Chapter 21 – seeing but still hard to believe

Lucky pick lucky me!!!

Lysa’s POV


Huh?!! I can see again!!! But where am I?? Oh this just great… I’m alone in the forest. I’ll just have to keep walking then maybe they’ll find me. Question is how the heck I ended up here when I was having a picnic with Key and Onew…


“Hey! We should get back! Stop fighting already!”


That’s Taemin!! Finally someone was near!


“Taemin! I was lost!!” I wave at him… but he doesn’t seem to react. Minho and Jonghyun wasn’t paying attention either… they are too busy wrestling each other.


“Hey guys!!! Can’t you hear me??!” I yelled as I came closer no one was reacting. This is weird… like they can’t see or hear me at all.


“Oh brother… I’m leaving you two, ok? I’m heading back. Who knows what Umma and Onew hyung is doing to Lysa.” Taemin said to the two. By this point I was shaking with fear. Why can’t they see me? I’m right behind Taemin yet he can’t even hear me.


“oy! Wait up!!” Jonghyun got up and run after Taemin who went ahead. Minho followed after. What is going on here?!!!!!






Key’s POV


“Lysa!! Lysa! OMG!!!!” Sh-t!!! She started sobbing. Why? What happening?


“Calm down Lysa. Shhhhss I’m here, Key is here with you. Please come back.” I said rocking back and forth then I realized that she still holding on to my necklace with her shaking hand now that she was crying.


“Lysa?” I pulled the pendant out of her grip the finally her eyes went back to normal. Her breathing was starting to get normal.


“Key? Key, is that you? I-I was…” she was now gripping shirt tightly as She can. I hugged her tightly to let her now I was here with her.


“It’s ok, Lysa. I’m here, tell me what’s wrong? You just blank out on us and well… after that started sobbing…” I said trying to calm her more. What was that?


 “I… I don’t know what happened. I was suddenly in the forest and I can see again but when I saw Taemin and the others… they can’t see or hear me…” she murmured…


“Whatever that was it’s over… for now at least. Just try to relax or maybe you should rest in your room?” I suggested.


She shakes her head in disagreement…“ I can’t rest now… I’m too scared to be alone. ‘IT’ might happen again…” she trailed off. If I were her I would be freaking out as well.


“Yeah but first let me take you inside, neh~” I tried to be at least seem unaffected so not to freak her out anymore than she already is.


Man… things gets weirder and weirder by the second. Better report this to Siwon and Grace. I looked at her face and even if it was fool of worry it was still way cute… ok Key you are NOT a sadist and keep your thoughts straight! Need to find Siwon!






            Back inside; when Siwon caught wind of the situation he took Lysa for more tests, trying to investigate what could have happen or what could have triggered it. After a few days with no luck with his usual test he gathered everyone in one room to question them about the situation. Hopefully, a little light can be shed in these events.


“I called you all today to question you about Lysa’s… visions if I may describe it. First Lysa can you tell us what happen in detail as much as possible.” Siwon said looking at her and urging her to start.


“Well… we were playing a game… a guessing game. Since I can’t see, I used my sense touch and smell to tell apart the items Key and Onew had put in my hands.” She pause thinking of what had happened next.


“Then I kind of felt Key’s pendant and asked about then when I held it in my hand that’s when ‘IT’ started… ” she stopped and turned to Key and Onew then to Minho, Jonghyun and Taemin.


“I was suddenly in the forest… at first I was shock that I can see again but I thought why I was there and where was Key and Onew? I started walking and saw Taemin, Minho and Jonghyun. When I called them they didn’t hear me… at first I thought maybe I wasn’t near enough but when I was clearly right beside them…they couldn’t even see me… ” Lysa stared at the floor blankly as she remembers the feeling.


“It was like I was invisible…” the she finished as she looked at Siwon or more like angled her face towards him if he has any more questions for her.


“Hmm… then let me ask Taemin, Minho, Jonghyun… did you guys saw her in the forest while you were feeding?” Siwon asked angling his face towards them.


“Not at all…” Taemin shakes his head and looked at Lysa for a moment then said “I didn’t hear her at all either…”


“Jonghyun and I were too busy wrestling each other when we were lazing around the forest… but we were sure that we didn’t see her there.” Minho said and Jonghyun was nodding in agreement with the statement.


           The suddenly before Minho can say anymore, Lysa injected “I saw that… I saw them playing and wrestling around… while Taemin was just sitting by the side watching them… I was there…” Lysa’s voice broke “I was there at that time until Taemin announce to them that he was going back and the two of them followed him…” tears were starting to flow out of the corner of her eyes even though she was fighting them… they were still visible.


“It’s ok; you are going to be alright.” Grace hugged her tight so as to feel that she isn’t alone.


“But how is this possible? She was there alright… all of what she said are the same of what we had done in the forest… but we didn’t see or hear her.” Jonghyun asked.


“That’s what we are going to figure out.  I’m pretty sure the thought of their senses going dull is impossible since the three of them were together and it would be weird if their senses were out of it at the same time.” Taecyeon said looking at them.


“Hey there is nothing wrong with us THAT are for sure.” Minho stated.


“Key, Onew… what about on your side? Lysa didn’t leave your sight the whole time right?” Siwon asked them.


“no she didn’t… she suddenly stiffen and her eyes were white by the time she was acting strange and get this she was gripping my necklace the whole time ‘IT’ happened and when I took it away… she just came back to normal.” Key said raising the pendant that Lysa was holding on before.


“What kind of necklace is that? And where did you get that?” Siwon asked eying the necklace… it looked very familiar to him.


“Taemin gave it to me…” Key looked at Taemin then nodded to him.


“Well… it was a present I got him when we were in France. There was a cute little antique store there and when I looked around I liked their items and bought one for hyung. His pendant is shaped like a snowflake and to add to that it has a blue diamond right in the middle.” Taemin took the  necklace and showed the pendant to Siwon.


“Taemin…” Siwon breathe in slowly and heavily when it dawned on him what it was and continued

“who sold you this? Don’t you know what THIS is?!” Siwon’s voice got higher by the word from his mouth.


“…” everyone was puzzled starring at the necklace and was a bit shock by Siwon’s reaction.


“… Didn’t you guys study your history?” Siwon asked exasperated.


 “Well… ehehe *cough* that depends on what part of history we’re talking about.” Jonghyun said sheepishly at him.


Siwon’s lips formed a thin line and “*sigh* you boys need to study AGAIN and his majesty will hear about you skipping a few of your classes.” Swon shakes their heads.


“WHAT!? That’s not fair! We are so over that like… years ago…” Key said.


“No buts, since I’m sure you will try to charm your way out of class… I’ll be the one to teach you now listen up. Do you guys remember about the first clan of vampires?” Siwon was staring to explain it to most of them.


“The first vampires ever walk the planet, the ones that has a very unique ability for each person, right?” Minho said remembering.


“Correct, back at their time things were a little chaotic. You see vampires were created by demons to be their… army at first and wasn’t any different to regular old demons that need humans for feeding. Each one was given a unique ability like to being able to manipulate the element such as water, earth, air and fire. The demons that created them were happy… having an army like that was at their advantage since war with the angels at that time was tough. But things didn’t go as planned; the angels were pretty smart and caught wind of their little creation and decided to play. They gave the vampire what the demons didn’t… a mind of their own. ” Siwon paused to see if their reaction and it looks like Onew was the only one who listened the whole time in class before.


“… did anyone besides Onew had seriously studied?! Anyone else?” Siwon asked exasperated.


“We did study! Just not all of them stuck here… if you know what I mean…” Jonghyun protested. He didn’t want to study all over again. I mean who would want to repeat it? Right?


“Oh really? Then what’s 72 divide by 8? Hmm?!” Siwon asked him. All attention was on Jonghyun right now.


“… ah… um… ok I got your point! Now stop pointing out my weakness!” Jonghyun hissed as every in the room laughed lightly. Most of them knew how Jonghyun hate doing math.


“Then it’s settled! Let’s refresh your mind on our history. Now where was I? oh yes… after being given a mind with knowledge and skill to learn, the vampires had risen up against demons to gain their own freedom and left the demons taking with them the unique abilities that was bestowed on them. They thought that they needing to act quickly and swiftly before the demons had found out that they have no more control over the powerful vampires that they had created. Now each vampire had e different ability as we all know. Along with that was a necklace that represent their power and that necklace also serves as a key or storage of their ability as legend had said since we have no proof before of what those necklaces can do for those who can attain it. In our old books some contain descriptions and pictures or more like sketches of what they could look like.” Siwon pause for a while…


“Are you implementing that this is one of those necklaces? That owned by the first vampires that roamed the earth…?” Key gripped the pendant and stared at it in disbelief.


“Well… hold that thought… let me get the description first…” Siwon left in a flash.


“I don’t believe it… maybe the necklace is a fake…?” Jonghyun asked outloud.


“Maybe… maybe not… the question is how come it affected Lysa?” Minho asks thinking what sort of connection Lysa has to the necklaces if it were real?


“Maybe… just maybe because she’s turning into one of us… I mean she was supposed to be the next in line for the throne after Grace. She could be as great as her or even better she has an ability that we don’t know yet.” Minho suggested.


“That’s one theory that made sense… let’s formulate more theories before Siwon gets back. So we can asked more question and let’s hope we find more answers than we find questions.” Onew said.


“oh! But… if that necklace IS REAL… I should have bought the other items back then!!!” Taemin squeaks.


“Wait… there was more… you saw more than one?” Key asked Taemin.


“Well yes… I only bought one since I was thinking of a present for Key umma… I did think it was more than just antique there… I thought I could just come back if want to buy again.”Taemin said fidgeting in his sit.


“Well we can’t do anything yet at least we should start by looking at the pictures and see if Taemin can remember if some of it was there in the shop.”  Onew said.


“These way ways WAY too much work! I hope Siwon will forget the extra lessons.” Jonghyun groans.


“…” Grace just hope they can get answers on what was going on with Lysa.






here is Key's necklace!!

photo snowflake4snowpendantkey.jpg


here's Lysa's

photo moon4quartermoonlysa.jpg

here's Grace's

photo moon6fullmoongrace.jpg




pls enjoy and sorry for the super delayed update ^^

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Chapter 20: I just found this fic today, and I loveeee it :)
Please update sooon!
update soon
devinapurwadi #3
Please update! And fast! I've been waiting for so long ):
I'm so curious bout what's going to happen next
Btw, thumbs up! :]
my username is Taeminsfuturewife!! what a coincidence!!! :D
midst_lhady22 #5
OMO!! Im in danger??!!

Great story :)
Awwww....all I'm thinking about is " for James."<br />
I feel bad for him, since Grace doesn't remember him.
Grace is Lysa's mother, not sister?!<br />
Holy , then the manager is Lysa's father.<br />
Holy . 0.0<br />
They ing don't age! That's brilliant!<br />
But how did Grace turn human?<br />
And how is Jaejoong involved??<br />
I think I have a guess that is "Lysa actually Grace daughter ?" ahaha guessing only ..but another mystery that appear and I can't guess is who's Jaejoong ..keke craving for more !! xD<br />
update soon ~
Wow! I searusli am inlove with this story! Keep up with the good work!