My Friend?

(ON HOLD)Cheondung Missing at the Airport

While Cheondung was deep in his thoughts, Val had already finish her call with her dad. 

She looked at him for a while and thought, damn he is really good looking. 

Very adorable. But where have she seen him before?

She walked up to him and pushed his shoulder softly.

"Hey, my dad said he's gonna be here soon. We better wait outside."

"Yeah, sure." He replied while looking distracted.

"Got everything you need?" She asked him.

"Only this bag pack. I guess my stuff was brought by my friends."

"Are you having second thoughts whether you should follow me? Wait, why am I even asking? Of course you are."

He just looked at her suprisingly. 

"So I am right. Okay, let it all out. Let out all your worries before my dad gets here."

Cheondung took a deep breath in and let it out.

He shook his shoulders to get rid of the none-acquired tension.

"Okay. Why are you helping me? You don't even know me." He asked her while staring at her in the eye.

"I'm helping you because... The reason why I'm helping you is because... I have no idea why am I helping you."

She said that last part to herself but was still heard by Cheondung.

"Wait wait wait! I got it! When I saw you like that, I just had to help. Like I know I would feel bad if I did not lend you a helping hand. And just like that, I followed my gut." 

"And besides, in my head maybe when I get lost next time at some foreign land, some random nice person would help me too. You know, a good deed for a good deed? Like karma."

Cheondung just looked at her weirdly. He understood but still weirded out.

"Huh. Another question. Are you sure you don't know who I am?"

"I really don't know you. But you look awful familiar but I just don't know where."

"I swear if you tell me that stupid line again, I will ddambaki you."

"Huh? What's bamamaki?" 

"Not bamamaki. It's ddambaki. It's this."

He flicked her forehead with his fingers and it didn't even make a noise but she yelped and rub her forehead.

"Owww! What the heck man? That hurt!"

He smiled at her and said "I know."

She squinted her eyes at his reply and was about to say something but heard a honk and saw her dad in a red van.

She waved and opened the sliding door.

She turned to him and saw him just standing there.

"Another question. Are you sure you don't know who I am and that you're not kidnapping me?"

"Oh dear me! Yes I am sure I don't know you and I swear on my cat's life I am not kidnapping you. Now get in!"

"Promise?" He asked with the look and tone that told her not to mess with him but sadly couldn't being taken seriously because of his cute face.

"Yes I promise. Now get in." She glared at him with her eyes.

He moved into the van quite fast and she closed the door and hopped onto the passenger side.

"Hey dad." She smiled at him.

"Hey baby girl. How was the trip? You enjoyed yourself?" He asked his daughter.

"Totally. Oh yeah, meet my friend. His name is ah...."

They were at a stop light so her dad turn to her waiting for her to say her friends name.

She was about to turn behind to ask for his name but Cheondung jut put out his hand to the front and said "Cheondung. My name is Cheondung. I'm Korean."

The dad grabs the hand and shook it.

"That would explain why you so tall and fair boy. But your English, it's really good."

"I'm half Philipine as well."

"Ahh, so that's why. Well welcome to our home Cheondung. I hope you find what you're looking for or what you need in your life. Oh and just call me Uncle. It be much easier."

"Yes Uncle." He smiled at him at the rear view mirror.

That was a close one, Val thought. And also a very stupid one too. I mean, how can you not know his name? I bet you didn't even remember to introduce yourself too.

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So two updates in one morning. I must be crazy, I need some sleep at the right time.


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blaqies5 #1
Chapter 19: update soon please :3
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 18: Just when they started to get closer they end up fighting.
Kyung1Ari #3
Chapter 16: Woohoo, two chapters.
Seungho, G.O, and Joon are pabos. Good chapters.
Princessfly #4
Chapter 14: ALMOST TO THE GOOD PART (Food) DDDDD:!!!
blaqies5 #5
Chapter 14: update soon :3
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 14: :o This is going too be an interesting dinner.
Chapter 14: well atleast Doongie has Gina's approval and Dad too hehe