Chapter 1


"What are you doing?" I asked angrily as Mr. "Perfect" sat down next to me.  I was in my Advanced Human Behaviors class, and today we were starting a project.  Zelo had got it into his mind that we were partners.
"Um, hello Ms. Observant, but we just got assigned a project, and we are partners for this project" he replied with a smirk and evil glint in his eye.
"No, I'm working with my friend.." I said
"I don't think you want to work with your friend"
"And why not" aish this kid.. what is his deal?
"Because this is a relationship project.."
"I still don't see why you're annoying me."
"Wow.  You must be stupid" he said annoyingly "this is a project where you have to be in a 'relationship' with your partner."
I stopped, eyes growing wide and a sense of dread settling on me.
"And now we are partners" he finished.
"…. why can't I be a lesbian?"
"Because she already has a partner" he said, pointing to Hyesun and Minho "plus, genius, we got assigned partners.  So it doesn't matter if we hate each other."
I clenched my fists in anger and stood up.  All the while Zelo looked at me with that stupid smirk on his stupid face.  Stupid boy.  Stupid class. UGH! I walked to the teacher and tried to calmly negotiate my way out of this stupid relationship, but she wouldn't budge.  I finally flounced down into my seat next to Zelo, fuming.
"Aw poor baby, doesn't get what she wants." he laughed.
"Just shut up" i glared at him.
"O.K. class" my teacher yelled "your first assignment is to go on a first date.  Throughout this project, you will be recording your relationship.  Whether it be through souvenirs from each activity you do with you partner, a scrap book, a diary, or a video diary, use your imagination.  All of this project's work will be outside of class, accept for Fridays.  On Fridays I will be checking up on you... Think of it as couples counseling.  The rest of class time each week will be spent studying relationships.  This way you get both the theoretical and realistic approaches.  At the end of this, both you and your partner will turn in the record of your relationship.  I want to know how you will record your relationship by Thursday so I can approve it.  Any questions?"
Some kid raised his hand
"Isn't this promoting ?"
"No, it is not.  What happens physically between you and your partners is none of my concern.  I am merely doing this to allow you insight to the human brain when it comes to the opposite .  And If I do hear of any of you engaging in ual activities, I will tell your parents."
At this, the class grumbled and shifted around.  
"O.K.  I will let you use the rest of today to get to know and brainstorm with your partner.  Tommorrow don't forget your books." and with that she dismissed us.
I sighed in defeat and sadness.  Under my breath I mumbled
"This is going to be a long few weeks"
See, the thing is, I hate Zelo.  He is popular, a player, annoying, and gross.  He is stupid and I hate him.  Oh and, he lives by me.  OTL.
"Hey pabo!  Are you gonna pout all day?  I'm not one to get bad grades, so lets do this thing."
"Fine! but I still hate you!'
"I would hope so"  he responded
"So how are we going to do this?  Maybe we can just keep diaries?"
"No thats stupid!  I think we should do a video diary."
"Whatever.  How are we going to do this first assignment?" I asked irritated
"Well since you are my girlfriend, you can come watch me skate.  It's simple and it allows us to go on a date without actually having to interact much."
"Fine.  Im free tomorrow after school."
and with that a we sat in silence for the rest of class.



....... HOW WAS IT?? IM NERVOUS FOR WHAT YOU SAY... Thanks for reading ^^

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Chapter 26: Yeah it was fun, all way long until the unexpected happened.
Really making me cry like that >.<

But I liked it :D
Nice done.
Chapter 25: YAH!!! Xhat te helll? T__T
Why so sudden? Are you kidding?! What the hell did just hapen O.O
Chapter 26: This chapter made me cry....
Nice fic though not expecting the death scene.
Sparklicious22 #5
Please await another chapter quickly. I will post it after work!
Chapter 25: What? Zelo pass away?
aestaetics #7
Chapter 25: Wait.
What the hell just happened.
Chapter 24: Waiting to see the documentary XDD
Chapter 21: The first kiss was so cuute <3
Sparklicious22 #10
OOOOOOH :333 i have something that I think you guys will like :3 I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter ;P