Chapter 8


I didn't argue mainly because my brain was getting fuzzy, but I felt some sort of confusion through the fog.  Stepping into my kitchen, he asked me where some old towels were and if I could get some hot water.  I pointed to a closet and ran some hot water in a bowl.  Pretty soon I was sitting in a chair and he was facing me, dabbing my cuts and scrapes lightly with a hot, damp cloth.  I bit my lip and looked elsewhere so I wouldn't wince.  After cleaning my wounds (gosh such a dramatic and serious word! but wait… it was sort of serious…) he put a bunch of band aids on my arm then got some water and medicine for me to take.  After I chugged the water, he started making hot tea and got out some cookies so I could get some sugar in my system.  I sat there all the while growing more confused.  He set the cookies on the table and started pouring the hot water for our tea.
"Zelo, why are you doing this?"
"Why are you being so nice and helping me?"
He paused his motions then resumed pouring as he started talking.  There was a bitterness to his voice.  
"I'm not a bad person ------.  I actually care about what people think of me and what I think about me.  Plus, I was the one who convinced you to skateboard, then you were injured.  I'm responsible for this and I have no intentions of leaving you to pass out.  Just because we find each other annoying doesn't mean I won't do the right thing… I'm not a bad person ------, contrary to your beliefs"  
I sat there shocked and sorry.  I hadn't meant to offend him and I realized that before he said that, I had truly felt that he was a bad person.  I felt so ashamed.  He set our tea on the table and sat down, keeping a blank expression on his face.
"I'm sorry" I said quietly, looking at him with big sad eyes.  He stiffened then looked at me and searched my face.  He finally pushed the cookies toward me.
"Eat, you need to get your blood sugar back up."
I looked down in shame and grabbed for a cookie.  All the sudden I heard a sigh and his hand entered my field of vision with a piece of cookie in it.  He brought it to my mouth and said "eat".  I looked up at him and saw he was slightly smirking.  I started eating the cookie and soon felt less shaky.  We both looked toward the kitchen door as we heard my parents come in and call for me.  I answered that I was in the kitchen and Blondie stood up.  My parents came in and they tried to make sense of the situation.
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. ----.  I'm Zelo, from next-door.  ------ just went skateboarding with me because she was nice enough to hang out with me when I was bored.  However, I apologize to you.  I didn't take care of her, because she fell when the road was slick with rain and she got hurt.  I cleaned her cuts and gave her medicine and took care of her injuries.  Im very sorry and I promise to take better care of her if we do anything together in the future.  Please believe in me!" he finished with a 90 degree bow.  My parents and I all looked at him in shock, then my dad walked over to me and looked me over.  
"Well I'm glad you helped her.  Thank you for being such a good neighbor Zelo."
My mom shook his hand and smiled at him telling him that it was no problem and she hoped that we would be doing stuff together in the future.  It was still raining outside, so my parents asked him if he wanted to watch a movie with us.
He agreed and I told everyone that I was going to change into something less… well less wet.  
"I will follow you up the stairs to make sure you don't fall over."  
I carefully walked up the stairs aware of his presence, then I went into my room leaving him waiting outside.  I changed into a flannel pajama set and rebraided my hair into one braid.  He was still beside my door and we walked back downstairs, sitting on the couch since my parents took the other seats.  Smooth, real smooth Mom and Dad… We both sat on the extreme ends of the couch, far away from each other.  I got out my phone and texted him

To: Z

From: ------

Nice speech.

To: Spaz

From: Z


To: Z

From: ------

Wow, you are very talkative...

To: Z

From: ------

Are you still mad at me?

To: Spaz

From: Z


To: Z

From: ------

Ok, what is your deal.  

To: Spaz

From: ------

… I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have left you to skate on your own.  It was my fault.  I knew you weren't good with skateboards and I should have watched you more closely, then you wouldn't have been hurt.

"I'm going to go make some popcorn"  I announced.
"Do you want us to pause the movie?"
"No, don't worry Umma, I think i've seen this part before, keep watching"
Zelo said he would help me.  
We walked into the kitchen and I put the popcorn into the microwave then Zelo.
"Let's start over."
"What?" he asked in surprise
"Zelo, from the beginning, we have judged each other.  I judged you based on your friends, and who I thought you were, and you judged me based on my grades and how I acted toward you.  Can we just start over with no judgements, and possibly be friends, or at least friendly aquaintances?"
He studied me for a little bit then shook his head.
"------, before we do that, I have to say I'm sorry I-"
"Stop.  It was my fault, and you shouldn't feel guilty.  I'm a strong girl, and I can fend for myself.  There is nothing to be sorry about, so just don't"
He paused.
"Fine.  We start over...  Hi, I'm Choi Junhong, but almost everybody calls me Zelo. I think we are neighbors." he smiled and stuck out his hand.
"Hi Zelo, I'm Hwan HaNeul.  Yeah think I've seen you around."  I beamed back at him, shaking his hand.  After a little bit it got awkward and we both let go, blushing.  

Zelo looked at me and mumbled something.
"Pardon?" I asked
"Um…." he rubbed the back of his neck, looking down. "Can… can we hold hands?  Since we are a "couple" and now we don't hate each other?  I'm sure our teacher will love it."  he said, sorta lifting one corner of his mouth at the last statement, but still blushing.  I thought about it for a while then returned my eyes to him.  
He sorta looked with embarrassed puppy eyes at me, then looked away, turning redder.  I eventually rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand.  It was comfortable, and sweet.  He sorta laughed awkwardly but eventually got more comfortable and squeezed my ha-

The microwave beeped and I grabbed the popcorn, walking out with him to sit back on the couch, this time, us sitting not-so-far from each other.




See?!  Didn't I tell you that I would do some gushy stuff??  HEHE THEY DON"T HATE EACHOTHER ANY MORE!! :DD are you guys happy? do you like the story? tell me what you think please~  I love all my beautiful readers!! MUAH~~

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Chapter 26: Yeah it was fun, all way long until the unexpected happened.
Really making me cry like that >.<

But I liked it :D
Nice done.
Chapter 25: YAH!!! Xhat te helll? T__T
Why so sudden? Are you kidding?! What the hell did just hapen O.O
Chapter 26: This chapter made me cry....
Nice fic though not expecting the death scene.
Sparklicious22 #5
Please await another chapter quickly. I will post it after work!
Chapter 25: What? Zelo pass away?
aestaetics #7
Chapter 25: Wait.
What the hell just happened.
Chapter 24: Waiting to see the documentary XDD
Chapter 21: The first kiss was so cuute <3
Sparklicious22 #10
OOOOOOH :333 i have something that I think you guys will like :3 I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter ;P