Chapter 07 – story telling time!

Lucky pick lucky me!!!



                                    At the afternoon, they were having fun playing badminton and Minho, Key and Onew was the most active among the group.


“Hah… I’m tired… *pant*” Lysa said sitting on the ground.


“You need exercise girl~” Key said flipping his hair.


“I told you that I’m not good at sports and I’m the only one sweating here, Aperently  you guys are not normal~ ” she joked.


“Ahaha not normal~ very classic~” Jonghyun said.


“Hey! Guys! It’s almost night time, should we have a camp fire by the beach?” Taemin said practically carrying 5 to 6 bags of marshmallow.


 “Yeah!” they all said.




                        They were all pitching in to help set up for the camp fire; including Manager who finally went out of his office. Taemin and Key went back and forth to the mansion to get some chairs and more food with drinks. Onew and manager ware busy getting rocks to hold the fire in place while Jonghyun, Minho and Lysa went to the forest to get some dry woods.


Minho’s POV


Another camp fire… I guess Taemin was really getting hungry for not having his proper diet.


“Minho…” Jonghyun hyung whispered so that only can here.


“What is it hyung?”


“Be careful when you’re around her… she really is quite a punch.” He said and I raised an eyebrow.




“When she had hit us… it hurt A LOT. We went to manager to ask what we can do. He only said be careful and he said that she doesn’t realize her own strength.” Jonghyun said quietly.


“Oh? It really hurt?” I asked not believing him.


“Onew felt it too…” Jonghyun insisted.


“…” I looked at Lysa who was busy picking up twigs and branches.


“She’s definitely unique…” Jonghyun said.


“Who’s unique?” Lysa said turning around.


“…” my eyes grew big.


“It’s nothing come on let’s get going.” Jonghyun said dragging her out of the woods.


“Her hearing is definitely something…” I murmured.


The camp fire was set and everyone was around the fire.


“Hey… how about story telling.” Key suggested.


“Umma~” Taemin grabbed Key’s shirt.


“Baby~ don’t be like that~” Key assured him that it’s not going to be that scary.


“Then I’ll start.” Lysa said poking the fire.


“Go ahead.” Manager said wanting to hear the story.


One rainy day, there was a girl who was stranded in the school because it was raining hard.” Lysa started.


“…” Taemin shuts his eyes shaking his head.


“don’t mind him…” Onew said smiling…


She asked the janitor of the school if she could just stay at the school for the night.


The janitor said… ok… but be careful… before dispiring in the back of the school.” Lysa continued.


“…” there was a gust of wind and it wasn’t helping in Taemin’s situation.


She stayed in one of the classrooms for the night and fell asleep.


At the middle of the night, she was woken by strange noises coming from the corridor.


What’s that noise? She said.


Out of curiosity, she peeked through the key whole and she only saw nothing but red.


She went back to sleep and didn't mind what she saw...


The next day… she approached the janitor and asked him about the noise in the corridor.


The janitor at first hesitated to tell what's really going on, but after few minutes he started to say the words one by one..


He said that long ago there was a girl who died there and was haunting the school since then, every night in the school corridor. After few breaths,the janitor described the ghost as "a girl in a white dress with RED BIG EYES” Lysa ended her story.


“Was that a true story?” Jonghyun asked.


“I’m not sure…” Lysa said.


“…” Taemin was squeezing Key from fright.


“Baby~ its ok we are all here.” Key said not wanting to see Taemin run off faster that lightning.


“I’m next!” Jonghyun said and started.


Like in any other school, every afternoon the cleaners were left to do the cleaning.


As they were doing their work, they were telling horror stories to each other and one of the stories was about a little boy that was haunting the second floor of the school. In the stories, the boy was said to have died horribly.


He was locked up in one of the storage cabinet for cleaning supplies. He was said to have been put there by a teacher as a punishment..The teacher forgot that she punished one of her students and when she realized it, it's already too late. The boy died there.


Oh that’s really scary! Let’s work faster and get out of here… one girl said.


As they were all finished cleaning the only thing left to do is to throw the trash.


One girl was left by the others to do the job. As she was throwing the trash… she saw a little boy still playing… and she asked…


Little boy what are you still doing here? Shouldn’t you be going home already?


The boy didn't respond..


The student continued to ask the boy,


Why are you still here in school?Maybe they are looking for you..Little boy where is your school bus?


The boy still didn't reply..


On the otherside,while she was asking the boy, a friend of hers came back at the thought that a friend is alone in the school, up in the fourth floor.

The friend hurriedly climb up the stairs and paused at the last two steps with eyes opened wide..That girl saw what her friend was talking to and after the boy left she approached her.


What are you doing? She asked.


Oh… I saw a boy and… his gone… where is he… she mumbles.


Let’s get out of here. Her friend said.


Why?  She asked.


That’s the little boy on the second floor who was locked up and died… Jonghyun ended his story.


“Ok… we should get going before Tae had a heartattack.” Minho said.


“Wait one more…” Onew said.


With a serious face, he looked at every one with mystery...


"One day inside the dorm, i was looking for something to eat.."he said.


I went right straight to the refigerator...and all of a sudden i heard something banging(moderate volume) in the kitchen..


"i think someone's cooking"..he said to himself.


But then,I remembered that jong and key went out and the other two were inside their rooms sleeping in their beds..


"So i ignored it and got my chicken so i could start cooking"..said it happily.


After an hour of cooking with hungry stomach, I sighed..


"i'm tired and my stomach is still grumbling".. he said.


With excitement drawn in his face I put the dish in a bowl and hand it down to the center of the table..


"I looked at it and suddenly it starts to move towards the edge of the table"..he said worriedly.


I picked it up and put it back again at the center. Without blinking, the bowl is still moving towards me, at the edge..Until it falls and i catch it with my hands.


Breathing deeply, his heart starts to pump fast..


"Oops maybe there is water underneath the bowl or on the table that's why its moving.."he scientifically explained it to himself.


I gently lift the bowl and touch the bottom of the bowl and touch the glass of the table and in shocking mood there is no water or any wet part on both.


My heart was raising, i feel like someone's beside me and wants to have some of my chicken.


"waaaaaa!", I shouted..


I left the bowl on the table and grab the chicken with me.


"..." the others were speechless...


"What ever he does it's Onew Condition~~~~~~~~~~~~"


“I’ll start but this is the last ok?” Manager said.


In the world of vampires, there is a certain order of things. The King and Queen and their descendants are the most powerful vampires. It was said that their strength are from the first vampires that had lived in this world and they were able to manage to keep that strength and preserved it. These vampires are called the pure blood vampires, Vampires that have the powers of the original clan of vampires. It was taboo to get mix with humans and it was not clear why… the so called falling in love. But there are others that are half vampires and are still welcome to join the clan. The king always says that it’s not the children should be punished by the mistake of the parents.  Those that are both vampire and demon, those that are both vampire and angels, but there was one mix that was forbidden by the king… it was a mix of a vampire and a human.


There was the most beautiful and skillful vampire princess that they had ever seen for the past millennium. She was the best at fighting and being a female was not a hindrance, actually she took the advantage of her beauty to lure out any enemies and do her bidding.


 Being the only child of the king and queen, she doesn’t have the choice but to be wed the man that her parents and the vampire council had chosen for her. She really didn’t mind it at that time, she even felt honored being engage to her best friend ever since they were little children.


Until she met a particular human that she took to her liking. At first she thought it was admiration for the human, but as time passes by her desire to be with him and only with him grew stronger. They a point in time that she had feared that if she confess to the human, he would be frightened but to her surprise not only that he wasn’t  afraid, he even accepted the love that the princess had offered. They were happy thinking that she will turn him into their own kind so they can be together forever…


But soon after she had turned him… the king and queen had notice the changes and investigate on it. They were shocked at what had happened to their daughter. The princess was pregnant and the father was her lover.


Because of anger, the king had ordered to kill the man.  After that the princess and her lover disappeared and no one really knows what happened to her. THE END.” the manager said then stood up and every one followed.


“That was a beautiful story… ” Lysa said. She was hoping fun nights like this come along more often.

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Chapter 20: I just found this fic today, and I loveeee it :)
Please update sooon!
update soon
devinapurwadi #3
Please update! And fast! I've been waiting for so long ):
I'm so curious bout what's going to happen next
Btw, thumbs up! :]
my username is Taeminsfuturewife!! what a coincidence!!! :D
midst_lhady22 #5
OMO!! Im in danger??!!

Great story :)
Awwww....all I'm thinking about is " for James."<br />
I feel bad for him, since Grace doesn't remember him.
Grace is Lysa's mother, not sister?!<br />
Holy , then the manager is Lysa's father.<br />
Holy . 0.0<br />
They ing don't age! That's brilliant!<br />
But how did Grace turn human?<br />
And how is Jaejoong involved??<br />
I think I have a guess that is "Lysa actually Grace daughter ?" ahaha guessing only ..but another mystery that appear and I can't guess is who's Jaejoong ..keke craving for more !! xD<br />
update soon ~
Wow! I searusli am inlove with this story! Keep up with the good work!