Chapter 06 – Let’s wait for her arrival!

Lucky pick lucky me!!!



                           Lysa was still in a daze thinking of how the hell did this happened? She knows that her sister is very protective if she knows that there is something wrong. It’s not helping that she knew that I really fainted and that never happened before ever… well until now. The Guys were fascinated about Lysa’s reaction at that time. She went from Panicked face to shocked face to Blank face to thinking hard face to calm face then last was her daze face. (ahaha) 


The manager cleared his throat “I do apologize for calling you sister without your consent…”


“neh~ it’s alright.” Lysa assured manager.


 “well then Lysa… let’s eat, you need the strength.” He gestured to the food on the table.


“Umm! Thank you for the meal!” Lysa then shoved her worries at the back of head for the time being.


“Hey Lysa… I’m curious… what’s your sister like? Can you tell us something about her and maybe about yourself as well?” Taemin asked.


“Umm…” Lysa just stared at them.


“Pretty please~” Taemin used his best puppy dog pout.


“well…” do I tell them? Half of it? Fake it? Say that I’m not up to it? Shoot… which is it? Lysa thought.


“We didn’t get the chance to ask since manager had been nagging at us throughout the whole plane ride.” Minho joined in.


“Hey, that’s because you are noisy.” Manager defended himself.


“I’m curious as well~” Jonghyun said with a note.


“ymkh!pwish!(yeah! Please!).” Onew added even though a normal person wouldn’t understand that ahahah.


“Hey don’t talk when your mouth is full, Onew.” Key said giving him a glass of water.


“Oh… ok. But… where do I start?” she still thinking hard on it.


“How about… starting from your parents?” Jong suggested.


“Umm… Let’s see… my dad, Jae Jin and my mom Sunny met in America while my mother was studying there. My dad use to be in a band and was doing a concert tour. My mom was a fan so they kind of clicked.” Lysa smiled trying to imagine what it’s like was for her parents “love at first sight”.


“Oh wow! That means your dad was a celebrity?” Key asked.


“Used to be… now he loves to just play and sing only for my mother *giggle*” Lysa said.


“How romantic~” Key said.


“Like that’s going too happened to you…” JJong said jokingly.


“Same to you! You DINO!” Key said in return.


“Ok! That enough!” Manager said.


“So… then they had us… me, my sister and my brother; when my sister was little my dad made her learns taekwondo, karate, judo…  I think… my dad is a bit over protective. As for my I got off with just self defense lessons; I was practically cried my eyes out because it hurt so much getting hit again and again. ” Lysa said.


“So that means your sister knows how to fight?” Taemin asked.


“Yup! She only uses it if needed. She’s a Black belter, oh and don’t seek up on her you might get hurt. There was one time she had a stalker… he should be grateful he got off with only a broken arm. Ahaha you should have seen the look in his face he was totally shocked.” Lysa said.


So she knows how to fight… interesting… the manager thought.


“You mean… You were there?” Minho asked.


“Ah… well…” Lysa just nodded.


“Isn’t that dangerous? I mean for you and your sister… didn’t you call the police?” Manager asked worried.


“No we didn’t… now that you said that… I don’t why we didn’t. I was probably still a bit shock over it.” Lysa said.


“Your sister… what does she do now?” the manager asked.


Oh... does manager plans on hitting on sis? She thought.


“She goes to college and some part time jobs.” she said staring at manager’s face.


“That’s cool! I never have gotten a part time job before.” Taemin said.


“That’s because of you baby face. You looked like you had run away from home and looking for a job.” JJong said.


“oh I remember when there’s one café shop owner that called Taemin’s parents to make sure he wasn’t a run away.” Minho said suppressing his laugh.


“Hey! That was not my fault.” Taemin pouted.


“Oh and my brother loves to race. He got in an accident just recently though. I hope he’s ok.” Lysa said feeling a bit home sick.


“How about you… Do you have any hobbies?” Key asked.


“As for me I’m more in to arts and less in sports... Not unless dancing can be called a sport.” Lysa said shyly about the last part.


“Oh wow! You should try out!” Taemin squealed it out.


“Neh~ I just don’t have the confidence… any way that’s it.” Lysa said.


“Maybe you should. It would be a waste of talent not to.” Manager said.


“Oh no it’s ok.” Lysa said not wanting to do it.


“Oh let’s play badminton later! But first let’s watch a movie!” Taemin said bouncing in his chair and helping Lysa out a bit.


“Sounds fun!” Lysa said happily.


“Uff! I’m so full!” Onew said.


“We know~ ahaha” the others said.


“So let’s finish eating before Onew hyung have his second round.” Minho said.


“More like his third ahah” Jjong said.


“Ahahaha very funny guys…” Onew said making them laugh even more.


“Manager Can you please pass the napkins?” Lysa asked.


“Here…” Manager gave it to her making their fingers touch slightly.


 Lysa jerked sharply “what the-”


“What is it?” Manager asked.


“I… just then… when I touched you… I saw my sister…” Lysa stared at the manager.


“You saw who?” Minho asked.


“My sister… I think… maybe I’m just seeing things forget about it.” Lysa said


“Ok…” the others just shrugged but manager was growing more concern.


He was hoping that this won’t turn into a disaster hopefully. He wouldn’t want the pass to repeat itself. Not now… not ever.




                       After they were finished, manager left them and they were looking through boxes of DVDs to watch. Everyone decided that Lysa will pick the movie.


“How a about this… about vampires…” Lysa was reading the back of the DVD when the five went a bit stiff.


“ahaahaha cool… vampire it is.” JJong laughed awkwardly.


As they were watching, Lysa sitting on the couch with Onew and JJong while the others felt comfortable on the carpeted floor.


“Oh there! He’s over there!” Taemin said looking at the screen


“Tae…*chuckle*” Minho and Key was just amused at Tae’s reactions.


When a scream came from the lead actress…


“KYAAAAAA!” Lysa had accidentally hit JJong and Onew’s knees from fright.


“Ouch!” the two boys said in unison.


“Are you guys ok?” Key asked while the other two looked at them.


“I’m so sorry, I should have been more careful.” Lysa said.


“No it’s ok.” JJong said.


“We’ll just get some ice.” Onew said and left with JJong to the kitchen.


“I should help you!” Lysa insisted.


“No it’s ok. We are big boys remember~” Jonghyun winked at her and the two left.





When the two were alone…


“Ouch! That seriously hurts.” Jjong said.


“What happened back there? That was not supposed to hurt. Our bodies are not that type to feel pain from a punch made by a human.” Onew wondered while rubbing his knee.


“I don’t know… let’s just tell manager first.” Jjong said.






hello there!

sorry for the late update T-T

we have a lot of test it's hard T-T

so hope you guys like it >_<

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Chapter 20: I just found this fic today, and I loveeee it :)
Please update sooon!
update soon
devinapurwadi #3
Please update! And fast! I've been waiting for so long ):
I'm so curious bout what's going to happen next
Btw, thumbs up! :]
my username is Taeminsfuturewife!! what a coincidence!!! :D
midst_lhady22 #5
OMO!! Im in danger??!!

Great story :)
Awwww....all I'm thinking about is " for James."<br />
I feel bad for him, since Grace doesn't remember him.
Grace is Lysa's mother, not sister?!<br />
Holy , then the manager is Lysa's father.<br />
Holy . 0.0<br />
They ing don't age! That's brilliant!<br />
But how did Grace turn human?<br />
And how is Jaejoong involved??<br />
I think I have a guess that is "Lysa actually Grace daughter ?" ahaha guessing only ..but another mystery that appear and I can't guess is who's Jaejoong ..keke craving for more !! xD<br />
update soon ~
Wow! I searusli am inlove with this story! Keep up with the good work!