Hongdae Date

Mission I-Love-You

"You're taking it too slow." Slap. I felt my skin burning as her hand made contact with my cheek. 

"I-I'm sorry." I apologized. It was no use. Another slap landed on my opposite cheek. I gritted my teeth, trying not to cry out from the pain. Two fingernails scraped into my chin as she lifted my face upwards. She bored her eyes into mine and I flinched from the gaze.

"It has been months and you still haven't gotten any useful information besides the one that Doo Joon found on his own. You pathetic girl. You're more useless than a beaten up guard dog." She hissed. I felt a lump in my throat. Don't you dare cry in front of her Oh Soo Jung. I spoke in a trembling voice,

"I'm sorry. I will do better. I p-promise. I won't let you down Miss Nam." Unsatisfied with my answer, she dug her nails deeper into my skin, drawing out blood.

"I will do better." I promised her in a small voice. Miss Nam finally let go of me, and she started pacing around the room. Her eyes were suddenly attached to a metal heavyweight in the shape of a ballerina. Miss Nam reached for it and started smoothing the head. A small smirk was tugging at the side of her lips.

"This ballerina is so beautiful. Isn't she?" She asked. My hands curled into a tight fist. Miss Nam went on, not waiting for my reply.

"This ballerina had a friend. But one day the friend died." My body started shaking. I breathed in deeply, trying to calm myself. But it was no use.

"What did the ballerina do?"  Miss Nam whispered. Tears whelmed in my eyes. I put my head down, not wanting her to see the tears.

"The ballerina had to go on with her life." I murmured. Clack. Clak. I heard her heels as she moved towards me. 

"Good. You may go now." I left the room, feeling  dejected and scars on my face.


This was not what I expected. I slowly sipped on my cappuchino, trying to calm my anger. The hot coffee burned my tongue but I didn't care. As long as I get out of here. 

"So. I heard this place was famous. Do you like it?" Onew asked, reaching for my hand. I faked a wobbly smile at him.

"Yeah. Its really. . . . cute." Onew beamed.

"Its super ugly and disgusting." I murmured, quietly drinking my coffee.

"What was that?" He asked. I smiled at him.

"Oh nothing." I felt my left eye twich. Twitching was turning to a habit now. 

"So. . . where do you want to go next?" I asked, hoping to get away from this place. 

"You don't like this cafe? I heard it was popular among women. You don't like Hello Kitty?" Oh yes. This was the infamous Hello Kitty Cafe. Filled with cats, pink, and cuteness. I shivered as I saw, yet another girl squealing over the cake shaped into a cat. 

"No. I like it. Just. . . wondering where we are going next." I lamely said. I had to work on my excuses. Onew gave me a look, as if he wasn't buying my excuse. I nervously tapped my fingers on the table. Which was also, pink. 

"I guess we could go watch a movie or something." He said. I nodded. He must have noticed my odd behavior, since he suddenly stood up and motioned for my hand.

"Where are you going?" I asked him. He took my hand and I got up. 

"We are going somewhere else." He said, pushing me out of the cafe. I let out a sigh of relief as I soon as I was out of the door. That place was giving me nightmares. We walked down the Hongdae road, bickering about what movie we should watch when we were suddenly stopped by two beefy looking men. Onew protectively wrapped his hands on my waist. The two men trudged forward and I tensed, wating for them to make a move. They both stopped in front of Onew.

"Mr. Lee wants you home." One of the guys said. I glanced at Onew and saw his eyes with fear. What's going on? 

"Tell him that I won't go home." With that, Onew sprinted with his hands locked into mine. I let out a gasp at his sudden move and tried to keep pace with him. After running for a good ten minutes, Onew finally stopped. I was breathing heavily, to show that I'm tired, when I really am not. Enough training has made me able to run long distances and not get tired. 

I. . .  think . . .  we. . .  lost. . .  them. . . " Onew said in between short breaths. He sat down on a bench and patted it for me to sit down as well. His body was burning hot from running and there was sweat forming around his forehead even though it was winter. After a while, Onew seemed to catch his breath. 

"I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean to. I mean. The running wasn't necessary but I had to. You know? No. Of course you wouldn't know." Onew hung his head low. I smirked. This was the part where he was suppose to tell me things. I sat down and started patting his back. 

"Its okay. But can I ask you a question?" He nodded. 

"Who were those people?" I asked. Onew's body went hard. I bit my lip. Was that a wrong question to ask? . Then Onew looked up at me with sad eyes. 

"Promise me you won't tell anyone?" He asked. I nodded. He let out a sigh and started. 

"Those were my guards. More specifically, my dad's guards. You already know that my dad's the CEO of a company, but that's not it." I perked. Is he going to tell me information now? Great, I said with a smirk. 

"My dad's the CEO of SM Company. One of the top three companies in the world. He hired those guards for his own safety." He said with a strained voice. Just a little more information. . .  .

"But. .  why would he need those guards? I mean, he is the CEO and all but no one would want to kill him or something." I said. Onew flinched. I watched his behavior carefully, wondering if he was going to tell me lies.

"Yes they would. Because. . . " Onew's voice cracked. 

"He murders the other companies' CEO." He said with a whisper. My mouth went dry. His dad killed the CEOs? I need more information. I patted Onew's back and motioned for him to continue

"My dad's last murder was the president of YG Company. Ever since the murder, YG has been sending out assasins to kill my dad. That's why my dad hired those guards. To protect himself." He spat out the last sentence. YG Company. . .  One of the top three. But the company was going smoothely with no cases popping up of them going bankrupt. How is this possible?

"But lately, my dad's more cautious. He's suspicious that the president didn't die. It was a quick murder. My dad pushed the president off YG company's rooftop. Anybody could have died from the impact, but he has a feeling that the president is still alive." I felt a chill. There was still a question that wasn't answered.

"But. .  even  if the president of YG didn't die, then how is the company still running well?" I asked. Onew turned his head and looked at me. 

"The president has a daughter. And her name is Min Ah." I stopped patting Onew's back. Min Ah...? No. It can't be that bubbly Min Ah. There must be tons of other Min Ah's in this country. 

"The Min Ah from our school?" I asked cautiously. Onew shook his head. 

"Nobody has ever seen her. The president kept her hidden, and sent her away to a private school in Europe. But it seems as if she's back and doing her father's work." I gulped. Ha ha. What a stupid thought. Of course it wasn't the Min Ah from our school. 

Onew stood up and sheepishly brushed his hand through his hair. 

"I'm sorry for telling you this. I guess you don't like me now, huh?" He said in a hurt voice. Onew started walking away, with his back hunched and head low. I felt a pang of sadness for him. If it wasn't for his dad. . . .  No. I had to erase any softness. I raced towards Onew and hugged him. He stopped walking. 

"I still love you, no matter who your dad is, and what he does." Onew's hands clutched lovingly around mine and he turned around. He was smiling again. That idiotic smile with a twinkle in his eyes. 

"Thank you." He whispered and proceeded to tenderly kiss me. 



???'s POV

I watched them move to the benches. Onew had his head hung down in shame. Soo Jung was looking at him, a smirk hovering on her lips. I saw her patting his back, and whispering to him. I leaned in to get closer. 

"He murders the other companies' CEO."

"My dad's last murder was the president of YG Company. Ever since the murder, YG has been sending out assasins to kill my dad. That's why my dad hired those guards. To protect himself."

"But lately, my dad's more cautious. He's suspicious that the president didn't die. It was a quick murder. My dad pushed the president off YG company's rooftop. Anybody could have died from the impact, but he has a feeling that the president is still alive."

"But. .  even  if the president of YG didn't die, then how is the company still running well?" I couldn't hear anything else, for they were almost whispering now. I saw Soo Jung's hand frozen at something he had said. Her eyes wide and filled with shock and fear. Her bottom lip started trembling and she tried hiding this by biting it. Whatever Onew had said, it gave her a terrible shock. I smirked. The oh-so-great Oh Soo Jung, spy of Cube Company was in fear? 

"I will get you. For everything you have ever done." I left with a laugh. 


First of all. I am so terribly sorry I didn't update T.T I guess I was enjoying summer a little TOO much. LOL. Just kidding. I had some family matters to take of, as well as personal matters which had took over my life a bit. But now that that's all gone, I can finally update for you guys! *squeals Thanks for being patient and reading my story. I love you guys. (ㅅ-ㅅ) Oh. The Hello Kitty Cafe is a real place in Hongdae. If any of you guys are going to Korea/ is living in Korea, be sure to check the cafe out! Here are some pictures:


Thanks for reading~ Remember to SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT if you liked my story! And I'm just gonna go and wait for my XOXO Album to arrive. Which I ordered LAST MONTH /cries in the corner because Baekhyun is so beautiful/ 




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shujun #1
Chapter 21: Waa~its been quite a while since ur last update..
Hope to read more soon..
shujun #2
Chapter 19: i was wondering when will lee hi appears..n now, here she is..
keep on hwaiting !!!
shujun #3
Chapter 18: oww~more mysteries..
Update soon..
Hwaiting !!!
shujun #4
Chapter 17: Woa~who's the master?!? Update soon..
Hwaiting !!!
shujun #5
Chapter 16: Isn't dongjun the bad guy? Or not? Aish..confused already..update soon..
Hwaiting !!!
shujun #6
Chapter 14: Dong jun..is a..bad..guy..?!? Woa~with that cute face..haha..
Miss doojoon already..^^..
shujun #7
Chapter 12: So she's the leader..no wonder..update soon..
Hwaiting !!!
shujun #8
Chapter 11: Update soon..hwaiting !!!
shujun #9
Chapter 10: Hope to read more of doojoon's part..update soon..
Hwaiting !!!
Alaysia #10
Chapter 2: Good so far! ^^