Chapter 19 – we’re here for you

Lucky pick lucky me!!!




                  Days pass, they prepare Lysa for the big change. Even though she was unconscious, they know Lysa can feel what’s happening around here. Every now and then her fingers would move, telling that she was still there.


“Hey… do you think she’ll be ok?” Jonghyun asked the others, worried for Lysa. That was a first but he just can’t forget her cute smile and dimples when she was having fun with them.


“I think so…” Minho paused at Jonghyun’s care… to much care for Lysa; makes Minho feel uneasy. “Siwon is supervising just in case plus manager will be there.” Minho started to read a book ‘Twilight’; it fascinates him that humans conjure up such myths about their race.


“…” Jonghyun just nodded in response and kept walking back and forth in front of Taemin.


“I hope this would work out well. I’m excited! Lysa’s going to be one of us and will be staying here but… at the same time I’m scared. Her case is quite rare…” Taemin trailed off hugging his stuff toy.


“She’ll be alright Tae~ we just need to hope that she will still be happy after this…” Key said pinching Taemin’s cheeks. But deep inside Key is more worried aout what he said than what he shows to the others. The ‘what if she doesn’t like it at all?’ questions always pops out in his mind making ponder on the situation.


“…” Minho thought of that very same question and fear creeps into his heart at the thought of it. But he shakes it off and refocused on the book that he was gripping already.


“…” Jonghyun paces around the room much faster at the thought as well.


“…” Onew on the other hand was starring at his brothers, a smile creeps put of his face. He knew that the younger ones are more attached to Lysa than they have thought they were. He suspects that a love bug has bitten one or two of his brothers at the very least. And he chuckles at the thought.


“By the way… who will turn her?” Taemin asked out of curiosity.


“Her highness will be doing that, she said it would be safer if it was a royalty doing it plus they are related.” Onew said thinking if they could do it themselves as well but there will be some competition. Onew thought.


“Umm… so the queen will turn her. Oh! I can’t wait!” Taemin squealed while squeezing the toy.


“Tae! You’re going to rip that if you don’t stop.” Key said thinking that Tae would be upset if it was broken.


Even though that tension was still high, Shinee was able to keep their minds busy and they were all hoping Lysa would still be the same when she wakes up minus the human part.






                  The day has finally arrived that the Queen will turn Lysa, at the hope that she would regain full consciousness after. They laid Lysa on a bed while Boa, her highness is getting ready to release the right amount of venom from her fangs. Grace was staying near the bedside while manager and the others a right behind her.


“Your highness, you may begin.” Siwon informed her.


Boa tilted Lysa’s head to the left and whispered, “please, bear with us…” then sunk her teeth on her granddaughter’s neck causing a small trail of blood to slide down. Lysa crinkle in pain from the bite. When Boa knew that there was enough venom in the veins, she slowly pulled out her fangs and straightened up. Lysa have relaxed a bit but now she is panting more frequently as if running a fever. Boa bites her finger and had let the blood flow out and into Lysa’s mouth. She crinkles again at the taste of it.


“Sis…” Lysa said weakly and slowly opening her eyes.


“I’m here… can you feel anything?” Grace asked holding on her hand.


“Urgh… I feel a bit feverish and… I think something bite my neck… what’s going on?” She asked pointing at her neck.


“You will alright, just rest. When you get better we’ll explain everything. Neh~” Grace hugged her and frowned at how high her temperature was.


“We should move her to another room so she could rest and be monitored.” Siwon said to Grace and she nodded in response.


“I’ll carry her… if that is with you.” Minho offered. Jonghyun, Key and almost everybody shot him a look, typically not pleased.


“Thank you for the help.” Grace let Minho do the carrying. Lysa weekly hold on to Minho and Minho gets a secure hold on her just in case. Jonghyun was vibrating like a cell phone with an incoming call or text basically because he wanted to help Lysa as well but he doesn’t know why he still acting or feeling this way. Minho with Lysa in his arms followed by Grace disappeared from the door.


“That sly guy! He’s quicker than me.” Jonghyun tremble in anger.


“What do you expect from the lady’s man?” Key said annoyed as well.


“BUT! I’m a lady’s man as well!” Jonghyun turned to Key.


“Well… nope! Just a baby dino who is hard to handle and you are forgetting one detail; he is also called ‘a killer for all women out there’. ” Key chuckled a bit at Jonghyun.


“Ugh! That kid is going to get it!” Jonghyun walk to where Minho and the others had gone.


“Minho’s so cool! I wonder when I will be like that…” Taemin asked.


“When you grow up, you’ll be much cooler than anyone else. Now let’s go! We don’t know what that dino can do.” Key said speed walking.


“Don’t worry Umma! I’ll protect Lysa!”Taemin said. Key chuckled at the thought.


“So cute! My baby! No one can beat you.”






“… these kids finally wants to have someone as their girlfriend~” Boa said happy with the situation.


“heh~ not a bad idea, since it took so long to find the heir or heiress to the throne… and Lysa is not ready to take over yet. Marrying her to one of the prince would be great!” Rain said equally as exited.


“Your majesty, are you sure about that?” Siwon asked.


“Yes bit this would be tricky~ they must first let Lysa fall in love for them AND they have to make her accept the marriage at the same time accepting the throne.” Raid said to Siwon who was beginning to worry.


“That would be difficult plus Grace can’t remember anything…” Siwon rubs his temples.


“Dear… remember that we can’t do anything not unless Lysa is up to it ok? I don’t want to lose Grace or Lysa like before.” Boa said in a sad tone remembering the years without her daughter beside her.


“I have an idea for that~ Jaejoong, Evan, can you come here for a sec.” Rain said Boa was beside him.


“Yes?” both said in chorus.


“Can you two help in restoring Grace’s memories?”


“…” the two looked at each other.


“And even better, turn her back in to a vampire just like before?” Rain asked.


“That would take a long time, your majesty. Especially Grace is busy with Lysa.”Jaejoong said.


“And it would be difficult… the only thing why Grace agreed to turn Lysa is because she has no choice.” Evan said to him.


“Then we’ll just have to let it flow and wait then~” Rain said letting the other leave until there is only Boa and him.


“Dear? What are you really thinking?”Boa asked.


“We waited this long… I can wait a bit more…” Rain smiled at her.






                    The first few days were bearable for all. Lysa just got a high fever that just won’t go down. She can’t sleep, Grace and the others was by her side all the time. Shinee members had to take turns though… for the peace and quiet in the room.


“Ugh…” Lysa moved to the side trying to sleep.


“Maybe we should move her into a cooler room?” Onew said to Grace.


“Siwon and T- I mean manager said it wouldn’t help.” Grace wipes off the sweat from Lysa’s forehead.


“Grace, you should rest as well. Use the next room; we’ll call you if anything happened.” Manager said to her.


“But… ” Grace was hesitating.


“I’ll switch with you while you sleep, eat and rest. Besides I can handle the rampaging youngster over there, so rest.” Manager said pointing at Minho and Jonghyun who was glaring at each other.


               In some point in time the two were not allowed to be inside the room together, well because they won’t stop arguing to the point that it was annoying for everyone. SO Grace made a few rules when visiting Lysa. One, Jonghyun and Minho must not be inside the room at the same time so they need to take turns. Two, no one as in ABSOLUTELY NO ONE should interfere with Lysa’s rest time that was actually hard to come by. Three, when Grace is not there, ONLY Taecyeon, Jaejoong, Siwon, Rain and Boa are allowed in there to look after Lysa.


“Ok… please inform me if anything changes and as for the glaring two… what up with them? They had been at it since we laid Lysa down on the bed to rest.” Grace said worried about another thing or two.


“well…” manager swallowed  HARD. “I guess they are in the stage of … rebellion?” manager awkwardly laughed thinking ‘what will she do if I said that… Oh they are like that because they are fight to get closer to Lysa…


“That just weird… then I leave you to … well babysit as I call it.” Grace said giving a smile and disappeared from through the doors.


‘Yeah I feel like I’m running a day care here… sighs*’ When she was gone… “Ok! Everyone, return to your rooms until she gets back neh~” Manager said.


“What? But it was my turn to sit next to her…” Taemin pouted and kicked an invisible rock on the floor.


“Tae~ you’ll get your chance… tell you what, as soon as Grace comes I’ll call you and! You’ll have a whole day being beside her. Well?” Manager asked Taemin.


Taemin smiled ear to ear “sure! That would be nice~” Taemin skipped along the way happily.


“That wasn’t fair.” Minho said a bit jealous of their youngest.


“Yes it is; you and Jounghyun have been fighting over that seat beside Grace’s chair that you didn’t let Key, Onew or Taemin have the chance to actually being beside Lysa.” Manager crossed his arms and this lecture was for Minho only. It was for Jonghyun as well.


“…” the two boys were stunned quickly apologized to the other members.


“Well it was ok with me but I think it would be fair for ALL of us to take turns.” Onew said hiding a smile in his serious face.


“Fine~~” they said and left manager with Lysa.


“Lysa, can I get you anything?” Taecyeon asked her.


“No, I’m good but thank you. Sorry, if I’m making things complicated. You guys are busy and Shinee hyungs have jobs and…” Lysa smiled at him.


Taecyeon stopped her “don’t worry, we kind of like to take care of you and I mean ALL of us, For example Jonghyun and Minho.” Taecyeon said.


“Yeah… that was kind of weird. They weren’t like that before… what happened to them? Did they fought over something?” Lysa asked curiously.


“Well yeah… something like that…” well fighting over you…


“Umm… can I ask you something? I noticed that Sis has change the way she treats you like she trust you more? Did something happen that I should know?” Lysa looked at manager directly in the eyes.


“We’ll talk about it when Grace is here… it’s complicated.” Taecyeon said sitting beside her.


“Does it have anything to do with the bite on my neck?” Lysa tilted her head to the side.


“Yes… we’ll explain soon but rest for now… ” Taecyeon said pulling blanket up to her neck.


“Um! It’s weird that I’m sick. Usually it would go down with the help of meds but this one won’t go down…” Lysa softly said a little sleepy.


“You’ll be fine, and remember that we’re here for you…” Taecyeon said and Lysa drifted to dream land before she could react to that.

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Chapter 20: I just found this fic today, and I loveeee it :)
Please update sooon!
update soon
devinapurwadi #3
Please update! And fast! I've been waiting for so long ):
I'm so curious bout what's going to happen next
Btw, thumbs up! :]
my username is Taeminsfuturewife!! what a coincidence!!! :D
midst_lhady22 #5
OMO!! Im in danger??!!

Great story :)
Awwww....all I'm thinking about is " for James."<br />
I feel bad for him, since Grace doesn't remember him.
Grace is Lysa's mother, not sister?!<br />
Holy , then the manager is Lysa's father.<br />
Holy . 0.0<br />
They ing don't age! That's brilliant!<br />
But how did Grace turn human?<br />
And how is Jaejoong involved??<br />
I think I have a guess that is "Lysa actually Grace daughter ?" ahaha guessing only ..but another mystery that appear and I can't guess is who's Jaejoong ..keke craving for more !! xD<br />
update soon ~
Wow! I searusli am inlove with this story! Keep up with the good work!