Your Touch...Your Warmth

A Royal Fantasy (On Hiatus)

Chapter 1 : Your Touch...Your Warmth 

*Please this link for the song*

Kris POV 
I looked at Faye , I hadn’t slept all night . Not because I care for her or anything . But because the Empress was sitting right beside Faye . She hasn’t slept either . God , It’s only been the 2nd day since she’s been here and she’s making everything difficult . Lay was falling asleep on the chair beside me , I nudged him in the hips . “ Yah !” He opened his eyes and glared at me , I turned back to Faye  , Acting like nothing happened . Mother turned to Lay , to give him a look , but Lay regained his clam usual self and sat up properly . 
“ Why isn’t she waking up ?” The Empress asked looking at Lay . “ She has been like this for 24 hours , Are you sure you know what is going on ?” Lay looked between the Empress and I . Faye had turned even more paler during the night , now it would be early in the morning and she still hasn’t woken up . “ Actually , it’s been 48 hours !” The Empress exclaimed and glanced at Faye . “ F-faye…” The Empress whispered , Faye didn’t move at all . 
“ I think she is just tired from the whole-” Lay couldn’t even finish his sentence when the women in talking did something . As in , Moved
“ Stop staring at my face,” She whispered , I looked at the Empress,  she looked at me and looked away . “ You . Lanky Prince,” She opened her eyes and glared at me . What ? I wasn’t staring at her ! I readjusted my seating on the chair . The Empress helped her sit upright , Faye rubbed her eyes , her eyes seemed red . Although , I didn’t give a damn about the girl …I was kind of worried . Just a smidge . “ Why are you all here ?” She asked . 
“ Faye . Dear,” The Empress held Faye’s hand , who just looked at the Empress with no sort of emotion whatsoever . Just like her usual self . I wonder what made her like that . Then it hit me , because of this ..Weird Creature , I wasn’t able to meet that little girl !..To be honest , I don’t even know why I want to meet the little girl ..She just reminds me of me. “ Did you dream of anything bad , my dear ?” I turned back to Faye , this I had to see . Why was she in the same dream as the Little Girl..? “ Faye ?” 
“ Uh…” She looked between everyone but avoided my eyes . “ I don’t mean to ruin this serious moment..” She ruffled her hair . “ But I would honestly love to wash up before I answer anything ,” The Empress nodded , taking Faye to the bathroom . I just sat there , my eyes drooping down , Lay beside me got up . 
“ I’m going to go now , I’ll listen to the story later..” And then he left , I felt my eye lids closing . Damn , Kris , Be a man . 
3 hours later… 
I rolled around . Wait…I rolled around . Where ? God knows . All I know it that I felt fluffiness everywhere . I squished onto something . What the hell was this ? I opened my eyes and sat up straight rubbing my eyes . I blinked . Once . Twice . To get at least a reorganization to where I am . I’m still in Faye’s Room . In her bed . What ? I gasped . Where was she ? She was ill , she was meant to be sitting here ! I stood up , before I go looking for her , it’s better if I clean myself first . Before , I went out , I washed up , wore my ‘princely’ clothing’s . Then I walked out , No one was in the bedroom  . I even checked Roro’s room but she wasn’t there either . 
I went to the dining room , the maids looked up at me with surprise . “ Have you seen Lady Yu ?” I asked , they shook their head ,as if they were in a daze . Gosh ,I know I’m beautiful but don’t make it that obvious . I walked straight ahead , She was no where in sight . Then I saw the priest , I ran up too him . “ Have you see Lady Yu ?” I asked him , The Priest looked up at me . 
“ Ah , Huang Taizi..” The Priest smiled up at me . Okay , I mean , Old people are okay , but when they look at you in that ‘affectionate’ way they suppose is really ‘Affectionate’ , it’s just plain creepy . I looked at me , telling him to go on . “ I saw all the Wangzi’s over near the garden , I believe Lady Yu and Lady Bao was with them,” I nodded , Damn , that girl . She goes around the whole place even when she is ill . I’m a prince with princely duties , and I am excusing them just to talk to her . I walked ..Well..Speed walked over to the Royal Garden . And the Priest was right . There were Exo and the girls all together . Sitting down and talking , as if they were friends all along . 
“ Faye-Faye..” Tao smirked as he edged closer to Faye , who didn’t seem to notice , she just smiled at him and nodded . “ You look really pretty when you smile..” She covered and playfully smacked Tao on the arm . “ Yah , Do you think I’m joking ? I actually think you do !” He then gave her a hug , my eyes widened , He just gave . A Girl . A Hug . Your not even meant to touch as girl . Especially if she’s going to be MY wife . Wait…I can’t believe I just said that ! I strode towards them , trying to not to look angry at all . “ Whoa , Gege..Are you okay ?” I looked at Tao right in the eye . He edged back , his arms still around Faye , who was just talking to Lay . Not . Noticing . ME . At . All .
“ Yah ! Weird Girl !” I pointed at her . Faye turned to face me , not scared about giving me the ‘eye-to-eye’ look . “ Your ill . You should be lying down not-” I looked around . The Flowers .  The greenery . Hay fever ? “ You shouldn’t be here,” Faye just looked at Roro who smirked and shook her head . Was I saying anything wrong ?
I’m fine,” She looked up and met my eyes . “ I just had a bad night , that’s all , It’ll be gone,” she then sighed . “ Plus , I’m happier sitting here with these guys,” I rolled my eyes and was about to sit down with them all when I heard someone calling me , I turned around to see the Priest . 
“ Oh , Huang Taizi,” He bowed , Did he really have to come now ? “ The Emperor has called You to the meeting room , There is much to discuss,” I stood up , Gosh , A life of prince shall never end . I walked in front of the old guy . His some creepy man , I’m telling you . He keeps on looking at me in that disgusting way of his . Suddenly , I heard footsteps and turned around . 
“ Oh , Gege,” Chen gasped , as if he had run a mile , he handed me an apple . “ Faye-Faye said you should at least eat something before you go and do those 'Princely’ duties ,” I looked at the apple .He smiled happily and ran back to the other’s . As I walked back to the castle, I don’t know , but I felt sad . It’s like I was going away from something important , like I was leaving happiness behind . I looked back one last time . Stop being such a softie , Kris . 
The door opened for the meeting room and I went in to be bowed upon by fellow politicians and ministers . I nodded back to them as I walked towards my throne , beside my father . As I sat down , My father shook his head at me . “ A Prince,” He snorted at me . “ You didn’t even welcome the future politicians and lord over here , but you came in and sat down , What a great King you shall be !” I stood up , my fingers shaking . He doesn’t know how hard I try . He doesn’t know . I closed my eyes . Control yourself Kris . Control yourself. “ Okay , Men.” Father shouted , “ It seems like the Koreans are trying to get hand in our lands again,” I looked up at Father . The Koreans ? Our long time friends ? Why would they want our country ? “ They want our money ! Our money !” Father snorted . “ We shall have to defend the borders , Everything !” And that’s how the meeting passed . Everyone in the room was making fun of the Koreans and all I could do was just sit there , watch and listen . Did he forget the family we had in Korea ? Did he ? Something was wrong . Really wrong . The meeting finished really late and I was already night . I didn’t anything except for an apple. I closed my eyes . That’s how it always is . 
I walked into the Chamber and went into middle of the room , separating my room with Faye’s , I sat down onto a chair and covered my face . “ah..” I cradled my face . What kind of boy cries ? I smiled bitterly as I wiped my tears , “ L-Lanky Prince ?” I heard a whisper , I looked up to see Faye , behind the door , her head poking out . “ Are you okay ?” She came out , her face placid . Again . 
I laughed as I looked at her . “ Nice to see the Prince cry ? Huh ?” I started laughing harder , with teas coming out even more . “ Nice to see a tall man cry ?” I ruffled my hair . “ Must be nice for you ? Eh ?eh ? Seeing the weak side of me ?!” Faye looked at me for a long time and sighed . 
“ It’s that hard ?” She whispered as she walked towards me , I only looked up at her . “ I know it’s weird …” She looked away from me . “ Us being ‘fated’ to be together by some book your Waigong had made..” She shook her head . “ It’s hard for the both of us , You have to rule a kingdom…While I just stand by your side…” She then met my eyes . “Let me finish what I was trying to tell you the other day,” I said nothing , scared my voice will come out as a squeak . “ Life isn’t easy ..that’s what were told when we were growing up in my time,” Life isn’t easy…It isn’t , at least they have those kind of things in their time . “ They also say , ‘If you want to cry , Let it out , You’ll feel much better’,” I looked up at her . Cry ? I- I wasn’t crying … Suddenly , she did something no had done to me in my life . No one . Not even my mother . She hugged me . Her arms around my shoulder , pulling me to her chest , My face near her heart . “ So Cry , I’m here and I know-” She gulped . “ I might not be able to leave..” I closed my eyes . “ I’ll be here as a friend and as a wife,” And that’s when I started opening up the Weird Girl . Ehh..Faye . The cold yet warm hearted Faye . I cried …Cried for all those years that I have held onto . Cried as if nothing mattered and all I could hear was Faye listening to me and comforting me . 
Then she pulled away , I opened my eyes to look at her and as she did a thumbs up sign in front of me . I smiled softly but I got up . “ Yah ! Just forget you saw anything !” I wiped my tears as I turned away . Faye giggled quietly . 
“ That’s the Lanky Prince I know…” I heard her walk away . “ Uh…Lanky Prince…I heard something..” I turned to face her , with a concerned expression . “ The announcement…” She breathed in . “ is tomorrow…” She then left without looking back , her smiling face vanished as she closed the door room . 
I sat down , wondering what on earth just happened …We were really happy for a few moments..And’s awkward again . I sighed as I laid back onto the chair , I need to get some paperwork done . I got up again and headed to my room to get the papers done , I then came back to the same place and looked at the paperwork . Better to get it done and over , Kris . I quickly looked at Faye’s room . The candles were still lit . Back to Work Kris . Back to work . With a sigh , I picked up the brush . Here we go . 
Faye POV 
I looked out the door again , he was asleep already . And in such an uncomfortable position . Although he was such a jerk before …I got to see his soft side today . I covered my mouth .  I cannot believe I hugged him like that . I’m not going to lie , His pretty hot . And when he cried like that..Oh , Gosh . What on earth did that beautiful face do !? But I got to keep hold of myself . This isn’t a dream where I can make whatever I want happen . It happens . Like reality . I looked at him again , it hasn’t even been 2 seconds and he just snoozed of once he picked up the brush . 
I didn’t see him at Lunch today …Or Dinner…And he didn’t even have breakfast ..just that apple I made Chen gege give to him . Kris didn’t eat anything at all . God, I looked at him, I feel so sorry for him . I quickly got out of my room with a quilt and walked to him . I took of his shoes and put his feet onto the long sofa , he was sitting on . Then I quickly ran to get his pillow . I put it under his head softly . Ah , He looks so comfortable. I pulled the quilt over him when I felt his hand hold onto mine . “ Qiu ni bie Zou… *Please don’t go* ,” He whispered , softly . Even though , his tall , well built , a total jerk face . His still a young man . A Man whose been through a lot . I patted his hand and took his hand off mine . 
Now , Mission 1 . Get some delicious food for Kris . I quickly looked back Kris , I had tided up all of his paperwork and put it in order , so he can wake up and do them easily . Okay . Let’s go out . I had one foot out . It’s Ancient China . Faye , remember the Ninja’s .  Should I ask someone to go with me ? I shook my head . I nearly killed Lay last night when I made him stay up all night with Kris . Okay , alone I go . I quickly grabbed a flashlight from my bag and headed out , the guards were snoozing off in the corner . “ Che , They don’t care about the Royal Family , do they ?” I whispered to myself as I walked down the stairs and the corridors and headed straight to the kitchen , I knocked on the door . Once . Twice . A Lady opened the door. Quite chubby and quite small . I looked down at her and she immidietly bowed . “ Ah , Fu *No*,” I told the lady . “ Please don’t bow like that to me , Ayi *Aunt* ,” The Lady gasped as she covered . “ I am still an ordinary person,” I smiled down at all . “ ah , Ayi , Can you do me a favour ?” She nodded , far to quickly , because it looked like she wanted to fall down . “ Can you give me some delicious food ?” I thought I needed to elaborate myself as the elder women looked confused . “ Huang Taizi , hasn’t eaten anything all day , I thought about giving him some food,” The Lady then nodded as she invited me in . “ Ayi-” Suddenly we heard people talking , The women turned to me with sudden speed. 
“ My Lady , You are not allowed to be seen in here,” She whispered . She pushed me behind the curtain . “ I know this terrible of me , but please hide here , you shall be safe,” I nodded as I went underneath the cabinets and remembered to tuck my feet in . Thank you Ballet Lessons . There were deep voices . “ Sorry , Sir , I Do not know what you are talking about,” The women’s voice was quivering , I squinteded my eyes to see who the person was . Oh my God . The Priest ..With that weird guy who disappeared like he was from Harry Potter  ! He reminds me of Professor Snapes . “ I have not seen 2 girls , No sire,” The lady then bowed , I walked out once the men were gone . “ My Lady , here you go-” 
“ Ayi , Who was the other man beside the Priest ?” I asked , The Lady looked at me for a long time . “ please , I need to know , He looks..quite…suspicious…” 
“ M-My Lady..” The women gasped as she held onto the tray . “ He-He is the Lord of the House of Yuan ,” My eyes widened . One of the richest houses during this period . Thank you History Lessons . “ I shall drop you off my lady , It is not good for you to be walking alone-” 
“ Fu , Ayi ,” I shook my head as I took the tray . “ It’s not good for you either , You rest , I’ll be gone now,” I bowed as left the room . I am so scared . So scared. I breathed in again and again . Who were those 2 girls they keep on talking about ? Why are they looking for them ? I didn’t realize that I was already in front the chamber as I opened the door . 
“ FAYE !” I looked up to see Kris whose eyes were wide . I looked at him and tilted my head as I entered the room . “Where were you ?” He asked , I looked at the comfortable Make-do-bed I had made . Still looks comfortable . “ People in China , do not walk around by themselves at night , especially women,” He scolded me . I sighed . “ Are you even listening to me ?” 
“ Yah,” I looked up at him , he rolled his eyes . “ I went to get you food,” I put the tray on the table , he just looked at me , his eyes getting twice as big .
“ You haven’t eaten anything except an apple,” I then nodded to the food . “ Here’s your Lunch , Breakfast and Dinner , altogether !” He sat down and looked at the food . His mouth watering and without even saying a simple ‘Thank You’ , he stuffed his face . I just watched him. “ Che , By the way , I don’t care whether you starve or not , I’m only doing this because I’m meant to-” 
“ Yeah , same here , I don’t cre what happens to you !” He snorted out like a pig , I rolled my eyes as I stepped in my bedroom , I quickly lied down onto bed. Although , it seems as though , our relationship is like a moutain . High in some parts and low in others . I like it . It’s nice to be mean to someone . Especially a Prince . I smirked as I closed my eyes. 
Sweet Dreams….Faye…..
I opened my eyes…Who said that ? I looked around , Wait..Lay did say..Kris had mind reading powers . 
‘ Kris , Shut up and Do your work’ 
I could hear him chuckling . ‘ Nice to hear that…Uhm..But I’m serious , Do not wake me up today , I want to sleep~’ 
I snorted That’s all you ever do , Sleeping Beauty’ 
‘So you admit that I am handsome ?’ 
‘Over your dead body Kris , Over your dead Body’ 
‘How you wound me , Faye , How you wound me’ 


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luckilife #1
Chapter 25: I really like your story and you deserve my upvote ^^.
Btw, who's Leah? Why Leah? Sorry I was just confused.
Chapter 25: Whhat?what had just happened? Lady Yu had gone?! Gone as in dead?! What is this really? Urghhh! I dunno who did this,either Lady Kang herself or Kai... I just hope this will end sooner than the person expected! UrghhIknowtheremudtbesomethingwiththatLadyKang-bish---oopps... sorry... I can't control my anger anymore..LoLXD
Ah, another thing, what's the last sentence means? Who's talking to who? I'm confuse...heee...T3T
Chapter 24: Asdfghjk OMG OMG OMG KAI YOU LITTLE !!! I WILL KEEEEELLLLLLLL YOU IF YOU TOUCH KRIS!!! OH MY FLYING KIMCHI FAYE YOU HAVE TO GO WITH KRIS! I NEED YOU TWO TO HAVE BABIES!!!! Just Taekwondo chop that May and let's throw her off a building kay??? No one will have to know!!!! PWEASE~~~~~
AptonKey #5
Chapter 5: This is pretty cool
exostan254 #6
Chapter 24: Thanks for the update author-nim ^^
Chapter 24: Woaaah! i'm so curious with Faye's plan C;
Chapter 23: i need mooooreeee!!!!!!!
haaaa finally kris realize that he loves feyeeee <3
i love kris and feye momentssssss it's just sooo sweeeet :3
thanks for the update and please update soooonnnn!!
love you author-nim! XOXO<3
Chapter 23: Gaaaaahh!!!!*bang head on wall*
kai!! Not now! Not when their love starts to blossom!!! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!
Authornim, i'm a new reader here... And i just love love love love LOOOOVEEEEE you so muchhhhhhhh!!!!!*throw lots of hearts* this story is toooo awesome for me and my feels*faint dramatically*XD