Chapter 24


“YAH!  Listen to me!”

I cringed as my teacher’s voice cut through the disruptive students. 

Everyone was silent.

“Thank you!” she smiled and became calmer “This is a big day! The project is almost coming to an end!  So that means you guys have a lot of stuff to turn in.  The next few days of class you will have to work on wrapping up everything, and all of it will be due this Friday.  Any questions?  No?  Ok, good.  Please disperse, and work on the rest of your projects now.”

“Yes teacher.” Our class responded in unison.

I turned to Zelo.

“So, what are we going to do?”

“Hmm… well let’s do a video entry together, as like a last farewell sort of thing, then we can edit everything into like a documentary about our relationship.”

“Hmm… ok but I don’t want you to see my entries until we turn it in…” I said self consciously.

“Yeah me neither…”

It seems that we had a problem, so we just sat for a while thinking.  I eventually came up with an idea.

“Ah! I have it!”

“What? You have what?  ...Oh yeah, well tell me what it is”

“One minute let me see if it will work.”


I got up and casually strolled over to Hyesun and Minho, waiting until they noticed my presence.  They eventually stopped talking and just looked at me expectantly.

“Heyyyy best friend… could you be amazing and do me a favor”  I said as sweetly as I could.  Hyesun sighed.

“What do you want?”

“So, Zelo and I have a problem… we want to combine all of our video diaries into one big documentary with the ending being one we do together, but neither of us want the other to see our video entries until it is turned in.  So we need someone to edit the video for us…”

“And you want me to do it for you.” She finished my explanation.

“Please??  Pretty pretty please?” I asked eagerly. 

“Hmm…”  she seemed to contemplate it for a little bit then a flare of excitement came to her eyes “I will.  On one condition” she held out a finger.

“What is it?”

“You have to let me film you once and Zelo once and you guys have to answer my questions.  Truthfully.  Ok?  If you let me do that then Minho and I will edit the video for you.” 

I bit my lip, trying to think of the worst question she could ask.  I figured that I wouldn’t get a better offer, so I nodded my head.

“Fine.  Deal”  I stuck my pinky in her face and she linked her with mine, sealing our promise by touching our thumbs together.  She smiled at me and shooed me away.

“Now go, we have to finish our project!  I will do the filming after school today, and I can get your guys videos then too, since you live so close together.  See you later!”

“Thank you so much! Muah~ you are the best friend I could ever have.  See ya!”  I scampered back over to my seat next to Zelo.

“What just happened?” he asked in a very confused way. I just smiled widely at him and answered “I just got Hyesun to agree to edit our video for us.”

“Yay~” he sang and smiled.  I neglected to mention her condition for doing it, figuring that he wouldn’t mind so much when I told him later.  Hopefully.

“Walk home with me today?” I asked him slyly.

“Of course… why not?” he said cutely.

“Just making sure” I responded nonchalantly.  We spent the rest of the class chatting and listening to music.  It was a nice rest from the stress of school.  The bell rang and I bounced over to Hyesun and Minho. 

“Hey~ how are you guys.??”

“Great” Minho said and smiled.

“We will walk home with you guys, cause Minho is going to help me too.” Hyesun said to me and Zelo, walking out of the classroom and towards the outside door.  Zelo looked at me.

“Wait why does she have to come home with us?”

“Uhh….” I fiddled with my hands nervously and bit my lip.

“Haneul, you didn’t tell him??”  Hyesun asked disapprovingly.  Minho just sorta shook his head and grinned knowingly. 

“Tell me what??”

Hyesun sent a withering look in my direction.

“Well…. Hyesun sorta said she would only edit it if she could film us once separately and ask us any questions she wanted.  And we have to be truthful….” I trailed off after my rushed explanation, trying not to cringe. 

“And you agreed without asking me?” he asked


“You know what, whatever.  It’s not that big of a deal and I guess I can do it without too much fuss.  I mean our grade is on the line…” he finished, sighing.  I looked up at him worried and with big eyes.  At this point we were outside the school, on our way home. 

“You’re not really mad at me, are you?”  I asked with a soft voice.  For a second, I got really worried he was, but then he sighed and took my hand lightly.  I smiled a little. 

“You know, Zelo, we don’t have to pretend to be a couple anymore since the project is almost over.” I said grudgingly, not wanting him to do something that he didn’t want to do.  He thought for a minute then responded

“Well it doesn’t end until Friday, so we have until then to figure that out.” He said, confusing me.  Hmm…

Hyesun was walking hand in hand with Minho and grabbed my hand, making our group into a chain of linked hands.  I smiled in a little bit of peace, knowing that this bliss wouldn’t last forever.  The sun was shining and there was light breeze, and some clouds in the sky.  It was a nice day, not too blindingly bright, but warm and sweet.  We arrived at our houses, and Hyesun told me that Minho would film Zelo and she would film me.  She followed me into my house and we went into my room, arranging ourselves comfortably on my bed so she could “interview” me.  She turned the camera on and looked at me, smiling sweetly. 

“Remember Haneul, you promised to answer all my questions.”

I took a deep breath

“Yeah, okay.”

“Mmmkay, I only have a few so it wont be long, but you may not like them.  First question.  How did you feel about Zelo at the beginning of the project?”

“Mmm.. well I didn’t really think about him too much… you know me, I wasn’t really very social.. I’m still not.  But he was just sort of the “popular” guy that I didn’t really care for.  I sorta stereotyped him…”  I trailed off guiltily. 

“Ok, and has he kissed you yet?”

I blushed and answered quickly

“On the cheek.”

“That’s all?”

“Yep.. next question please”

“Haha ok… do you like him?”

“Uhh.. uh… Hyesun!! That’s no fair…” I trailed off in dismay.

“You promised!” she retorted.


“Ok, I just won’t edit it I guess…”

“Ok fine fine!! Yes I like him ok!”

“Uh huh, and how much do you like him….”

“Rrrr…..” I pouted.


“Yeah yeah I know! Um… well, I really hope we stay friends at least.  I really don’t want him to go out of my life after this Friday.  I think I like him more than he likes me… If he even likes me at all.”

“And…” she prompted me.  I blew out a breath noisily and looked down.

“And I think I like him as more than a friend.  I would be ok if we were friends after this, cause that means we are still around each other, but I would really wish for more.  I sort of like being his girlfriend.  But I think I would be ok as long as we stay friends.”  I finished, still looking down and fiddling with my hands.  My eyes were getting blurry but I swallowed my fear.

“Ok that’s all”  Hyesun said and turned the video camera off.  She hugged me and whispered in my ear.

“Don’t worry, it will be ok.  Don’t cry.”

She started rubbing my back and I nodded, sighing and blinking rapidly to stop the flow of tears.  I was being irrational and worried and I would be ok.  She got up and asked for the card with my video diary entries on it.  I gave it to her and followed her downstairs and outside.  We waited for a few minutes before the guys came out of Zelo’s house.  Minho walked over to Hyesun and grabbed her hand. 

“We are going to go edit, bye!”  Hyesun said brightly and pulled Minho away.

I glanced at Zelo and got a little red, looking down at my feet.  He sorta look down as well, and scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.  I spoke first.

“So um… yeah I have homework… see you tomorrow.” I started walking away.

“Yeah… bye “ he nodded and walked away as well, red just like me.




So guys... i think i'm going to end this soon :)  I'm not sure how many more chapters but Ill be done soon :P  SO i hope you guys like the ending.  I'm not sure I like it that much... haha :D thanks so much for reading!! please comment ad subscribe! i love you all! Muah~

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Chapter 26: Yeah it was fun, all way long until the unexpected happened.
Really making me cry like that >.<

But I liked it :D
Nice done.
Chapter 25: YAH!!! Xhat te helll? T__T
Why so sudden? Are you kidding?! What the hell did just hapen O.O
Chapter 26: This chapter made me cry....
Nice fic though not expecting the death scene.
Sparklicious22 #5
Please await another chapter quickly. I will post it after work!
Chapter 25: What? Zelo pass away?
aestaetics #7
Chapter 25: Wait.
What the hell just happened.
Chapter 24: Waiting to see the documentary XDD
Chapter 21: The first kiss was so cuute <3
Sparklicious22 #10
OOOOOOH :333 i have something that I think you guys will like :3 I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter ;P