Chapter 11



I looked around in panic and shushed her fiercely.

"Are you crazy?  I don't want people to know about my birthday!"

Hyesun just rolled her eyes and hugged me, squeezing me VERY tight.


"Love ya" she said with a smile.

"Love you too" I said as my smile started to grow.

"It's your birthday today?  Why didn't you tell me? Aww dangit!!"

I turned around to see Zelo walking up with a dismayed expression.  

"Are you doing anything after school today? No? okay good.. so we can just meet up at your house after school and I will figure something out…"

He kept going on as I just stood there with wide eyes and a frown on my face.  Hyesun discreetly smiled and nodded at me with a knowing expression indicating that she was leaving and was saying goodbye.  I was still standing there waiting for him to finish

" then something else.  Oh, happy birthday"  he finally finished with a smile.

"You done crazy?" I asked playfully.

"I think so" he responded grinning.

"So you do realize I'm not big into birthdays, right?"

"Ok.  But I am… so yay!!"  he said.  I just looked at him with the I'm-trying-to-pretend-hes-not-crazy expression.

He began again: "So be home right after school, ok?"

"Yep"  I responded unenthusiastically.  He just nodded his head then walked off in a random direction. 

Ok then.  That wasn't a strange little part of my day at all.  Nope, just gonna keep goin like normal… 

The rest of the day was normal.  I think.  But I soon went home like I was "supposed to".

When I got there, all was silent.  This is the part in the horror movies when the girl gets brutally attacked but still fights her way out of it.  I walked carefully into my kitchen grabbing a cutting board as a weapon and turning around, trying to figure out what was gonna happen.  As my back was to the kitchen table, someone came up from behind me and said "BOO"

I screamed bloody murder and whirled around hitting my attacker with the board in the process.  Zelo looked stunned and abruptly fell into the nearest chair, probably seeing stars.  My mouth opened wide as did my eyes and I quickly laid the cutting board down to run over to him.

"OMO I am so sorry! You scared me and are you ok?  Im so sorry!!"

"Don't worry Haneul, it'll be better soon" he said with a dazed smile.

I the light in the kitchen and sat down next to him

"Do you need ice?'

"Yeah that would be nice"

I got up to get him a bag of ice and turned my back to him

"Well, you know it wasn't all my fault… I come home to a dark house when I know I was supposed to see you, so that’s sorta a cause for alarm…" I said defensively

"I bet you were thinking this was a horror movie the entire time, right?" he chuckled.

"Well!" I walked back over and gave him the ice.

"Let's go see your present"  he suggested and got up, still a little dizzy I guess.

"Haneul, please hold my hand so I won't fall over?" he asked nervously.  I just nodded, turning red and tentatively taking his hand.  it was warm and dry, but comfortable.  His fingers encompassed mine and they felt reliable.  Probably is what everyone else's hand feels like.  Whatever.  Nothing special.  I quietly followed him as he lead me to the family room and grabbed something from the other side of the couch.  In his hand was a skateboard.  Well, it was a familiar skateboard.

"This is the one that I let you ride on Saturday.  I thought since we are going to be around each other, you should have your own so you could board with me… yeah…"

"Wah~~ I love it!  I've actually secretly thought skateboards are so cool… I just have trouble using them"  I said giggling slightly.  He smiled seeming pleased and relieved that I liked it.  I grabbed the skateboard and put it on the floor, getting on.  It was then I realized we were still holding hands because I used his to stabilize me as I got on the board.  He didn't try to let go so neither did I.  

"Feels just like saturday" I smiled

"So is Hyesun going to come celebrate your birthday with you?" he asked

"Nah, she has a lot of school work to do so she can't.  But it's not a big deal, it's just my birthday"

"So where do you want to go to celebrate?" 

"Um.. we are celebrating?"  I asked confused

"Yeah it's your birthday, and I'm here, so we can do something."

"Um… ok?  let's go to the park!  We could have a 'picnic' then play on the play set.  And there is a skate park there too, so I could practice with my new skateboard!"

"Haha sure" he said, sounding amused by my childish nature.  "Let's pack some food ok?" 


We walked into my kitchen and began pulling food from the fridge and pantry

"Cherry tomatoes?"

"Check!  Bananas?"

"Check!  Water?"

"Check!  Nutella and peanut butter sandwiches?"

"Um… yeah working on that…"

I laughed

"Haha ok, I will help" I said.

We stood there next to each other spreading the creamy goodness onto bread in comfortable silence.  We finally finished and put all of our food in our backpacks (well they were both mine and they were adorable) and put them on.  I started cracking up at the sight of Zelo with a hello kitty plush backpack on.  

"Yah!  Stop laughing!" he protested looking properly outraged and pouty.

I stifled my giggles and tried not to laugh.

"Sorry… haha I won't laugh anymore"

"Thank you" he responded with as much dignity as he could muster.

We left the house and skateboarded towards the park, passing some shops on the way.  At one, I almost fell off of my skateboard trying to stop.  I ended up hanging onto the window so as not to land on my face.  Inside the store was a gorgeous vintage polaroid camera.  I pressed my face and hands against the glass and stared at the camera for a while till Zelo walked back to me trying to figure out what was wrong.  He bent down and put his face right next to mine to look where I was looking.  

"Havin fun?" he asked

"Mmmhmmm" I said still enraptured

He straightened up and went somewhere but I didn't care.  All the sudden a hand reached down from the sky and took the camera from the display.

I turned around sorta sad and couldn't find Zelo.  Erm ok?  

"Haneul!" he yelled

I turned around only to be blinded by a flash.

"Huhhhhh what the heck!" I started, rapidly blinking and hearing choking laughter.  When I saw who it was, Zelo was standing before me holding the polaroid with a recently snapped picture in his hand.  My brain was slow to understand what it meant, but when I realized he bought the camera…

"Oh! It's so pretty! Can I hold it?? Please? wah~~”

I held the camera lightly and looked it all over, loving it.  I turned it on Zelo and snapped a quick picture, pulling the now marked film out of the front and blowing on it to hurry it up.  It was a beautiful camera.

“Do you like it Haneul?” 

“Do you even have to ask Blondie?”

“Haha, I guess not.  Here, let’s go to the park and we can take some pictures there.  Just not too much, because film is really expensive so we can’t waste ours.”

We started skating again and I snapped a few secret pictures, trying not to fall off.  At least this was an unexpected good surprise for my birthday.  And I don’t think the camera is the only reason…





YAYZ!!! So it's Haneul's birthday... AND IT'S MINE AS WELL!  but no big deal right?  Yeah :)) thank you guys so much for reading it!  Hehe I hope you like this sort of cute update :)  I will finish the birthday next chappie for you guys but I have buttloads of work to do right now TTnTT  I hope you guys like it and as always, please leave me comments... thank you guys so much! ^.^ MUAH~

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Chapter 26: Yeah it was fun, all way long until the unexpected happened.
Really making me cry like that >.<

But I liked it :D
Nice done.
Chapter 25: YAH!!! Xhat te helll? T__T
Why so sudden? Are you kidding?! What the hell did just hapen O.O
Chapter 26: This chapter made me cry....
Nice fic though not expecting the death scene.
Sparklicious22 #5
Please await another chapter quickly. I will post it after work!
Chapter 25: What? Zelo pass away?
aestaetics #7
Chapter 25: Wait.
What the hell just happened.
Chapter 24: Waiting to see the documentary XDD
Chapter 21: The first kiss was so cuute <3
Sparklicious22 #10
OOOOOOH :333 i have something that I think you guys will like :3 I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter ;P