I'll Never Leave You

The Confusions of Love

Donghae's POV:

I carried Hyuk quickly to our room and set him down gently on the bed. I took away the soaking blanket, and pulled his shirt up over his head.It was difficult though, because the shirt was sticking to him from all the wetness.

I carefully dried him with a towel, and began searching his dresser drawers for a sweatshirt or something warm.

"Donghae," he called weakly, shaking like crazy.

"I'm here sweetie, I'm here. Why is it you don't have anything warm to wear?" I sighed and grabbed my own black hoodie. I helped him put it on.

I'm not that much bigger than him, but the sweatshirt was huge on his fragile frame.

I then helped him put on some sweatpants.

His hair was still wet, so I went to the bathroom and grabbed the dryer. I went back to our room. Eunhyuk was under a thick blanket, but was still shivering.

When he saw me, he reached out a shaking hand to grab the dryer from me.

"No, no yeobo, I'll do it. Relax," I said, plugging it in. Hyuk nodded and snuggled deeper into the blanket.

I began drying his beautiful brown hair. I ran my fingers through it as a comb. It was really soft where it was dry, and silky when it was wet.

Eunhyuk must have enjoyed my playing with his hair, because he sighed and smiled contently, melting my heart.

When I was finished, I sat down on the edge of his bed, holding his hand and his now-dry hair.

A short while later, the doctor came in. Nice thing about being famous? House calls.

Leeteuk followed the doctor into the room.

"Hello, I am Doctor Kim. This is Eunhyuk?" he asked, looking at the sick figure on the bed.

"Neh," Leeteuk said. "He's had a long night in the rain, and a short while ago, he collapsed. Is he going to be ok?" The deep concern was unmistakeable in his even voice.

"Let's find out," said Doctor Kim. He put his bag down next to Eunhyuk's bed. I moved over a little so he could get closer. Doctor Kim smiled at me and pulled out his stethoscope, tongue depressor, a blood pressure meassurer, and other things that doctors use, that I didn't know the names of.

He checked Hyuk's temperature first, then his pulse, eyes, breathing, blood pressure, and then temperature again. He jotted stuff down, did a few more things and then looked at me and Leeteuk hyung.

"Eunhyuk just has a high fever, and exhaustion. It's nothing serious, and with a bit of rest and food, he will be back in no time. However, in the case that his condition gets worse, call me and get him to a hospital."

My eyes widened at the word 'hospital', and then the doctor added,

"It's just a precaution." He patted me on the shoulder and said, "You look perfectly capable of taking care of him. Tomorrow though, he is staying on bedrest. I know you have a concert coming up, but no exceptions. Someone needs to stay with him too, even if he's feeling better."

"Yes Doctor," Leeteuk said.

"Thank you, Doctor Kim," I said, shaking his hand. Leeteuk did the same, and we bowed as he walked out. 

"Hear that Hyuk? You're going to be fine!" I squeezed his hand, and he smiled.

"Donghae, you have this covered?" Leeteuk asked, smiling.

"Neh hyung!"

"Then I'll leave you to it," he said, kissing Hyuk's forehead. "Get better soon little Monkey." and he left the room, shutting the door softly behind him.

I looked at Hyuk.

"Don't leave me," he said, a sad look in his eyes.

I laid down on the bed next to him, gently and carefully pulling him into my arms. I positioned myseld a little higher than him, so I could rest my chin on this head. He shifted to better fit into my arms.

"On one condition," I said.


"You never leave me again," I whispered. He snuggled his head into my chest.

"I promise," he sighed contently.

We laid there in silence for a few minutes, enjoying each other's company.



"I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too. So much."




"Can- can you sing to me?" he asked.

I began singing lullabies. Children's songs and soothing songs from some of my favorite bands.

About 10 minutes later, I could feel his deep, even breathing, and his body went limp with sleep.

I shifted a little so I could see him. He looked peaceful, but pale. A strand of his hair had rested over the eye that wasn't bruised. I carefully it away. He looked like an angel. My sick little angel. I kissed the top of his head, and buried my face in his soft hair.

I stayed like that the whol night, watching him sleep, protecting my angel.

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Chapter 27: love the ending XD well i loved the entire story XD
Chapter 26: kkk it was soooo cute!!! I really liked it..
I would've found it even better, if you - at least short - would've mentioned, how the other couples confessed.. That was a bit sad.. :( Maybe you could still write side stories to that story?? (I'm sorry, but I wanna read HanChul's story xD)
Chapter 27: kyun and his laptop.. oh gamekyu >.<
Vip_Elf #6
Chapter 21: its ok Iread the whole thing!well its going good so far i hope that eunhae is ok and cant wait for the next update ^_^ *sits patiently but eagerly in front of screen for update*
Chapter 21: It's okay ^^!~ I did read the whole thing .____< 나도 사랑해~!<3
Chapter 19: THANK GOD HIS SAVED!!!!!!
LovesAsianDrama #9
Chapter 19: Our Hyuk is SAFE and going back to his Hae and everyone else. THANKYU Umma Teukie. Can't wait till you get BACK. Great Update