Chapter 12 – Get her for me…

Lucky pick lucky me!!!



                During lunch time, they were all awfully quiet. Grace was thinking of the painting and can’t shake off the bad feeling. Lysa was feeling unsafe now, she was sure she felt someone outside her sister’s room. Manager has his own problems because of the disturbance in the moon castle. The Shinee members decided to just keep quiet because of the heavy atmosphere but…


“Umm… does everyone have a problem?” Taemin asked sipping his orange juice.


“…” no one answered. It was like a splash of cold water during winter time.


“Umm, maybe after this we could use some relaxation in the pool. We can swim or have massages there if you want.” Manager suggested.


“Sure!!” the five boys said smiling broadly at their fantastic manager.


“Sis…” Lysa looked at her sister worriedly and Grace got the message.


“Manager, can I talk to you in private for a moment please.” Grace asked in a serious tone.


“… Ok, if you are done we could talk in my office.” Manager said standing up.


“Lysa, you can go ahead with the others to the people just make sure you are not alone.” Grace said before following the manager to his office.


“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Key asked worried.


“Ah I’ll tell you over at pool…” Lysa said to them smiling faintly.






                Back at the manager’s office; Grace sat in front of manager’s desk and was completely silent. Manager got a bit impatient of waiting and the heavy atmosphere was killing him figuratively.


“So what do you want to talk about?” He asked.


“Well… you see manager-”


“Please~ just call me Evan James. I feel really old being called manager, except for the boys~” He joked.


“Ah! Ok, Evan then.” Grace smile which made him feel like he was walking on cloud nine.


‘She called me Evan just as before…’ He thought and smiled every broadly.


“Evan, I won’t be staying here that long because of work. My boss said he would contact me in a few days when he needs me at work.” Grace said feeling said because she was having fun as well being with her sister and all of them.


“I guess you can’t help it. You have responsibilities to do.” Evan said sadly that Grace will be going back sooner than he thought she would.


“But that’s not the reason I came to talk to you. Since I would be leaving soon I trust that you guys would take care of my sister.” Grace said.


“Of course we would, we will all make sure that she had fun at the same time stay safe with us.” Evan said assuring Grace.


“I know that but with all the weird things happening here… I’m more worried for her safety. Just moments ago at my room, Lysa felt like someone was watching us from outside the window. And from my pass experience when ever Lysa got a hunch it’s very accurate.” Grace said explaining what happend in her own room.


“I understand, I’ll alert the guards and the staffs if they see anyone suspicious they will report to me immediately.” Evan said turning serious because he knows that he didn’t ask any of his men to watch over Grace when they had arrived at the island. It looks like someone was here that they didn’t know of.


“Thank you, Evan. sorry for taking much of your time.” Grace said with bow and heads out.


“No need to thank, just if any more weird things happen just come to me and I’ll find a solution.” Evan said in one go.


Grace paused for a while but started to giggle at Evan. He on the other hand blushed at his own words that came from his own mouth.


“Anyway still thanks and Evan you looked so cool just now *giggle*” Grace said as she walk off to where her sister are.


The minute that the door closed, Evan slumped down to his chair and run his fingers through his brown locks with frustration and a bit of grunting.


“*sigh* she must have thought that I was weird as well.” Evan said looking at the window then remembered what Grace had just said. Someone was watching then and no one noticed it except for Lysa and by now everybody knows how sensitive Lysa’s ‘instincts’ are if you want to call her ability like that.


“I need to be careful or things might just turn for the worst.” Evan said trying to figure out the resent events that just add up to his list.






At the pool, Lysa told what happened at her sister’s room. The boys looked at each other and each boy shook their heads indicating that none of them went out and spied on the girls this time around.


“I wonder if it’s my imagination…” Lysa said dipping her legs at the cool water.


“Probably not, but don’t worry. Lysa were here to protect you.” Jonghyun said in very cool way.


“Yeah right~ we should protect her from you!” Key said pushing him to the water. Poor Jonghyun was dripping in water by the time he got out of the pool.


“Yah! That’s not funny!” Jonghyun said shaking with anger.


“Yes it is and- *gasped*” Key gasped as he saw Jonghyun was blood shot eyes coming towards him.


“Jonghyun!” they all yelled. Minho and Onew grabbed him by the neck and shoulders to drag him back to his own room for supplements.


“Yah! This isn’t over! Diva! After this I’ll shred every piece of clothing you have!” Jonghyun said still being pulled by the two.


“What’s up with that?” Lysa was there to see it all except for Jonghyun’s eyes. It was a good thing that Jonghyun’s back was facing Lysa at that time.


“Don’t worry about that. Jonghyun hyung and umma are always like that. Practically like cats and dogs.” Taemin giggled at the thought.


“Let’s swim first and have fun!” Key said jumping in to the water.






               In another island, the trees were so tall that it looked like sky scrapers in the cities today. These tall trees blocks most of the sunlight or any light for that matter making the place seems dark and dangerous on a daily basis. But not for those who take shelter there like these two young men running as fast as they can to the Castle at the heart of the dark forest.


“We better hurry! His majesty is waiting and probably impatient already.” Yoochun said running faster avoiding animals and trees.


“Yeah~ but I still can’t believe this! And James was hiding this from us!” Yunho said following his energetic friend in the woods.


“Well~ his majesty will be the one to deal with him but first we need to tell him.” Yoochun said slowing down as they were near the gates of the castle.


Just as they expected the gates opened automatically for them. Looks like the King himself know that they have arrived and probably expecting good news from them. Yunho and Yoochun was greeted a lot of hello, hi and welcome back from the staffs in the castle after all they have been away for so long searching for information on his majesties behalf. The two went to the farthest and largest door of the south side of the castle. Yunho and Yoochun straitened their clothes then Yunho knocks on the door three times and waited for any response.


“Come in.” a voice from the inside said.


“…” the two entered which was seemed to be at throne room. They bowed at the sight of two figures in front of them.


“I assume you guys found something?” The man named Rain said. He is the ruler of all vampires and he trusts his loyal subject but that trust must be earned first.


“Yes, we think that we… found her already your majesty.” Yoochun said.


“If you had found her already, how come she’s not with you?” Rain asked the two.


“My dear, be a bit patient.”  The woman said rubbing his hands to calm him down.


“You see, we were curious about the people in Moon Island and we took the chance to look around there if there were any clues left to find her.” Yunho said.


“And it seems like James was there so we were planning to check on him. He was on vacation with the five princes, your majesty.” Yoochun added.


“And?” Rain beckoned them to keep going.


“We were about to leave but we came across a smell of humans and there saw princess Grace.” Yunho said.


“Interesting~ I gave James the job of babysitting my dear nephews and it seems he has a little too much time on his hands~” Rain said.


“It was a good decision to keep him near us. He himself found her.” The queen said.


“But there is something very odd with the princess.” Yoochun said.


“Odd?” Rain questioned.


“She… she’s human and was with another human girl name Lysa who she calls sister.” Yunho said.


“What!! Human? How? Did James do this to her?” Rain ask already standing up from his throne.


“We don’t know and from what we can tell princess Grace… can’t recognize any of the vampire she had known before nor does she know the existence of vampires.” Yunho said.


“That means James wasn’t recognized by my daughter? She doesn’t remember?” the queen asked.


“From what we can tell the answer is yes. She kept calling him ‘Manager’. The five princes right now have a hobby and it looks like to any normal person James is their manager.” Yoochun said.


“Even more interesting~~ then it would be easier for her to marry the man we choose for her that way James can’t interfere anymore.” Rain said his eyes turning red as blood.


“Then what should we do? We don’t know if she really is the princess and if she really is… she’s human.” Yunho asked.


“The solution is simple once she here with us. As for James, he’ll just have to face the music. Yunho… Yoochun… get her for me… including the girl with her she might be useful and this time do it at all cost. I don’t want to lose her again. Not this time.” Rain said his dark aura coming out of his system.


“As you wish your majesty.” With that Yoochun and Yunho set off to get the Princess and praying that they don’t need to spill unnecessary blood.






hope you like this one >_<

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Chapter 20: I just found this fic today, and I loveeee it :)
Please update sooon!
update soon
devinapurwadi #3
Please update! And fast! I've been waiting for so long ):
I'm so curious bout what's going to happen next
Btw, thumbs up! :]
my username is Taeminsfuturewife!! what a coincidence!!! :D
midst_lhady22 #5
OMO!! Im in danger??!!

Great story :)
Awwww....all I'm thinking about is " for James."<br />
I feel bad for him, since Grace doesn't remember him.
Grace is Lysa's mother, not sister?!<br />
Holy , then the manager is Lysa's father.<br />
Holy . 0.0<br />
They ing don't age! That's brilliant!<br />
But how did Grace turn human?<br />
And how is Jaejoong involved??<br />
I think I have a guess that is "Lysa actually Grace daughter ?" ahaha guessing only ..but another mystery that appear and I can't guess is who's Jaejoong ..keke craving for more !! xD<br />
update soon ~
Wow! I searusli am inlove with this story! Keep up with the good work!