What do you mean to me ?

A Royal Fantasy (On Hiatus)
Chapter 12: What do you mean to me ? 
Lay POV 
Where were they ? The group was already here 3 hours ago and now were waiting for Faye and Kris . I gasped , Did he do anything to her? “ Yah , Lay,” I felt a smack on the head , I looked up to see Roro staring at me . “ Why aren’t they here yet ?” She asked , then she gasped . “ Wait ! Why didn’t they come with us ?” That’s so true . Why didn’t they come with us ?
“ They had to come later on because the Empress wanted to make sure Faye is alright,” Luhan answered , He leaned onto the tree and looked at us . After the fire ? That was ages ago . Roro and I looked at each other . We both didn’t believe it . “ Yah~Stop looking at each other,” he then sighed . “ They’ll be here , any minute ,” I nodded , as I watched Chen and Xiumin come out a shop with breads in their hands . They handed some to all of us as we waited for Faye and Kris . 
I don’t know why I feel so…uncomfortable
“ It’s night now…they haven’t arrived yet,” Chen yawned as he pulled himself up . We were waiting since morning and they still haven’t arrived . I rubbed my eyes , I was really tired and Roro had already fallen asleep in the carriage . “ It’s better if we call it a day ,” 
“ But-” I opened my mouth . 
“ She’s with Kris gege,” Tao patted my arm , as he helped go into the carriage , as if I would escape. “ She’ll be safe , they might be back in the palace ,” he came inside and closed the door . “ Back to the palace,” Tao told the carriage man . 
Please…let that be true . 
Faye POV 
I looked at Kris’s figure in front of me . He was being really distant from me today . He would always keep his head down with his hands in his pockets . I mean , I guess he thinks it’s his fault for us getting lost . It was already night time , if only this time had network , I would’ve been able to call Roro and told her we’ll run late . I rubbed my eyes , we were walking all day with no food ,water ..just trying to get to that damn park . Now …we were in some weird place and from the looks of it . It wasn’t clean . Yeah , I could fight but that doesn’t take away the fact that I was scared . “ Kris…” I called . He was still walking . I can’t just tell him I’m scared …or my reputation as the ice girl would be gone..right ? I should just let it slide..this once ..right ? I shook my head . No . They didn’t want me here in the first place , they’re no point in being burdensome . 
“ Faye..” I didn’t know that I had stopped . Kris was a few metre’s ahead of me . When I hit the guy..did blood come out ? When I touched him…why did I feel so weak ? I looked at my hands , they were shaking . No . Keep it together . I looked up to see Kris walking over to me. “ Gosh , What’s wrong with you ?” For some reason , I didn’t have the will to open my mouth , it just stayed closed . “ Faye..Are you okay ?” I nodded , slightly and walked ahead of him . 
“ I’m okay,” I told him , opening my mouth with hard work . “ We should just get back to palace ,”  I hear him sigh . 
“ If only , I knew how too , Faye,” He whispered , I turned around , he doesn’t know how to get back to the palace ? Is he kidding me ? But then…The Emperor does seem like a butthead . I met Kris’s eyes , I understand .him . I wasn’t allowed out much either when I was back in my own period . “ What ?” He asked , I shrugged . “ Faye , we’ll just go and stay over at the nearest inn , okay ?” I nodded, I needed to lie down . When I’m really tired , I tend to be a bit…weird . He walked ahead of me and then turned back . “ You coming ?” I hummed in response , walking beside him . I don’t want to worry him , his already worried as it is . 
We arrived this place , I looked at Kris , who also looked at me . We both went inside . “ Ni Hao ,” Kris bowed towards the elderly women , who looked at Kris and I up and down . “ Do you have any spare rooms ?” She nodded . “ We’ll take-”
“ Your such a cute couple !” The women gushed , Kris and I turned away . . “ Are you married ?” I was about to inject when Kris opened his big mouth . 
“ We’re going to in a month’s time,” He told the lady , I turned to him . Today…he was acting like a married/engaged man . He told that rough dude that we were husband and wife …and now he’s telling the women about our engagement . Kris felt me staring and turned my way , as reflex I turned back to the women . 
“ Ahh~” The women cooed . “ Your really handsome , dear,” Kris thanked her . “ How do you keep your skin so clean , my lady ?” I looked up , me ? My skin’s clean ? Is she serious ? I’ve been running around all day . My eyes widened . Plus , I left all my daily necessities at the palace . 
“ Ah…” I opened my mouth , Now how was I going to answer this . “ I wash it a lot , Mrs ,” the women chuckled . 
“ Well , obviously , I do as well but what can I say ? I’m old ?” She then sighed . “ Sadly , I only have one room available , Since your engaged , it would be alright if the both of you share a room , is that okay ?” NOOOOOOOO ! I wanted to scream . Kris nodded and took the keys as he headed up stairs . The women held onto my hand . “ Have fun !” She winked . I gasped . Good Lord
Kris POV 
Once I had opened the door to the room , Faye literally fell onto the bed . “ Yah !” I looked at her up and down . Because of my suspicions…I didn’t realize how dirty we both had looked . Damn . “ Yah !" I smacked her head , she opened one eye..Cute . I mentally smiled . No . No . She’s anything other than that . She’s a devil . Devil , I tell you . “ Go and wash up ,” She moaned . “ I’ll go first and then you can , since I’m the prince,” I chuckled as I entered the bathroom . I just realized…I’m going to be sharing a bed with ..Faye . Faye . What have I gotten myself into ? 
After I was done , I came out to see Faye leaning on the wall . She looked like she in another world . “ Why am I here ?” She sighed , did she know I was here ? “ I want Gege….JieJie…” she sniffed . “ Mama…you can see me , right ? Even if were in different time..the sky still stay’s the same ..right ?” I felt my heart ache . I know everything about Faye..I just didn’t know it before. When Faye was in pain , I went for the little Faye that was bringing her the pain . Because of me . “ Mama…” she whispered . “ I think they don’t like me here…” I held onto the white towel . “ Maybe they like me for my looks…but..how about me ? I seem quite rude ..don’t I ?” No . No , You don’t . I hid behind the wall as I heard her sigh . “They kill a lot of people here , Mama…A lot,” I nodded , they do . No one can control that . Was it different in her time ? “ I…I…Don’t want to see blood,”  I could hear her trying to control her tears . Don’t cry , Faye . I’m sorry for being mean to you . I’m really sorry . “ Mama…I’m scared,” That’s it . 
I ran from my spot , to see Faye looking up at me ,her eyes wide , quite shocked . She wiped her tears and looked away from me , trying to pretend that she wasn’t even upset from the beginning . “ When I cry…how comes your always there ?” I asked , as I got myself onto the bed . Faye tried moving away from me . “ When you cry…Don’t you want anyone’s comfort ?” I held onto her hand and pulled her next to me . “ Cry …faye…You told me , it’s better out then in..isn’t it ?” I smiled softly at her , she sniffed before she finally let it all go . She cried and cried , just like how I did that night . Like how she comforted me , I her hair . So silky and nice . Slowly , so I don’t wake her up from her slumber , I put the duvet over us . Her arms were around me as she was lying on my chest , I brought her closer and hugged her.  You won’t cry like this again . I’ll make sure of it . 
Why do you make me feel like this Faye ? 
What do you mean to me ? 
Faye POV 
I snuggled closer to the warmth . It felt so nice . I smile to myself , who knew Ancient China had heaters this warm ? Wait . Heaters don’t  breath . Heaters don’t have arms . Heaters don’t have legs . I opened one eye to see a sleeping Kris . Oh …Good…Lord . His arms were me , I moved back . It’s like yesterday night . . Wait . Where were we ? I heard knocking , at least , we were both still wearing our clothes or else I would’ve killed the guy . I took his hands off my waist and pulled the duvet over him . I smiled softly , by looking at him, you can tell he had no bad intentions . Without knowing , my hand ruffled his hair , my eyes widened as I pulled my hand back . I looked back at Kris , to see he was smiling now , as if he was asking for more . His beautiful hair glowed in the sunlight , so pretty . His beautiful striking cheekbones-BANG ! I shot up . Was that a gun shot ? Kris got up straight away , he looked at me on the floor , looking at the door . “ Faye , What happened ?” He jumped off the bed to see if I was okay whereas I was still recovering from the gun shot . Oh my god . They don’t have guns those times though…Was was it ? “ Faye ?” He sat me on the bed and went to grab his sword . “ Do not move from there , okay ?” I nodded . “ I’ll be back-” NOOO ! “ I’ll go and check what’s happening !” 
“ Kris , It might be dangerous down there,” I stood up , grabbing onto his arm , I don’t know what got over me . But I can’t have a huang Taizi risking his life . He opened his mouth . “ No .” 
“ I’m going to be King one day ,” He said as if that explain everything and pulled his arms away from me.“ I’ll be back , don’t move from here,” Then he sighed . “ …Just hide for now , okay ?” I nodded . Kris walked out of the room , please be safe . I hid underneath the bed . A bit squishy..but it’s okay. Until I felt another body come beside me . 
“ MAMA-” Before I could finish my sentence , the person wrapped their hands around my mouth . 
OH Lord…Am I getting kidnapped ? 
A/N : Finally their MV is out ! When it came out , it was 4pm down here...Yupp~I was ready for it . 
Good Lord , they looked so fit !! The song was awesome , i loved the beat ..it was like Dun..Dun...*Shakes head* 
The dance was like..wow ! If i did that getting up thing i would've cracked the floor board , it was really impressive ! 
So Yeah...i shall leave now ...
Goodbye !! <3 
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Omo~More subbies ! YAAY ! But why do none of you guys comment ? TT^TT 111 subbies and only 2-3 comment :,(


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luckilife #1
Chapter 25: I really like your story and you deserve my upvote ^^.
Btw, who's Leah? Why Leah? Sorry I was just confused.
Chapter 25: Whhat?what had just happened? Lady Yu had gone?! Gone as in dead?! What is this really? Urghhh! I dunno who did this,either Lady Kang herself or Kai... I just hope this will end sooner than the person expected! UrghhIknowtheremudtbesomethingwiththatLadyKang-bish---oopps... sorry... I can't control my anger anymore..LoLXD
Ah, another thing, what's the last sentence means? Who's talking to who? I'm confuse...heee...T3T
Chapter 24: Asdfghjk OMG OMG OMG KAI YOU LITTLE !!! I WILL KEEEEELLLLLLLL YOU IF YOU TOUCH KRIS!!! OH MY FLYING KIMCHI FAYE YOU HAVE TO GO WITH KRIS! I NEED YOU TWO TO HAVE BABIES!!!! Just Taekwondo chop that May and let's throw her off a building kay??? No one will have to know!!!! PWEASE~~~~~
AptonKey #5
Chapter 5: This is pretty cool
exostan254 #6
Chapter 24: Thanks for the update author-nim ^^
Chapter 24: Woaaah! i'm so curious with Faye's plan C;
Chapter 23: i need mooooreeee!!!!!!!
haaaa finally kris realize that he loves feyeeee <3
i love kris and feye momentssssss it's just sooo sweeeet :3
thanks for the update and please update soooonnnn!!
love you author-nim! XOXO<3
Chapter 23: Gaaaaahh!!!!*bang head on wall*
kai!! Not now! Not when their love starts to blossom!!! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!
Authornim, i'm a new reader here... And i just love love love love LOOOOVEEEEE you so muchhhhhhhh!!!!!*throw lots of hearts* this story is toooo awesome for me and my feels*faint dramatically*XD