Beginning of the past.



Hello and Welcome to my new fanfic. 
I have been planning to type this story up since April but  never got around to it until now.
so... Here it is. ENJOY!!

"Do I have to go to this school, Mom?" I said to my mother as she drove down the road to my new school.
I didn't want to move but my Dad's job demanded that he move from California all the way to South Korea. I was the least excited of everyone. I had already learned basic Korean since I was little but I had to learn more. My mom had a Korean friend and well she needed a way to communicate with her and my mom decided to teach us. I kind of would've preferred a move to China or something. But oh well...
"Do you remember Junmyeon-ah?" My mom asked.
I looked at her with a slightly confused expression, "He goes here!?"
She whacked me on my head, "Amber! Stop talking in English. We need to practice our Korean."
I rubbed my head with a pout on my face. "Fine."
She had stopped the car and I looked up at what would be my new school. This school wasn't just any school though. It's SM High School, one of the best private schools in Seoul, South Korea. This is probably one of the perks of coming here, I get to go to schools like this one and not have to pay a cent, my Dad's job is paying for it. 
"Okay, Amber. Behave. And make sure to go to the main office to get your schedule. You should already know your way around since we came here yesterday. Have a good day." My mom waved at me before she speed off.
I turned to look up at the school and walked in the direction of the school's office. Not before someone decided to bump into me and cause me to fall flat on my face. And worse, on grass. I lifted my face and spit out the grass in my mouth and then felt a hand on my arm. This person was trying to help me up.
"Omo! I'm so sorry. So sorry. I didn't mean to-", he stopped as he looked up.
I smiled and shook my head, "No worries. It's okay."
"You don't remember me?" The person asked while I dusted off the blades of grass off my clothes.
I stopped and looked up and saw the face of a very cute guy, almost too cute. "E-ehm... I'm sorry. I don't."
He pointed to himself, "Kim Junmyeon. My aunt and you mother know each other."
I gave him a confused look.
"Hold on." He puffed his cheeks and poked them with his fingers and blew out the air in his cheeks. 
I realized who he was and hugged him tight. "You're Junmyeon?! How is your aunt? Where have you been all this time?"
He smiled and laughed, "Yes I am. And she's okay. I've been here. Took you long enough to come see me. I remember a certain 7 year old promising to come see me."
"Sorry. A lot of things happened at once. I can't believe you remember that." 
He shrugged, "I never forget. And you haven't changed at all."
I patted my cheeks, "I know. I'm the image of youthfulness."
He chuckled and tried to hide his smile. "You speak Korean now."
My eyes widened as I realized I was having a conversation in Korean with someone. "I always have except now I know more. Had to learn it since we moved here."
He looked behind me and I saw him wince. "Well you should get going."
I looked at my watch and almost cursed my luck, "See you later, Junmyeon!"
I ran off to the office and tried to catch my breath since I ran the whole way there, afraid of being late. I wasn't though. 
"Excuse me. Do you need any help?" 
I looked up and noticed a young lady looking over the desk she was behind. I straightened up quickly and cleared my throat before I responded. "Um... I'm here for my class room number."
"Oh!" She smiled big at me and handed over a paper. "We've been waiting all month for your arrival, Amber-ssi. I hope you enjoy being at SM High School."
I thanked her quickly and ran off to find the room before the bell rang.
This day seems to be dragging on. I can't wait to get out of here already. 
I arrived late to class since I lost myself in the first year hall when i was suppose to be in the second year hall. Then I had to introduce myself in front of my class, which was a complete disaster. I almost forgot half of my Korean from how nervous I was with all those kids staring at me. On my way to my seat someone decided to trip me and I fell in front of some guy's desk who looked like he wanted to kill me. I quickly apologized and ran to my seat and laid my head on my desk for the remaining of the lesson.
I was finally able to pay attention when someone decided to throw a note onto my desk. I looked at the piece of paper carefully and considered if I should open it or not. Curiosity got the best of me and I opened it anyway. It was blank until I turned it around. 'Are you Amber? Junmyeon's friend?', it read. I tried looking around to guess who was the one who sent me the weird note and then I saw a classmate looking my way. He was beside me, to my left.
This kid was cute though. And I mean cute cute. He had big eyes, full lips, and just the perfect baby face. I nodded to him and he smiled wide then turned back around to face his desk and I saw him writing on something.
I started to pay attention to the teacher but only half way since I had already learned this in America. Then I felt him poke me again. I opened it. 'Sorry I keep sending you notes. I can't speak. I'm Junmyeon's friend too. He kept telling me about you arriving at our school all week. Welcome to South Korea. <(^_^)>'
I was confused about the whole part about him not being able to speak but I guess he doesn't want to get in trouble. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I wrote back to him, asking how long he knew him and what would Junmyeon say about me. I didn't even know why I asked that. It's been a long time since I ever cared what a guy said about me. It seemed pretty weird. I know I used to have a crush on him but that was like 9 years ago. I was just a kid. 
He wrote back, 'I met him in my first year here. He was one of the few that started to talk to me even though he was older than me. Junmyeon talks about all his friends but this week was all about you. He seems to really like you.'
I looked up and smiled again at the boy and asked for his name.
He wrote on the same paper, 'Do Kyungsoo. You?'
"Kyungsoo?" I asked in case I pronounced it wrong but he nodded and his smile grew even more. "I'm Eunyoung Liu but call me Amber, please." I whispered, hoping we wouldn't get in trouble.
He wrote down, 'Nice to meet you.'
I decided to spend my lunch alone but someone had decided to join my circle of loneliness and sat beside me. I looked to see Kyungsoo beside me and I instantly brightened up and hugged him. I felt him stiffen and released immediately, apologizing but he brushed it off.
"Did you already eat?" I asked him.
He nodded. And the look he had on his face, shy smile, puppy eyes. 
I laughed and playfully shoved him, "Yah! Stop being so cute! You're killing me here!"
His face turned red and he looked away from me. I probably had taken it too far. I immediately wanted to apologize to him. So I did.
He took out a notebook and pencil and started to write. I'm really glad I was a fast learner or I would be struggling trying to know what he was writing to me. He handed the note to me, I grabbed it. 'Don't apologize. I just didn't expect you to call me cute. Many people run away from me once they find out I can't speak. I wasn't born this way either. It's nice to know some people like you and Junmyeon hyung are in my life. Also I don't have much luck with girls since I don't talk.'
I was really surprised by that last sentence. I thought he might be the school prince or something. "I don't get why no girls would not want to fawn over you. You're really cute. I sometimes would get girls being flirty to me until I told them I'm a girl." I laughed as I remembered the fun I had with that.
Kyungsoo started to write again then handed it back to me, 'They didn't know you were a girl?'
I shook my head at him, “Nope. They thought I was a guy. I'm not very girlish. It's a miracle that I'm wearing this skirt,  even though I am wearing shorts underneath, but it's part of the school uniform."
Kyungsoo frowned and started to write again then showed it to me. 'But you're so pretty!'
I blushed and looked away from the notebook to hide it, "No one has ever said that before... or written it."
I could hear the sound of him writing then he placed it on my lap after a while. And dang! He wrote a lot.
It read, ‘Well I'm saying it now... I mean writing it. I really mean it though. You are very beautiful. So you're not like other girls, it makes you unique and that's awesome. We might not know each other that much but I would love to be your friend if you let me. I've never felt a stronger connection with someone else in my life. I understand if you don't though. Junmyeon told me that you might still be struggling with Korean.'
I looked up at him and I almost wished I hadn't. He was giving a look that would have made me weak in the knees if I wasn't already sitting. I swallowed, "Kyungsoo, I would love to be your friend. Just a warning. I can be a handful at times."
He smiled so wide and grabbed my hand and shook it.
I thought of something he wrote, “How did Junmyeon know I was moving here?"
He grabbed the notebook and wrote again but the bell decided to ring and we had to go back. He frowned and scrunched up his nose. He handed me the paper he wrote on. ‘I'm meeting up with him after school. You can talk to him there.'
End of the school day. I am so glad it is finally over! Kyungsoo was beside me as he kept looking around and then someone was running towards us and ran into me. I fell on Kyungsoo but he held me still, and himself also, to not fall on the ground. My eyes widened as I saw how close I was to his face and his eyes mirrored mine. I quickly pulled away and dusted myself off before screaming at the kid. 
“Yah! Watch where you're g-”, the sentence got stuck in my throat when I looked up at the tall guy in front of me. This dude was tall. And I mean tall! He looked intimidating, because of his height, but what was the weird part was he was smiling.
“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Wait... Aren't you the new girl?", he asked.
I was still frozen and just stared at him. His voice did not match his face at all. He looked like the happiest guy in the world but had the deep voice of an older man. Kyungsoo poked me and I snapped out of my daze. “I am."
“Stop scaring people with your weird smile, Chanyeol." Someone as tall as him came up behind him and looked me up and down.
I wrapped my arm around Kyungsoo's and walked away, pulling him with me.
I can't believe he goes here. I prayed to never see his face again and here he is. My life couldn't get any worse.
“Who was that?"
“Who was what?"
"That girl."
"Oh. New girl? Isn't her name Eunyoung or something? That's what I heard. She came here from America."
"Yeah. Her Korean name but she goes by Amber. Don't ask me how I know. Her classmates are really big mouthed."
"Amber... I swear I've heard that name before."
"Yifan, what name haven't you heard of? You know almost everyone."
"This Amber is special. This Amber, I want to find her."
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Last chapter... Please read the A/N's at the top and bottom. Top = before reading. Bottom = after reading.


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adelliaar #1
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending ㅇㅡㅇ seriously.....
Chapter 26: No SUHO WHY?!? Well I feel happy for jongdae even tho he didn't get much story light. I really enjoyed this story it was a roller coaster ride of feels. At first I definitely thought Amber was gonna end up with D.O but nope. A total plot twist. And omg it was so hard to choose which ship to root for but it the end it turned out well. Except for one that I will now cry for ;( anyways I loved ur story. It was RLLY awesome. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 26: How about doing Jongdae's/Chen's POV..
ftmhratna #4
Nice fanfics, saya membaca dengan membuka kamus lol bahada inggris saya kurang bagus jadi beberapa kata yang sulit harus saya cari di kamus. Loveit! Keep shipping anyber! O/
MissLuhan #5
Chapter 26: Unexpected ending. I almost cry. ='(
mm0923 #6
Chapter 26: thanks for the story i kinda expected that jongdae would have amber since suho was so sick way before and jongdae did leave without a closure
Chapter 26: *cries ocean*
Chapter 26: Woaaahhh... Jongdae is the lucky one who could own the butterfly for himself!!!
Atleast there is hyunki as their Joonmyun-Amber belongs to!
So,finally suho is death n jongdae or chen is the one who have a chance to be with amber! How? I thought he already go away??? Hhhmmm..
ShidaM #9
Chapter 26: I understand why you ended it like this but WHYYYYYYYYY!?!
Chapter 26: what a weeper... but i like it :)