Assassins Attack

A Royal Fantasy (On Hiatus)
Chapter 14 : Assassins Attack 
Kris POV
Dinner had arrived after all the chaos , so we all chose to eat together in the dining room . Obviously , the only tension in the air was Faye’s and mine . But..She wasn’t even looking at me for the entire day …nor has she talked ..nothing . I feel empty . Why was she avoiding me ? I turned to see Luhan giving me a weird..erted kind of smile. I turned away from him with a disgusted face on . Everyone had come downstairs ..everyone except . You name it …Faye and Roro . Plus the food weren’t on the table . “Where the heck are they ?” I groaned as I leaned onto the table , Tao gave me a funny look as the rooms door opened to reveal the girls . “ where were you both?” I asked . 
“ We made you all food,” Roro chimed in , she put down a plate full of potatos ..that were..I tilted my head…Cut into little pieces . “ This is Faye’s favourite ..Don’t you know what they are ?” We all looked at Roro , blanking out . “ It’s Chip…Good lord,” Roro smacked herself on the head . “ Ah , We got you guys salad,” She put the salad in front of us . “ I don’t think we’ll find sausages here..” Sausages ? “ From the looks you guys are giving me , I take that as a no ,” We shrugged her off as we all headed to eat . I bite into the ‘chip’ , My eyes widened , It was so good . So crunchy . I started taking a lot onto my plate when Faye came in front of me , not even sparing me a glance , she took a bunch of chips into her plate and put salad on the side , delicately . 
She then walked off . “ Faye..Where you going ?” Xiumin asked , after a mouthful of chips . 
She turned around slowly , “ I’m giving Kai some food , he must be hungry as well,” She then left with Roro by her side . Did she eat ? I looked at my plate . I took so much , the chips were already finished all except for my one . I can give it to her , can’t I ? I smiled softly as I covered her plate . 
I’ll save you some of my food ..even though , I’m a hell load hungry , Faye . 
Kai POV 
, I tidied up my paperwork underneath my pillow and laid on my bed . Time to look ill , Kai . I pretended I was sleeping as the footsteps edge closer to my door . Who the hell is it ? can’t I have some privacy ? “ Kai…Are you a sleep ?” I heard a whisper . Faye ? I closed my eyes tightly , it’s hard to fool ..Faye , I know it is , she has this dark aura around her . “ No . Roro ..Go and eat , I’ll just wake him up so he can eat and then I’ll go ..” I heard another girl talking . “ GO !” This time I heard a groan and the girl from earliar on left . I heard the door shut . “ Kai ?” I opened my eyes and twisted around to see Faye ..A bit more cleaner though . “ I made you some food , Your hungry right ?” I shook my head and that’s when the bomb dropped . My belly rumbled . “ Che~” Faye shook her head as she put a pillow on my lap , “ Just relax , okay ? If your hungry or whatever , tell me ,” She then put the plate in front of me as well as a glass of water . “ Be careful not to tip that-” Why was she being so kind ? I looked down . Am I doing something bad ? I sighed . “ Are you okay ?” I nodded . 
“ Can you sit down ?” I asked , looking up at her , honestly ,I was feeling lonely …in korea , people were always around me but now…no one was . Faye tilted her head , looked back at the door and then shrugged as she sat on the chair beside me . “ Can I ask you a question ?” She nodded . “ What are you really ?” I really needed to know . If Faye wasn’t a royal..I probably wont need to kill her
She chuckled . “ I’m a normal person,” She then sighed . “ Well , I used to be,” I looked at her . Used to be ? “ I’m from somewhere else…Somewhere…I probably ever get back to …” Faye squeezed her hands . I know that feeling…Will I ever be able to go back to Korea ? Would they accept me if I lose this battle ? I can never gain anything..I just lose everything . “ Kai , Let me tell you one thing,” I looked up , suddenly , Faye held onto my hands . “ I don’t know what your going through…But I have a feeling you know how I feel..Your eyes ..they hold something..” Faye then coughed . “ I don’t want to be cheesy but…There is always a reason to why we are alive…There always is , You have to literally search for that reason …search for it with your life but on the way , your going to make mistakes..” She chuckled . “ You’re a human , what can you expect ? Not everybody’s perfect but we’re all rare…” Faye then took away her hands and stood up . I was surprised by her speech and her surprisingly warm hands , that I got up with her . “ Now , Eat , Okay ?” I nodded as she left the room . 
Oh Lord…What am I going to do ? 
Faye POV 
I closed the door behind me , “ Your so kind,” I turned around , startled by the voice , just to see Lay , standing there with a bowl full of food . I sighed out of relief . “ You talk to a slave your friends or something,” He then handed me the bowl full of food . “ Kris wanted me to give you this,” Didn’t he eat ? Gosh..This Guy . “ Don’t beat him up ,” Lay warned , I chuckled slightly , suddenly , I remembered what Kris had said the other day . 
They don’t care about me …
I looked at Lay and handed him back the food , he just looked at me open mouthed . “ I-I’m not hungry..” I lied and walked off . I AM HUNGRY !! SO HUNGRY ! I went into the room that I was now going to share with Roro , I’m not sharing with that giant . Nope . I mean , yeah ..we’ve slept together twice but ..that was due to the circumstances . I laid down onto my bed and covered myself . 
I feel like I’m being a burden….I can’t explain it . I covered my face with the blanket and cried . I like it when no one is around me . When no one is beside me . Roro doesn’t even know I do this …I like being seen as a strong women but if someone see’s me cry . They’ll change the aspect of me ..they’ll think I’m those weak ones . I sobbed harder . What makes this harder is that…no one cares . No one
Who will care about a girl that killed her mother ? 
Kris POV 
I stood there , awake . I feel so..empty , knowing that there are people trying to kill me and Faye . I sighed as I rubbed my eyes , Where is Faye ? I looked around the bedroom that I was to share with Faye . “ Faye ?” I grumbled , I went into the bathroom . She wasn’t there . I looked underneath the bed . I looked everyone . My heart started racing . Where’s Faye ? Did they find her ? Suddenly , there was a knock on the door . I sighed out of relief before facing the door . “ Faye ! Where were you ?”
“ Faye ? She’s asleep,” I turned to see Lay , who was still holding onto the food I had saved for Faye . But…there was still food in them . She did-Wait--WHAT!? She’s asleep ? I looked at Lay . “ Uhh…She’s sharing a room with Roro…” Wait..Why am I getting mad ? She can sleep wherever she wants . I nodded . “ And ,She didn’t want to eat-” Didn’t want too ? “ She said she’s not hungry,” I sighed as I ruffled my hair , this girl is killing me . “ Now , Can we please work on the structure for the battle ? Your father has been waiting for a long time for your ideas,” I nodded , as I rubbed my temples . 
“ Let’s get this done and over with ,” I sighed , Soon , the boys joined in , we all painted onto the paper . “ We just need to be out of sight for a couple of Fayes-” Fayes ? Did I just say Fayes ? I caught the boys wanting to laugh . I coughed . “ Days..For a couple of days , It’ll be better,” They all nodded . “ We shall all wear commoner clothes for a couple of days as well , it will be for the better so we do not attract attention ,” I then glared at Luhan . “ Since someone kicked out the guests from the inn , we have to act like the guests of the inn-” 
“ We should be put into groups,” Chen stood up , “ For example , Roro and Tao , Since they’re the youngest , it will be better for them to be together-” Luhan got up . 
“ What ? Why him ? I’ll stay with Roro!” I looked at Luhan . In a way…isn’t he just saying that he likes her ? Tao chuckled and nodded . “ What !? What’s so funny ?!” I have to admit it …it’s pretty funny . 
Chen sighed . “ Okay , Luhan and Roro shall be a couple ,” We all nodded . “ Xiumin and I will be …brothers that gamble ?” Xiumin high fived Chen . “ Lay and Faye can be together-” 
“ What ? But , I’m going to be her husband-” I interrupted . 
“ I’m her best friend,” Lay stood up , we were nearly nose to nose . When the door opened , revealing a very tired Faye . We all just stared at her . Eventhough she’s half asleep…She’s still so beautiful . No . Kris .Snap out of it .
“ Why don’t I tell you one thing ,eh ?” She asked , we all looked at each other . Is she drunk ? “ I’ll be with Kris , okay ? Happy ?” I smirked at Lay , who sighed and sat back down . “ I guess , you all forgot about Kai ..” Wait how did she know what were going to do ? “ You guys are so loud ! I bet the assassins can hear-” 
BOOM ! The whole house shook , we all fell onto the ground , even Faye . “ Faye ! Come here !” I told her to come towards me when suddenly the windows of the buildings broke , suddenly arrows were shooting inside . No . No . Faye . Faye . “ FAYE COME HERE !” She looked at the arrows . Her eyes were wide. I remember what my Mama used to say about the Modern World . 
Kids were not allowed to see blood or fights like how we see in China now ..Parents kept their children away from that…So , if the kids did see how we live here now …they would be really scared ..
Oh my god . Faye …I wonder how she feels . Faye then crawled away from all of us . We all decided to follow as we can hear our own men taking charge . Luhan , Tao and Xiumin went to help them out whilst Chen , Lay and I followed Faye . “ We. Have.To.Get.Roro.” Faye was shaking ..even though she was scared..she still wanted to help her friend . “Kai.Is.Up.There.As.Well.” Something was wrong with her . Lay was in front of Faye whilst I was behind her with Chen behind me . All of us carrying our weapons in case anything happens . 
“ My , Oh , My ,” We heard a chuckle . I looked up to see a man . Not just any man . The Commander of the Koreans Royal Army . Byun Baekhyun . “ We don’t get to see the Huang Taizi of China bowing down to us everyday…do we ?”He chuckled . Before I knew it , I was dragged away by Chen . No . Faye . I watched her getting dragged away from me by Lay . “ Oh , Look , The Wang Fei of China…They were right…She’s such a beauty-” He smirked slightly . He walked towards her , Faye was clinging onto Lay’s arm . Why am I so weak ? I need to be strong .
I got out my sword , “ Take one more step towards us and I will fry this place alive..” I smirked slightly . Baekhyun chuckled . “ Don’t find this amusing ., Byun , You know what I’m capable of,” He stopped smiling and stared at me , suddenly lightening struck , I turned to my side to see a smirking Chen . “ We both can overtake you , you know it,” I tilted my head slightly towards the left . “ Your light cannot do anything to our powers,” 
Baekhyun stepped forwards . “ Try Me,”
If I can’t control my power…I will kill everyone….if I do control my power…I will sustain our lives . 
Will I finally be able to be the powerful Huang Taizi ? 
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Omo~More subbies ! YAAY ! But why do none of you guys comment ? TT^TT 111 subbies and only 2-3 comment :,(


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luckilife #1
Chapter 25: I really like your story and you deserve my upvote ^^.
Btw, who's Leah? Why Leah? Sorry I was just confused.
Chapter 25: Whhat?what had just happened? Lady Yu had gone?! Gone as in dead?! What is this really? Urghhh! I dunno who did this,either Lady Kang herself or Kai... I just hope this will end sooner than the person expected! UrghhIknowtheremudtbesomethingwiththatLadyKang-bish---oopps... sorry... I can't control my anger anymore..LoLXD
Ah, another thing, what's the last sentence means? Who's talking to who? I'm confuse...heee...T3T
Chapter 24: Asdfghjk OMG OMG OMG KAI YOU LITTLE !!! I WILL KEEEEELLLLLLLL YOU IF YOU TOUCH KRIS!!! OH MY FLYING KIMCHI FAYE YOU HAVE TO GO WITH KRIS! I NEED YOU TWO TO HAVE BABIES!!!! Just Taekwondo chop that May and let's throw her off a building kay??? No one will have to know!!!! PWEASE~~~~~
AptonKey #5
Chapter 5: This is pretty cool
exostan254 #6
Chapter 24: Thanks for the update author-nim ^^
Chapter 24: Woaaah! i'm so curious with Faye's plan C;
Chapter 23: i need mooooreeee!!!!!!!
haaaa finally kris realize that he loves feyeeee <3
i love kris and feye momentssssss it's just sooo sweeeet :3
thanks for the update and please update soooonnnn!!
love you author-nim! XOXO<3
Chapter 23: Gaaaaahh!!!!*bang head on wall*
kai!! Not now! Not when their love starts to blossom!!! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!
Authornim, i'm a new reader here... And i just love love love love LOOOOVEEEEE you so muchhhhhhhh!!!!!*throw lots of hearts* this story is toooo awesome for me and my feels*faint dramatically*XD