Kyungsoo (Exo)

Oneshot Collection
✏ DISTRATIONS -- Kyungsoo (Exo)

Request: Can I request a Kyungsoo one? :D Where’s he wanted to try a new recipe (at the apartment you both shared) and you disturbs him, wanting just to cuddle and watch movie until he gets frustrated and made you cry? Fluffly ending please ;;) Thank you!

(A/N: I changed the crying to sulking, since I dunno. It made more sense. Sorry. Hopefully this is fluffy enough for you, too. I’m not really good at fluff or or any level of intimacy. Whoops.)



It was date night.

Date night meaning you and your boyfriend, Kyungsoo, spent one evening a month together without any distractions.

You would watch movies and eat yummy foods, courtesy of Kyungsoo whom loved to make them for you. You had to admit, you loved to eat them too.

Even if they did make you fat.

With their comeback approaching, Kyungsoo had been immensely busy the past few months. You had barely had time to see each other at all. All you wanted to do was cuddle on the couch and watch a movie.

Kyungsoo had other plans.

“Kyungsoo~” you cooed his name, slouching on the couch as you pretended to watch the movie you had picked out for the both of you to watch. Instead you found yourself watching your boyfriend, whom  currently was in your kitchen playing chef.

You had picked the movie out for the both of you, it wasn’t fun watching in on your own.

Seconds ticked past with no reply. You called his name again.

Nothing. Nadda. No response at all. You tried once more.

Now you were getting annoyed. Was he ignoring you? You pulled yourself up off the couch and padding into your kitchen.

There Kyungsoo stood, a bowl current under one arm and a wooden spoon in the other. Mixing furiously, you were sure his arm was going to fall off any second.

You cleared your throat, finally catching his attention. Kyungsoo’s head snapped up, a smile rolling across his lips when he saw you in the door way. He moved to brush his lips against yours for a brief second before moving back to the kitchen counter where various utensils, pots and pans were laid out in preparation.

Your kitchen was a mess. You were so not cleaning this up.

“Did you not hear me call you?” you whined with a pout, leaning against your refrigerator. You watched as Kyungsoo scurried backwards and forwards between the various packets of ingredients he had set out. One read flour, you knew that much. The others were foreign to you.

“I heard you, i’m just trying to concentrate on this new recipe” he commented, opening one of the foreign packets and adding the mysterious powder to the bowl he currently held. “You’ll love it, I promise” he added.

Oh so he had heard you? And chose to ignore you at the same time. You internally sighed.

You watched as Kyungsoo went back to furiously mixing like before. You were sure you would love it yes, you loved just about anything that Kyungsoo cooked for you. What you didn’t love was your boyfriend ignoring you on date night.

Date night was you and him. Not you, him and the kitchen. There was no room for a third.

You padding your way across the kitchen to stand behind him, leaning your chin on his shoulder. “Pay attention to me” you whined, using your fingers to walk up his side. You knew he was tigglish there, his weakest spot.

A laugh erupted from Kyungsoo’s throat, almost dropping the bowl and spoon he held trying to get you off. Instead, he shrugged you off and moved to the other side of the kitchen, before continuing his previous motions. “Yah, stop it. I’m working here” was all he commented.

Your eyes practically burned holes into him in that second.

There was no room for a third, you were right. Currently you were the third, the kitchen had taken your place.

“Fine” you grumbled as you stalked out of the kitchen, grabbing a large packet of potato chips on your way out.

It looked like you were spending your date night alone.



You had taken your original position on the couch.

Slouched, half of your body now resting on the floor.

The large packet of chips that were meant for sharing were currently empty. You had eaten the whole packet yourself.

You didn’t care if you got fat, Kyungsoo wouldn’t notice anyway. He was too busy in the kitchen, playing chef, you mentally mocked yourself.

If he loved the kitchen so much, why didn’t he marry it?

The movie you had chosen was making you even more miserable. A romantic comedy, where the guy falls in love with the girl and the guy does everything he can to impress her. You missed when you and Kyungsoo were like that.

Life . Why couldn’t it be as perfect as the movies?

You felt tears gathering in the corners of your eyes, raising an arm you rubbed your eyes furiously to rid yourself of them.

You weren’t going to cry. You weren’t. You would sulk maybe a little while but that was all.

Picking the worse timing, you heard Kyungsoo calling your name.

It had been over 20 minutes since you last spoke. After stropping off out of the kitchen you ignored him completely, occasionally hearing him curse whenever he dropped something, but that was all.

You made no effort to acknowledge him as he called your name a second time. Lets see how he likes to be ignored, you thought.

Feeling the couch sink beside you, you unconsciously looked up, locking eyes with Kyungsoo for a split second. He still wore an apron, a plate of baked yummies in his hand, placing them on the ground beside you.

You practically drooled from the smell.

You refused and snapped your eyes back to your tv, pretending to be grossly involved with the movie. It was one of those gushy gushy moments, when the girl and the guy kiss and everyone lives happily ever after.

Normally you loved happy endings, right now it made you want to gag.

“Are you mad at me?” your ears perked up hearing Kyungsoo’s voice again. A flash of material flying across the room caught your attention, settling against the wall. The apron.

For some reason you smiled at the sight. You were still sulking though.

“I thought you were working” you said in a mocking voice. You refused to look at Kyungsoo and you practically gagged seeing the couple kiss on the tv. You settled for looking at the wall instead.

You counted maybe a hundred groves and dents that needed to be repaired as the seconds ticked by. You mentally took note of it and to remind yourself to tell Kyungsoo when you were talking to him again.

Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a pair of lips on your neck.

Kyungsoo’s lips to be specific.

In the middle of your thoughts, somehow Kyungsoo had slipped behind you into the spot between you and the back of the couch. You hadn’t heard him move, you hadn’t felt him move, you must have been so engrossed with staring at the wall.

“Are you still mad at me?” he commented in a quiet voice. It wasn’t like Kyungsoo to be so … whatever the word was. It didn’t matter, you were still mad at him for not paying attention to you.

“Yes” was all you said, raising a hand trying to bat him away. Instead he caught it with his own, tangling your fingers together as he continued his butterfly kisses on your neck.

You were fighting a losing battle here, but you weren’t going out without a fight.

You wiggled slightly, trying to get away from his assault on your neck. You managed to half sit up before his arms wrapped around your upper half, pulling you against him.

You were sinking, you were losing the war. You might at well wave your white flag now.

As if your new position gave him better leverage, his lips travelled south, ghosting across your shoulder. You made every effort to focus on the wall and ignore the blissful feeling he was giving you. You were stubborn, for the sake of your pride you weren’t giving in.

“Do you forgive me now?” he took a momentary break to ask. You only shook your head. You knew if you spoke your voice would be nothing but a quiver. Something wet slid across the crook of your neck, which you only assumed to be Kyungsoo’s tongue.

Yep, it would be a quiver alright. Not even that, maybe a peep. God forbid maybe even a moan.

You had lost, alright. Your ship had sunk. It was over. You were waving your white flag in defeat.

“Alright, alright!!” you said and struggled in his grasp, feeling him smile against your skin. Sometimes you really hated losing, though right now, you were okay with the idea.

Only if he continued that was.  

“Great now. Now eat these and tell me what you think before they get cold” was all he said, shoving the plate of baked goods towards you. 


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Chapter 31: Awwwww.....Kris! How could you! :"(
Chapter 28: Kris! :"> and Suho! ♥♥♥
Chapter 25: Awwwwwwww... :")
Chapter 24: Awwwwwwww.........he's so sweet! :"> ♥♥♥
Chapter 23: The ever so lovable troll. :")
Chapter 21: Awwwww.....finally! ♥
Chapter 20: A person can only take so much.
I don't think I can do so much waiting, ofcourse I'll still wait for the one I love even if its hurt. Isn't that what love can do? It always making us do the impossible. Like I said...a person can only take so much. Sometimes we need a break. A break for us to realize things. Specially when my child is involve. You did your fair share of sacrificing, much more even.

I don't know really, if where this is coming from. XD
Chapter 17: Awww Hunnie..... ♥
(But still disgusting)
Chapter 15: Awwwww...our Panda..I miss him. :"(
Chapter 13: Awwww....Lulu~ :") Cute!