Chapter 13 - it has started

Lucky pick lucky me!!!



Ring~ ring~ ring~


“Hello?” Grace picked up her phone that was on the small table beside the pool chairs.


“Hello, Grace I was just wondering… I know this a bit sudden but I need help at the shop right now. Would you mind going back here at the shop soon?” her boss Jaejoong said all in one go.


“No problem! It’s my job after all but I need time to get there. But my flight time would be a bit long and preparations will take up a lot of time.” Grace said looking at Lysa who was swimming in the pool with Taemin and Key.


“Ok, I’ll be expecting you then. Contact me when you are already headed to the shop. Neh~” Jaejoong said in a cheerful voice.


“O…ok…” Grace hung up the phone and looked at Lysa again.


“Well, it won’t be that bad if I stay here at least two more days…” Grace whispered to herself. A sigh came out of which was not missed by Lysa.


“Sis? You ok?” Lysa swam to the edge of the pool near her sister.


“Yup! I’m fine. Now… may I join you in some swimming?” Grace asked.


“Of course!” as soon as Lysa said that Grace jumped into the water like a professional swimmer.


“But it would be a bit boring if we just swim around… how about a game? Who’s in?” Grace’s voice sounded like a dare to all of them. And it wasn’t helping that she was smirking.


“Hey! We’re all game!” Jonghyun said just came from inside with Onew and Minho behind him.


“So… what kind of game do we play?” Key asked pulling Taemin who was floating in the water.


“It’s simple; do you see that green apple over there on the table?” Grace pointed to her right side.


“Yeah, and what do we do with it?” Onew asked.


“All of you need to be out of the pool and stand at the edge. You can position yourselves as you see fit. The rule is when the apple touches the water, it’s GAME START. Whoever can bring the apple back to the table will be the winner.” Grace said.


“That’s too simple!” Taemin said but with his Vampire hyungs around it’s a bit difficult to win.


“Wait! There’s a catch~ you can only use your mouth to grab the apple. If the apple fell to the ground when you are out of the pool, which means we start over again. Understood?” Grace asked.


“Well~ let’s start shall we~” Jonghyun said planning on taking his revenge on Key during the game.


               As they all take their own position, Lysa and Grace will serve as the judge just in case the rules were not done properly. Grace tossed the apple up in the air as if it was the start of a basketball game. The five eyed the apple with burning eyes. As the apple touched the water, the five boys dive in with a splash. You can’t say that they were not interested in the game because no one was backing up and each of them tries to take the apple with their mouths as soon as they can but it seems like the apple was teasing them when one of them tries to go near the apple as if on command floats away or dodge them.


“Why is this so hard?” Jonghyun was getting frustrated.


“Shut up! And move away so we can get it!” Key said, approaching the apple.


“No way!” Jonghyun grabs Key from behind and pulled him away from the apple.


“Jong! Let go!” Key yells at him.


                    So in the mean time the other three tries their best at the game without the two wrestling their way to the apple.


“*sigh* they will never be finish at this rate.” Lysa said looking at the boys.


“Well the trick here is not to move so much in the water. Too much movement will move any object that’s in the water.” Grace said chuckling at the boys.


“Ah! I have enough of this!” Onew chomp on the apple with frustration when it floated near him and he raised it in the air with ease. Well you can expect that. He has a big mouth…


“Hyung! What are you waiting for! Go to the table!!!” Taemin cheered their leader and Onew quickly got out of the pool and slowly place it on the table.


“Whew~ finally done~” Onew said sitting near the table.


“Yeay! You won! ehehe” Taemin swim with happiness while Jonghyun and Key blamed on each other for not winning and ect.


“Ok, now here’s your prize! I made an apple pie with one of the maid just now.” Grace handed the pie to Onew who looked like he was drooling.


“Thanks!” Onew said gobbling the pie.


“Well anyone want to have a go with pool volleyball?” Lysa suggested bringing a light ball with her.


“Oh be careful with this ball, if you hit it too hard it will fly out of range.” Grace said.


                   Soon the game started and when the game was progressing it became Dodge ball in the halfway of the game. Well no harm done. The ball was pretty light. So it was ok and the whole day turn out great for them, it was full of fun and laughter. While in that time, Manager was a bit busy making the security a bit tighter for all of them.  






               At that time Yunho and Yoochun were also preparing to go to Moon Island bringing with them some underlings to help them just in case things went a little out of hand. Preparation would not hurt anybody right? They want this to be done without any hustle or hurtful things that could happen.


“Are we all set?” Yoochun asked him.


“Yeah we are ready to go.” Yunho said and patted his partner on the shoulder.


“I hope that this will go smoothly.” Yoochun said worried about their situation.


And so they started to move and act on their plan… to get back what has been missing in their Castle.






                 When night came, all of them were ready to go to sleep already. Lysa was staying at her sister’s room which made her a bit at ease. She has a very bad feeling and thought that she might have a nightmare again if she sleeps alone tonight.


“Neh~ sis, I’m glad you can come here.” Lysa said being half asleep.


“I’m glad too~ now let’s sleep. We have another day tomorrow.” Grace said remembering that she has to leave tomorrow afternoon.


“Ok…” Lysa was sleeping in minutes with that they all had a peaceful night for rest.






               The next day came and everyone was enjoying their breakfast and it seems that todays breakfast was extra special because Lysa and Grace made it for today. Their breakfast consist of sandwiches, bacon and eggs, pancakes, and salad with fruits on the sides. Orange juice for drinks and coffee for the elders (ehehehe you can just imagine who the elders are).


“Well, maybe I should say this now… I will leave this afternoon for the next flight going back home.” Grace said to them.


“Eh? Why is it so soon, sis?” Lysa asked.


“My job is waiting for me and I don’t want to disappoint my boss.” Grace said that which made a slight pain in Manager’s heart.


“I’ll book you the flight so rest a sure that you won’t be late.” Manager said getting a bit pissed off on Grace’s Boss. He was sure to research on that guy.


“Then should we go a bit for some slight shopping? I know the stores here better than anyone.” Key suggested.


“That would be great, thanks.” Grace smiled at them all even the not so in a good mood Manager.


“…”Lysa was feeling homesick already even though her sister hasn’t left yet.






              Of course when it comes to shopping no one can beat Key. Key went around the story with Lysa and Grace like a storm swept across the small town. He was the one suggesting from bags, to clothes, to souvenirs and baked good that can be brought back by Grace.  


“Umm… sis, that’s quite a lot. Can you bring all of this?” Lysa asked looking at the heaps of things they bought.


“Probably… well then we should get back and I need to pack.” Grace said.


“Wait! There’s one more store that you should visit before you go!” Key said and pulled the two at a very old shop. It looked like an antique store with many valuable inside.


“Welcome, what can I do for you?” An old lady asked behind the counter.


“Excuse as but where can we find the jewelries and accessories here?” Key asked politely.


“Here sir…” the old lady pulled out fine pieces from behind the counter.


                They were really fine pieces of jewelries; from old pocket watches to rings and necklaces. They were beautiful.


“You two can pick anything you want. It’s on me.” Key said smiling at them.


“Wait! We can’t possible do that it’s t-” Grace was cut off.


“It can be a gift from our group. Please we insist.” Onew said in a leader like attitude with a hit of gracefulness. (Not the usual him though ahaha)


“Ok, well you guys insist.” Lysa said happily.


“Oy… hey that’s… *sigh* sure why not AND it’s all on you guys neh~” Grace said teasingly.


“Yes!” they all said while manager was feeling happy that they all are enjoying their time.


The two of them looked at what they can take interest in. they were both attracted to two identical but unique set of necklace. And they asked the old lady what kind of jewelry was it.


“Young ladies have a good set of eyes; these are called the moon stone necklaces. Each necklace has a blue diamond imbedded on it that’s one of the reason they looked identical but the design of each has a different meaning. This one is symbolizes a quarter moon or half of the moon while this one symbolizes full moon or new moon. The blue diamond is complemented by the white gold that made the shapes of the moon.” The old lady explained.


“Then I’ll take the quarter moon.” Lysa said looking at it.


“This full mood looked great! I’ll take this.” Grace said and they both than the old lady and the guys that bought it for them before leaving the store.


When the two wore their necklace, Lysa started to get dizzy all of a sudden. Her vision was starting to get blurry. She hold on to Minho was near her at that time.


“Lysa! Are you ok?” Grace said while Minho supports Lysa.


“Y-yeah… I’m just a bit dizzy that all.” Lysa said holding onto her head.


“We should rest for a bit.” Manager said to the group.


After one hour; they all arrived at the airport to send off Grace. They all said their ‘take care’ and ‘see you next time’ and the likes. Lysa gave her sister a big hug and before letting go…


“Sis, take care and call me if anything happens at home and tall big brother to get well soon so mom and dad won’t worry so much.” Lysa said smiling at her sister.


“Um! I’ll get them the message even to our knockout brother ahaha. Lysa take care neh~ and make sure you don’t get dizziness again or fainting again.” Grace said before boarding the plane.


“See you next time!” they all said in one go.






At dinner time, the group was a little gloomy that before.


“Now guys cheer up!” Manager said trying to lift the gloomy atmosphere.


“Who are you kidding manager? Out of all of us you might be the gloomiest person right now.” Minho and Key said at the same time making manager a bit flush a bit.


“Pffft! pfuahahahaha” they all laugh at their manager’s reaction including Lysa who’s mood was lifted thanks to them.


“Ok, ok! It’s enough; now time for bed for all of you.” Manager said beckoning them to their rooms.


When Lysa got to her room, she looked at the windows bur closed the curtains right after. She then grabbed her essentials went to the bathroom to change for bed time. But when she came out of the bathroom she shivered from cold air.


“Why is it cold here?” Lysa asked herself but then pause as she saw that one of the windows was open and cold wind was coming from that.


“wha? Why is this open?” Lysa felt a chill down her spine when she felt a presence behind her.




Miss Lysa… we have come for you…

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Chapter 20: I just found this fic today, and I loveeee it :)
Please update sooon!
update soon
devinapurwadi #3
Please update! And fast! I've been waiting for so long ):
I'm so curious bout what's going to happen next
Btw, thumbs up! :]
my username is Taeminsfuturewife!! what a coincidence!!! :D
midst_lhady22 #5
OMO!! Im in danger??!!

Great story :)
Awwww....all I'm thinking about is " for James."<br />
I feel bad for him, since Grace doesn't remember him.
Grace is Lysa's mother, not sister?!<br />
Holy , then the manager is Lysa's father.<br />
Holy . 0.0<br />
They ing don't age! That's brilliant!<br />
But how did Grace turn human?<br />
And how is Jaejoong involved??<br />
I think I have a guess that is "Lysa actually Grace daughter ?" ahaha guessing only ..but another mystery that appear and I can't guess is who's Jaejoong ..keke craving for more !! xD<br />
update soon ~
Wow! I searusli am inlove with this story! Keep up with the good work!