongin, younger of the two holding out his arms towards me. 
I playfully rolled my eyes and hugged him and then Taemin even though he didn't ask for it but didn't reject it either. 
“Amber has a lot of guy friends.” Jackie said to my parents as they nodded.
“As long as my Amber trusts them then I do too.” My Dad said flashing a smile at me as Yixing wrapped a hand around my shoulder and Baekhyun came over and snatched me from his hold and dragged me away as he chased after us. Baekhyun and I laughed as we ran off.
~{Kyungsoo's POV}
Junmyeon and I walked slowly towards the car that was waiting for him. I didn't really like the idea of not being able to see my best friend for a while but knew that his best option was going to America and getting the help he needs.
“Take care of yourself for me. I'll call you as much as I can.” He said as we stood outside of the car that would take Junmyeon away from his country and the one person he loves.
“Don't worry. You should take care of your health before worrying about keeping me updated.” I thought for a second and then looked up at him again. “Are you sure about not telling Amber about why you're really going to America?”
He nodded at me, “I am. She doesn't need to know. I'm not ready to tell her.”
“You love her though. She deserves to know.”
He shook his head, “I've hurt her enough, Kyungsoo. I can't hurt her more.”
I understood what he was saying but I still didn't see this helping the situation at all. Amber knew something was up but she didn't bring it up and I could see in her eyes she wanted to ask but didn't. Amber wasn't stupid.
“Make sure Yixing makes her happy. If he hurts her, take care of her and make her happy yourself.” He said and hugged me.
I hugged back as I felt the tears threatening to spill. 
“I will be back and healthier than ever. See you soon.” He pulled away and climb into the back seat of the car and closed the door.
I stayed stuck in place as I watched the car drive off in the direction towards the city and smiled sadly and let only a single tear fall. 
His words repeated in my head, ‘Make sure Yixing makes her happy. If he hurts her, take care of her and make her happy yourself.’ 
I shook my head and laughed bitterly. Yixing wouldn't be the kind to hurt her, he cares too much about her to do that. I will always be her best friend and nothing more. I guess destiny just works like that. You don't always get what you want.
I knew who called out for me and rub the tears from my eyes and turned to face the owner of the voice with a wide smile. 
“I'm coming.” I yelled as I jogged towards the one person who was here for me when Junmyeon couldn't be, Chanyeol. 
I'm Amber's rock while Chanyeol's is mine.

Hey. Thanks for reading. I'm sorry for the delay but this chapter was very difficult to create. Please don't kill me! I'm so sorry to all of you who probably hate me after this chapter. 

Anyway, next chapter... Some new characters are introduced. I think you can guess who by my poster on my foreword.

Till next time and I'm sorry again.

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Last chapter... Please read the A/N's at the top and bottom. Top = before reading. Bottom = after reading.


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adelliaar #1
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending ㅇㅡㅇ seriously.....
Chapter 26: No SUHO WHY?!? Well I feel happy for jongdae even tho he didn't get much story light. I really enjoyed this story it was a roller coaster ride of feels. At first I definitely thought Amber was gonna end up with D.O but nope. A total plot twist. And omg it was so hard to choose which ship to root for but it the end it turned out well. Except for one that I will now cry for ;( anyways I loved ur story. It was RLLY awesome. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 26: How about doing Jongdae's/Chen's POV..
ftmhratna #4
Nice fanfics, saya membaca dengan membuka kamus lol bahada inggris saya kurang bagus jadi beberapa kata yang sulit harus saya cari di kamus. Loveit! Keep shipping anyber! O/
MissLuhan #5
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending. I almost cry. ='(
mm0923 #6
Chapter 26: thanks for the story i kinda expected that jongdae would have amber since suho was so sick way before and jongdae did leave without a closure
Chapter 26: *cries ocean*
Chapter 26: Woaaahhh... Jongdae is the lucky one who could own the butterfly for himself!!!
Atleast there is hyunki as their Joonmyun-Amber belongs to!
So,finally suho is death n jongdae or chen is the one who have a chance to be with amber! How? I thought he already go away??? Hhhmmm..
ShidaM #9
Chapter 26: I understand why you ended it like this but WHYYYYYYYYY!?!
Chapter 26: what a weeper... but i like it :)