So much going on.


A/N: Hi! Sorry for the delay on posting. I restarted the chapter like five times, had a busy week, school is getting a little harder, and other personal stuff. I hope you can forgive me for the long wait. Well here's chapter 8. Enjoy.


“I'm boooooorrrrred.” Chanyeol whined beside me.
“Am I that boring?” I asked jokingly.
Chanyeol flashed me a smile from where he was laying, “Maybe.”
I faked a gasp, “Well I feel the love my friend.” We both started laughing out loud that people who passed by us thought we were insane. 
I'm with Chanyeol outside the building where Sehun has his dance lessons waiting for him since it was awkward being around so many women. More awkward for Chanyeol, the women gave him predator looks. He told most of them are single mothers from what his mom told him. He's been hit on by them already.
“Would you ever date a noona?” I asked him.
Chanyeol turned to me still smiling, “Not really into girls, if you know what I mean.”
I turned my eyes on him, “You don't like girls?”
He shrugged, “Not anymore at least. I like someone though.”
I perked up and scooted closer to him, “Ooooh. Tell me.”
I saw his cheeks reddened a little. “U-uhh... I'm not saying who it is but he's in your year.”
“That's not a good hint. We have too many guys in my year.” I pouted.
“You'll have to stay in suspense then.” He said with a wide smile and poked my cheek. 
“Amber noona!” I heard someone calling out my name and turned to see Sehun running towards me. I got up and held my arms open as he jumped into them and I spun him around once, he was giggling. 
“I think he likes you more than me. No fair!” Chanyeol pouted.
“That's not true. I still love hyung.” Sehun said.
Chanyeol grabbed his cheeks gently, “You better.”
I laughed at the cute interaction between the brothers. Then a car pulled up and I recognized it as Kris's car. He got out and Sehun started squirming so I put him down and he ran over to his favorite hyung, beside Chanyeol.
“My brother hates me.” Chanyeol hung his head as I patted his back in comfort.
“He doesn't. He probably just gets tired of seeing you everyday.”
“That's not comforting Amber.”
I smirked, “Who said I wanted to comfort you?” I started to walk away in the direction of the the other two.
“RUDE!” I heard him yell at him from behind.
“Where is Kyungsoo by the way?” Chanyeol asked as I went with him to his kitchen to get drinks. 
I shrugged, “He told me he'd be busy. He wants me to go meet him after his lesson with Junmyeon but I can't.”
“How come?” He asked.
“My sister's friend is coming back from America tomorrow. Her boyfriend is going to be our house too waiting for her arrival. It's been years since the last time I saw her.” I said with a small smile on my face. The relationship Arexia and Kiseop had was one I wish I could've had except I had bigger things to worry of than love. I can't imagine how he felt this whole year away from her and now he gets to see her even if for a short time. 
“That's nice. You're going to be at school at least right?” Chanyeol asked as he picked up two cups and I got the other two.
“Yeah I am. My sister’s going to pick me up instead of me walking.” 
Chanyeol pouted as we walked back, “I'm going to miss my walking buddy.”
We reached the living room where Sehun was showing Kris something on his tablet that had the boy bouncing in his seat. “This is the dance some of us are learning to do for the cover competition.” Sehun said excitedly.
“What song is it Sehun?” I asked.
He looked up and smiled, “They gave us EXO-K's History! And one of the members of the group is going to be there! You should come see us noona!”
My eyes widened. “Really? That's so cool! Of course I'll go! I want to see what you can do.”
Sehun suddenly got shy and shook his head. “I'm not so good.”
“Come on Sehunnie. Show your noona what you've learned.” Chanyeol said and Sehun received an encouraging pat on the back from Kris.
Sehun looked at each one of us, me being the last one he looked at, and I smiled as he finally stood and went to the large area in front of the TV. Chanyeol moved the coffee table closer to the sofas where we are sitting and then he grabbed his phone and started the song.
He started of strong. Shaking his hands like the group did in the music video and live performances. It looked a bit weird with it just being him but the kid is good and looks a lot like one of the members of that group. Except Sehun is a lot shorter and younger than EXO's Sehun. 
Sehun started nearing the end and turned as the song ended. I instantly stood and started to clap and cheer. I ran up to him and hugged him, “Oh my goodness Sehun! You did good! No! Better than good! Better than awesome! Your class is going to beat everyone else's covers in that competition.”
Sehun smiled and hugged me back.
“Yah yah! Stop stealing my baby brother's hugs.” Chanyeol said and I let go of Sehun as we both laughed at his brother's jealousy.
Sehun went up to his pouting brother and hugged him. I sat beside Kris watching the two brothers playing around. 
“Makes you wish you had a little brother, huh?” Kris asked me.
I nodded and hummed, “Sometimes. I like being the youngest in my family though.” 
Kris laughed a little and that made me feel good. I think it was the best decision I've ever made to forget the past and keep a good friend. He may have broken 12 year old Amber's heart but this Amber was not going to ruin a friendship because of something like that. Kris is a good guy. 
“What's going on in your life?” He asked.
I shrugged, once again, “A lot. Exams are coming up and I'm going to have to stay in school late studying for them. I don't know if I'm ready for that.”
“Study hard enough and you'll pass. You're smart, you can do it.” He said and patted my head.
“My Dad also told me that we might move again. Not soon but it's going to happen again.” I huffed. “Darn Samsung and their expanding company.”
“Oh? He works for Samsung?” 
I nodded at Kris. “Yep. Pretty cool right?” I grinned up at him.
“Yeah.” He sighed and started to get up. “I have to go. Have a paper to finish for my first class.“
Sehun noticed Kris heading for the door and ran up to him. “You're leaving already?”
Kris crouched down and patted the boy's head, “I promise I'll be here tomorrow. Even better, I'll pick you up at school tomorrow.”
Sehun nodded eagerly and hugged him. 
“Okay, okay. Get out of here already.” Chanyeol said, jokingly, and grabbed Sehun and carried him over his shoulder. Sehun squealed and started to pound his little fists on his brother's back.
Kris walked out with a smile and a shake of his head. 
“You can now put him down you know.” I said to Chanyeol as he walked back to where he was sitting, with Sehun still on his shoulder.
“Actually it's pretty comfortable here.” Sehun said with his head turned towards me.
“Mom! It's just Arexia.” Jackie reminded our mother for the millionth time. My Mom was going all nuts and fixing and rearranging things so they can be perfect for our guest. Kiseop was going to come over and handle my Mom for the morning while Jackie, my sister, takes her morning classes at school. 
“But it has to be perfect!” Mom basically screeched at her.
I decided to put in my earphones and listen to music before I went insane. I was half way through Dream Girl until someone decided to pull my earphones out my ear. “Ow!”
“Help me calm down Mom.” Was all Jackie said and she walked away as I trailed behind her.
I walked into the classroom twenty minutes earlier than I'm supposed to be. I went to my seat and placed my forehead on the desk, letting the coolness and quiet of the room lull me to sleep. 
I wonder how long I had been like that because then I was hearing chatter and opened my eyes to see Kyungsoo at his desk with the notebook we always use to write. He handed it to me and I lifted my head and rubbed the sleep from my face. ‘I didn't want to wake you. You look horrible.’
I chuckled, “Why thank you. Girls love hearing that.”
He wrote on it without moving it off my desk, ‘I didn't mean it like that. Are you able to join Junmyeon and I today after school?’
I shook my head and his smile fell a little. “My sister's friend is coming today for a vacation. My Mom says I have to be there. Not that I don't want to be. I missed her.”
Kyungsoo then nodded in understanding and went on talking about his visit to the doctors, his wound is still healing.
I stayed in the classroom for a while more when all my classmates went to lunch. Kyungsoo didn't want to go without me but I told him I'd meet him there soon. I'm still scared about the test coming up soon. The school year is almost ending. If I don't brush up on my Korean skills I'm going to fail. I'm fairly good at the language but I feel like I might end up messing up on a test if I don't study regularly.
“What are you doing in here?” I heard someone say. I looked up from my notebook where I had written the Korean alphabet and saw Junmyeon at the door.
I waved my book, “Studying my Korean before studying for exams begin.”
He raised an eyebrow and sat in Kyungsoo's desk. “Why?”
“I'm not an expert at the language you know. I still need to practice.” 
“Don't get nervous. You'll pass. You're really smart Amber.” He gave me a pat on the back. I felt a tingling feeling in my stomach and tried to ignore it. 
He's my best friend. He's my best friend.
“Let's go meet up with Kyungsoo.” Junmyeon grabbed onto my hand and dragged me out of the classroom. The tingling feeling returned but this time to my hand that was in Junmyeon's. What is this?
We reached the cafeteria but Junmyeon pulled us back again. I peeked over his shoulder and saw Kyungsoo with Chanyeol. They were laughing at something on the notebook Kyungsoo uses to write what he wants to say. The smile on Kyungsoo's face was the brightest I had ever seen it. Chanyeol was looking at Kyungsoo the same way he looks at Sehun.
That's when it clicked. Chanyeol has a crush on Kyungsoo. 
I texted Chanyeol as soon as I got in the car with my sister. 
‘Explain now! ~(・Д・)~’
‘Explain what? O - O’
‘How long have you liked Kyungsoo?’
It took him a while to answer. ‘WHAT!? WHO TOLD YOU!?’
I smiled. ‘No one~ I saw you at lunch. You guys looked so cute!’
‘I'm not cute...’
‘Whatever. Why haven't you made a move?’
My sister had arrived to the airport and we walked into the building as I followed behind her. 
He responded. ‘I haven't even come out to my parents. I can't just make a move on him. Kyungsoo is special.’
‘That he is. You're going to have to come out soon. You aren't getting any younger.’
‘Yeah. I plan on doing it the same week when I graduate.’
‘Good luck Chanyeol. Fighting! ( ^ω^ )’
‘Thank you. Good luck on your friend getting here safely.’
I looked up from my phone as I heard Jackie calling me over to the baggage claim where a tall girl was beside her.
‘She did. Well gotta go. Text you later.’
I ran over to them and smiled up at the girl who I suppose is Arexia. It's been a while since I last saw her and she changed a lot. Gone are her glasses and extra long hair. Well her hair is still long.
“This is Amber? Wow she has grown up a lot!” She said in English and wrapped me up in one of her hugs.
When she let go we finally headed back to the car.
“How long are you going to be in Korea?” Mom asked Arexia.
“About a month or two. I have to do a project while I'm here too.”
“What is it?” I asked her.
“I need to take pictures of different places I go to during my vacation. All these pictures are going into my portfolio too.” Arexia explained to me.
“That's cool.” I said.
Kiseop had the biggest smile on his face as he looked at his girlfriend as if he couldn't believe she was there finally. The past half year must of been hard for him to be away from her. As I kept looking at them I started to think of how much I would love to have a relationship like theirs. I've never had a boyfriend but if I did I hope he was like Kiseop, loyal. Not loyal like puppy loyal but just trustworthy is the word I think? 
My phone started to ring and I looked at the caller ID and walked up to my room. I closed the door to my room and slid the green circle to answer the call. 
“Hello?” I answered.
I heard shuffling on the other end and then the person hung up. I looked at my phone with a confused look. Who could that have been? It was a blocked number. I finally got a look at my room, it was a bit messy. I started picking up discarded clothes that I throw around every weekend. Then my bed needed to be made. As I finished everything my door opened and I turned around as Arexia walked in.
She waved at me, “Sorry to disturb you. Just thought we should talk. Have some girl talk.”
“Girl talk?” I asked.
She smiled, “You know... Talk about boys and stuff.”
My eyes widened a bit and I shook my head, “I don't think that's a good idea. Boys are confusing.”
“They are. I remember being that girl that doubts her crush will ever like her but look who actually liked me back, Kiseop. Do you like someone right now?”
It was a hard question to answer. I don't know if I really do like my best friend myself. I shrugged, “I don't know if I even like them myself.”
“Okay. Well what do you feel like around him?”
I thought of the tingling feeling and the blush when he grabbed my hand today and how I started to really look at him and saw how handsome he really is. Never did I realize I had mumbled everything and Arexia heard it.
She smiled even more at me, “You definitely like this guy. It's written all over your face.”
I panicked then, “No. I can't. He's my best friend since I was a child. I can't ruin that friendship.” I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach at the thought of Junmyeon and I not being as close as before if we ever dated. 
“Don't let your fears control your life. If it doesn't work out you can still be friends.”
I shook my head. “I don't even want to risk it.”
She grabbed my shoulder and gave them a pat then said, “Go for it.” She walked out my room and left me with my thoughts.
It didn't hurt to try.
The morning was tiring, the teacher kept giving us worksheet after worksheet until the lunch bell rang. I wanted to talk to Kyungsoo about what Arexia talked to me about yesterday. When we walked outside to the our favorite bench Chanyeol had come up running up to us, more like Kyungsoo though. He stopped in front of him and grabbed his hand, it was hard not to notice the blush that creeped up Kyungsoo's face. 
“Going to need him for a while.” Chanyeol smiled at me.
I smiled back and shooed them away. “Go, go!”
I sat down at the bench and then felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see a dimpled smile and when I looked up to the person's eyes I knew who it was. I scooted over and patted the empty space beside me. He sat down.
“How are you?” He asked me.
I shrugged, “Okay I guess.”
“A lot on your mind?”
I sighed, “Yeah.”
He put his arm around the back of the bench. “What's going on?”
I sighed again, “Girl issues.”
“Oh. You don't mean...” I lightly slapped his arm as he said that.
“No Yixing. I don't mean that. I mean issues like crushing issues.” I said as I laughed.
“Ooooh. I can help.”
I looked at him and thought it over, “I kind of want to keep this a secret. But you can help me understand what you're doing here?"
He chuckled, “Well I saw you here all alone and decided I can't leave such a pretty lady like you alone. Just wanted to keep you company. And I've been wanting to ask you something.”
I stared for a few seconds at him, “What is it?”
Suddenly I saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink on his pale skin and he bit down on his lip then let out a breath. “I'm looking for a date to my friend's cousin's wedding and well I've been thinking of asking you to accompany me. I understand if you don't. I mean we barely know each other and you probably don't date o-” I pressed my finger to his lips.
I smiled, “I'll go with you. When is it?”
He beamed at me and grabbed my hand, “Really? Oh thank you! And it's this weekend.”
I nodded. “Okay.”
He suddenly leaned forward and kissed, pecked, my cheek. When he pulled back I saw the same dimpled smile he gave me when he came over. “Thank you.” He said again.
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Last chapter... Please read the A/N's at the top and bottom. Top = before reading. Bottom = after reading.


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adelliaar #1
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending ㅇㅡㅇ seriously.....
Chapter 26: No SUHO WHY?!? Well I feel happy for jongdae even tho he didn't get much story light. I really enjoyed this story it was a roller coaster ride of feels. At first I definitely thought Amber was gonna end up with D.O but nope. A total plot twist. And omg it was so hard to choose which ship to root for but it the end it turned out well. Except for one that I will now cry for ;( anyways I loved ur story. It was RLLY awesome. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 26: How about doing Jongdae's/Chen's POV..
ftmhratna #4
Nice fanfics, saya membaca dengan membuka kamus lol bahada inggris saya kurang bagus jadi beberapa kata yang sulit harus saya cari di kamus. Loveit! Keep shipping anyber! O/
MissLuhan #5
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending. I almost cry. ='(
mm0923 #6
Chapter 26: thanks for the story i kinda expected that jongdae would have amber since suho was so sick way before and jongdae did leave without a closure
Chapter 26: *cries ocean*
Chapter 26: Woaaahhh... Jongdae is the lucky one who could own the butterfly for himself!!!
Atleast there is hyunki as their Joonmyun-Amber belongs to!
So,finally suho is death n jongdae or chen is the one who have a chance to be with amber! How? I thought he already go away??? Hhhmmm..
ShidaM #9
Chapter 26: I understand why you ended it like this but WHYYYYYYYYY!?!
Chapter 26: what a weeper... but i like it :)