Chapter 6


Sweat dripped down my face as I gasped for breath.  I screamed in terror as his hands closed around my thro-
Silence.  All I could hear were my terrified gasps and the feeling of my chest rising and falling.  No hands at my throat, no screams piercing my ears.  I'm ok.  It was just a nightmare.  Calm down ------ Im ok, it wasn't even me…
Tears spilled out of my eyes onto my pillow as I stared wide eyed at the ceiling, still feeling the remnants of terror in my veins.  My chin crumpled in an effort to stop the tears and i turned to look at my clock.  3:15 am.  I sighed and rubbed my eyes to dry the tears.  Since I wasn't going to fall back asleep, I reached over to turn on the light and squinted my eyes against the sudden brightness.  Getting up, I tiptoed out the door to get my laptop and I returned to my room.  I would make a list.  A list of what I needed to do over the weekend.  My cat, Athena, jumped up onto my bed, meowed at me, then proceeded to walk over my keyboard and lay on top of it.  I just laughed and lightly pushed her away where she curled up by my legs close to my feet.  My email was bombed with spam so I deleted all of those before making my list.  Sigh.  I had lots of homework and cleaning.  Images left over from my dream kept flashing in front of my eyes.  I tried so hard to stop thinking about them but in the end I was curled up on my side, with tears squeezing past my scrunched eyelids.  Soon i was racked by silent sobs.  I lost my breath from trying to hold all that sound in.  I squeezed my knees even tighter, making crescent shaped fingernail marks on the inside of my palms.  My bed started quivering with my sobs and I buried my face in my covers.  After a while I started hearing a quiet whisper saying my name.  Creepy right?  So I got up and followed the sound to my window where I saw Zelo standing outside my house.  I quickly backed up not wanting him to see my tearstained puffy eyes and my morning hair
"Yah ----- what is making so much noise!" he yell-whispered
I replied still out of his sight and also whispering
"Nothing, go away!"
"Why can't I see you? Are you hiding?"
"Yes, now leave!" I hissed
"Why? what if I want to annoy you?"
"Zelo, now is not the time.  Please leave.  It is early and… wait what are you doing up so early?  Go back to bed!"
"If you will let me see your face, then I will leave!" he whispered back triumphantly.
"Fine, but you have to leave after that"
I slowly moved forward, scared to see him but wanting him to leave.  The sight of him was hilarious.  His blonde hair was sticking up in all directions, he had brown bear slippers on his feet and he was wearing a brown old tshirt with plaid pajama pants.  To top it off, he yawned hugely and almost fell over because he yawned so hard.  He looked at me and his eyes grew wide.  I sighed.
"K, you can go now Zelo.  You've seen me now, please leave."
"Are you ok?" he asked in astonishment
"Zelo you promised.  Please go sleep.  Its good for you"
"but… *sigh*  fine.  but you look terrible… try makeup or something"
I sighed as well and shook my head.  He began walking back to his house and I tried not to laugh at his little shuffle and his tousled hair.  Despite the absurdity, annoying-ness, and embarrassment of his strange little visit, I was freed from my nightmares for a while.  It was about 30 minutes later when I heard another whisper at my window.  Rolling my eyes, I walked over and looked out to see Zelo in the same spot as before but instead in regular clothes, his weird mask, and a hat, and with 2 skateboards in hand.  
"What are you doing?" I asked with a "whut-the-heck" face.
"WE" he corrected "are going skateboarding."
"Um… why?"
"One" he held up one finger "I am bored and have nothing to do today, two, I have become like you and I no longer hang out with my friends.  I'm actually still pissed at them.  And three, you need to become more social.  Plus, we need another "date" for our project I think… or something" he finished quickly with a satisfied smirk to punctuate his rambling statements.  I stood there with my mouth open, looking like an idiot probably, and tried to figure out something to say.  I finally came up with this:
"My parents are asleep.  What should I tell them when I come back?"
"Oh just leave a note.  Plus they probably won't get mad since you are such a good child otherwise.. heh dork"
Man, this kid has an answer for everything.  My brain scrambled for an excuse not to go.  I finally came up with one last resort.
"Zelo, we hate each other.  Well I guess not so much anymore.  We aren't friends though.  We annoy each other a lot and the only reason we have been talking is because we were assigned this project.  We don't really need to spend extra time together.  I mean we have done enough for the project so far and we don't really NEED another date yet."
"Oh come on.  I'm bored and I want someone to skate with.  All of my "friends" are no longer in my good graces so you are my next option.  Just humor me."
I sighed and internally warred.
"What should I wear?"  
he smirked and just said "whatever"
I told him to wait for a bit and started getting ready.  My final decision anded up being to wear jean short and tights, a loose purple shirt and a jean vest.  My hair went into braids and i put on my sparkly black hat with bear ears on it.  I just dabbed some light bb cream on my face to cover up any redness then got my red panda shaped back.  Putting my phone, wallet, keys, and some other stuffs in it, I brushed my teeth and ran downstairs.  As I went out the door, I left a note for my parents so they wouldn't freak out.  What was I doing?  I had no idea, but I was doing it.  Here we go….





HAY GUYS.  Sorrrrrrryyyyyyyyy for the delayed update.  Man... my week has been so crazy.  But that doesnt matter.  I updated now!  I hope you guys like it and please give feedback.. I WUV IT.  :33 thank you guys for being so awesome and patient.  love you all!!!!  MUAH~ times a thousand! :D

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Sorry for the comment spam, but add some more tags to this story.
Chapter 26: Yeah it was fun, all way long until the unexpected happened.
Really making me cry like that >.<

But I liked it :D
Nice done.
Chapter 25: YAH!!! Xhat te helll? T__T
Why so sudden? Are you kidding?! What the hell did just hapen O.O
Chapter 26: This chapter made me cry....
Nice fic though not expecting the death scene.
Sparklicious22 #5
Please await another chapter quickly. I will post it after work!
Chapter 25: What? Zelo pass away?
aestaetics #7
Chapter 25: Wait.
What the hell just happened.
Chapter 24: Waiting to see the documentary XDD
Chapter 21: The first kiss was so cuute <3
Sparklicious22 #10
OOOOOOH :333 i have something that I think you guys will like :3 I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter ;P