Chapter 20


My tears came and stained his shirt, but they stopped in good time and he didn’t care about his shirt.  I asked him a question.  We were still hugging.



“Zelo can you promise me something?”

“Yeah what is it?”

“Can you please always try to make up with me if we fight?  I know im stupid and dumb and I hurt you sometimes, but I really hate fighting with me.  I know it’s a big thing to ask you.  I know its hard to do.  I know I have no right to ask you.  But im not perfect, so I am asking you to please try to make up with me…”  I trailed off and turned my face to his chest so I wouldn’t have to see his reaction. 

He sighed.

Oh no, this was bad, he was going to “break up” with me, or just say he can’t or something terrible.

This was bad.

“Haneul… That’s a big thing you are asking me…”

“Yeah” I responded pathetically.

“Hmm, I will do it if you promise me one thing in return.”


“Just know that you are asking me to do something that will be very hard to do.  So here it is…  Please give me your heart.  I want to be the one you tell everything, I want to be here to hold you.  I want you to love me like I love you.  Please give me your heart, since you already have mine.  Can you do tha-

“Thanks.  I know it is a but much for me to dump on you, but thanks”

“Always Haneul, always.”

The bell rang and we let go of each other, Zelo reaching up and wiping a tear from my face.  We both turned away red in the cheeks.

“Hanuel, what are you doing after school?”

“Umm… going home?” 

“Me too, want to walk together?”

“Sure” I smiled at him. He waved a little bit and we both went to our respective classes.  The rest of that day passed with my thoughts ranging from the eyes of the woman who saved me, to the feeling of him holding me in his arms.

The last bell finally released me from class.  I met him at my locker and he smiled at me.  It was warm outside, but cloudy.  Yay!  The weird thing was that most of the walk home was in silence.  When we were a little bit away from school, there was a part where we were walking a little close together, and our hands brushed.  Zelo’s hand sort of opened up in question and I slipped my fingers between his.  Neither of us said anything, but we kept holding hands.  It was nice, and his hand was soft.  We didn’t talk until we were closer to our house.

“Do you want to come over and watch a movie or something?” he asked.  I thought for a bit. 

“Sure.” I smiled a little “What kind of movies do you like?”

“Um whatever” he said tightening his hand around mine for a second.  I smiled up at him and looked for something in his eyes.

“We…. we actually feel like a couple right now.”

He hummed in response.

“Hmmm… well I guess that’s what we are supposed to do.”

We both looked into each other’s eyes for a little bit before we got red and turned away.

“For the project of course.” He said, scratching his neck.

I nodded.

“Do we wanna watch a horror movie?” I asked.  I really did get scared at horror movies, but I was feeling brave.  At my question, his eyes turned terrified and he gulped. 

“Sure” he said in a weak voice.

I nearly laughed out loud.  He was scared like I was…. Who would have thought!  We went into his house and he led me to the TV room where there was a big couch and a nice sized TV. 

“Hey Haneul, let’s sit on the floor so we don’t accidentally fall of the couch in fright.”

You laughed.

“Ok, whatever you want to do Zelo”

“Mmkay, I’ll be back..” He said.  I nodded my head and walked over to the couch to sit down and wait.  When he came back he was staggering under a pile of blankets and pillows and stuffed animals.  I rushed over to help him but he just dumped them on the ground in front of the couch then left again.  I noticed he was wearing his fuzzy bear slippers again.  Cute.  The next time he came back in the room he was carrying an even bigger pile of blankets and stuff.  I just shook my head in exasperation. 

“What do you want to watch?” he asked.

“Um… The Tale of Two Sisters?”

“Ok” he said nervously “Come get comfortable so we can start watching”


He had me sit next to him then he began wrapping us up with blankets adding some pillows or stuffed animals every now and then.  By the time he was done we were both marshmallows.  We looked like 2 marshmallows that melted together.  But it was very comfortable and felt very safe.  He had the remote in his hand so he brought up Netflix and found the movie, then pressed play.  As soon as the movie started he clutched my hand.  I chuckled a little bit.  The movie itself was as scary as Siwon trying to do aegyo (  Throughout the entire movie we kept getting closer together and screaming our lungs off.  Near the end of the movie we were hanging on to each other for dear life and screaming at the same pitch.  Finally the movie ended and we were trembling in each other’s arms when all the sudden Zelo’s dad came in a said something, but whatever he said was lost in out frantic screams and dive for cover.  After we recovered from getting scared by him, we poked our heads out of the pile of blankets. 

“Oh you kids.  It’s just me, don’t freak out”

“Sorry dad, we were just watching a really scary movie and you scared us…”

“Ok.. well we are having dinner in 10, and Haneul is invited if she would like to come.”

“Ok thanks dad!”

He turned to me with a little impish grin on his face.

“That was scary”  he said.

“Yeah it was…” he giggled as I said that.  “I shouldn’t have watched it...” I stated.

He put an arm around me and tugged me into his side.

“Oh don’t be sacred noona…” I froze. He froze.  The room froze.  The world froze.

“Umm… Zelo” I responded after multiple seconds of silence.

“Um” he said uncomfortably.

“Zelo did you just say something.”


“Zelo did you just call me… that word?”

“Ummmm…. Yes…”

“Zelo, am I even your… your noona?”


“Good lord! Quit saying ‘um’ to everything I say!”

“I’m 16?” he finally spat out.

“Well.. I'm 17 so I guess I am…”

“OH REALLY?” he nearly shouted

“WHAT?!” I yelled back, taken by surprise.

“Does that mean I can call you noona?  You know since we’re dating and stuff?”


“Please, please, please?” he whined.

"Fine....." I grumbled.


He exclaimed and hugged me inside our little cocoon of soft and fluffy things.  I smiled sorta and whispered in his ear that was really close to my mouth.

“I’m not so scared anymore”

He tightened his arms in contentment.




OHHH MAH GAHHHDDD! I finally updated!!!!! Thank you guys so much for being patient with me!! You all are amazing and I love you so much!!! please keep reading commenting and subscribing :)  THANK YOU SO MUCH! :) chu~

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Chapter 26: Yeah it was fun, all way long until the unexpected happened.
Really making me cry like that >.<

But I liked it :D
Nice done.
Chapter 25: YAH!!! Xhat te helll? T__T
Why so sudden? Are you kidding?! What the hell did just hapen O.O
Chapter 26: This chapter made me cry....
Nice fic though not expecting the death scene.
Sparklicious22 #5
Please await another chapter quickly. I will post it after work!
Chapter 25: What? Zelo pass away?
aestaetics #7
Chapter 25: Wait.
What the hell just happened.
Chapter 24: Waiting to see the documentary XDD
Chapter 21: The first kiss was so cuute <3
Sparklicious22 #10
OOOOOOH :333 i have something that I think you guys will like :3 I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter ;P