Kai (Exo)

Oneshot Collection
Request: Kai likes a girl who doesn't show much emotion or affection with others.



You closed your eyes, attempting to drone out the sounds coming from the overly loud chattering of your fellow classmates. A group of girls nearby were giggling like a pack of hyenas, talking about a super junior or something, causing your brain to rattle. It was more painful to listen to than nails on a chalkboard. Though, you didn’t really want to test that theory.

Your eyes stayed closed for what seemed like a minute, maybe two. When you eventually opened your eyes, you found the seat next to you now currently occupied by a certain dark haired male; Kim Jongin.

Your eyes stayed on him for a second, enough to see his trademark smirk and his usual “good morning” he gave you every morning. You gave him a weak smile and a light nod of your head in return. But that was it.

You had been at this school for almost a month now, after moving half way across the world when your father had gotten transfered within the company he worked at. Everyday, in almost every class you had together, he would sit next to you. You couldn’t fathom why, out of all the empty seats in the class, he decided to sit next to you. The creepy foreigner kid who apparently according to the whispers you heard from your fellow classmates didn’t speak Korean. You did. Well, enough to get by with anyway.

You figured maybe, it was already his seat before you had transfered in and it was just coincidence his seat was next to yours in every class. Though according to his friend — the owl eyed kid who’s name currently escaped you — he had only started sitting there when you had arrived.

“So, did you have a good weekend?” he questioned, his chair creaking some as he moved, shifting in his seat to lean an elbow on the table. You could practically picture him in your head as he did, complete with that beaming smirk of his. You nodded your head once again in response.

Everyday was the same. He would pursue conversation with you and you would .. well, not. It wasn’t that you didn’t like him, out of the people you had met after moving to Korea, you found him the most … tolerable. You maybe even appreciated his attempts to converse with you, a little. Though you weren’t really the talkative type. At all.

Besides Jongin and the owl eyed ki- Kyungsoo, that was his name — besides Jongin and Kyungsoo, you hadn’t really spoken to anyone since you had arrived. And you only spoke a handful of words to each of them.

“Do anything interesting?” he spoke another question, you drifted your head to look at him this time, your eyes meeting with his for a split second before casting downwards. Beaming smirk, your former thought was right. You shook your head and murmured a “nope” before turning  your head to look back at the front.

Actual words. At least you were making progress.

“…” You were sure he was about to question you again before your teacher entered the classroom, snapping a ruler on the front desk in order to get the class’s attention. You practically blessed her soul for saving you from more awkward small talk from your tablemate as you whipped your notebook out of your bag and placed it infront of you on the table.



Morning classes had ended. You gathered up your books and pens, sliding them into your bag before slinging it over your shoulder. You gave your tablemate, Jongin, a seconds glance seeing him mimicking your movements before quickly slipping out of your chair heading for the door.

You knew, like every day, you only had a few seconds window to escape before —

“Hey, wait up!” you heard Jongin call. Too late.

You froze in your spot and gave a fleeting glance over your shoulder, seeing the other lightly jog over towards you. His hair flopped slightly as he moved, like a puppies ears do when they run, you couldn’t help but find it slightly cute.

When he reached your side, you started to walk again slowly, Jongin at your back by just a step. “.. I was wondering, you know, since technically you’re still new here ..” he began to speak, you tensed up, hoping this conversation wasn’t heading where you thought it was heading.

Within your first week at the school Jongin had asked you out eight times. Being so shocked with his forwardness, you didn’t even give him an answer. So he automatically assumed it was a no. That never stopped him though. Every week he would ask you out; to study, to grab lunch, for a tour of the school, for Korean lessons (since yours was still lacking), you name it, he asked it.  

”.. If you wanted to go out after school ..” he continued. Uh oh. ” .. since your new to the area… there’s a bubble tea shop nearby and .. “

Oh, bubble tea. That one was new.

You never caught the end of his sentence and suddenly it was silent between you. You felt a twang of guilt coil up in your chest as you stayed silent. You felt bad, you really did, though you wondered why he didn’t just give up. For a second you regretted telling him you even spoke Korean. You could have opted for the “do not understand” excuse to buy your way out of it. Though, during your first week being there, Jongin had tried to speak English to you - badly might you add - and it was only merciful you told him that there was no need.

Seeing the door of your next class only a few feet away and you mentally sang to the heavens. If you made a run for it, you could slip inside without him noticing. Though, Jongin sat next to you, so that really wouldn’t solve anything.

“Hey” you heard Jongin speak, breaking the momentary silence between you. Your eyes snapped up in surprise, turning to fixate on his face, then wandered down to his hand which firmly gripped your forearm stopping you in your tracks. This was new. Normally he would just accept your silence as a no and give up-

“Look, i’m really trying here.. ” he began to speak again, your eyes wandered from your arm to his face. He looked hurt and that guilt in your chest coiled up more, practically making you want to choke. Your eyes wandered back to your arm and then the floor, fixating on the tiny speckles of dirt as you tried to drone out his words. It didn’t work. “.. if you don’t like me, tell me and i’ll stop .. But ..”

There was a but.. But’s were never good ..

”.. I like you and .. yeah .. ” he finally stopped, casting his eyes away from you and releasing the grip on your arm. One of your hands immediately went to cover the area that he held, though he didn’t actually hurt. Your mind ticked over his words as you rubbed circles on your arm through the fabric.

He liked you.

Cultural difference. He didn’t actually mean it. Cultural difference, you had to remind yourself. Though that didn’t stop your heart from thumping harder than usual.

You heard a mixture between a scoff and a chuckle from Jongin, causing you to look up at his face. He was smiling, though it was different from his usual beaming smirk. A smile of hurt, followed by “I take that as a no”.

Oh no. You panicked. Your voice practically rushed to your throat, internally tripping over yourself.

”.. asdgjhghjsadasdda—! ..” you sputtered, immediately regretting it afterwards, realising you had spouted random noises instead of actual words.

Ground, swallow me up. Please. You mentally pleaded, refusing to meet Jongin’s gaze as he looked at you with a picture of confusion on his face.

You swallowed, that coil of guilt being replaced with nausea and a mixture of awkwardness and nervousness this time. You gathered your words coherently this time.

” .. hmr .. how about Wednesday instead? .. “


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Chapter 31: Awwwww.....Kris! How could you! :"(
Chapter 28: Kris! :"> and Suho! ♥♥♥
Chapter 25: Awwwwwwww... :")
Chapter 24: Awwwwwwww.........he's so sweet! :"> ♥♥♥
Chapter 23: The ever so lovable troll. :")
Chapter 21: Awwwww.....finally! ♥
Chapter 20: A person can only take so much.
I don't think I can do so much waiting, ofcourse I'll still wait for the one I love even if its hurt. Isn't that what love can do? It always making us do the impossible. Like I said...a person can only take so much. Sometimes we need a break. A break for us to realize things. Specially when my child is involve. You did your fair share of sacrificing, much more even.

I don't know really, if where this is coming from. XD
Chapter 17: Awww Hunnie..... ♥
(But still disgusting)
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Chapter 13: Awwww....Lulu~ :") Cute!