What's Happening?!

(ON HOLD)Cheondung Missing at the Airport


"Hello?" Her dad picked up his phone.
"Dad, you at home?" 
"Yeah baby girl. Why?"
"Could you pass the phone to Cheondung?" 
Her dad hesitated. 
Her daughter sounded like she was when someone in the house made a huge mistake of messing with her.
There was one time when they let Gina touch her make up and she ended up smearing her face with it and eating the lipstick. 
The girls were horrified at the mess but was even more terrified when Val stated calling one by one of them to her room and they didn't come out the whole night.
My late wife, bless her soul, told me not to interfere with the girls when their against each other. It will work out.
But the thing is now that its not the girls that she has a problem with, it's Cheondung and frankly, he was terrified for the poor boy.
"Give the phone to him." Her daughter said, a silent threat hidden between the lines.
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you son. It was nice knowing you and thank you for making Gina happy." 
Uncle said to Cheondung dramatically while covering the phone's speaker.
"What? Hello?" Cheondung asked.
"Hi Cheondung. Just calling up to say hi and that you are going to die soon, in my hands."
Then she hung up.
"What did she say boy?" Uncle asked Cheondung.
"She said I was going to die soon, in her hands."
"Ooohhh just got real." Uncle said that while covering his granddaughter's ears.
"You better run boy before she eats you alive."
"Uncle, not helping here."
"Well I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do for you now. Even I'm scared of my own daughter."
"Why would she wanna kill me?" 
"Well you must have done something to her to piss her off like that."
"But I don't even remember doing or even saying anything offensive to her. You guys left me and Gina out this morning!"
"Shhhh!" Uncle put his hands on Cheondung's mouth, a rather dramatic but effective way to shush the younger one up and looked from side to side for any eavesdroppers.
"That never happened. I left her here because I knew she was safe in your company. That's the only story that you know, you understand?" 
Cheondung just stare at him with a pokerface and Uncle let him go.
"And what do I get from this?" Cheondung asked.
"Anything you want." Uncle replied.
"Find out why she wants to kill me." Cheondung said and he crossed his arms so the message was loud and clear that he was serious about his proposal.
"Aish, why out of all things, must he choose that?!" Uncle thought.
Meanwhile at the radio station, Val was fuming because of Cheondung not telling her he was a part of MBLAQ.
"Why am I mad at him I don't even know! I just know I'm just mad at him!" She thought angrily. 
"Psst Val! Hurry! We're up in three minutes." One of the tadio techs told her.
She went and sat down with MBLAQ and waited for the last song to play.
"Hello hello hi there all the good looking listeners of KPopIsAllGood! That was EXO-K titled "MAMA". Now I have a little surprise for all those A+ who's tuning in right now! Guess who came visiting the studio this wonderful morning? Yupe you guessed right, it's Rain's children, MBLAQ!" 
"Annyeonghaseyo! We are MBLAQ. Please look at us prettily!" 
"Well that won't be a problem since all of you are so good looking! Oops, A+, don't hate me for flirting! But I just seem to can't help myself." 
Everybody else laughed at that.
"But wait, one two three four? There's only four of you? I thought MBLAQ had five members. With one missing, it's like MBLA without the Q."
Then Seungho stepped up and explained as a leader why one of s couldn't join us.
"Yes well sadly, although we all look healthy and some of us are healthy, it turns out our visual maknae is not. So we've let him rest for the moment and yes, Doongie if you are listening to this, I hope you're fine and healthy. Fighting!" 
"Wahh. That was sweet Seungho-shii. Well moving on."
And for a whole one hour they were together and all Val could think about was how guilty how she felt when she heard the hidden message in Seungho's message to Cheondung.
In that whole hour, they played quizzes, talked to lucky A+'s and became friends. 
So when she invited MBLAQ over for dinner after the show, they weren't hesitant and said yes immediately. 
"Well, today was fun yes?" She asked the members and they responded with energetic YES, especially Mir.
"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" E shouted into the mic and everyone laughed.
"I'm glad but sadly our time with the fun and very good looking MBLAQ has come to an end and they have to go."
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Mir shouted  and sobbed dramatically and all the other members tried to hold their laughter but Seungho and Val couldn't.
"Hahahaha, yes well I'm sad as well too Mireu-shii but I hope and pray for success for MBLAQ and that you all will achieve the goals that you have set for yourself and the team. Let's say MBLAQ FIGHTING at three. One, two, three!"
"MBLAQ FIGHTING!" They all cheered and clapped as their time has come to an end.
"Now lets hear a few of the requested MBLAQ songs we've got. DJ, hit it!" Val said and she went outside to say goodbye to the MBLAQies.
"We'll see each other afterwards yeah?" G.O asked her for confirmation.
"Dae G.O shii." She said, beaming at him.
"Call me Oppa." He told her and she felt something in her.
"Ah- aaa, dae Oppa." She called him and suddenly it was hot in here.
He smiled at that and the members didn't wanna lose to him so they told her to call them Oppa as well.
"Call me Oppa too!" Mireu said.
"What are you talking about boy? She's older than you!" Joon scolded him.
"Eh?" Mireu looked at her in disbelieve.
She just nodded and he looked at her dissapointed.
It's like looking at Puss in Boots when he pult out his secret weapon, The Unbeatable Pout of Death.
"Aigoo, it's okay. I'll call you Oppa as well. Mireu Oppa!" She called out to him.
And you could see his pride went up another level and how happy he was at her calling.
"Aish this boy is too much. Move aside punk." Joon pushed him away from Val.
Then he opened his arms wide.
"Come here." He told her.
Her eyes went wide at that but she still went to him.
And they hugged for almost a long time.
And she heard him whisper to her, "Kamsamida for taking care of Cheondung for us." And he let her go.
She just smiled at him, letting him know that it was no problem.
G.O, Mir and Seungho was glaring at Joon the whole time when he hugged her. 
"That's it! Let's go!" G.O pulled Joon's collar from behind to the van, not before thanking Val for a nice time.
Now there's only Seungho and Val left.
"Could I get a hug as well?" Seungho asked her.
Aigo, this group is very daring, she couldn't help but think that.
She just hugged him as well.
Then she heard Mireu telling on Seungho at G.O.
Seungho quickly let go of Val and asked her for her phone.
Then he called his phone with her phone.
"There. Now you have my number and I have yours." He smiled cutely at her and she had to smile back.
"Yah." G.O grabbed Seungho's shoulders and dragged him away too.
She just waved at them until she no longer see their black van.
"What just happened?" She asked herself and went back to work until her shift was done.
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So two updates in one morning. I must be crazy, I need some sleep at the right time.


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blaqies5 #1
Chapter 19: update soon please :3
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 18: Just when they started to get closer they end up fighting.
Kyung1Ari #3
Chapter 16: Woohoo, two chapters.
Seungho, G.O, and Joon are pabos. Good chapters.
Princessfly #4
Chapter 14: ALMOST TO THE GOOD PART (Food) DDDDD:!!!
blaqies5 #5
Chapter 14: update soon :3
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 14: :o This is going too be an interesting dinner.
Chapter 14: well atleast Doongie has Gina's approval and Dad too hehe