Where Have You Been?!

(ON HOLD)Cheondung Missing at the Airport


"Morning girls!" 
Her dad stepped in a few minutes before the time they usually leave.
None of them replied and all just stared at him while tapping their foot.
"Where have you been?"
"Do you know what time is it right now?"
"You were supposed to be home before the time it is right now."
"You could have called."
"We were worried sick because of you."
All five of his daughters fired at him at once and all he could do was cringe.
"That's right, cringe dad. Don't you not cringe. You were supposed to be back last night but you weren't and now we're a few minutes late." Val scolded her dad.
"I just forgot about the time that's all." He said back.
"Oh well great. At the same time, you forgot about the five daughters and one granddaughter you left behind all night as well huh?" The second daughter told her dad off.
"That's not what I mean." 
"Then what are you trying to say dad?" The third asked him.
"Exactly." The fourth one said.
"But but but don't you want to know what happened to your dad's date last night?"
"What? She was so old she had a heart attack and died on the spot?" The fifth one sarcastially told her dad.
"Noooo. That would be a waste. No, she told me she had fun last night and she wants to meet again sometime soon."
And in instant, his daughters went from mad to surprised happy for their old man.
"Seriously?! She wants to meet up with you again?"
"What did you do to her?"
"Usually women run from him out of awkwardness."
"What?! It's true!"
Before they got too engrossed, their dad pointed at the watch on the wall and they scattered to get their things and rushed to the car.
"Everything check?"
"Kay, let's..Whoa! Whoa! Where is she? Baby Gina? You in here?!"
The grandfather shouted in the small confine space that is called a car in search of his granddaughter.
They all heard her giggle in the back seat and her dad mentally sighed relief.
"Jeez, don't have to shout. We're not that old."
"Yeah, so unnecessary."
"Oh trust me, that was necessary." The father told his daughters.
"Wouldn't want that to happen twice." He thought in his head.
And off their dad drove, sending his daughters to their stop as always.
It was just like every other normal day but Val felt something was going to happen.
She just didn't know what.


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So two updates in one morning. I must be crazy, I need some sleep at the right time.


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blaqies5 #1
Chapter 19: update soon please :3
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 18: Just when they started to get closer they end up fighting.
Kyung1Ari #3
Chapter 16: Woohoo, two chapters.
Seungho, G.O, and Joon are pabos. Good chapters.
Princessfly #4
Chapter 14: ALMOST TO THE GOOD PART (Food) DDDDD:!!!
blaqies5 #5
Chapter 14: update soon :3
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 14: :o This is going too be an interesting dinner.
Chapter 14: well atleast Doongie has Gina's approval and Dad too hehe