He goes missing.

(ON HOLD)Cheondung Missing at the Airport

They were the last ones to get out from the plane because G.O did not have the heart to wake up his poor baby.

Although Mireu is the maknae but visually Cheondung seems more of the maknae than Mireu is. 

"Seung, look at him. He sleeps like a baby now. I feel so bad for having to wake him up."

Seungho just smiles at G.O knowing how soft-hearted his friend is. Such an eomma, Seungho thought.

"Come on G. Wake your baby up. I'll wake up the other two kids. We have to meet manager at the luggage area. You know how he don't likes waiting."

G.O softly wakes Cheondung up and Cheondung whines a bit, open his eyes, and pouts sleepily. 

"Come on, you can sleep later kay? Now the air-stewardess gotta go drive another flight. We can't keep them waiting."

Cheondung heaves himself up and latches his arm around G.O's arms and they walked out from the plane into the Immigression area.

G.O gave Cheondung his pasport and they stood in the same line. He gave the sleepy head a little push when it was his turn to go. At the other side, Seungho was waiting all of them and he kept an eye on the other two kids. Cheondung trudged to his side and stood there sleepily.

Seungho smiled and ruffled his hair. "Hang tight there Doongie. Just a little bit more." Cheondung just "mmm" him.

When G.O came through, Cheondung grabbed the back of G.O's leather jacket and closed his eyes whole walking the whole time.

The four of them grabbed a trolley for their luggage while Cheondung was still standing there sleepily. G.O told him to sit and wait for them.

He sat there and started to nod off when he felt someone sat next to him. He turned and saw this small sized girl smiling at him and she looked tired as well.

"Long flight huh?" She asked with her eyes closed and he "mmm" at her with his eyes closed too. He felt her nodding at his answer and they both drifted off to sleep. What they didn't realized was that she fell asleep on his shoulder and he on her head and that they looked like a couple in their own world. 

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So two updates in one morning. I must be crazy, I need some sleep at the right time.


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blaqies5 #1
Chapter 19: update soon please :3
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 18: Just when they started to get closer they end up fighting.
Kyung1Ari #3
Chapter 16: Woohoo, two chapters.
Seungho, G.O, and Joon are pabos. Good chapters.
Princessfly #4
Chapter 14: ALMOST TO THE GOOD PART (Food) DDDDD:!!!
blaqies5 #5
Chapter 14: update soon :3
Kyung1Ari #6
Chapter 14: :o This is going too be an interesting dinner.
Chapter 14: well atleast Doongie has Gina's approval and Dad too hehe