Something In Common

Zombie Apocalypse


Woah. Sungmin thought,his eyes widening in shock. The black door slowly swung away from his frozen fingers, the golden number plate glinting at the change of angle. In front of sungmin was the scariest yet most... intriguing sight he had ever seen.

His new room was like the exact depiction of hell. It was all black except for the walls, which were a blinding shade of white that popped out among the blackness. There were two bed; or really cots. Both were identical, covered in black sheets. Beside each of the beds, pushed up against opposite walls, were two large dressers. The room looked almost like a college dorm, split equally in half, each side mirroring the other.

All of the morbid colors weren't even the strangest part. There, among the darkness was Kyuhyun... in the middle of the room... with his shirt off.

The younger was facing away from the door, swiftly stripping himself of his shirt. He glanced back, noticing Sungmin watching him in shock. He smirked slightly and nonchalantly walked over to one of the dressers, pulling out a light blue t-shirt. As he pulled the shirt out and closed the drawer, he made sure his muscles flexed, taunting Sungmin.

"Come in, it's your room too after all." Kyu said, casually pulling his clean shirt over his head, now facing Sungmin. His abdomen stretched at the movement of his arms, Sungmin staring at it in silence.

Sungmin stared, his brain going dead for a few seconds.

Why. Is he. SO FREAKING MUSCULAR?! And what is with those scars! Sungmin's inner voice said, finally snapping out of its shock.

"Kyuhyun-ah,, what are those... scars?" Sungmin asked, his eyes glued on Kyu's abdomen. The blue shirt was already covering the earlier exposed skin but, the image was forever burned into Sungmin's head.

Curse my good memory! I can never unsee that! Sungmin said in his head, exasperated.


Oh please, who'd want to unsee that? Min's inner voice responded, snickering at his expense.

Sungmin stayed silent, blushing lightly. He ignored the teasing voice in his head and instead waited for Kyu's answer.

"Before I joined the Resistance, I got into a car crash while escaping the zombies with my family." Kyuhyun replied, snarling when he mentioned the un-dead that he hated so much. "My parents were killed by the zombies while trying to get out of the car. I got away but the broken glass of the window I got out from scratched me. These scars were left behind as a sort of reminder of that day."

There was a short silence after Kyuhyun's explanation, the younger picking at his shirt silently. His mind was still full of darkness but the smallest speck of memory made its way out into the open.

Kyu... hyun. A woman's weak voice gasped in his head. Kyu clenched his jaw, using all of his willpower to push the painful memory back. The woman's voice faded and was replaced by silence once again, darkness taking over Kyu's mind.


A soft sniff caught Kyuhyun's attention, making him snap his head up to look at Sungmin.

"Are you... crying?" He asked in disbelief, his dark orbs focusing on Sungmin's face. His delicate hands were weakly covering his face, clumsily wiping away tears.

"N-no, stupid." Sungmin choked out in response, sniffing quietly. He pulled at the ends of his black sleeves with his thin fingers, rubbing them against his eyes to stop the tears.

... Awww. Kyuhyun's inner voice said in a quiet voice.

Oh my god, no. Stop it, stop it. He isn't cute. Stop. Kyuhyun growled in his head, unable to stop looking at the sniffling bunny in front of him.

"It's just... m-my parents were k-killed too but you have constant r-reminders." Sungmin stuttered as he sobbed. He sniffed loudly, lowering one arm and wiping both of his eyes one last time with his other one. He looked up at Kyuhyun with red, puffy eyes, looking innocent as ever.

Aaaaaand my heart just melted. Kyuhyun's inner voice said with a sigh.





Hi sweeties!

I think I have a thing for defiant inner voices...

Comment what you think! Oh and vote too~

ANNOUNCEMENT: Alrighty then, if you're not being a lazy and actually reading this: I applaud you. Most of you may have noticed that my updates have been slowing down, like A LOT (no longer daily...). I have a few weeks of school left so my teachers have been piling on the homework (which I don't do) especially English. That class, I actually have to get done (I love the teacher and I don't want her to hate me). Soooooo my updates will be sort of REALLY slow. I hope you don't mind and I hope you guys don't leave me because of that. I'll attempt to fit in some writing here and there but I don't know if I'll be able to stick to a schedule. That also goes for updating Orphan to Vampire Prince?

Guys~ I gots 68 subbies right now. Idk why, but this just makes me so happy. Which is weird cause O2VP? has like 261 subscribers... which is a bigass difference.

I guess it's just cause I know people don't usually like zombies so this story isn't as popular as a story with y vampires and Eunhae in it. So I appreciate what I got.

Yeah optimism!

I'll update when I find an opportunity! BYE~

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Thank you!
Liviaismuah Read this please... just thought you should see it. ^^


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Annyeong9 #1
Hey hey hey, Livia is my name. *not officially though* Why did you pick that exact name? That is my unofficial nickname. not that I mind though. I only picked it up from the anime "Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii" The hero/king name was Livius The 1st/Issen. I chose to be the female version. Now why am I even rambling here. Well, I'm just saying. (Notice me Senpai_JKLMAO)
Thalia_ELF #2
Chapter 21: Chapter 21
Oh hell yeah you like him kyu hehhh

Aww is kangin a zombie here??
Thats why teukie i sad


Awww is kamgin will be ever to be a human again?..
Thalia_ELF #3
Chapter 11: Chapter 11
Thalia_ELF #4
Now reading!!! Love the foreword authour-nim
MinSungYoung #5
Chapter 21: teukkie <3
riekyu #6
Chapter 21: Yohooooo
My kyumin love lamp is starting to glow and twinkling ><
Kyu and ming is toooo cuteeee
wanna bite those two love bird x3

And dont worry teuki umma
uri jinki and minnie will absolutely find cure for kangin appa
Chapter 21: OhMyFreakingKyuhyunEvilBunnySungmin God!!! I just literally squealed when Kyuhyun finally admitted that he likes Minnie!!

And poor Teukkie! T_____T
_mary101 #8
Chapter 13: Oh... they already like each other ♡♡♡
But Kyuhyuns... you're such a ert teaser x)
_mary101 #9
Chapter 2: I love the poster. At first i thought it's like i'm a legend's movie but i was wrong. And i love this more ^^♡♡♡