
It's a Small World Afterall


Avy's POV
Ehh, what is that noise. Was that my bedroom door? I turned over to look at the clock and saw that it was only 7 o'clock in the morning. Who would be coming into my room at this time? Hmm... I don't hear anymore noise.... maybe I'm just imagining things . Guess I'll just- UMPH!!! Somebody just jumped on me!! I looked up to find Fo grinning down at me. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I glared menacingly up at her but her smile just widened. Hehe, well if she wants to be like that, "Laugh while you can, but if you don't watch it ima stick a poster of Yusuke up on your wall." Fo's eyes widened and she grimaced in disgust. "Okay, Okay.... AAAHH!! Now I have a creepy mental image of him! It won't GO AWAY!!" Fo screamed while running out of my room. Probably going to go stare at her posters to get Yusuke out of her head. I don't see why she dislikes him so much, he's adorable. Ehh, now I can't get back to sleep . *sigh* Time to get up. Where are my glasses? I can't wake up properly without them! Oh, there they are. Ha! Now I'm awake! *knock knock* "Avy you in there! We came to wish you a happy birthday!" Sandy yelled in excitement. Oh no! They can't come in here. I watched the doorknob turn in horror. Omg, omg.... What am I going to do!!  This can't be happening!  Just as I was about to have a heart attack due to their impending entrance into my room, I heard Fo coming down the hall. "What do you think your doing! You don't just enter someone else's room! Get back to the kitchen!" Thank you Fo!! I don't know what I would've done if they had come in here, especialIy CNUbear. Talk about embarrassing. I should probably quickly get out there before they wonder what's taking me so long and come back. I threw on my giant, and might I add awesome, purple dress and ran out the door. "I'm here!!" CNUbear came over and gave me a hug while everyone else cheered. I swear when he did that my face was probably redder than a tomato . "Happy Birthday!" everyone shouted in glee and all I could think was this is the greatest birthday ever. I don't care if I get any presents 'cause B1A4 being her already makes it the best B-Day ever.
Regular POV
I can tell by Avy's face that no matter what happens today, my house could burn down with all her precious pictures, this will be her most favorite birthday ever. Well, might as well make it better. "Let's move on with the festivities!! First up is..... GAMES!!!" I ran over to the couch in the corner of the livingroom and pulled a piñata out from beside it. "YAY!!! I love piñata's!" Sandy yelled in excitement. "Well since it's Avy's birthday she goes first. Someone get a blindfold on her" I said while hanging the giant paper mâché heart  from the kitchen doorway. I almost didn't buy this stupid thing due to the fact that it would probably make my OCD kick in but figured it also might help me relieve the stress today is going to cause. After everything was all set up, the blinded Avy was handed a stick and we all moved back to watch her try to take down the heart. She took her three hits and missed every time. She pulled off her blindfold and glared at the piñata as if she were trying to break it with her mind. Sandy went next and also missed completely. None of the other boys really wanted to go so I went next. Avy tied the blindfold to my face and I was handed the stick. I swung and felt a solid contact. Unbeknownst to me at the time, I had taken out the piñata at that one hit, so now I was just swinging at air. I frowned when the stick hit nothing and went to swing again before anyone could tell me the piñata had already died. I felt the stick hit something and I heard a pained yelp. Oh no !!! I quickly pulled the blindfold off and saw Baro laying on the ground clutching his cheek in pain. Oh, that's gonna leave a nasty bruise. "Are you okay?" I asked in a guilty voice. He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes, "I will be if you kiss it to make it better." The nerve!! "I ain't puttin' my mouth anywhere near your face!" "Aww! Come on you hit me!" "Not on purpose!" "Just one little kiss." "Yeah", Jinyo chimed in, "It's not gonna kill you to grant his request." I looked around find everyone staring at me, silently urging me to grant Baro's request. I turned to Avy with a glare, what a traitor. And to think I was nice enough to save her from certain doom earlier when the boys were about to enter her creepy sanctuary, which she calls her room. After several seconds of staring down six people I gave in. "Fine !" I snapped and leaned down to quickly peck him on his injured face. Baro turned his head in shock at my acceptance of his request just as I was about to reach his face. We both sat there in shock, lips touching and then Baro closed his eyes and pulled me closer. I could only sit there frozen as he continued to kiss me. A couple seconds later my brain finally caught up to time and I pushed Baro away. I blankly stared at his blushing face for a few and then turned to Avy, "Present time." 
Gongchan's POV
The atmosphere has been kinda awkward since that Fo and Baro moment. Baro is still sitting in the same place he  kissed Fo, in a complete state of shock. Must be trying to cope with what he did. Maybe after all the thinking he seems to be doing he'll finally realize he likes Fo ! Fo on the other hand is ignoring Baro's presence and doing everything she can to forget the unfortunate event. She's being really talkative and jumpy. It's kinda creepy.... I walked over and dragged Baro to the middle of the livingroom so we could present Avy our birthday gift to her. Fo had already given Avy hers. Fo bought Avy a pair of goth looking combat boots. I could tell by the sparkle in her eye that she loved them and I guarantee she'll be wearing them at school on Monday. "For you birthday we are going to perform for you!!" Sandy yelled in excitement. We all got into position and began singing Baby Goodnight. With a big grin on her face Avy clapped and sang along to the song. I know she was enjoying it but at the same time I had a feeling we could have sat on the couch and sang it. Her attention was completely focused on Avy, on his on her. Ahh, young love . When the song ended, Avy jumped up and gave us all a hug while thanking us excitedly. It was kinda embarrassing but I'm happy she liked our present. "Well, we have to get going" Jinyoung told the girls, "we have to spend some time with the manager. She wants to know how school is going." "Okay! Come back tomorrow" Avy stated while waving to us. Fo waved to us as well while still blatantly ignoring Baro. Baro noticed this and began to pout as he shuffled out the doorway with his head drooping. Poor guy.... I wonder if those two will ever get over their differences and get together. *sigh* Guess I'll just have to wait and see ! 
Well, there was a triple update for my amazing readers. I hope you enjoyed reading them. Thanks for all your support, especially you Bookangel! Your comments have been amazing 😁!! Thanks again, I love you all!!
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This story is Progressing more strangely than I imagined XD


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Gotnothingtodo #1
Chapter 26: Hahaha don't worry fo! That fairy is defiantly plotting your murder XD on second thought... You should probably worry
sunggyustummy #2
Great story!
Gotnothingtodo #3
Chapter 24: *raises hand* Haha CNU you creepy little ert and avy you gullible fool. I'm really liking this stalker girl XD jinyoung back off... Fo needs to be with Baro! This was Hilarious !! XD
What is fluff?? I see it everywhere but never really knew what it was. Is it something dirty??

I didn't read the chapters yet but I'm going to now. :)
bookangel2603 #5
Chapter 18: haha omgg baro's hair!!!! haha ohhh~ its getting more n more elevating!!!! now this is what i am talking about!!! awesome chappie and and awesome author! this chappie is just hilarious!!! plz update soon your greatness haha XD
bookangel2603 #6
Chapter 17: hahaha omg this chappie cracks me up!!! Fo was laughing instead of being a scaredy-cat like baro hahaha mann baro sure is dissapointed because his plan backfired him and instead of Fo cuddling into his embrace to calm down her fear, he's the one who's hiding behind fo's back for his life hahaha that's just adorable!! XD i cant stop laughing! this is one entertainingly hilarious chappie!! good job authornim :) update soon
This sounds daebak!
I'll be reading now! <3
bookangel2603 #8
Chapter 16: hahaha omgg baro was like "she's mine!" and "dont touch MY girl" hahah sanduel sure knows how to shut baro's defense system down n make him spill hhaahah you are one hilarious n awesome author!!! *thumbs up* :D baro is so stubborn but adorable as hell!!! haha update soon :D
bookangel2603 #9
Chapter 15: aww you're welcome! you deserved it! this chapter is spectacularly hilarious! omg!! baro..he kissed Fo!?! haa mann im like so shocked that i gasped loud enough that even my neighbour who's like 3000 feet away could hear me! haha well maybe. aww gongchan is right! when will they get over their differences and start accepting that they kinda have feelings for each other! haha mann i just love the way you planned out the whole 'making Fo pissed off' scene that is just classic!! you are just soo amazingg and hilarious authornim! update soon XD
bookangel2603 #10
Chapter 12: ohh my god this story is amazing and hilarious!!!! haha i love it everytime they tried to murder each other haha i love this story! aww baro is adorable XD please update soon :)