Dinner Part One

(ON HOLD)Cheondung Missing at the Airport


"We're back!" They shouted from the front door and kicked off their shoes and shuffled to the kitchen. 
"Aigoo so many things. What, are we feeding an army or something?" 
Val entered the kitchen with Gina in her arms, her hair all bunned up,  partially dry from her bath.
"Yes and no." Belle said.
"Yes because most of this stuff is for restocking the pantry and that our family alone is like an army and no because, we don't know if your guest eats like an army so we just bought lots of stuff." Gene grinned.
"You're lucky my job has a really good pay." She grum bled.
"Where's Cheondung?" She asked.
"Miss me?" His somewhat husky voice came from behind, near her ear and she jumped.
"No, why would I?" Her face red from their close proximity.
"Doong-doong!" Gina put her hands out for him to pick her up.
Val was in shock. Gina can say another person's name? She never calls out anybody but me! 
"I was talking to the baby, by the way." He took Gina and went into the living room.
"Oohh! I knew that!" She shouted from the kitchen and Cheondung just smiled to himself.
Halfway almost done, a black van came entering their home.
Cheondung was outside, sitting on the rocking chair with Gina when he saw someone's head popped out from the roof of the car.
"Annyeong!" Mireu grinned at his hyung.
"No way!" He said, disbelief etched in his face.
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So two updates in one morning. I must be crazy, I need some sleep at the right time.


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blaqies5 #1
Chapter 19: update soon please :3
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 18: Just when they started to get closer they end up fighting.
Kyung1Ari #3
Chapter 16: Woohoo, two chapters.
Seungho, G.O, and Joon are pabos. Good chapters.
Princessfly #4
Chapter 14: ALMOST TO THE GOOD PART (Food) DDDDD:!!!
blaqies5 #5
Chapter 14: update soon :3
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 14: :o This is going too be an interesting dinner.
Chapter 14: well atleast Doongie has Gina's approval and Dad too hehe