Dinner Part Three

(ON HOLD)Cheondung Missing at the Airport


Val was seating at the head of the table and her baby was seated at her left. 
Her sisters all sat at the left side and the guys sat on the right side with Cheondung on the first sit next to her. 
"Well dig in everybody." 
And they all dug in their food and G.O commented on her cooking.
"This beef stew is really good Val! You are such a great cook." 
"Thank you G.O oppa. But actually I didn't come up with the cooking stuff. This all came from Gene and Del."
"Really?" G.O asked while gaping disbelief at the two girls.
They just smiled sweetly back and Gene looked at Seungho, who was eating everything on the table heartily.
"Ah hyung! That was mine!" Mir scolded his leader but was ignored.
"We never had this many people on the dining table before." Belle said to Mir.
"Really?! So we're the first? Omo, I feel honoured." 
Mir said while staring at Belle and Belle stared back.
They both smiled at each other at the same time but the moment got disturbed by Joon.
"Pabo maknae. Why would you feel honored by that?"
"Why can't he feel honored by that?" Mel rebutted at him.
"Because we're just having dinner with you guys. Why would he feel honored by that?"
"Oh, so just because you're an idol, you shouldn't feel honored by eating with normal people like us?"
"I never said that." He glared at her.
She glared back.
"You didn't have to. It's obviously written on your face."
You could actually see or more like imagine, there's like eletricity between the two of them as they glare.
Or more like lasers, as the look of it is now.
"Okay! Who wants seconds?!" Val shot up from the table and Seungho raised his hands faster than anyone else.
"I'll get it for you." Gene put out her hand for his plate and he gave it to her. 
"Me too! I want more!" Mir said and Cheondung took it instead of Val.
"You just sit. You worked hard today." He said to her and she smiled at him gratefully.
"Joon hyung, do you want some more?"
Joon just gave his plate over without taking his eyes off Mel.
"This is very awkward, isn't it G?" Val turned to her baby.
As always, she just giggles.
"Aigoo. Why are you so cute hah baby?" 
Val softly pinch her baby's cheeks and wiggle wiggle her baby fat.
"Of course, she's just like you." Seungho stated and she looked up and saw him gazing at her.
"Kamsamida Oppa." 
When Seungho gave the compliment to Val, Gene was actually at the entrance of the kitchen door, looking at Seungho who's looking at her oldest sister.
She didn't realised that Cheondung Oppa was behind her.
She turned around, slightly bowing her head so Cheondung Oppa wouldn't see her eyes.
"Dae oppa?"
"You okay?"
She just nodded and turned around and place Seungho's plate of rice on the table. 
She sat and ate her dinner quietly.
'He didn't even say thank you.' She thought sadly.
But actually he did, it's just that she didn't hear him.
They all had their dinner with more chaos than the family has ever had. 
Seungho and G.O was still hitting on Val and Cheondung was glaring at his hyungs for trying to make a move on Val.
Mir and Lee Joon was pre-occupied with Belle and Mel.
 Well Lee Joon was just busy annoying Mel and Mel likewise. 
Gene was cleaning up the dishes and was getting the dessert ready.
She called out her younger sisters to help out but none of them replied except for Del.
She was sulking a little.
"What's wrong with you?" Val snapped at her.
"Nothing. What's wrong with you?" Del snapped back.
"Nothing. Just that people are so stupid that's all!"
"Well I'm thinking the same thing as well. Stupid baboons, they are."
Both of them agreed at the same unspoken thing in anger and annoyance.
"He didn't completely ignore me, just that I have little attention as it is. He's just blindly flirting with Big Sis and I'm there, in front of him, waiting for him to pay attention to me."
"Well you're luckier. I'm just a dumb invisible person for him. Idiot  good looking person."
"I mean, we've got looks. Hell, boys from my school wants to date us."
"I know right?!"
They stayed quiet for a moment and looked at each other.
"Are we lacking something?" Gene asked sadly.
"They're looking for grown up women, like Big Sis who has charisma and confidence and oozes out feminity."
"And motherhood."
"And Big Sis-hood."
"All which the both of you will have in the future."
They both turned to see Cheondung and Val, smiling at them.
"How long were you guys there?!" Del asked.
"Long enough." Val said.
They looked down in embarrasment.
"But we're not like you." Gene said.
"Oh but you are. All of you are so alike you have no idea how much you reseamble each other." Cheondung said.
"I would know cos unlike them, I stayed wih you guys. And you sisters are the most awesomest, most beautiful young ladies I have ever met." He put his arms around their shoulders.
"Hyungs are lucky to have you interested in them but they are also pabos so you have to forgive them for not seeing you clearly."
He patted both their heads and the sisters hugged their favourite Oppa in thanks.
Val just smiled at them and nodded in gratitude at Cheondung and he just smiles back.
"Where's the pie Cheondung?" Seungho's voice asked from outside.
"Geez, mood killer." Cheondung muttered and the sisters laughed out loud.
"Cheondung? What is taking you so long?"
"Yeah yeah I'm coming old man!"
He brought out the apple pie and Val followed suit, bringing the vanilla cream as well, not before saying something to her sisters.
"He's right you know? You both are the most beautiful young ladies I have ever met and I bet you would be the one and only beautiful young women when you grow up."
They smiled at their big sis for comforting them and Val couldn't help but tease them.
"I would know cos I'm one." She poked out her tongue and gave them a wink.
"Yahhh!" The girls chased her out of the kitchen and just like that, they were closer.
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So two updates in one morning. I must be crazy, I need some sleep at the right time.


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blaqies5 #1
Chapter 19: update soon please :3
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 18: Just when they started to get closer they end up fighting.
Kyung1Ari #3
Chapter 16: Woohoo, two chapters.
Seungho, G.O, and Joon are pabos. Good chapters.
Princessfly #4
Chapter 14: ALMOST TO THE GOOD PART (Food) DDDDD:!!!
blaqies5 #5
Chapter 14: update soon :3
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 14: :o This is going too be an interesting dinner.
Chapter 14: well atleast Doongie has Gina's approval and Dad too hehe