Truth or Dare?

It's a Small World Afterall


"Truth or Dare?" Avy said in worry (made it so CNU suggested the game in the last chapter). I bet she's thinking about her room right now. Doesn't want CNU to see it . Hmm, she shouldn't worry about that. The only one who'd bring up her room in any context would be Baro and he wouldn't dare 'cause that'd be going against ME. He's too afraid of me to try anything. "Okay let's play!" I said excitedly. "But who'll go first..." Mace has a good point. We all looked between each other, willing someone to sacrifice them-self and be the first victim. After five minutes of silence in gave in, "Arg! I'll go first! Who's questioning me?" At this moment, everyone raised their hands. Sure, everyone's willing to be the questioner but not the questioned . "Avy, you can be my questioner." Baro frowned in disappointment and Avy's eyes lit up in excitement. "Truth or Dare?" Hmm... what to choose...I may have to reveal something I don't want to and since it's Avy the dare won't be so bad, sooo... "Dare." "I dare you to say you LOVE Kris from Exo." Oh, that's cruel and unusual punishment! "If you don't, you'll lose one of your precious posters" Mace added on with an evil grin. NOOOO!!! Why are they being so CRUEL! Just wait you two.. "I-I lo-love-Kris" I forced through gritted teeth. "Oh come on! You can do better then that" Baro said. He must be enjoying my discomfort immensely. Pabo's gonna die when I get my hands on him . Everyone looked at me expectantly. *sigh* I can do this!! Gotta say it!! Must protect my posters! "I LOVE KRIS!!" I yelled. As soon as the words left my mouth, I slumped forward in horror and shame. I can't believe I said that ! Those words should have never left my mouth! "Don't worry Geotos," Baro said soothingly while rubbing my back, "at least your poster of me is safe. You don't need to cry anymore." Murder... I will end him... Just as I was about to reach up and strangle him, Sandy ran over and shoved Baro away. "Don't cry Fo! It'll be okay!" Sandy said while completely ignoring Baro who was glaring at him from where he fell after he got pushed. Ha babo meongcheong ! Sandy just took you out. "Since you asked the question, you're the next victim Avy." I hope her questioner doesn't go easy on her. 
Avy's POV
Oh no , I have a bad feeling about this. "CNUbear, you can question me." He seems like the best and safest choice at the moment. Since he's always nice to me, maybe he'll go easy on me. "Okay, Truth or Dare?" "Truth." Please go easy on me, please ... "Do you LIKE me?" CNUbear asked with a sly grin. I definitely picked the wrong person. Pabo! What should I do? I don't want to answer the question, so embarrassing! "Answer the question Ave. And remember, same rules apply to you. You try and back down from the challenge and say goodbye to one of your posters. Actually, I would prefer you not to answer. Then I can finally get rid of Yusuke." I bet you would just love that Fo. Well, might as well get this over with... "Yes, I LIKE you." I looked down towards the floor in embarrassment. I could feel my cheeks burning. I wonder how he's going to react... probably push me away in disgust. OMG!! What if he ends up hating me ! Because I was thinking in a negative state of mind, which is usually Fo's thing, I was completely taken aback by his response, "Good" he said while pulling me closer to his side. I blushed an even darker red, if that's even possible, and glared at Fo, who was laughing in pure amusement. "CNU's turn!" Sandullie sing-songed. "You can question me Jinyoung. Ask away." "Truth or Dare?" "Truth." "Hmm... Do you LIKE Avy?" That's a good question! I really want to know the answer to that question... But at the same time, I don't. I'll be devastated if he says no, but if he says yes things will just get awkward from here on out. Not only that, but I'd DIE from the sheer amazingness of one of my idol crushes liking me. I mean, that'd be a confession from CNU! It'd be too good to be true. "Yes" I heard him say and I looked up to see him smiling joyfully at me. I felt my heart stop and then the room grew awkwardly silent. "Well..." Fo coughed, breaking the silence, "it's your turn to go Jinyo." "Oh really? Well, um... Gongchan! You can question me." "Really? YESS ! Truth or Dare?" "Truth." Psh, he goes with the easy one after torturing and embarrassing me. I can't even look at CNUbear without going red-faced and feeling like dying! Gongchan better make this one good... "Is it true that you like one of the girls in this room?" "....yes..." *Gasp* Which one of us could it be?! I must find out so I can get my revenge!! 
Mace's POV
Yes! Finally it's Gongchan's turn! This is gonna be fun to watch. "Baro, question me." "Truth or Dare?" I watched Gongchan as he began thinking. I could practically see the gears grinding in his head as he thought about which would be the safer option. "Dare?" he questioningly chose. "I dare you to avoid Mace for the rest of the night. If you don't... Geotos will cut your hair." Oh no he didn't !! Baro's about about to be beat down by my hand! Trying to take my Gongchan from me. "Hey! Why was I elected to enact the punishment?!" "'Cause you look like someone who can't cut hair." "Why you little-" "Cut it" Gongchan interrupted. He had a determined look on his face, "I'm not going to avoid my Mace, so do your worst to my hair." Baro ran into the kitchen and came back with some shears in his hand. Fo looked at the shears and then at Gongchan's hair. "But his beautiful curls... I love his mushroom curled hair! I can't cut it off !" Poor Fo, I think this is killing her more than Gongchan. "You can do it Mommy! I believe in you!" I'm going to kill Baro later for putting Mommy and Gongchan through all this. Fo shook her head and began the hair cutting process. -1 hour later- AHH!! When is she going to be DONE! Since she made us leave the livingroom so she could concentrate, I haven't been able to see how the hair is going. I'm staring to get a little impatient. If she doesn't hurry I'm going in- "Is everyone ready to see my work of art?" Fo called from the livingroom. Finally! "YESS!" I yelled impatiently. I wanna see my Gongchan! "Come on in!" I walked into the room and looked at Gongchan. Omo.... he looks y . Fo had cut his hair short and styled the bangs up in a sort of curled hairdo. It made him look... fierce and just AAHH!! "So, what do you think?" he asked me shyly. "Well..." I said and he frowned at me unenthusiastic response. I then smiled widely at him, "I LOVE IT!" His face lit up and he gave me a bear hug. I guess Baro actually managed to do something good. 
Baro's POV
Uh, it's my turn to go. Who to choose as my questioner.... Although Mace probably wants to kill me right now, I don't trust Sandeul as far as I can throw him, which isn't that far. "Mace, although it pains me to say this, you're my questioner." "Truth or Dare?" "Truth." "Who do you LIKE in this room?" NOOOO!! "Did I say truth? I meant dare!" "Fine! I DARE you to tell me who it is you LIKE in this room." Why does she have to know?! She could have picked something else for dare! Is this her way of torturing me? I looked over at Geotos to find her watching me intently. NOOOO !! "I forfeit! Do your worst to me, but I'm not answering that question." I watched as the girls got together and began quietly discussing amongst themselves what to do to me. I can feel myself sweating bullets right now. What are they gonna make me do ? "Okay it's been decided," Macy said with a smirk, "we're dyeing your hair." Oh no...
Regular POV
I watched as Mace and Avy began the finishing stages of dyeing Baro's blond hair. I wonder what color or colors they decided on.... Should be an interesting outcome . "Well Sandy, ya still wanna take your turn?" "Yep! Ask away Fo!" "Truth or Dare Sandy?" "I want.... truth!" "Is it true that you carry pear juice around with you 'cause you believe it's good for the voice?" "Yep!" Sandy responded proudly. He's so ADORABLE !! I heard someone clear their throat from behind me, so  I turned around to investigate. Baro was standing there, wearing a pout, with the most amazing cotton candy hair I've every scene. "Lookin' good Baro!" Sandy whistled. Baro glared at Sandy, "Don't mock me! I look like an idiot." As he said this, I saw him inconspicuously peek at me from the corner of his eye. I was too busy admiring his hair to care. It just so... Amazing !! I reached out and touched his hair. He looked at me in surprise and I snapped back to reality, "you're right, ya look like and idiot." I quickly turned away from his hurt expression and began walking to my room. "It's getting late so you guys should head home" I said over my shoulder as I walked into my room and shut the door. What did I just do?! Did I actually just pet Baro's head?! There's something wrong with me.... 
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This story is Progressing more strangely than I imagined XD


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Gotnothingtodo #1
Chapter 26: Hahaha don't worry fo! That fairy is defiantly plotting your murder XD on second thought... You should probably worry
sunggyustummy #2
Great story!
Gotnothingtodo #3
Chapter 24: *raises hand* Haha CNU you creepy little ert and avy you gullible fool. I'm really liking this stalker girl XD jinyoung back off... Fo needs to be with Baro! This was Hilarious !! XD
What is fluff?? I see it everywhere but never really knew what it was. Is it something dirty??

I didn't read the chapters yet but I'm going to now. :)
bookangel2603 #5
Chapter 18: haha omgg baro's hair!!!! haha ohhh~ its getting more n more elevating!!!! now this is what i am talking about!!! awesome chappie and and awesome author! this chappie is just hilarious!!! plz update soon your greatness haha XD
bookangel2603 #6
Chapter 17: hahaha omg this chappie cracks me up!!! Fo was laughing instead of being a scaredy-cat like baro hahaha mann baro sure is dissapointed because his plan backfired him and instead of Fo cuddling into his embrace to calm down her fear, he's the one who's hiding behind fo's back for his life hahaha that's just adorable!! XD i cant stop laughing! this is one entertainingly hilarious chappie!! good job authornim :) update soon
This sounds daebak!
I'll be reading now! <3
bookangel2603 #8
Chapter 16: hahaha omgg baro was like "she's mine!" and "dont touch MY girl" hahah sanduel sure knows how to shut baro's defense system down n make him spill hhaahah you are one hilarious n awesome author!!! *thumbs up* :D baro is so stubborn but adorable as hell!!! haha update soon :D
bookangel2603 #9
Chapter 15: aww you're welcome! you deserved it! this chapter is spectacularly hilarious! omg!! baro..he kissed Fo!?! haa mann im like so shocked that i gasped loud enough that even my neighbour who's like 3000 feet away could hear me! haha well maybe. aww gongchan is right! when will they get over their differences and start accepting that they kinda have feelings for each other! haha mann i just love the way you planned out the whole 'making Fo pissed off' scene that is just classic!! you are just soo amazingg and hilarious authornim! update soon XD
bookangel2603 #10
Chapter 12: ohh my god this story is amazing and hilarious!!!! haha i love it everytime they tried to murder each other haha i love this story! aww baro is adorable XD please update soon :)